Murray State's Digital Commons The eN ws Newspapers 7-13-1945 The ewN s, July 13, 1945 The ewN s Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, July 13, 1945" (1945). The News. 50. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn/50 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PHONI 4 7 • Hi% TRTIMING>\ GOrdi THE HOME IN PRINTING The News;,47 THE NE.WIT / NUMBEit — The Farm and Home Paper of the Ken-Tenn Territory vm m: mitt!,• t faltits hi art 1,1. FRIO as, at a 1; pos NralliElt I I' 'THREE II us. Ration Office D .1 'I' II S lunth Recical Kentucky Veterans 11EN SEll% ICE First Baptist Church Mores To Fourth SI. Full Swing At TM /Ire Returning ----- Installs More Cooling :1111111 11111 1 CIA Walter II. Williamson, bon of Thad s : known Baptist Church Here MI. Facilities For Comfort 1 he Wm and Mrs. T. Williamson, Ful- tee .mil farmer of the Rush Cieek commun- Ela ,---laentuaky over:alai win has been located in yeti ions from widely scattered ton. Route 4. has graduated frum on ity, thud audilenly, Tuesday, July The first Yam!, Revival hap; been advanced C01111W The First Baptist the old Opi building Main-st, battle fronta continue to 'mu!. into comniiiiiieutions 1.11 Chuach of this 3, Funeral ma vices were conducted in progreas here this week at the Ration Army Air tech- say bah gone fot has iaam milted tii the building ad. Air Transport Command's Miami 131/l'il Field, a all out more cool- July 5 by Rev, B. A. Walker, pas- First Baptist joining aeaiiirling to niral school of the AAF Cuninuagt. ing comfort to meet the sweltering Bob White alatia: Company tor of the Cayce Methodist church, Army Air Field a: pail of 50,000 Sam Ed Bradley. Services have Ile graduated limn Cayce High hot July weather. A new air-cool- 1,11 laiurth-st at Rush A1C Iti flying back to the and internment followed been held daily at 7 a in. and 8 School, and bas two brothers. M. ing system hies been installed, wiSh °thee will he alosed each Creek in charge id Hornbeak Fun- statia each month. 1). 1 1. and 0/n111111e through Sgt, J. Ca Willnienson and Major two giant 50-inch funs innovated Satiailay afternoon beginning at j eral llorne. The majority of the air evacuees this Sunday, July 15. G. E. Williamaon in the service. 10 make the building more com- inalerk, it is :amount:ed. under the Aimy's 'Green Project- Ile is survived by his widow, Mrs. M. fort:adv. Rev. D. Moiton, pastor nf the land at this busy ATC Carribbean ----- 011ie Richardson Verhinte, twu sis- Ninth and 0 Baptist 01111111 of hub lin,' then are sent to Camp Sgt. Frank k, with the Army ters, Mrs. Lena Counts of Graves Louisville, well knosvn evangelist, Blanding. Flo From there they go Ail lonti•, ia now 111 AS4:1111 V:11112Y, Hickman Woman Seeks county, and Mrs. Nora Wall of Mar- RI.VIVAI. STARTED AT has Is-en delivering some fine mes- to n ieeeption center roarer their India. Ile 011114111MR: in the AAP'. Circuit Clerk's Office tin: one brother, Earl Veiliine and MT. CARMEL, JULY sages. horn:, tor furlough 01. Sel/i1“1111/11 a half-brother, J. Verhine. The Baptist Student Union De- Undel the Ariny's redeployna•nt T-5 11. Dioyes of Fulton has To The Voters of Fulton (7ountY: A Revival has been in progress partment has sent a team of four plan. bei m aa,,ored the Bionze Star for Alter giving due consideration to lins. 1 r %Mt Paialanl this week at Mt. Carmel on the college students to assist in the re- Among those released is•ere: battle partasapation in China from aly appearls my friends Hickman Higloyay, with services vival. Miss Imogene 11,1eCord is T-Sgt. Chat les E. Reams, 25. Ful- April 24 to May 24, 1945. to make the race 'at' 66, well known Fulton citizen, died being conducted at the Baptist leading the work among the Junior ton, R. 3, Air Corps, 33 months in .ai Court Clerk, I ant making early Wedneaday morning, July 4, church there at 3 and 8:30 p. m., by and Intermediate groups. James China-Burma-India, four battle this announcement :is one of the at the horny of her daughter, Mrs. Lt. George E Gruett of Covington, Rev. Jesse Newton. Williams is directing the work of stars, Bronze Star. means of soliciting you.: vote and Hal Taylor. at Crenshaw, Miss., fol- Tenn., a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. visitation. Miss Betty Lindh.. is in Pvt. Edward S. Lyons. 27, 408 influence in the coming primary lowing an extended illness. Fun- C. W. Looney of this city, is on his charge of tongregatinnal singing Eddings-st, Ky., Engineers, election, Aug 4, 1945. eral services were held here July Fulton, way honie from Germany, after Irby W. Hammond Asks and special vocal number,. James 34 months in Mediterranean thea- Upon making this announcement, 5 at the First Methodist churah flying 5U missions while overseas. Election As Sheriff Yatea is directing the mum- for the shared Distinguished Unit ci- conducted by Rev. Walter Mischke. ter. I am not unmindful of the respon- revival. tation. Internment followed at Fairview In ribitity and trust that is invested —V — - Cpl. Dean Campbell of Fort Bliss, this issue of The Fulton County in the duties of this ofice by the Cemetery in charge of Hornbeak Texas has been spending a furlough NeWS. we are authorized to an- Coma and if.elected I assure you Funeral Home. LEST WE FORGET TWO FULTON SOLDIERS with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. nounce the candidacy of Irby W. that I will faithfully fulfill that She is survived by orie daughter, RELEASED FrOM ARMY Campbell on Eddings-st. His wife Hammond for sheriff of Fulton trust to the very best of my know- Mrs. Taylor of Crenshaw, NIiss., Every year Fulton has its period- --- and little daughter. who live in County. subject to the action of the the bus- ledge and ability. grandson, Tommie Kent Taylor of ic floods, which inundate Two more men from Fulton and Mayfield, met him in Memphis and Democratic primary election to be At the time my anti entered the that city; one brother, Lester Pow- iness and some of the residential vicinity were released from the accompanied him here. held Saturday, August 4, 1945. sei %Ace, I aceepted a position with ers. She was born near Harris, district of this city. A.-my this week at the Atterbury Mr. Hammond, well known farm- the Budget : and Fiscal Office, Tenn., March 19, 1879, the daughter For a while we all fret and lew Md., separation center. The soldiers T. Sgt. Charles Reams, sun of er of the Cayce community, is wide- Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. which of William and Betty Fry Povvers. about it: then as time goes on, nst scored 85 or more points under the Mr. and Mrs. Horace Reams of near ly known throughout the county. position I held until the War De- In 1892 she moved to Fulton and of us are prone to forget—unti m- Army's adjusted servire rating plan Fulton, is back in the States after /le is a veteran of World War I, partment notified me last Septerr.- made her home here ever since. other flood come along and hiti us Pvt. Edward S. Lyons, -108 Edd- serving 33 months in the China- and vice-commander of the Amer- tier that my aon was missing in ac- She was married to the late Walter again. ings-st, and T-5 James E Grubbs of Burma-India theatre. ican Legion Post at Hickman. He tion over Germany. Since then I J. Willingham. June 10, 1896 who A survey is being made now of Fulton, Rnute 3, are now civilians. is also well acquainted in Fulton, have returned home to be with my preceeded her in death in 1937. For the watershed in and around Ful- James Shankle, son of Mr. and and is a member of the B. P. O. E. family and friends. many years he was a partner in the ton, of the bridges, culverts, etc., lairs. Lewis Shankle, has finished Lodge at Fulton. JULY 22-2a WILL BE I have been a resident of this Povaers and Wilingham store here. over the creek, to dertimine just his boot training at Great Lakes. He has been active in farm and SAFETY WEEK county my entire life, with the ex- V what is to be done ta provide am- FARM civic work for many years. He be- ception of the employment as de- PVT. WILLIAM NORMAN ple clearance and creek bed so that L. B. Newton, Jr., son of Mr. and longs to the Fulton County Farm Farm Safety Week will be ob- Mrs. L B. Newton, has arrived scribed above. HONORED WITH DINNEn the flood waters may be carried off Bureau, and served as committe- served throughout the Nation the safely in Manilla, P. It is my earnest desire to meet without harm. man from his district. He has rsa.- week of July 22 to 28 by proclam- sided in this since all the voters personally, but time, A dinner was given in the home A local committee has endeavor- county boyhood, ation of President Truman.
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