.· [ THE LEAGUE SERVES-SERVE THE . ~ ~~E ornc~~~aaAN ';oF IA~~'r "/ · the R.S.L.,W.A. BRANCH RBGISTBRBD AT THB G.P.O.. PDTH FOR TRANSt.flSSION BY POST AS A ' NEWSPAPER VOLUNI 17. Ne. 9 .mu RECALLING OLD MEMORIES LISTENING l ~ September, 1937 POST ' Page '2 THE LISTENING P OST, 22nd Septemb::r, 1937 The newest & smartest SUITINGS Perfectly tailored-to-measure from £6-6-0 (OTHER PRICES £6/ 17/ 6 & £7/ 7/- ) ·All the newest . the smartest . the most sa · viceable Suitings fur the n ~w season are now on display in Boans T ailoring Department. These Suit· ings, perfectly tailored to measure, for £6/ 6/-, .£6/ 17/6 and £7/ 7/ - . They consist of ·Pure Albanr Suitin~s in a wide ranj!e or pleasing ~"~"" f'ri)S, al•() W ool Suitings in all shades and designs. tailored to your measure ror .£6/6/-. .£6/17/ 6 (? £7!7 __1 . I The New Zealand. Insurance Co. Ltd. A'T Y 0 U R SERV I CE FIRE - MARINE - ACCIDENT All Classes of Insurance Effected at Lowest Current Rates 105 ST. GEORGE'S TERRACE W. A. STIRLING Frank Hooper . PERTH Manager (First Life Guards) FAMILY BUTCHER 261 Newcastle St., Perth ~USE~ Distance no object (_... Best Quality at Lowest Prices Country O rders delivered r ree on rail FLORIDA ·oR MT . .LYELL Perth. Cash with order. 'Phone: 81487 SUPERPHOSPHATE AND ]. H. LUNNON F.S.M.C., F.I.O.O., D.B.O.A., London (late 28th Battalion, A.I. F.) ... MIXED MANURES ... Optician 7, 8 & 9 MACLAREN'S CHAMBERS Mtuauftu:tur.J by 144 WILUAM STREET Between Wellington and Murray Sts. ~~THE FAIMERI' COMPANY ~~ Opposite Roy~ l Hotel Telephone: 82927 DutuNG the twenty•one years of ~ts. ex• viously the fund must be augmented, and But there are ways and means ·of rais­ istepce, the . ~gue has accomplished the rate of increase must be accelerated ing funds, other than by holding func• · much. Mainly ~ugh its efforts, the at once. tions. Much could be ac~mplished by Austrcl)ian ex-service man is in a far mere In his report, Colonel Collett alluded the practical display of personal effort­ enviable position as regards pensions and to the valuable assistan~ given by Gov· and self-sacrifice on behalf of'iess for· other repatriation benefits than his ernments and the general public in the tunate comrades. Figures published last brothers•in•arms in other parts of the month showed that the financial mem· . Empire. We have gained the sympa· bership of the Western Australian lteportina on the po.ition o£ the W .A. thetic support of Governments and ad· ASed Sailon and Soldien',Relie£ Fund, Branch of the League, on June 30 last,· · ministrations, and we have bene1itted at a reaat meetiDa of the SWe Bxeaa· was 7,689. If only 7,000 members would from the generosity of the public. Had tive, Colonel Co11eu ClOaduded hia re­ agree to make a minimum monthly con· we set out with a set task to accomplish marb by sayiq, "It ia up to ua to. tribution of .one shilling the fund could demo~te, evm at the penonal aai­ in a given period of time, we could plume fice o£ a r- peace weeklyl that the be increased...at the rate of £4,200 a ye.u-. ourselves while contemplating a task well· legend o£ .,llhariDa the Jut rafi bad a One shilling a month is very little to a.c:k _ perform~d. Unfortunately, the b~ggest IIUbaDtia1 oriJin ·ad even to-day re- from an ex-service man, and its collection and most urgent task of all is yet before taint a ~ lipificance," would involve very little organisation, or us. The problem of the relief of aged expense, on the part of the sub-branches. sailors and soldiers has yet to be solved. past, and to the vast sums that had been. Every man who served his country on It will involve a task that will tax our raised by public subscription on behalf active service should help whether a m:em~ energies, and bur resources, more and . of the Digger. It is neither advisable ber of the R.S.L: or not. more a8 the years advance. It is hardly nor practicable to call on the Govern• There is no reason why this minimum exaggeration to say that our organisation ment for further aid, in this instance, nor should be made the maximum, nor need will be judged by the way we handle should we encroach further on public a voluntary contribution on 'the part 0f this task, rather than by wha~ we have generosity. The present state of the fund the individual which, af~ all, means the accomplished in the past. Past achieve• is a matter which concerns ourselves, and exercise of only a very little self-denial, ments are so soon forgotten, and it will its future is a challenge to all our boasted be to the exclusion of larger and more avail us little to have won the respect . traditions of · mateahip. That challenge corporate efforts on behalf of the fund. of the public if we fall down on a' job must be accepted by each and every one The point is that every Digger should that is a practical expression of the old of us. The State Executive has appoint• regard the matter in the light of a per• Digger ideal of comradeship, and so lose ed a central committee to consider and sonal obligation, as well as a general ob­ our own self-respect. This paper would implement suggestions for augmenting ligation that is expressed in the constitu· be the last to suggest that the ideals of -the fund. That committee will be glad tion of the League. The task in hand is . comradeship were dead, or even sieep• to re~ve suggestio!lS from sub-branches, an ~ent one. and one we must attend ing; but it is to be feared that we _have , auxiliaries and even individuals, for it is to ourselves, for the care of those of our "all. got .into the hal>it _of .looking _upol} u~n sub-branch~ and auxiliaries i:h~t comrades who .are rapidly growmg too 1940 as a year far 'illead m the future, the sUccess or failure of the scheme Wt.ll old to look after themselves will . be the inStead of the end of; ·another three years, _ ultimately depend. Last year's congrt>.ss . key stone of the imposing -arch of public when the W .A. Aged Sailors ~d Sol· .· re8olved ·"That each sub-branch be asked service that' we have already reared. Prob­ diers' Fund will become operative. to hold annually a function to augment ably, it will.be the last great effort that · In round figures, the fund has amount• the A'ged Sailors and .Soldiers' Fund." many of U8 y.rill be called upon to mm. ed to £6,000, through the unremitting Only seven sub-branches acted in this· dil'· for Anno Domini is a relentless and dorts of seven years. As Colonel Col· ection, raising a tOtal of £165/4/ 2, of exacting taskmaster; but by all' that we lett said, in his report to the State Execu· •which-£100 was contributed by the Press hold sacred, let us make it, and make it tive, the results of these efforts are hope• sub-branch, and £46 by the Wyalkat­ effectively before it beco.mes too late. It· lessly inadequate for the purposes in cbem sub-branch. Admitting that •mb• would. be a severe blow to the prestige of view. Even if the preserit rate of in· ·branches do not enjoy equal facilities for our organisation if we were to fail in crease is maintained, the sum in 1940 holding functions, and that many of them the one eft'ort which exemplifies above all will be only £9,000. As it is, ·the League have urgent and local calla on their amel• others those good A~ian traditions of has already spent £1,000 a year on relief ioration funds, this was a very poor re• mateahip, which made the A.I.F. one of work during the past eleven years. Ob- sponae to an instruction fromc:oagraa. the greatest fighting organisms of history. ~ ... THE LisTENING Post, 22nd Sep~ber. 1937 1- SOLDIER ·SETTLERS ,...ON~ RESS ThiNew Mortgage Deed-:.._ '-' \.::1 At the request of the No. 4 District Committee, a meeting of the Land Com· . mittee was called for 11 a.m. 011 ·Mon· ' ~ are fewer items on the agenda ject. Other items for discussion are f0ur da August 17 ana, with di8cuaaiona and paper for this year's congress, but 119 on the subject of alien ~gration, six · in~ws, p~ Jalted until 1 doubt they will be debated just as keenly on that of >:outh and edu~tl.on, seven on · p.m. on the following aay:- Tboae auaid· as ~. Thirty-two of the one hundred health h~pttals , two on mmmg, three on ing the meeting were Meaara. Olden. and seventy-eight items deal with land war servtce homes and one on Poppy Wamer Hunt, ComeU Wells and Stew· matters. The general congress will open Day. Th~ are twelve items classified as art of the executive Land Committee, with the debate on the item un<L;r the general. ·Last, but not least, from our and Messrs . R. C Auatin (Gnowanger• nauie of Perth, ~hich has to do wit~ a · own point of view, we ourselves. have u ) A. C~ (Dumbleyung), A .
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