Resettlement Plan Document Stage: Updated Draft for Consultation Project Number: 42173-013 April 2019 BAN: Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project – Intake to Baliapara (Section 2) PART A Prepared by the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh for the Asian Development Bank. This updated resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Resettlement Plan Document Stage: Updated Draft for Consultation Project Number: 42173-013 April 2019 BAN: Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project – Intake to Baliapara (Section 2) Prepared by the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh for the Asian Development Bank. This updated resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 31 April 2019) Currency Unit – Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) USD 1.00 = BDT 84.00 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank AHH - Affected Household Head ARIPO - Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance BBS - Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BDT - Bangladeshi Taka CBE - Commercial and Business Enterprise CCL - Cash Compensation under Law CMP - Current Market Price CMV - Current Market Value CPR - Common Property Resources CRO - Chief Resettlement Officer DAE - Department of Agricultural Extension DESWSP - Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project DoF - Department of Forest DORP - Development Organization of the Rural Poor DPD - Deputy Project Director DWASA - Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority EMA - External Monitoring Agency FGD - Focus Group Discussion GoB - Government of Bangladesh GRC - Grievance Redress Committee GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey IOL - Inventory of Losses INGO - Implementing Non-Government Organization IRLA - Income Restoration and Livelihood Assistance JVC - Joint Verification Committee JVS - Joint Verification Survey LIRP - Livelihood and Income Restoration Program MDSC - Management, Design and Supervision Consultant MIS - Management Information System MFI - Micro- Finance Institution MLD - Million Liters per Day MoU -Memorandum of Understanding PVAC - Property Valuation Advisory Committee PMC - Project Management Committee PMU - Project Management Unit RAC - Resettlement Advisory Committee RoW - Right of Way SEC - Social and Environmental Circle SES - Socio-economic Survey SIU - Safeguard Implementation Unit SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement ToR - Terms of Reference WTP - Water Treatment Plant NOTES CONVERSION OF LAND/AREA MEASUREMENTS 1 ha - 2.47 acres 1 ha - 10,000 sq.m 1 acre - 100 decimal 1 sq.m - 10.76 square feet (sft) LOCAL TERMS chala: roof crore: 10 million (= 100 lakh) khal: drainage/ditch/canal khas: land/property belonging to government kutcha: structures built without bricks and mortar or without concrete lac: 100,000 pourasava: municipality pucca: structures built with bricks and mortar or concrete semi-pucca: structures built partly with bricks and mortar or concrete union parishad: local Government Administrative Unit upazila: administrative unit below the district level. zila district GLOSSARY Affected Person: are those who are physically displaced (relocation, loss of residential land, or loss of shelter) and/or economically displaced (loss of land, assets, access to assets, income sources, or means of livelihoods) as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas. Affected Households: means (i) a family whose primary place of residence or other property or source of livelihood is adversely affected by the acquisition of land for a project or involuntary displacement due to any other reason; (ii) any tenure holder, tenant, lessee or owner of other property, who on account of acquisition of land in the affected area or otherwise, has been involuntary displaced from such land or other property; (iii) any agricultural or non-agricultural laborer, landless person (not having homestead land or agricultural land) rural artisan, small trader or self-employed person; who has been residing or engaged in any trade, business, occupation or vocation in the affected area, and who has been deprived of earning his livelihood or alienated wholly or substantially from the main source of his trade, business, occupation or vocation because of the acquisition of land in the affected area or being involuntarily displaced for any other reason Assistance: means support, rehabilitation and restoration measures extended in cash and/or kind over and above the compensation for lost assets. Compensation: means payment in cash for an asset to be acquired or affected by a project at replacement cost at current market value. Community: a community is commonly considered as a social group of people living in a given geographical area (here community will comprise of the unauthorized people living in the concerned site) who share common norms, values, identity and often a sense of a common civic. These people tend to define those social ties as important to their identity, practice, and roles in social institutions like family, home, work, government, society, or humanity. For this document, the affected population living in the area could be considered as a community. Cut-off-Date: refers to the date after which eligibility for compensation or resettlement assistance (as the case may be) will not be considered. The date of notification for land acquisition under ARIPO will be considered as the cut-off date for Affected Persons who have legal title to the land/property proposed for acquisition. Displaced Person: as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009, displaced persons are those who are physically displaced (relocation, loss of residential land, or loss of shelter) and or economically displaced (loss of land, assets, access to assets, income sources, or means of livelihoods) as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use. Entitlements: include the range of measures comprising cash or kind compensation, relocation cost, income restoration assistance, transfer assistance, income substitution and business restoration, which are due to Affected Households, depending on the type and degree/nature of their losses, to restore their social and economic base. Eminent Domain: refers to the regulatory authority of the Government to obtain land for public purpose/interest or use as described in the 1982 Ordinance and Land Acquisition Law. Inventory of Losses: includes the inventory of the affected properties during census survey for record of affected or lost assets for preparation of the Resettlement Plan. Replacement Cost: is the amount required for the Affected Person to replace/reconstruct the lost assets through purchase in the current open market. Primary Structures: refers to all residential and commercial structures. Secondary structures: (fences and walls, tube-wells, poultry and cattle shed, concrete stairs, concrete drains, latrines etc.). Tenants: are those persons having bonafide written or unwritten tenancy agreements, with a private property owner having clear property titles, to occupy a structure or land for agricultural use, residence and business or have a receipt from the Panchayat or other government body for the use of government land. Titleholders: are those who have legal title to land, structure and other assets. Vulnerable Households: according to ADBs SPS 2009 Policy Principles vulnerable groups are those below the poverty line, the landless, the elderly, women and children, and Indigenous Peoples, and those without legal title to land. In this subproject the following categories of vulnerable are identified (i) below the poverty line (BPL); (ii) headed by elderly (iii) headed by women (iv) headed by disabled person and; (v) landless households, without title to land. CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i I. Introduction 3 A. Project Description 3 B. Section Description 4 C. Objective of the Resettlement Plan 7 D. Methodology for Minimizing Project Impacts 9 E. Methodology for Preparation of the Resettlement Plan 9 F. Cut-off date 9 II. SCOPE OF LAND ACQUISITION AND ReSettlement 10 A. Land Acquisition 11 B. Resettlement Impacts 12 C. Other Impacts 14 III. SOCIOECONOMIC INFORMATION AND PROFILE 16 A. Profile of Affected Persons 16 B. Other Social Indicators 22 III. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION 23 A.
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