THE SENTINEL GOOD WILL MEETING EMPHA- view advanced by Dean Robbins. s!4A"_1!CVS "4a,-2"ta.C~ .. i"6 %a"' .1 .: 41 y (.' R" "2". i 7 a4".ika< aa.Jeli.~ t ., x.4l 77 SIZES COMMON IDEALS OF "Good will between Jews and Chris- BOTH FAITHS tians has long since passed the stage of co-operation in philanthropic en- NEW YORK (J. T. A.)-Eight hun- terprises. Our allegiance to the God dred leading representatives of the we have in common is threatened to- DUTCH MILL Jewish, Protestant and Catholic faiths, day by a common enemy, materialism, meeting recently, affirmed that Jew that is laying waste things sacred to and Gentile can meet in amity. Called both Jews and Christians." ELICIOUS CANDIES by the Men's Club of Temple Emanu- Doubt that good will was in exist- El, and held in the temple, the meeting ence and the belief that the Good Over 101 Tempting Varieties heard a pledge of good will from lead- Will Union was a mechanism erected ers of the Christian Churches in to disguise the void was expressed by Fresh Every Day America, as well as prominent lay- Rabbi Nathan Krass. Preaching a men, and a plea on the part of Jewish good sermon, he said, is not enough spokesmen that deeds should follow to create good will. Preaching a ser- AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION words in the creation of good will. mon that will do good, is the important The Knights of Columbus, the Inde- thing. "The Society for Good Will is pendent Order B'nai B'rith and the not an unmixed blessing, he declared. Shops All Over Town Masonic order were represented at the "Its very existence is an indication of meeting. poverty, pointing to the fact that good The keynote sounded by Dr. S. will is not a realization in the King- Parkes Cadman and reiterated by all dom of men." the speakers was that all faiths, de- While genuine good will is still a +++++++A................... +$*~~~9 spite their differences, have one com- distant ideal, efforts to promote it may mon goal. And that all faiths, with generate that virtue in future genera- due appreciation for the merits of tions, he maintained. each, can achieve fraternity by unit- He criticized those members of the ing against the common foe-the en- Jewish faith who seek good emies of progress, light and justice. will by "smuggling in through the back door, Christian and Jewish leaders alike re- isending in their cards 3EN with transfigured ferred to Jacob Schiff as an eminent BEIy names." He urged them example to follow in of loyalty to his own faith the path of Jacob Schiff, who and good "proved will to fellow men, and as his Judaism, not by SUPERFINE CIGAR an excellent shouting it, but by model to follow. Spokes- living it." men of all faiths emphasized that the work of good will should be under- In its campaign for good will, he taken in no patronizing spirit, if it urged the Christian Church to begin hopes to be successful. a policy of conversation, not among Those who participated in the ex- the heathens or the Jews, but among ercises were: Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, the Christians. honorary president of America's Good Turning to Ralph Waldo Emerson Will Union; the Very Rev. Howard for a text, Rabbi Schulman said: "The Chandler Robbins, dean of the Cathe- soul answers never in words, always dral of St. John the Divine; Hon. John in the things inquired after. If we G. Agar, chairman of the Board of wish good will, we must practice it." America's Good Will Union; Rabbi The wish that "some of our Gentiles David De Sola Pool of Congregation would offer us good will in a less irri- Shearith Israel; Rabbi Samuel Schul- tating manner," was voiced by Dr. man, and Rabbi Nathan Krass, rabbis De Sola Pool. Dr. Pool referred in Dine and Dance of Temple Emanu-El. Judge Myron particular to the missionary spirit Sulzberger, president of the Men's which he stated animates some of the at the Club, presided. The exercises, held in good will emissaries. the home of the largest Jewish con- Jew and Gentile alike could find no gregation in New York City, were better example to follow than that COCOANUT GROVE opened and closed with prayer by two great personality, Jacob Schiff, de- Christian clergymen, Rev. Dr." Albert clared Hon. John G. Agar. Parker Fitch of the Park Avenue Pres- The program was concluded with 63rd at Drexel byterian Church and the Rev. Dr. the presentation of an American flag Henry Mottet of the Church of the to Dr. Edward L. Hunt, director of MAKE YOUR Holy Communion. America's Good Will Union. The gift NEW YEAR'S EVE Deprecating uniformity of outlook of George MacDonald, a papal cham- and practice as inevitably leading to berlain, and of Frederick W. Kav- RESERVATIONS NOW mediocrity, Dr. Cadman declared that anaugh, an Episcopalian and 32nd de- it would have been a great misfortune gree Mason. The flag was presented to the world if the Jew had been built by Milton J. Gordon, a Jew, chairman like other people. Thanks to its dif- of the program committee. ference it has given a contribution to The exercises included a musical civilization that is great beyond words. program presented by Gerald War- "To the House of Israel we owe the burg, cellist; Cantor Schlager, and the Special moral conception of God, as the Cre- Emanu-El choir. Arrangements ator of the Universe, and the concep- tion of how we shall worship that God. ORDER ESTABLISHED IN REGION Itr- Made for All i We will never be able to pay the debt OF JEWISH COLONIES IN Occasions . we owe to your little nation," he said. BRAZIL "Let us continue to march under the banners inscribed with our victories RIO DE JANEIRO (J. T. A.)- and the same time attack the enemies Order has been established in the re- of progress, light and justice," he gion of the Ica colonies, where a urged. group of wandering bandits attacked The work of unification, he pointed the settlers. No Jews were victims of out, should be carried on in a wise, the attack. Four colonists and two sane, statesmanlike fashion, and soldiers were killed. Weissler's should Restaurant affect no patronizing tone. In the combat between the bandits "Co-operation to the farthest point and the military expedition sent to 5 5 that our respective faiths and disci- quell the disorder a German, an TRY OUR c BUSINESS LUNCH plines permit in the maintenance of Italian, a Brazilian and a Polish col- ideals which are common to both onist were killed. Two members of Served every day from 11 A. M. to 3 P. M., except Sunday faiths," should be the goal of the the expedition also fell. The bandits Our partisans of good will, is the point of retreated into the forests. Famous Special Sunday Dinners Are Drawing Patrons from All Over the City 3432 W. Roosevelt Road Phone Kedzie 0659 Vol. LXXII December 28, 1928 No. 13 A prtkIg Smoapawtpr Bruntrb to 3prrias1 3nt rts LOUTS S. BERLIN, Mgr. FOR SALE NEW - DE LUXE - 3 APARTMENT Published every Friday by The Sentinel Publishing Company of Chicago, Illinois. One of the finest buildings in city. Six extra large rooms, solarium, Advertising rates on application. breakfast nook, two tile baths, shower stall, tile kitchen, canvassed Subscription price, $3.00 per year. Single copies, 10 cents. Postage outside of craftexed walls throughout, incinerators, etc. Three-car heated city, 50 cents extra. Extra postage if sent to Europe, $1.00. garage. 2nd and Entered 3rd flats each leased for two years at $200 per as second-class matter February 1, 1911, at the Post Office, Chicago. Ill., month. under Act of March 3, 1879. BARGAIN FOR CASH. The Sentinel Publishing Co., 118 South Clinton Street INLAND CONST. & REALTY CO. Telephone Dearborn 3700 8032 Cottage Grove Avenue Radcliffe 0100 803. CotagGr v v n eR dlfe 0 0.
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