Student Hel£ Needed CEAC Recycling Center Open by T. Rash building holds two large storage Chester Ave. and turn south. The The Caltech Environmental bins, one for newspaper and the first entrance to the Caltech Action Council's recycling center other for glass. The center is parking lot on your left will get is back in existence. Over eight presently concentrating on the you to the center. months ago, CEAC was forced to collection of five materials: alum­ Help Needed shut down its operations in the inum, computer paper and cards, People are also needed to help area behind Campbell Laboratory glass and newspaper. It is open keep the center running. If you due to construction of the new from seven in the morning to are interested in contributing a biology building. In a way this seven in the evening. few hours of your time every was a blessing, as it gave CEAC The new recycling center has month, get in contact with one an opportunity to abandon what needed improvements in cleanli­ of the following persons: Dikran could generously be called· a ness and efficiency but its Antreaysan (Fleming), Randy reclamation dump and start from success is dependent not on Cassada (Kerckhoff), Dwight scratch. design but rather on people. Carey (Ricketts), or Roger The results can be seen in the CEAC strongly urges everyone at Greenburg (Blacker). Working at Chester Avenue parking lot north Caltech to participate in this the center will give you the right of Steele and adjacent to Central recycling effort by bringing news­ to say where a proportionate Engineering Services. The prom­ paper, aluminum cans, computer amount of the money made by inent feature of the new recy­ cards and paper, and glass with CEAC goes to, as long as it has cling center is a large white shed all metal removed to the center. something to do with ecology. designed by Phil Callahan, a if you're coming from off CEAC wishes to gratefully graduate student in physics. The campus, take Del Mar Blvd. to Continued on Page Six lRlIFORNIATech Volume LXXIII Pasadena, California, Thursday, April 20, 1972 Number 25 NEXT YEAR you'll go to the U.N. conference! Photo by Neches. Stein Makes "Three Ring Circ·us' Techer Gone Bad WavesOn Coming May 6 Judical Circuit by Etaoin Schroedlu of Common Cause, the successful Frank Capra in the Arts Planning proceeds apace for public interest lobby in Washing­ Alan Stein, former Cali­ the V's 'Three-Ring Circus,' to ton. Various California politicians by Peter W. Beckman creating an artlstlc statement that fornia Tech Editor and dis­ take place May 6. The confer­ and action group people will Frank Capra, a self-confessed will have some esthetic value. It coverer of "Stein Waves" (see ence on "The Impact of Genetic discuss several environmental is­ "Techer gone bad" spoke on "A is in this region of conflict that the April 6 issue of the Tech) Engineering on Society" is still sues in California, including a pro Caltech Alurrmus in the Arts" films some great artistic pleaded innocent Monday to contacting people to participate and con discussion of Proposition Monday evening in Beckman statements, some merely reflec­ charges of refusing military in the afternoon scenario semin­ 9, the "Environment Initiative." Auditorium. HIs subjects, the tions of greed - are created. induction. He claimed that he ars, in which hypothetical situa­ These two programs will be ~eanings of fifty years in the Dollar Signs was a conscientious objector tions resulting from genetic and supplemented by an appearance· film industry, ranged from Capra confessed that in the who had deliberately refused biomedical developments are to of the KABC Ombudsman unit, "heavy stuff' about censorship early part of his career he was to apply for lA-O status. be presented and discussed in which wishes to inform itself on and artistic responsibility, to only interested in the money. "I don't recognize that the terms of their problems for various issues covered by the two humorous reminiscences of the Then his film It Happened One government has the moral society. The Y is .trying to conferences, and may also offer problems and personalities he has Night swept the Oscars. This right to conscript me. They arrange for doctors, lawyers, and its ombudsman service to inter­ encountered as a writer and scared Capra, and he faked an have no right to make me go news media people present to ested Techers. Surveys offering director. illness to cover his fear that he out and kill," Stein explained. participate in the scenarios, as undergrads the choice of topics In the first part of his talk would undoubtedly flop after At the arraignment U.S. well as geneticists and biologists were circulated in the Houses last Capra pointed out the dichotomy such a success. Fortunately, Magistrate Nordin F. Blacker from the Caltech faculty. Techers week. that exists between the artistic someone had the gall to tell released Stein without bail and who are interested in participa­ Old Roman Custom and economic aspects of films. Capra to his face that this was gave him permission to hitch­ ting or planning these seminars For closer events, there is The primary purpose of a movie plain cowardice, and since then hike to Michigan for a family will be eagerly received at the Y. another Olive Walk Concert this company is to make money, at Capra has had one committment wedding. Bread for Circuses week, tomorrow (Friday) at the same time the movie maker - to make movies that uplift the He must return by May Also on May 6, the Y and noon, featuring Ron Coden. Next first for his next court hearing. himself should be interested in Continued on l,?age Seven EQL are co-sponsoring a confer­ Wednesday Carlos Moorhead, ence on "Design for Public GOP candidate for Congress from Lobbying" with a keynote ad­ this district, will be on campus News Briefs dress by John Gardner, Chairman for an OliveWalk Talk at 12:30. Hertz Named Student Coordinator McGovern Club Considers Dr. Richard A. Hertz was grads, too.) Inaddition, bringing rapping on poisons. The official appointed to the post of Coor­ to campus speakers for McGov­ title reads "TOXicology of Com­ dinator of Student Affairs yes· ern or McGovern himself will be monly Encountered [labhold] terday. This office will provide a mentioned. This is an important Chemicals." The talk will be at 4 link between the students and meeting. Be sure to attend. p.m. in 153 Noyes. our dear administrative bureau­ cracy. Dr. Hertz, an Assistant Wonder What's Stashed Professor of Philosophy, has in Scotchman's Cove? China Films to been at Caltech since 1968. There will be a Scuba Club Screen Sunday dive this Saturday, April 22, at Three documentaries from McGovern Group Meeting Scotchman's Cove. Plan to be China are scheduled on the Tonight ... there at 8 :00. Directions to Caltech Chinese Students Asso­ Students and faculty for Scotchman's Cove are posted in ciation film series this Sunday, McGovern will be meeting to­ Winnett and on the bulletin April 23, at 1:30 p.m. in the nig.'1t at 9:00 p.m. in Clubroom I board across from the swimming Baxter Lecture Hall. The films to of Winnett Student Center. The office. be shown are (1) Good News main topics of discussion will from Industry, 10 minutes; (2) Caltech students and faculty supporting Senator George center on canvassing in the Ellern Returns for Spring Comes to Our Land, 20 McGovern for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination met in Chern Six Encore community on April 29th and minutes; and (3) New Faces of Winnett last Thursday night to discuss strategy. Plans include the formation of a Scientists and Nex t Monday, April 24, the China, 60 minutes. Everyone is doorbell-ringing in local precincts prior to the upcoming California Engineers for McGovern branch Chern Six series continues with welcome. Donation: fifty cents. Primary and organization of a local chapter of Scientists for on campus (this includes under- Jim Ellern, son of H. Ellern, Continued on Page Eight McGovern. (Photo and caption by A. J. Owens.) Page Two THE CALIFORNIA TECH Thursday, April 20, 1972. Down the Tubes Caltech Is Doing It .the caltech forum Up In Brown(e) Dear Sirs, talked to my three guests both Troll's Note: Since my column I was happy to note the before and after dinner, and they started this flurry of letters, I by Etaom Schroedlu ally, when the special admissions return of the Keck Laboratory were most favorably impressed. hereby stick my oar into the Due to underwhelming stud­ program was started in 1970, the sign to normal. Although the They spoke of initiating these murky waters. It seems that the ent interest, this issue of the Admissions Committee also ex· students at Caltech have long activities in their own fraternity issue of race, religion, creed, and Tech sees the proud inauguration panded the number of students been known for their love of houses. national origin' has become one of a new news and comment being admitted - against some pranks, their choice of replace­ Dear Mr. Peisner, David, if I of such great passions that even a column, designed to supplement opposition from elsewhere on ment for the sign was surely may be so bold, the next time casual reference to some such the material covered in my campus - so no special admit is derogatory toward the large your ego is deflated a little, try attribute of a person provokes esteemed colleague millikan j truly 'taking the place' of number of excellent Caltech not to cover up and strike back outcry.
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