Pram,~.na- J. Phys., Vol. 27, Nos I & 2, July & August 1986, pp. 117-127. @') Printed in India. Supersymmetric classical mechanics* S N BISWAS and S K SONI Department of Physics and Astrophysics,University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India Abstract. The purpose of the paper is to construct a supersymmetricLagrangian within the framework of classical mechanics which would be regarded as a candidate for passage to supcrsymmetric quantum mechanics. Keywords. Supersymmetry;classical mechanics;generalized Poisson bracket; equations of motion; canonical transformation;classical Lagrangian. PACS No. 1. Introduction Supersymmetric quantum mechanics was originally proposed by Witten 1981 to study the breakdown of supersymmetry by non-perturbative effects. Cooper and Freedman (1982; see also Salmonson and Van Holten 1981) explored non-perturbative dynamical breaking of supersymmetry in various supersymmetric quantum-mechanical models and in addition they also considered the formulation of a supersymmetric Lagrangian at the classical level. To derive this they started from a supersymmetric field theory based on the superfield formalism of Salam and Strathdee (1975) by letting the dimension to become 1. The corresponding Hamiltonian for the supersymmetric quantum theory takes the form =½p2 + ½W2(q)_½[~bl-, ~b] --,dW (1) dq where [q, p] = ih and {~,*, ~,} = 1. Here q, p are the conventional bosonic operators while ~b* and ~, are the fermionic operators. The combinations (p-iW)d/ and (p + i W) @* are called supersymmetric charges designated by Q and Q* respectively. The Q and Q* satisfy the properties, namely {Q*,Q} = 2H and furthermore Q and Q* commute with H. The purpose of the paper is to construct a supersymmetric classical Lagrangian which in the quantum limit leads to the same Hamiltonian as given in (1). Our method differs from that adopted by Cooper and Freedman (1982) and is based on the canonical method through the formulation of Poisson brackets, etc. In §2 we define a suitably generalized Poisson bracket within the framework of classical mechanics involving bosonic and fermionic variables (Biswas 1985) which can The authors felicitateProf. D S Kothari on his eightieth birthday and dedicate this paper to him on this occasion. 117 118 S N Biswas and S K Soni be regarded as a proper candidate for passage from classical to quantum supersym- metric mechanics. In § 3 we start with Lagrange's equations of motion and arrive at the generalized Hamilton's equations through a generalized definition of Legendre transformation and in §4 we introduce canonical transformation in the context of both bosonic and fermionic coordinates and momenta and prove the invariance of the Poisson bracket relations under this transformation. In the last section we construct the classical Lagrangian which in the quantum limit renders the Hamiltonian given by (1). 2. Generalized Poisson bracket relations and their algebraic properties In this section we shall define the generalized Poisson bracket by examining the classical limit of the generalized Dirac bracket of two operators. We consider here a dynamical system whose states can be classified into even and odd eigenstates of the permutation operator ~ which commutes with the system Hamiltonian ~,ug, i.e. ~- 1 ~ = ~. (2) By definition ~ effects the interchange of particle coordinates for any pair of particles. Consequently the quantum-mechanical operators ~ are also even or odd under ~: ~- 1 fi ~ = (_ 1).t~fi. (3) Here n(~) = 0 for an even operator ~ which takes even (odd) states into even (odd) states, and n(t~) = 1 for an odd operator which takes odd (even) states into even (odd) states. Clearly ~(fil fi2) = n(fil) +/~(fi2). (4) Thus (~t (~2 is odd only when one of them is odd. We denote by E3, •2 the generalized Dirac bracket of two arbitrary operators .4 and ~. This bracket is defined so that it satisfies the following algebraic properties relating to (anti-) symmetry under interchange, generalized chain rule, linearity and Jacobi identity: [~1,/~3 -- - ( - 1) "b [/~, .4], (Sa) [t],/}(~] = [4,/}](~ + (- 1)"bBit], (~], (Sb) [,~, ~ + ¢] = [3, B] + [3, ¢], (5c) [~[/~¢]] + (- 1)"~b+c~[B[¢3]] + (- 1)"°+b~[t~[,iB] = O, (5d) where tr(~])=a, ~(/~)=b, n(¢)=c for arbitrary operators 3,/~ and ¢. The above algebraic properties reduce to the well- Supersymmetric classical mechanics 119 known properties of the ordinary Dirac bracket when a = b = c = 0. We now establish that these generalized algebraic properties lead us to the identification [4,/~] = A/~ - (- 1)"b/~,z], (6) thus showing that [.4,/)] becomes the anti-commutator of,~ and/~ when they are both odd operators, though otherwise it remains equal to their commutator. To see this, let us expand [AB, CD]. This may be done in two equivalent ways. In the first instance the application of the chain rule on CD is followed by its application to ,4 ~. The result is [,~/~, ~'/5] = AE/~, C]/~ +(- 1)~[,'], ~3/~/5 + (- 1)"°+b)t~A [B/)] + (- 1)" +~+b~C[/i,/)]/~. Next, the application of the chain rule in the reverse order yields + (- 1)~"+~+ba g'[A,D] B. On equating the two equivalent expressions we get [.4, t~] (/~/5 - (- 1)bd/)/~) = (,4(? -- (-- 1)'C.,4) [/~,/)]. (7) Since this result is true for arbitrary operators, it follows that [~,~2] is pro- portional to The proportionality constant has to be unity if the generalized bracket must reduce to the ordinary bracket when 01 and t~2 are both even operators, thus leading us to (6). It is easy to verify that the bracket expression as given by (6) is also consistent with (5c) and (5d). In order to be able to evaluate generalized Dirac brackets using their algebraic properties given by (5), we postulate the following relations for the fundamental brackets which are a generalization of the corresponding expressions in ordinary quantum mechanics: [~,, ~] = [/~,,/~2 = 0, (8a) [~,,/~] = ihOij, i,j = 1,2...,N. (8b) Here ~ denote the generalized coordinate operators and/~ the corresponding canonical momenta. They can be separated into even and odd operators: 8q = qi, fli =" i61, i=1,2...n, (9a) and ~,+,-0~, /~,+,-~, s=l,2...N-n. (9b) Thus the first n coordinates and the corresponding momenta are even in nature and the 120 S N Biswas and S K Soni remaining are odd: lt(4i) = n(~i) = O, i = 1, 2... n, (10a) n(Os)=n($s)=l, s= 1,2...N-n. (10b) Having thus generalized the structure and fundamental bracket relations of ordinary quantum mechanics, we now proceed to take the classical limit h~0. As we now show this yields the generalization of the correspondence principle. In the classical limit the quantum-mechanical operator t~ is replaced by its classical counterpart fl (denoted here by the same symbol but without the hat) and the generalized Dirac bracket [~1, t~2] of any two operators t~l and t~2 reduces in some sense (made precise below) to the generalized Poisson bracket offl, and f~2 denoted by {D,, ~2 }. To be precise, let us examine (7) which in the classical limit must read for arbitrary operators as /~/5 - (- 1)bd/)B ,,](~ -- (-- 1)'~C.4 {B,D} {A,C} The result of this division, which is independent of the choice of the pair of operators, is readily seen to be ih by choosing them to be even. It is concluded that in the classical limit the generalized Dirac bracket [~1, t~2] approaches zero in such a manner that its ratio to ih is finite and equal to the generalized Poisson bracket {f~l, f~2 }- Hence we have the generalized correspondence principle: [fi,,fi2] = {n,, (11) n-.o ih By virtue of this important result, it follows that the generalized Poisson bracket also enjoys identically the same algebraic properties as the generalized Dir.ac bracket, i.e., {A, 8} = - (- 1)o {o, A}, (12a) {A, BC} = {A, B}C + (- I)°b B{A, C}, (12b) {A, B + C} = {A, B} + {A, C}, (12c) {A{BC}} + (- 1)~(b+°{B{CA}} + (- 1)a"+b){C{A, B}} = 0. (12d) Here a = n(A) = n(.~) etc. Furthermore the fundamental generalized Poisson bracket relations, which are derived from (8a) and (Sb), are required to be {o,,, = %} = o, (13a) {~i, ~j} = 6ij. (13b) If we let h ~ 0 in the same equations (8a) and (8b), and utilize the connection between Supersymmetric classical mechanics 121 the generalized Dirac bracket and the (anti-) commutator, we observe that the odd coordinates 0 and odd momenta n anti-commute among themselves and commute with the even coordinates q and even momenta p (which commute among themselves), i.e. ~XiO~j -- (-- 1)n(a')rt(%)O~jai= 0 = fliflj-- (-- 1)"(~')'~(PJ)fl~fli, (14a) ~%fl~- (- 1)~(~,)~(PJ)fljai = 0. (14b) Finally let us motivate the construction of a suitable expression for the generalized Poisson bracket of a given pair of classical dynamical variables, which involves taking their first order derivatives with respect to such (anti-) commuting coordinates a and momenta fl and which is consistent with the properties (12a)-(12d) and the relations (13a) and (13b). Since ,t and fl are not all commuting we need to distinguish between left and right differentiation. To explain our notation, consider the differential dta of a dynamical variable ta which is a function of ct, fl and time t: N dta(a, fl, t) = dttg,ta + ~ ta.~d0~ + dfl~t~p,ta. (15) i=1 Here ta ~(data) denotes a right (left) partial derivative of ta with respect to a (fl). It immediately follows that ~9o,ta = ( - 1) '*')0'(:0+ ntn))ta, o,, (16) since ta,~d0t = d0t d~ta. The chain rule for left differentiation is: d~(talta2) = (d~l)ta2 + (- 1)~)~(n')f~l a~taz, (17) and that for right differentiation is: (~r~l~"~2),Gt = ~'~l ~'~2.a -I- ( -- l)n(flz)n(a)tal,~ta2. (18) These chain rules are required to ensure (12b).
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