SENIOR liiioMEB Foreword! As a narration of school life in E. H. S. for the year 1922, we pre- sent this,Ihis. our Senior Boomer.Boomer. It is the aim of the Senior Class, in this publication, to portray life as it is in the class-room, the societies, and the outside activities of the school. Our purpose is to sh air the advancement and progress of El Reno High particularly through the progress of the largest grad­ uating class ever seen in El Reno—the Seniors of '22. SENIOR ROOMER YOUR BAKING PROBLEMS We Extend Our Heartiest Con­ gratulations and Best Wishes ARE SOLVED for the Future, to ALL GRADUATES ...WHEN YOU USE. BOYS, Let Us Show You Our: Suits, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Shirts, —In fact, Everything for your Graduation Outfit! The Stefn-Eloch Co. 1920 YOUNGHEIM'S "What would your mother say, little boy," de­ manded the passerby, virtuously, "if she could hear you swear like that?" "She'd be tickled to death if she could hear it," answered the had little hoy. "Why how?" asked the lady, shocked. FANCY "Why?" exclaimed the boy, "Because she's stone deaf!" SHORT PATENT At the age of 16, Alice Jones wrought poetic changes in her name. She signed herself "Alvsse Jones." Thus designated she entered AS WHITE AND PURE, a new school. The head mistress asked her her name. AS THE SNOWFLAKES. "Alysse Jones," she replied. "A-1-y-s-s-e." "Thank you," said the teacher, "and how are you spelling Jones now;'" Honest Making Insures Perfect Baking. "And the lather of the prodigal son fell on his neck and wept." "What did he weep for?" the Sunday school • mi teacher asked Eayward Wright. "I guess you would weep, too, if you fell on your neck,'' replied Hayward. Canadian Mill & Elevator Co. "Why are the muscles in my head smaller than the muscles in my ear.'" asked Miss Maass. "Because you don't use them as much," an­ swered Dick J. SENIOR BOOMER 3 CLASS OF 1922 We congratulate you on having completed your high school education and wish for each of you a future filled with success and happiness. Conservative Investment Company (INCORPORATED) M. A. ASHBROOK, Secy B. D. ASHBROOK, Pre.. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES FOR SALE MONEY TO LOAN INSURANCE FLUNKERS' CLUB Motto: "Never did we study, Never have we 'thunk', All we ever do is Put in our lime and flunk." Necessary qualifications: "Now, henceforth and forever flunk. Evans & Fales Members: Chief Flunker—Nedeau Irving. TAILORS Asst. Chief Flunker—lolmnie Ozmun. Exalted Flunkeress—Tess Jackson. CLEANERS AND PRESSERS Vice l-'lunkeress—Skinney Ruiter. Most Worth Never-Pass—Albert Butler. Can't Pass—Shave-Neck Hutson. Not Expected to Pass—Two-thirds of the Freshies. Retired Members—Corwin Dick, Emmett Students, go to Pales for your Thompson, Lucy Ann Babcoek and Helen Hanson. Cleaning and Pressing. Lattery Initiated -Bro McDonald, Gustavus Funk and Pat Collins. K8H Lives of students all remind us We can make our lives sublime, But we have to work like thunder Free Delivery Phone 314 To get our note hooks in on time. Pete Jackson : "I smell onions." Teacher: '' Durwood, turn around.'' SENIOR BOOMER May School Calendar 11 and 12. Senior Play—"Til is. Temple's Tel­ egram." September 14. Baccalaureate. 16. Junior-Senior Banquet. Oh, Boy! 7. School started—lots of pep. 15. Class Day. 7. Freshmen gol lost and had to be protected is. Commencement present.-. by Seniors. Smiles and Tears. 13. Fii-st Senior meeting was held officers elected. Wog Rice and lluhert Smith were having an 10. Seniors had picnic (What became of the argument over their names. Then lluhert said, ice cream?) '•When the world began all people were named 23. Football season opened. E. U.S. vs. Kin- Smith, hut every time a person committed a sin fisher—we won 14 to 0. he had to chancre his Dame." 29. E. H. S. beat Edmond. October 5. Seniors ordered pins. 14. O. C. vs. E. H. S. They won 21 to 7. 20. Had real pep chapel. November 11. E. H. S. second team vs. STukon—defeated 30 to 0. 17. Meda held initiation. 18. Mps. H. E. Harrison entertained football boys. 19. Senate held banquet. 24. Enid defeated E. II. S., 35 to 14. December 7 and 8. Katcha Koo big success. 9. Conference Oratorical contest held here. 23. Forum and Senate held annual debate. "Without a Smiling Face Forum won. Do Not Become a January 1. New resolutions formed. Merchant" 2. New resolutions broken. 7. Basketball season opened. E. II. S. de is an old Chinese proverb. For picturesqueness, feated Clinton—30 to 15. shrewd common sense and penetrating vision, Fhe 9. Seniors formed Razzle Dazzle pep club. Chinese excel. 13. E. H. S. defeated Phi Gamma Deltas, 30 A smile, a kind word, a sympathetic helping hand, to 25. costs nothing; they unlock the gates of untold happiness and success. 31. B. M. C. entertained Senate and Forum. Without these human qualifications, man, Indeed, February should not become a merchant. 3. Junior Carnival. Service as expressed by salespeople who smile, 9 and 10. Teachers' convention. We certain­ who are courteous, attentive, efficient, who render ly missed our teachers. helpful assistance to their customers, Is an oft-men 14. E. H. S. was defeated by Blackwell, 18 to tioned characteristic ol' Ihe- .1. ('. Penney Co. store. 17. We strive to be worthy merchants. And we shall continue to deserve your patronage March only to the extent we continue to render yon this 10 and 11. State Tournament held here. ( Will greater service. you please find Amber on the map?) 24. Forum held annual banquet. April 17. Started practice on Senior Play. 25. Cantata—"Pan on a Summer Day.*' SENIOR BOOMER *H ca o ' • « ~. 3 . o g) S ST. OT C •-. CO CD JO CO * t. is O 0/ ^_, o c <! *~i u F-, a o sd o g GO 0 3 5 A V. a § >-> t. 2 •r i- 5.$ S fa .2 2 co O '3 a> ^ a 3 • 5 pi" rt co •o CO Ol 0 "3 « a* u a a P3 3 1*2 CO > Sic" J3 I- DC u U 3 O rt _l a o 2S o O O 3 < -i. * wSi a a, . rt i •- t•" a . 3 CD CO rt s — it . u a 5 i3 M c S * o '3 o a 2g a a en rt S .. ta .e.2 ^S 1« B a •• 5 s H E . >> rta .st; lifed « « a 3 O rt fv 2*1 UJ £o.2 N CO M r -•* OH — a loa o ~ o a> ••H i^ co a, Ii ^•jee i. Ml •s * a rt a £ u o — 2JU I k.jg fa£ a.2 3 rt •o « u 2 o rt 373 ' i - - a o 3rt 4- JW= fa oo 00 •£ •C -5 ™ wfa a fa •2 M rt W 3 s SENIOR BOOMER +•• Buy a THE UNIVERSAL CAR and Bank "MRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM" The annual Senior play will be presented in the the high school auditorium, May 11 and 12. The cast of characters is as follows: Mrs. Temple Vernie Fales Mr. Temple Charles Schaeffer Diffierence Mrs. Fuller Helen Hanson Mr. Fuller Emmett Thompson Wigson Paul Sterba John Brown Glenn Crawford Mrs. Brown Hazle Eagle Dorothy Grace Jackson Captain Sharp Hayward Wright Lewis Mclntyre Stage Manager Joseph Stackpole Business Manager Presentation of the Senior play is an annual King's Motor event of the school year, and is looked forward to with pleasure not only by the Seniors but by everyone in the high school and community. This play, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram", is a rol­ licking comedy and will furnish entertainment and Co. amusement from beginning to end. Everyone is assured of his money's worth of "Authorized Ford ^Dealers" fun for the evening. The characters are exceptionally suited for their parts. The ticket sale has been going well, and every seat will be filled. Buy your tickets early. SENIOR BooMER 1_ MISS ROSE WITCHER For her beautiful personality, her untiring devotion to duty, and her loving friendship, we love her, who has been our instructor in literature and has given us a valuable appreciation of the best in life. For her able assistance in making our years in high school profit­ able and enjoyable ones, for her help in making this, our Senior Boomer, the success it is,—for her willingness in assuming the responsible po­ sition of Sponsor to our class, we, the Class of 1922, and members of the Senior Boomer Staff, wish to express our whole-hearted appreciation, admiration and thanks. SENIOR BOOMER Robert E. Earrison, "Fat" "I can find interest in anything but girls." Senior Class Treasurer, Forum, Football. Vernie Pales, "' Vernie" "My music lias charms." Society Editor Senior Boomer, Secretary Senior Class, Senior Play. Harold Sawallisch, "Squawky" "How long, Oh. Israel, how Ion Vice-president Senior Class, Forum, Basketball. Sanford Babeock, "Steve" "He always uses perfume—onions." President Senior (Mass, Football, Senate. Lucy Ann Babeock, "Sukey" Tho' modes! and gentle, she rules her own 'nind.' Boomer. I Ii bate, B, M. C. Kenneth Cosby, "Cutty" "I am a wonderful manager." Boomer, Senate. Debate. Corwin E. Dick, "Seaweed" "Deep thinker and a lady shunner." Boomer. Debate, Senate. Emmetl P. Thompson, "Aff" "Love, like the measles, we all have once." Senate, Debate, Oratory. Lucile M. Buiter, "Skmnay" 'Some people will keep a secret, if—? Anna. Harlequin, E. II. S. C. C. Martha Bcrnice Oobbs, "Bee" "A hit, a very palpable hit." An Editor Senior Boomer, Razzle Dazzle, Arena, SENIOR BOOMER Zella Annold, "Toots" compound of oddity, frolic ; nd fun (' R., Razzle Dazzle.
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