Sponsors of the Tinternvale Trivia Night 2014 - Please support these businesses Business Name Address Suburb Phone Website Collingwood Children's Farm St Heliers Street Abbotsford 3067 9417 5806 Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Albert Park 3206 9926 1555 www.msac.com.au Centre Box 1 Aughtie Drive The Enchanted Maze Garden 55 Purves Rd Arthurs Seat 3936 5981 8449 www.enchantedmaze.com.au Bunnings Warehouse 183-225 Canterbury Road Bayswater 3153 8720 1000 www.bunnings.com.au Bayswater Tradelink 280 Canterbury Road Bayswater 3153 9729 2988 www.tradelink.com.au Anaconda Bayswater 300 Canterbury Road Bayswater 3153 8720 4000 www.anaconda.com.au Roller City Bayswater 37 Scoresby Rd Bayswater 3153 9720 5980 www.rollercity.com.au Pharmore Pharmacies 2 High Street Bayswater 3153 9729 2786 www.pharmore.com.au Coles Bayswater 7-13 High Street, Mountain High SC Bayswater 3153 8720 7100 www.coles.com.au Jeljec Jewellery Shop 8 High Street, Mountain High SC Bayswater 3153 9729 0677 Superior Beauty Bar 685 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 8288 1648 Cyclelink Bayswater 687 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9720 8491 www.cyclelink.com.au Bayswater Cake Kitchen 693 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9729 6904 www.bayswatercake.com.au Senior Paper & Party Supplies 695 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9729 7455 Video Buster 697 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9720 4416 www.videobusters.com.au Cartridge World 713 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9729 1910 www.cartridgeworld.com.au Thai Tables Restaurant 737 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9729 0377 Heavenly Pies & Cakes 749 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9720 1988 Kennards Hire 800 Mountain Hwy Bayswater 3153 9720 6999 www.kennards.com.au Croydon Indoor Sport Centre 14 Gatwick Rd Bayswater Nth 3153 9729 0988 www.indoorsportsvictoria.com.au Light as a Feather Beauty Bayswater Nth 3153 0435 145 994 facebook.com/lightasafeatherbeauty McDonald's Bayswater 296 Canterbury Rd Bayswater Nth 3153 www.mcdonalds.com.au Puffing Billy Railway Old Monbulk Rd Belgrave 3160 9757 0700 www.puffingbilly.com.au Cachet Jewellery by Design 2 Main Street Blackburn 3130 9878 0533 www.cachetfinejewellery.com.au Metro Cinemas Boronia 216 Dorset Road Boronia 3155 9762 8744 www.boroniacinemas.com.au Knox Leisureworks Tormore Rd Boronia 3155 9762 3133 www.knox.ymca.org.au Big 4 Holiday Parks PO Box 543 Camberwell 3124 9811 9300 www.big4.com.au Oz TenPin Chirnside Park 25 Fletcher Road Chirnside Park 3116 9727 0922 www.oztenpin.com.au Sonix Level 1, 25 Fletcher Road Chirnside Park 3116 9726 9433 www.sonix.com.au Page 1 Sponsors of the Tinternvale Trivia Night 2014 - Please support these businesses Business Name Address Suburb Phone Website Kings 286-288 Maroondah Hwy Chirnside Park 3116 9727 5800 www.kingswim.com.au Forty Winks Shop 5, 286-288 Maroondah Highway Chirnside Park 3116 9727 1666 www.fortywinks.com.au Maroondah Adventure Park 363 Maroondah Hwy Chirnside Park 3116 9727 3082 www.maroondahadventurepark.com.au Amart Sports Chirnside Park 382 Maroondah Highway Chirnside Park 3116 9736 9473 www.amartsports.com.au Domaine Chandon 727-729 Maroondah Hwy Coldstream 3770 9738 9242 www.chandon.com Phillip Island Nature Parks PO Box 97 Cowes 3922 5951 2800 www.penguins.org.au Mayerling Cellars Burnt Bridge Shopping Centre 434 Croydon 3136 9870 4928 www.mayerlingcellars.com Maroondah Hwy David Hodgett MP 60 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 3570 www.davidhodgett.com.au Viva Mexico 70a Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 8899 Ray White Croydon 71 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 7444 www.raywhitecroydon.com.au Croydon Toy World 87 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 2088 www.toyworld.com.au Direct Chemist Warehouse 88-92 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 7711 www.directchemistoutlet.com.au Bottle Mart Croydon 98 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 5224 www.bottlemart.com.au Zab Salon Shop 8/99 Main Street Croydon 3136 9722 9333 Café Zingers 102 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 4845 www.cafezingers.com.au Café Duo 105 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 8002 Croydon Clearance Centre 112 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 5399 O'Reillys Flowers of Croydon 118 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 4457 Ronald King Mensland 122-124 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 3673 www.mensland.com.au Camera House 125 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 3816 www.croydoncamerahouse.com.au Bountiful Home 130 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 6710 www.bountifulhome.com.au Collins Booksellers 132 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 5577 www.collinsbooks.com.au Kofi Beans 137-139 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 3339 www.kofibeans.com.au The Paint Place 151 Main Street Croydon 3136 9725 2800 www.paintplace.com.au D.G. Grey & Burns 161 Main Street Croydon 3136 9723 2523 Pharmaceutical Chemists Maroondah Leisure Facilities 11 Civic Square Croydon 3136 9294 5500 www.maroondahleisure.com.au Croydon Jewellers 2 Hewish Road Croydon 3136 9725 3562 www.croydonjewellers.com.au Absolute Jewel Shop 2, 3-5 Hewish Road Croydon 3136 9723 1496 Croydon Cinemas Level 1, 3-5 Hewish Road Croydon 3136 9725 6544 www.croydoncinemas.com.au Page 2 Sponsors of the Tinternvale Trivia Night 2014 - Please support these businesses Business Name Address Suburb Phone Website Burnt Bridge Shopping Centre 434 Croydon 3136 9870 6140 Burnt Bridge Newsagency Maroondah Hwy Burnt Bridge Shopping Centre 434 Croydon 3136 9870 7540 Verona Salone Maroondah Hwy Small Business Mum - Jennifer Croydon 3136 0488 928 579 www.PersonalisedCandlesAndGifts.com.au Dunstan A Grade Club Supplies 57 Mt Dandenong Rd Croydon 3136 9723 2000 www.agradeclubsupplies.com.au Summit Nails Arndale Shopping Centre, Mt Dandenong Croydon 3136 9725 4144 Road Twisted Zest Café Arndale Shopping Centre, Mt Dandenong Croydon 3136 9725 4144 Road Arndale Pharmore Pharmacy Arndale Shopping Centre, Mount Croydon 3136 9723 6222 www.pharmore.com.au Dandenong Road Arndale Seafood Shop 5 Arndale Shopping Centre, Mount Croydon 3136 9725 7333 Dandenong Road Hair Harp Shop 7 Arndale Shopping Centre, Mount Croydon 3136 9725 7115 Dandenong Road Ivy & Twine Shop 14 Arndale Shopping Centre, Mount Croydon 3136 9723 9700 Dandenong Road It’s $2 Plus Discount Store Arndale Shopping Centre, Mount Croydon 3136 9723 0962 Dandenong Road Croydon Market Pharmacy Croydon Centro, 5-15 Kent Ave Croydon 3136 9725 8895 Papillon Fine Jewellery Croydon Centro, 5-15 Kent Ave Croydon 3136 9725 3098 Who Framed Hong Croydon Shopping Centre, Kent Ave Croydon 3136 9722 9878 Croydon Central News & Lotto Shop 19 Croydon Central, Kent Ave Croydon 3136 9723 0277 Big Mates Pizza Café Shop 29 Croydon Central, Kent Ave Croydon 3136 9723 0001 www.yourmategrego.com Michel’s Patisserie Croydon Croydon Centro, 5-15 Kent Ave Croydon 3136 9723 7300 www.michels.com.au Scrappy Hollow Shop 1-3, 1-7 Maroondah Hwy Croydon 3136 9879 6220 www.scrappy-hollow.blogspot.com Natalia’s Bistro 4/476 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9725 3363 www.natalias.com.au Hahndorf's fine Chocolates 482 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9725 9986 www.hahndorfs.com.au Angelfish Chippery Fish & Chips 484 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9725 7287 Page 3 Sponsors of the Tinternvale Trivia Night 2014 - Please support these businesses Business Name Address Suburb Phone Website Branch Line 490 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9723 1211 www.branchline.com.au Industrial Tool Specialists 492 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9724 9977 www.industrialtoolspecialists.com.au Cookware Brands Outlet 494 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9722 8910 www.cookwarebrands.com.au Style Hair & Beauty 498 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9723 6622 Dorset Convenience Store 500 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9723 4255 Dorset Heights Fish & Chips 512 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9725 0747 Merrindale Pharmacy 514 Dorset Rd Croydon Sth 3136 9723 3366 Bedelis Liquor Emporium 518-520 Dorset Road Croydon Sth 3136 9723 7000 www.bedelisliquor.com.au Da Ricardo's Restaurant 122 Bayswater Road Croydon Sth 3136 9725 0112 www.daricardos.com.au Fortune Palace 1 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9723 7733 Eastfield Newsagency 7 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9723 4984 Davina’s Fish & Chips 9 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9725 5538 Eastfield Milk Bar 11 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9723 7030 IGA Xpress 13 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9723 2200 www.iga.net.au Eastfield Fish & Chips 17 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9725 7961 181 Noodle Bar 19 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9723 5295 Eastfield Pharmacy 23-25The Mall-Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 97231093 Truscott’s Electronic World 27 The Mall-Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9723 3860 Megga Hair 37 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9725 3002 www.meggahair.com Eastfield Natural Foods 41 The Mall - Cr Eastfield & Bayswater Rds Croydon Sth 3136 9723 0257 Eastfield Cellars 116 Bayswater Rd Croydon Sth 3136 9723 2997 www.duncans.com.au The Chook Stop Café 118 Bayswater Road Croydon Sth 3136 9723 2539 Croydon Sth Post Office 120 Bayswater Road Croydon Sth 3136 9723 1541 Sth Croydon Jnr Cricket Club Croydon Sth 3136 0418 313 850 www.southcroydoncc.com.au Sth Croydon Jnr Football Club Croydon Sth 3136 0419 569 403 www.croydonfootballclub.com.au Melbourne Football Club PO Box 254 East Melbourne 3001 www.melbournefootballclub.com.au Fire Services Museum 39 Gisbourne Street East Melbourne 3001 9662 2907 National Trust Tasma Terrace-4 Parliament Place East Melbourne 3001 9656 9800 www.nattrust.com.au National Sports Museum Melbourne Cricket Ground East Melbourne 3001 96578879 www.nsm.org.au Western Bulldogs PO
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