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Robins, who cur in May, June and July will be SURVEY MISSION, director of jMe B''''ai' B'rith Hillsl , Award presented each graduate with a gift made to students who have had z Foundations, , , 'MilssEleanor Simkin Cristall re- from the club. Treasurer's report perfect attendance at services, Rabbi 'Milgfom's arrival in the ceivedthe Mothers' Club scholarship was 'read by :Miss Beverley Matlin. Rabbi Ohiel, and Cantor Kousse- Union of South Africa is timed to , , 'award for highest 1952-53 scholastic ' MiS>'l' Sondra Werier" chancello~ of vitskY ;"";'11 invoke' special prayers \ permit, him to' attend the Biennial \ ", "'standing from Mrs. F. Goldenberg, the sorority, was chairman. in honor' of the coronation of Her Congress of the South Afric'an Jew­ whenlota!!l.lph~ Pi sorority annual Graduates honored were: Misses Majesty, the Queen. ish Board.of Deputies, theorganiza_ Winnipeg". , parents' , night ,banquet -was held Lucy Birch, Patricia Cahen, Ruth ,Rabbi Chiel will be guest speaker ,tion sponsoring his trip, which meets Tuesday evening at the Hebrew Fra- Coodin, Cynthia Goldenberg, Pearl ' at the annual Torah Fund Lun~heol1 on May 28 in Johannesburg. , 'ternal UJodge. Gu~t' si>ea:ker was Grubert, Beverley Matlin, Beryl on Tuesday, June, 2, held by the , , , Harold Buchwald. Pearlman, Shirlee Segal, Joyce Sisterhood of Beth El synagogue, -- THursday, , Toast to the parents, proposed by Trepel" Sondra Werier, and PhyIlis Minrieapolis., 'He will also deliver Miss Lynn, RabinE, was answered Wilde)". an address at, the graduation, exer- ELECT 'by A. M. Isfaels,' Miss Pearl Sad'eer ' CLseS of St. John's High school on May 28 "gave t.!'-e toast to the graduates, pre- Friday, June 12." , -' , senting each with the traditional sil- CantorlC,oussevitsky will officiate I vel' spoon on behalf of the sorority. at a Torah Dedication, service in ,'. ~ ': ' 'Miss Patricia. Cohen replied. The Friday even'ing servi'ce will Saskatoon on Sunday, May 31- , " , iMrs. Ruby Donner 'Proposed the begin at 9 p.m. Caridlelighting time There will be a Sisterhood Wind- ", ' toast to the brides, Miss Beryl is' 9 rp.m. Sidrah of the we'ek "Be- up Luncheon at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Pearlman replied on behalf of her- ha-Ioschs."" June,3, }\nnual reports and slate of seH, Beverley Oster, Shiffy Wine- Sabbath morning, May 30, is Cor-, new officers will be presented by bery Richman and Eleanor Simkin onation, Birthday and Awards Sab- the nominations comri1ittee. ---'-------- , , , ROSH PINASISTERHOOD Annual , NEW m·MILBRRlB AABBI LOurs MILGROM ,: 20%to2'%mo ....lllJo. Windup Luncheon is being held _ agel At no extra cost. New York - At the invitation of Wednesday, June 3, in the synagogue the South African Jewish Board of NOWI auditorium, Reports on· activities HALLO[K 'SIIDPPINO Deputies, Rabbi Louis Milgram, *' of the year will be read and the EVEN ImprovedHI.MILERRIB director of the B'nai B'rith Hillel TIRE gives up (025% new .~Iate, of. officers presented. Foundation at the University of 7 ,,·MORE MILES.· evenmore wear. mileage; It runs • cooler,• more Minnesota, and previously stationed has extra strong rayon ~ in Winnipeg, left for JohannesbUl',!l cord body. ' " ' on Sunday; May 24, to undertake NoI..An ...." ..... , ...... , AT HI-MILER ALL. a four mdnths" survey of Jewish WEATHER gives plenty youth and university activities and of traction· on power'·· • wheels. Hi-Miler Rib and ~iltPAtwlte.t GEORGE P. • LOWER COST All·Weather make. the i" : ~ • perfect Goodyear team In Calgary .•• I i' 'nANI~ . i !" t· WITH .. for lowccost truck It's the ;til' ew and\ Friendly : ~ I performance. ',1 . tV ' . ~~, p , MACLEOD .\ ' > .. [jRRND fORKS' 5HD~PIN{j *., GOOD; EAR· •.... " . btett. 'BEN'S Liberal Candidate DELICATESSEN TRUCK TIRES BIB WINNIPEG SOUTH for Delicious e CORNED BEEF 8 Years - Wpg.' School Board North End "Tir,e Co. .. PASTROMI 2 Years - Board Chairman YOUR GOODYEAR DE~ .. SALAMI 2 Years - Wpg. City Council .. LUX, Etc. UORDIAL WELCOME TO 'A,UTHORIZED:,·;\(;Q.'Dj~'VEj'R; DEA't~I(:;; 604 Centre S1. Calgary • • z "r • CT [iRRNO • RmUSEIIlENT EA "I fORKS " * 859 MAIN ST. PHONE 59-6371 A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES " 1111· 'h F Ik 0 . E·d·· iii J ewiso 5 rganrzataons n oue Ii· . • IN EDMo.NTON ,You Will EnJOy Dining at the Iii Re-election of M. A. Gray I M.L.A., . ~ed [2()§e t3ar-den§ ,i!'I , From the Statement adopted at a Conference of Jewish Folks Organizations, held Monday, 'May 1.11l 18 at the Labor Zionist Centre, 285 St, Johns Ave, , . , We, the Jewish Folks Organizations, declare our wholehearted endorsement of the re-electlOn of . Delight yoursel£ with our Delicious Chinese and American Foods I . Pleasant, friendly service in relaxing atmosphere I: 'OJI sUmmER .... , i BEml ,', RE SORer ~,: Take Out Orders Phone 4-.4006 M.L.A. as the spokesman for Winnipeg North in the Manitoba Legislature, 9711 JASPER AVE. EDMONTON We Jewish Folks Organizations, recognize the able and effective workl,M. A. Gra,Y has ,p:rformed for 19 ye~rs as a Jewish representative ,on the Winnipeg School Board, the City CounCil and, illrecen~ years in the Legislature. ' . ' M. A. Gray for over 20 years has been an' active worker and leader of t?e Histadrut; for over 30 years aotive in Canadian Jewish Congress; for over 40 years has served ill many fields of FOR SALE Jewish life and activity.. ,.' ,',. , ,'" M. A, Gray's leading role ill the fight agaInst raCial dlscrumnatlOn 'and for old age pensIOns, alone Ladies' Wear store in Lethbridge, Alberta. Good deserve our support. location in newest business district of city. Moderate Every Jewish man and women in North Winnipeg must vote '1' for M. ,A. Gray on June 8. rental. Modern front and fixtures. Selling due to pres- , PROPOISKER SOCIETY (MEN) POALE ZION ORGANIZATION FRROO' SHO,PPING sure of other business interests. Good lease can be PROPOISKER SOCIETY (WOMEN) FARBAND BRANCH 20 "* , arranged for responsible party. $12,000 will handle. VOLINER SOCIETY INDEPENDENT BNAI ABRAHAM BESSARABIER SOCIETY FREE 'LOAN , POLISH FARBAND INDEPENDENT FREE LOAN Apply Box 322 - The Jewish Post P'()DOLIER SOCIETY FARBAND BRANCH 220 I ACHDUS FREE LOAN ACTIONS COMMITTEE, LABOR I Willnipeg I 213 Selkirk Ave, LillAVITCHER BIKUR HOLIM , ZIONIST MOVEMENT \ WOltKMEN'S CIRCLE , ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Alistair Stewart, M.P.; A. M. Israels, Lloyd Stinson, M.L.A .. , present and an North Winnipeg C.C.F.candidates will be .fRO[)KSTDN:' SlfOPPH~C *,~ \ 'CARULE & McCARTHY LTD. and speak at the following two events - ~anadian .Vacationers' BONDED DEALERS STOCK BROKERS A TEA AND DON'T MISS THE BIG Complete Investment Service in support of the election campaign of MASS RALLY ON M. A. Gray will be held this coming MEMBERS SUNDAY EVENING, JUNE 7 I WEDN~SDAY, JUNE 3 The Investment Dealers' Association of Canada at 8.30 p.m. ~, Vancouver Stock Exchange, Calgary Stock Exchange from 2 p.m. until late ; Western Canada's Oldest Anglo Je\\Jish Ne\Vspaper I DIRECT WIRE FACILITIES in the Hebrew Sick Benefit Hall in the Hebrew Sick Benefit Hall. JEWiSH POST Toronto General Trusts Building Northgate Building I Calgary Edmonton I \ ( I -- ~-.~ " , 'i , ",..", t \. \ .
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