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Tooth delighting, / POWDER THE PEESS is an eight column folio BAD to keep Sugar coated ABSOMJTEiyfevBE weekly, filled with interesting reading— f#-:- Xusic, Etc. Pried cake. New England, local and general news, The Mill-End Sale and well-selected miscellany. tie children Oh, the prairie hawk Is flying far beyond our Makes the food more delicious and wholesome TERMS: §1.50 a year in advance; six QENSLOW KING, visual sense! AT Oh, the beauteous colors dying just before star ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. months, 75 cents; three months, 40 cents at Teacher of the firmaments I Postage prepaid by the publishers. Oh, the bloom and bliss of boyhood, when the PIANO-FORTE, ORGAN PLAYING AND HARMONY Papers are forwarded until an explicit home FoiToes dz "Wallace's, grandmas like to make order is received by the publishers for Address P. O. box 462. Just the plumpest, aliout toiee me with the mask off. But Two Slips by Dickens. Tooth delighting, Mr. Marcus Stone, the English artist, their discontinuance and until payment of Thompsonville, - Conn. let it nqtibe my hand that shall open all arrearages is made, as required by law. from school SPRINGFIELD, Sugar coated was when a young man much associated Fried cake. Pandora'i box. Receive through your Advertising rates made known on ap own the .punishment for your foolish with Dickens as an illustrator of "Our plication. on JRA P. ALLEN, Oh, the rainbow days are passing, and a prai impatience." Mutual Friend" and of* "Great Expec­ Births, Marriages, and Deaths inserted Sweeps Everything Before It. rie rise or scar tations. " He notes that Dickens' char­ TEACHER OF MUSIC, Seem to me directly under our dear Father's "Perdition take the knot! I can't un­ free. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents account Also agent for the finest Pianos and Organs brightest etarl tie it. :Ah. my knife—that is it! acters were so positively real to him a line. -old in this vicinity. Can refer to scores of Such a pulling down of prices Springfield retailing has never seen THE PRESS will be for sale at John purchasers. Musical merchandise of every de­ Oh. the love light that has faded! Oh, the man Beauti"-r-. that the artists never had the least diffi­ of scription on hand, or obtained at short notice. before. It crushingly breaks every low-priced record. It is sweeping sometimes does ache I couldlnot finish the word, suoh was culty in learning all about them from Hun^ggjfs, and by news boys, every Thurs For the plumpest, day evening. Copies folded ready for Lindsey's block (room 1), Thompsonville, Ct. the city as with an avalanche of bargains that will impress themselves Tooth delighting, my surprise, amazement, terror. What him. leaky Shoes "When," says Mr. Stone, "I bad to mailing can also be had at Hunter's or at so forcibly on the minds of all who come that they will never forget it. Sugar coated a nose! What a nose I Oh, what a nose! this office. At Hazardville, at the store Dentistry. Fried cake. I would'iot have believed that nature go to him and get instructions and hints —Edward S. Peterson in What to Eat. of Wm. A. Smith. At Windsor Locks, and "Mill-Ends" mean new, bright, up-to-date short lengths of the cloth- was capable of arriving at such a degree ns to the characters I had to draw, I al­ at C. F. Cleveland's news room. H. THORNTON, D.D.S. makers. They are what remains when, an even piece or roll is ready of pleonasm, hyperbole, amplification. ways got a clear and definite ac^wer, We have a complete outfit of news Rubbers. B to be shipped. The easiest way to dispose of them, says the manufac­ ST0EY OF A NOSE. The sonnet of Quevedo, "Erase unhom- except on two oooasions. You will re­ paper and job tyoe, our presses are run MANSLEY'S BLOCK, bre a ung nariz pegado," (There was a member that §ilas Wegg, in 'Our Mu­ by steam power, and we have every Thompsonville, Conn turer, is to make a big discount on the whole lot, and not bother with man attached to a nose), would be poor tual Friend,' had a wooden leg. I asked facility for doing The furor that Cyrano's nose has OFFICE HOURS—8.30 a m. to 12 m; 1.30 to < and colorless to paipt it. This was no Dickens whioh leg it was. He gave me Good small jobs. It is easy to sell them, says the dealer, when he sees the made in two continents makes timely JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS p. m. (7 to 8 p. m. except Tuesdays and Thurs human ncse. It was a beet root, a cor- an answer which turned out to be quality of the goods. It is easy to buy them, says the customer, when the question, How-wonld a play turn in the latest style, at short notice, and Shoes days) close at 6 p. m. for evening. nerstone,;an Egyptian pyramid. If it wrong. The other ocoasion was this: ing upon a fascinating woman with a at the lowest living prices. she sees one-half and one-quarter price marks. is just to^condemn everything unseason­ When he was discussing the cover of cost bulbous turnip nose be received? It E3T" We defy honorable competition. -QR. D. fl. DICKERMAN, able, everything exaggerated, why is it the story, he said that one of the scenes Give us a call or drop us a line before THIS SALE IS GENERAL. jfrill-End Sale prices rule in every doubtless would be at once doomed to but little that a law is not given against the ex­ in it should be the death of Eugene placing your orders. SURGEON DENTIST, department throughout the store. disaster. The question of such a pro­ aggeration of noses? Raeburn. You will remember that Eu­ money, if boscis upon a woman is wittily handled The Parsons Printing Company, Over the Bridge Store, Burns' block, GOOD TIME.TO TAKE A SHOPPING TRIP TO SPRING­ In tbelmiidst of the horror which this gene Raeburn does not die. His oreator in the sparkling little translation from Thompsonville, Conn bought at Thompsonville, Conn. monrnfui discovery caused me I wanted relented at the last moment and allowed FIELD—won't ever be a better; in fact, not if you wait all year. the Spanish which we print herewith. OFFICE HOURS—8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6, and to withdraw myself from the large him to live." It is reminiscent of the anecdote which O'Hear's 7 to 9 p. ni. nosed mountain girl without incurring Anthony Trollope, the artist says, Railroads. is told of Arago, the famous French . Lady in attendance. a rude remark from her. I made incred­ was just the reverse of this. "He did scientist, who was gifted by Providence ible efforts toward some expression of not seem to take anything like the same Good with a great brain and a mighty nose. NFIELD & LONGMEADOW ELEC­ Undertakers and Directors. Forbes & Wallace. gallantry. Impossible. If I could have interest in his characters as Dickens. E TRIC RAILWAY CO. Rubbers' During carnival time—when in Paris When I would ask him a question about s in the old days all sorts of prauks and had a mirror before me, I am sure I WILLIAM MULLIGAN, Main, Vernon and Pynchon Sts., Springfield, Mass. must have seen a foolish face. one of his characters, his answer nearly are curious costumes were permitted—Ara­ WINTER SCHEDULE. Fortunately for me, the mountain always was,'I don't know.' 'Had the Funeral Director and Embalmer. go found himself in an omnibus oppo­ NORTH BOUND. Leave Warehouse Point cheaper Prompt, careful and personal attention girl—who doubtless had learned to re­ young lady fair hair or dark?' I would 1ISS J. ESTELLA PEA.SE. site a mother and her infant child. At ask. 'I don't know,' was the reply. at 7.00 a. m. and every hour until 10.00 than a cold. given to Undertaking in all M TEACHER OF Piano and Harmony, sight of Arago's extraordinary beak the sign herself to her deformity, likewise p. m. The last car leaves at 10.55. its branches. Isn't It to all its effects—laughed quite good " Was she tall or middle sized or small?" '< 82 Dartmouth st., infant set up a dismal wail. The moth­ I would inquira-^'I don't know,'was Leave White Mill at G. 10, 0.45, 7.45 a. m. 5 No.
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