Agenda Solent NHS Trust In-Public Board Meeting 27th March 2017 10.30-13:05pm Kestrel 1 & 2, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Road, Southampton, SO19 8BR *Timings are tentative Item Time Dur. Title & Recommendation Exec Lead / Presenter 1 10:30 5mins Chairman’s Welcome & Update Chair • Apologies to receive To receive 2 Register of Interests & Declaration of Interests Chair To receive 3 Confirmation that meeting is Quorate Chair No business shall be transacted at meetings of the Board unless the following are present; • a minimum of two Executive Directors • at least two Non-Executive Directors including the Chair or a designated Non-Executive deputy Chair 4 *Minutes of Last Meeting and action tracker Chair To agree 5 10:35 5mins Matters Arising Chair 6 10:40 5mins Any Other Business Chair (not on the agenda but advised and agreed with the Chair for inclusion at this meeting) 7 10:45 15mins Safety and Quality First – including feedback from recent Chief Board to Floor Visits Executive / To receive Chief Nurse Strategy & Vision 8 11:00 10mins Chief Executive Report Chief To receive Executive 9 11:10 5mins Consideration of the Trust’s Foundation Trust application Chief Executive To agree / Director of Finance & Performance 10 11:15am 15mins Annual Staff Survey Feedback Director of To receive Finance & Performance Solent NHS Trust Headquarters, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Rd, Southampton, SO19 8BR Telephone: 023 8060 8900 Fax: 023 8053 8740 Website: www.solent.nhs.uk Programme Delivery 11 11:30am 20mins Mental Health benchmarking Clinical Director To receive (presentation included within papers) –MH Services 12 11:50am 20mins Performance Report Executive Leads • Operations • Quality and Risk • Finance • Workforce • ICT & Transformation • Infrastructure To receive 13 12:10pm 10mins Patient Experience Report Chief Nurse To receive External Relations 14 12:20pm 5mins Current and contemporary conversations with external All executives partners To receive verbal update *Reporting Committees 15 12:25pm 5mins *Chairs report on Members Council Chair To receive 16 12:30pm 5mins *Complaints Review Panel Panel Chair To receive verbal update 17 ------ ---- *Charitable Funds Committee Minutes & Chairs update Committee No meeting held since last Chair 18 12:35pm 5mins *Assurance Committee Chair’s Update NED To receive exception report from February and March 2017 representative meetings – including: - Clinical Audit Plan (see supplementary papers) 19 12:40pm 5mins *Mental Health Act Scrutiny Committee Chairs update NED To receive exception report from February 2017 meeting representative 20 ---- ----- *Governance and Nominations Committee Committee No meeting held since last Chair 21 12:45pm 5mins Audit & Risk Committee Committee To receive exception report from February 2017 meeting and Chair to agree revised Terms of Reference Any other business 22 12:50pm 5mins Items for cascade to other committees Chair To discuss Solent NHS Trust Headquarters, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Rd, Southampton, SO19 8BR Telephone: 023 8060 8900 Fax: 023 8053 8740 Website: www.solent.nhs.uk 23 12:55pm 5mins Governor comments and questions Chair 24 13:00pm 5mins Any other business & future agenda items Chair 25 13:05pm ------ Close and move to Confidential meeting Chair The public and representatives of the press may attend all meetings of the Trust, but shall be required to withdraw upon the Board of Directors resolving as follows: “that representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest’” (Section 1 (2), Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960) --------------------------- break --------------------------------- Date of next meeting: 30th May 2017 Supplementary papers available on request from the Company Secretary. Solent NHS Trust Headquarters, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Rd, Southampton, SO19 8BR Telephone: 023 8060 8900 Fax: 023 8053 8740 Website: www.solent.nhs.uk Minutes Item 4.1 Solent NHS Trust In-Public Board Monday 30th January 2017 10:30-13:10 Kestrel 1 & 2, Solent NHS Trust Headquarters, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Rd, Southampton, SO19 8BR Chair: Alistair Stokes, Chairman (AMS) Members: Attendees: Sue Harriman, Chief Executive (SH) Andrew Strevens, Director of Finance (AS) Jayne Edwards, Corporate Support Manager/Assistant Alex Whitfield, Chief Operating Officer Southampton company Secretary (JE) and County Services (AW) Sarah Austin, Chief Operating Officer, Portsmouth and Observers: Commercial Director (SA) Gary Ashton OE Cam (GA) Dan Meron, Chief Medical Officer (DM) Ashley Towers, Paediatrics, Solent NHS Trust (AT) Mandy Rayani, Chief Nurse (MR) Simon Sturgeon, Chief Information Officer (SS), (item 10 Jon Pittam, Non-Executive Director (JPi) only) Mick Tutt, Non-Executive Director (MT) Jane Sansome, Non-Executive Director (JS) Francis Davis, Non-Executive Director (FD) Mike Watts, Non-Executive Director (MW) Rachel Cheal, Associate Director of Corporate Affairs and Company Secretary (RC) 1 Chairman’s Welcome & Update 1.1 AMS welcomed Gary Ashton and Ashley Towers to the meeting. 1.2 AMS reported that it was AW’s last Board meeting and thanked her for her contribution as Chief Operating Officer. AMS acknowledged the sad passing of Public Governor Dave Lickman. 2 Register of Interest & Declaration of Interests 2.1 There was no further updates to declare. 3 Confirmation that meeting is Quorate 3.1 The meeting was confirmed as quorate. 4 Minutes of Last Meeting and action tracker 4.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 28th November were agreed as an accurate record. 5 Matters Arising 5.1 JPi highlighted that he had not yet received a schedule of Board to Floor visits for the year. MR to investigate and arrange distribution as soon as possible. Action: MR 5.2 The following actions were confirmed as complete: 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 541, 523, 529, 530 and 531. Solent NHS Trust Headquarters, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Road, Southampton, SO19 8BR Telephone: 023 8060 8900 Fax: 023 8053 8740 Website: www.solent.nhs.uk Page 1 of 9 6 Any Other Business 6.1 No further business was requested. 7. Safety and Quality First – including feedback from recent Board to Floor Visits 7.1 AMS enquired whether there are any pressing quality and safety issues that the Board needs to be aware of. SA informed the Board of local acute trusts declaration of a black position which is impacting on Solent teams. SA reported on difficulties with increasing patient flow due to a lack of domiciliary care. It was noted that teams are balancing associated risks against the risks faced by acute trusts. 7.2 AMS asked if the Trust knew how many patients were not being discharged due to the lack of domiciliary care. SA updated the Board and the fragility of the health care system and the importance of domiciliary care funding were noted. 7.3 AS provided feedback following a visit to the Spinnaker Ward in Portsmouth on 9th January 2017. The following observations were made: • The team are the last to receive the IT system roll out however are optimistic on its use. • Issues were identified with regards to accessing PHT notes causing downtime with logging in procedures. • There were also issues with regards to accessing GP notes due to a number of GPs not being on the same system. AW provided assurance that there are only two more surgeries remaining to be put onto the system. • A good discussion was held in relation to the possibility of opening two extra beds. • Service users spoken to were very complimentary about the team and felt involved in their care. They also commented on the quality of the cleanliness throughout the environment and complimented the food. AS reported that the overall visit was very uplifting. 7.4 MR briefed the Board on a CAMHs visit on 14th November 2016. It was confirmed that the team and the overall visit were positive. MR informed the Board of an unannounced CQC visit associated with the Mental Health Act and the initial feedback given that provided assurance of no significant issues identified. MR reported on a further unannounced visit to PRRT Social Care. It was noted that initial feedback is positive however formal feedback is awaited. The Board noted the update provided. 8 Chief Executive’s Report including the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability & Transformation Plan 8.1 SH publically acknowledged the departure of AW and offered congratulations on her appointment as CEO of Hampshire Hospitals. SH acknowledged AW’s significant contributions during her time with Solent and commented on looking forward to a close working relationship going forward. 8.2 SH reported on the STP emerging process particularly around governance across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and of the need to agree and understand the Trust’s role. SH explained the adoption of local delivery systems across STP and on further work and STP Board debates to be held on how systems will work. Solent NHS Trust Headquarters, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Road, Southampton, SO19 8BR Telephone: 023 8060 8900 Fax: 023 8053 8740 Website: www.solent.nhs.uk Page 2 of 9 8.3 The Board discussed STP growth values in contracts.MT queried how the Trust can achieve parity of esteem requirements AS provided explanation concerning the national tariff uplift and CCG growth allocations. SH reported on the importance of maintaining constructive relationships with commissioners. 8.4 JPi asked how the Board can be assured that the significant IT investment is worthwhile and further investment will not be required due to the STP requirements. It was noted that the IT strategy will be later presented.. SH reported that STP figures are aspirational around IT investment with the possibility of further investment needed from the STP centre. AW provided an example of where the Trust would benefit as a result of the IT STP workstream.
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