._ - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1 , 1 .~~A :s ENTERGY ""'" " " " " " * " ' " " ' ' 9 \ * . ' ' _ - . - . - . - . - . - . - _ _ R. F. Durskt W31'l-02-0151 A1.05 QA May 6, 1992 U.S. Nuclear llegulatory Commission , ' ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Subject : Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 Safety Information liooklet Gentlemen: Attache 6 for 'nforr ution and use are three copies of tho Waterford 3 booklet g April 1992 issue) entitled, " Safety Information - Plans to llelp You during Emergencies . " Copies of this booklet were recently distributed to the general public in the Waterford 3 area per the requirements of 10CFIt50 Appendix E. Please udvise if you desire additional copies. - Very truly yours, e~ mob RFil/CJT/ssf Attachment (w/o Attachment) cc: R.D. Martin, NRC Region IV 11.11. McGehoe N.S. Reynolds NRC ltesident luspectora Office f '()b ) 9205110229 920506 ADOCK 05000382 b {DR PDR _ _, Y ii ! ;f -s . , 4 4., > . ' Y . , ' % ese. +- c..- . , - .s . # , ' h, Y , , , . _9 h . ) md - . v. i ]E&YEDWW35%5. - 7s gp %$y||| - ,. e,. |[ - g! ~. '4- - s 18; i - , ** , ( l h ' a ' e?h. h a ,j4 C t -> . _d : , . _ ' '' ]5 |gt:w|v; 4[- . UR : - e %2yr %' b? E 4 .,| &p:$$yT; ole { - ou wu [w f f .- r- . A ' . p$*;.4.n Y$.by,jd' Y;%w%4~idT$9 !T[MQ";2:A%$v;am J ? J*QQ - men ;w ~ - 7 :i Q~g,5+gbyg|};) L[ .,-2 spar . ,.m - , - -.:+ u t- D:]SEi>\ .-% 'Yd 3,mh m $%mhj m$ mh4 m3 w *24 'Y > (4r ,-4. 9.t v -Qpp$ri 1.,ri--'2./.m - a ,j- - . 4 e -<ta. }pe,s ' y,, eg . .g 4 ( ht - 'F v . , - .. - ' - . I. f b- *b AU1 O , u.s ).w wu i.v 3g '- ,[ 1 Nr.' 18 .., w w. n > A;,7 9W1 ,7m?%96 - . wU4:p a .. r H p, ,g :sm; & ggo em %.a-a w;re 7; ^ niQ.)mmer-r gr , . tj|4 %uMw; ' r. ' * Q$wdhnn?w"";@,m:r'4 " we- MM@;yrP L.MTW9 9W :' y W' - "v - * . _ _ _ - - - - - ^ - ' - - ~ ^ ~ ' - - - ^ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ._ - , , . e ! . What To Do,hlf You,: Hea.r i i ; The Outddor Sirens. A. Message to j . STAY CALM. You adl ha time to take the needed- Our Neighbors and Friends steps. ' j | ' * TURN ON YOUR RADIO O TV. You wdl be told what to Your State and Pansh gosemments have prepared this j ' ' ' ' (do, , If . b:rklet to tell you what to do if there is an emergency at Water. - Fladio . WWL 870 AM 4 L'rd 3 That is not I kety to happen but you need to be prepared. ' I ! AM u can aNo m Ws booklet in ether kinds of emergencies, , , - Radio WCKW.9253 F fA k such as humcanes. tomadoes, or spilled chemicals. r I " - Radio a WADU 830 AIA94.9 tM , t. Please take the time to reaJ th<s booklet now Make s. ore that ;. - * -TV k Channels 4 WWL, GwDSU,8 WVUE,12 WYES ' i all members of your f amdy understand what n says laik it over ( ; ' and 26 WGNO $ j with your tieegnbors and inends Some of them may need your - h ' * DO NOT USE THE PHONE. The hnes are needed for help. or you may need theirs If you know someone who is t.hnd (off|cial bus.iness. 1 [ or does not read we!I. pl0ase read the booklet to them T he best * . lf you are tolif to PRk)TECT YOUR BREATHING: wayt be safe in an emergency is to know w hat to do and to he!p * | . ' ' g each other. t , ,c - Cover your nose |and rjouth with a handkerchief or Keep in:s booklet in a handy place 11 you w ant more copies of ; ', ;other cloth, j d. you may get them at one of these othces I ' ' { , .- Close the windows anj doors if you are in a budding or car. + | h * St Charles Pansh Department of Emergency Pre- - Tum off heating or cooling systems. Turn off w>ndow , ^ * paredness, Pansh Courthouse, Rner Road (Highqay i and attic f ans. * IBh Hahnydie. La. Y $ i If you are told to SHELTER IN PLACE: St. John the Baptist Parish Civil Defense. Emer. ? ' - Go inside your house o$some other budding. Y st Anne Wh. ] i y way. Laplace. L<i . y - Stay insido untd your radio or TV says you can leave * - , safely. i Louisiana Power & Light Company Distoct Othces on a 1 i Paul Ma>l:ard Road in Luhng. or at 2t00 West Airbne * ' j Turn off heahng or cookng systems. Tom off w<ndcw H.gh% in Rer,erm u .. and attic f ans. ,,. ) ' | [ - Keep your pets insidej I If there is an emergency, outdoor sirens wdl wam you When Liston to the radio ct TV f6r further adoce. y u hear the s:rens, turn on your radae or TV. They wdl then teli j , ; 4 ,, b you more about it. Please stay t ined to one of these local y < j na If you are toid to EVACUATE: , stations as long as the emergency tasts. g i Ti- Be'sure that this order $phes to your section of the a Rad *o - WWL.870 AM 3 ' '< smap inside this bookletT If it does, fol'ow the nemt , . Rad o - WCKW 92.3 F W1010 AM 1 - *i ' bleps. i ~ M . Radio - WADU430 APA94 9 FM { - Get ready to teave youI home for a few days. lf you e You can also get information about an emergency at Water. 4 * have children in !chool, they will be taken to the ; ford 3 on New Orleans radio and TV stationt ' recepdon center fcr thcar school. Meet them there. TV Channels 4.WWL. 6-WDSU,8-WVUE, ~ ^ ~ - Pack only what you wdl rIe'ed most. Take this booklet, 12 WYES and 26 WGNO y , :p clothes, medicine. babf supphes, portable radio (if uncerely, l , you have one), check 5ook and cred:t cards. ' - Turn off the bghts 'and'your household sprehances. - - Lock yt. r house, The s'ecton where you hve wdl be .. , ( ., guarded while you are ^away. # v n .- A' v * j - Use your own car if you can. Take neighbors who " Jy , 4 .A , ; | '* 7' i'd N - need a nde,if you have room. If you have no nde, ask . I 4 one of your neighbors for a nde. If you cannot do that, - (' , ' ' go to one of the pickup ooints hsted on the chart .i, ' $. inside this booklet. You Can get a ride there _- , * | - Turn on the car rad,o for information. > '* | - Go to the recephon ce'nter for your section of the J M "Ikey* Lucas, B P. (Bert) Madero, D.F, (Dan) Packer .j map. The chart inside this booklet and the r amo or TV A $$fa esPant5 hr the Baptst a gar jj wdl tell you where to go. Department Pansh Cwil Defense of Eme*gency Preparedness PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS BOOKLET, IT TELLS YOU MORE ABOUT HOW TO BE * READY FOR EMERGENCIES. L +h,. m - . - m~_.- * . 1 3 ; , - . - - - . - -, - - - - . - . _ . - - - - - - . - - - - ~ - - -- - - - - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r , Wh:t Radicti:n is htqthing a'ound you is made up of small pyticles calet atoms. The atams in some matter are ' radeosctwe" and c an s?K j to torm new matter. When l' irs happens, it g% es riff one'gr t ahed ', 'rgdiaton " This energy ca') be used to make electricity to ireat * cancer, and en other help'ut ways You in,e with rad aton all the time. and take some into FDur body every day. But sometimes you must be caWul how rnuch of ; this rtdiaton ente's your DDdy 11 the Dmount of rad. alton in the air ; Is lif 00 wou must protect yourself from it Your hoube pr some I other buiding can phen be a good shefter if l'iere is too much , ridd& tion an the air i The amount of radiation you take into your body is mea- s sr d in " millirems " Here are some enamples of what you rmive in one year, and where it comes from. * The earth and space - about 80 millirems , * Your food - about 24 millitems Most persons living in the St. Charles or St. John the C:ptist Parishes get about 100 rnillitems per year 6n these natut:1 ways. You may also get radiation in other ways. * 2 or 3 chest x rays - about 40 milltrems * The material in your house - about 34 milkrems * A coast to-coast airline flight - about 2 millitems * A color TV set - about 1 millirem Living next to a plant like Waterf ord 3 will add less than one ' milllr:m per year, ; Here is how Wateriord 3 works Uranium atoms in the ' renttor f core" split to produce heat. This heat enak es water hot enNgt to produce steam Thts steam is then used to ma Ae electrici!y in the same way electocity is made in a piant that bums coat o' 00 When the atoms in the cOf e 1.pht.
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