0 « N -* 0 '»* I 1 ^H5^^5BS5BEB^^SB5S5BB2H5^B^5^^5I^5 THE EVENING STAR. T&AYKLBBfl' DIMOTOBT^ PUBLIC ADVEETISEMENT » " "* IK A VALLCY RALTI^C?*K AND QBTO RAILROAD. R »tai » . * UN BRANCH. pOILIO OTJOB. IMIM9M^M*» usi |»t COLCXBC* V%M*r. 6*4 Tt1M ltt Ilin'ltTi 61*8 US 17B III »T»1I»T, Pablio notioa la (kit booda aod MM &2M the tun. CHANGE OF HOURS. karafcy givon U» Ifl By teum* . iUI I\V here Ik* their ooureea itlly On and oompoM UMitd, of Um d.oription karoinaAar MM m fi yeftri after SUNDAY, Norember 2Sth, 1M0, the Ml forth, hara btn abstraoted IUI 6*65 On» by one. trams will run m ioOowi : lately feloniovsJr m iu Where* river »w?ep« forever. LEAVE WASHINGTON: from tha oaatody of U« Interior DaparteMnt, Um Ml 5J53 1J6 Id ifs eo'emn might. _ mi* Um IN IliMni » «hiid fi>rcntt*ii n»«r. Pi rat tram at*JD a. m. being property of U* United States Mi "" 117 1M «be gooond Train at 7,40 a. m. hold in tract for oortaia Indian tribaa. NotMa Ma iS2 4151 Through y««r*' long fl-gfct! ' 128 tM Sieepebrlovod. yet all alone. Third train at a.10 p. m., Express. alao boon giran to Um propar o^aara of tha raayaa a * Fourth train at 6 p. ra. smip IT® 19T Id grave without a tone. BALTIMORE: Nauaiai tira gtatea to stop tha paymafct tharaof; aad all ibtK2 im In the vaLey deep! LEAVE Mci W$ . 198 First train at 4.15 a. m., Express. vuuoiicauauic poraona ara waraad acaiaat aarahaainr or raaarr- Utt U*7 L» 1M In a valley. Seoond train at 8.35 a. m. las ur of Mid bondi and ooayoaa, aa tha olaiai of iSM U48 In a valley. Third at 3.10 . m. tha United States tharato will to to tha 1M m N eet .M ewe^t a cot. Fourth a* 4.20 p. ra., Express. proMoatsd MM ftlM 137 Where the zephyr* troop and rallv The first, seoond and third trains from Wash- atmoat extent Eaok bond baiac for tha ana of oaa »»J J1W O'er the giot: ington oonneot wrought o Philadelphia and New thoaaaad dollara, nx: MSI 6000 144 U bond* Whe-e the thiok and vernal roeee 146 And th* tulip helle The second and third oonseet at Washington Six var oant Miaaoari Coiyoa Bond*, iaaaad la MM 4999 Inaeoentfd , with trains for th« West, South, and Jan* aad Aacmat, 1WT. 6199 4897 Two boa4a for Nt h. dated April, IMt. whi'pere'osea forth at for Bond No. Bond No. Jt»ry eve tii&t well* iunotioDwest; also, Annapolis Junction, State of M98 4890 ft 14 wa prarer.a rather'e prayer. For Norfolk take the t40 a. m. train. Annasolis. Miasioarl. St. Loala mad Iroa Moantail *197 For his flock abiding tftere. t or the accommodation of the way travel R R. Slate Boada. 4898 jb%r la the valley stilt: Was hi nc ton and Laurel, a passenger oarbetweenHeadache. M10 4A89 W.tu: ss& will be attached to the tonnage train whioh learea Bond No. 3037 Bond No. 1233 *»8 4888 in a valley, at 11 a- m. 1876 1837 MOT 4878 Bond No. 1183 Bond No 1IM In a valley, ifn Saturday the 3.10 p. m. train goes to By tlx un of thme Pills the periodic attaoks ot 1996 1184 1193 P'eep the myriad dead, o&:r. Philadalphialiervous or Sick Htadackt be 1833 MOB 6267 1186 Where a host made fearful tally, »o »-d T. H. PARSONS, Agent. may prevented; and 1997 1831 5309 UN A ther fled tf taken at the oommenoement of an attack 1998 1188 1195 Where they overtook the relief from pain and aioknesa will be immediate 1B30 4*1 51 boadf 1187 And the wail flying, obtained. 3008 1819 MM 1194 piercing EDUCATIONAL. aeldom fall in inn7 loio 1188 1197 Of the va= and the They removing the Namit* and " tqio qmshea dying to Kohoea atil! tbe tale ! HtadacJu whioh femalea are ao rabjeot. 1993 1809 A 1189 Ah ! 'tis lone the aod k&a oresa^H They aot gently upon the bo 1180 16 Tho«e who tell in fight unV'eat, THPSE well,.removing 1994 1817 bond. In the va'ley dark ! eeive a thoroujrti and systematic e4mo»Uo*. where Cettivetutt. 1996 1816 1191 their phywoai tra-Tiinf will receive ami »i«»cial For Littrary Mm, Stndmtt, Delicate Female*, Bond* of North Carotin*- Comfoa «x per MoC In a valley. Iteriuon, under tr* roo«< dailyayatemof and all 1891 1815 North Carolina nx oMk. T.af*y !»« 81.W* approved persona of sedentary habits, they are ' pm aoh, of loaaot irt im ia NrwYork In a valley. and GymnsTdos, Are r«*pe-otrulIy invitodCalistHemoflto aa a 1990 1814 Bond No. U olty, of tbah»4 towiac namb«ra.acd dated (Reads the orient lore.) visit the Union Fe;r«*le Academy, corner Laxative, improving the appetite, givingvaluable 1893 1813 Bo»4 No. SOS u*t W h»n the fiokle ages dally at. and New York av. Fourteenthtotm and rigor to the digestive organs, and re SS SOI Jaaaary, -1. ' 1W1 1813 M «« Nevermore! Z. »uv UdkHlBi Bold So. :i7 flood No 41ft MR. * XRS. RICHARD#. V10BL1O1»/ »UU BVICUIU1 UI U)6 1003 Save»l wil! e'&nd the child arisen, _aa 30-tf Prinoi|^!i. whole ititem. 1810 23 297 m 4i» And the prayer unl«ok 2002 1811 * 194 There the ur.cel-penpi'd priioc. I7EMALE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL The CEPHALIC PILLS are the remit » 135 *T« I mi n w 4 mr n «» r < r m of Ion* 1992 For the father's flook and 1808 T 134 »7 477 Oh ! the myriad* at the gate, investigation carefully oonduoted experiments, 200® 2031 409 tha *hali Mr*. 8. J. MoCORMfCK, r*iifCiFAL. having been in use many years, during whioh time 149 903 491 "Fought &.Ut." judgment wait, T)if tUirtMuth samic^ Lin 2005 5033 411 liithovilcy'rMfl! lunu&i of Inititutinn they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of 148 198 498 Jndticnvitl?. Fin. Ccmrter. will ociiniuenco ou Tuesday, Se,*emfcer 18th, in the and 2004 3034 41# 723 (Chnrl<ston hoioe recently oooapied by Sylvester Soott, r.sq., pain suffering from Headache, whether ongl 2001 2035 147 104 No. 1*0 King street. nating in th9H<rr<mj system or from a deranged 1999 140 » ialcft'ii MlWvtai nnb*riim*it Juatrf.iiM. CAtifol!»!a for ths i *ios.Tbe California The oourse of study pursued w,*?J « ompriseall state ofthe stomach. 20.* 143 Bond No 828 Bond No the br&nohes to a 2000 19 1278 l egislature by 3 n"*rlv two tbirda vote have requisite thorough C&dish Kd They are entirely vegetable in their aomDosttinn. 2032 143 829 and I^atin 18 ' ISM planed a eer!*a of resolution* of which the Music, French, and lA awing, ligation,ii and may be taken at all times with 2009 1828 1e a desired. perfeot safety Ml 17 830 aynoreie: following In addition to ilar scholars. Mrs. MoCor mtcs is without making any of and tk« mb 1877 1828 R'folfH hy tk« tke Stnate ronr.MT change diet, 140 It And of f)«follotriB( JfttiDarr.lM* Atftmblf, to receive a limited number of p\ pus aa IMC* cj my diiOfrttabl* taste t 1878 1829 Firat. The withdrawal & State »«C,prepared n render it taty to 139 11 Boa 1 No. 1744 Boad No XS5 of from ita hoarders. who. oonstituling a part of her aw administer tktm to children. 1879 1830 meinbenhfp and obl'?atioua In the Federal will be under Iter immediate care and s«a"*TVi-famiiy, 138 8 2891 I *_i a 1 ta * «t _%« 1880 1831 Slip i Dion, in ufo'iik e «i ii)'." uenerai ion. ifh.e will endeavor, as lar as posaiMe. to BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! 117 11 oovernment, them with the oomforU and kindlr influA'10**«urroandThe 1881 183] 1133 2892 can onlr b* nccomplised bv a surceseful resistance of Home. genuine have five signatures of Heorr C. 1882 1868 130 19 1681 30M l« the wbol« power of the United States,.Second, Rtftrene**..Rev. O«o. H. 8pa)dinc on eaoh Box. 335 101 2603 l>ecent reapect to the of the of the Norton, Rev. Dr. Elu« Sold 1883 18(59 Sill opinions people Harrifon, Rev. JL). F. Sprig*, William H. Fow!<\. by Druggists and all other Dealers in MB 101 ai of th* Bimhori iMaed 1M*. civili*»d world, aiid tL» instinct of E*^., Ed*ar Snowden, »Sm.. Edmund F. Witmer Medicines. 1884 1870 329 100 folloviac Juar;, demands that toe United Stat**»elf-pre*Tvat'.on,Government l>*., Henry Marbury, Esq., Lewie McKensio A 1885 1871 £«nd No. 3149 Bond No. 4207 Robert H. Box will be sent by mall prepaid on reaeipto MO * should use all tbe power necessary to enforce Eaa., Huuton, Kho , W. D. Wallaoh the 1880 1872 99 4ZU8 ohed :ence to its Uuk and to protect lta I Editor Eveuing ytar, Benjamin Watera, Esq.,Jaa 1887 1873 331 103 MM, 4209 Th rd. The of the State of Californiapropertywill Entwiale.Jr., Eaa.,Col. John W.Minor, Loudoun PRICE, 3ft CENTS. 332 « people BlackU'dk A. Marshall, Meaara. Cor All orders should be addressed to i 1888 1874 34fA 4210 sr,««ain a/id uphold the constitutionally' clected etuftrs.rothera. 333 28 3467 4211 cfficers of the United S»*t"a Government in all Tusce.
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