Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for the Fiscal Year Ending Nov. 30

Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for the Fiscal Year Ending Nov. 30

CASH PAYMENTS TO CORPORATIONS, ETC., 1969 - 1970 209 GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Cash paid to corporations, firms, individuals, municipalities, cities, towns and villages, arranged in alphabetical order to show the amount paid to each payee where the total payments exceed $1,000.00 for the year ended 31st March, 1970 (For Salaries, Page No. 175) Name Address Amount Name Address Amount “A" Acme Seeley Business Systems Ltd., Toronto, A & A, Toronto, Ont. $ 3,391.46 Ont. 9,388.00 Aactive Electric Co., Acme Welding & Supply Winnipeg . 1,072.21 Ltd., Winnipeg . 5,750.55 \ A E I Telecommunications Acres & Co., Ltd., H. G., Canada Ltd., Winnipeg .... 1,045.12 Niagara Falls, Ont. 99,114.37 A & H Equipment Leasing Acthim, J., Winnipeg . 1,076.18 j Co., Winnipeg . 2,186.01 Active Transfer & AIM Steel Ltd., Regina, Messenger, Winnipeg . 1,055.45 ! Sask. 2,569.56 Adams Supply Co. Ltd., A., ; A-l Sewage Services, Winnipeg . 1,102.35 St. Boniface . 1,373.50 Adams, E. H., Goodlands . 1,549.60 Abbott Clinic, Winnipeg .... 1,631.25 Adams, Ivor, Swan River .... 16,562.92 Abbott Laboratories Ltd., Adams, Lorraine, Dauphin .. 2,977.36 Montreal, Que. 5,405.05 Adams, Norman R., ’Abel & Company Canada Goodlands . 3,078.00 Ltd., Richard, Richmond Adams Store, Skownan . 5,718.56 1 Hill, Ont. 12,628.22 Adams, Walter, Portage Abelard, Schuman Canada la Prairie . 2,336.35 Ltd., Scarboro, Ont. 1,007.27 Adanac Household Supplies Aberdeen Hotel Ltd., (1968) Ltd., Winnipeg .... 31,148.26 Winnipeg . 1,359.13 Addison-Wesley Canada Abe’s Service, Plumas . 1,063.70 Ltd., Don Mills, Ont. 94,488.77 Ablecare Nursing Home Addressograph-Multigraph Ltd., Winnipeg . 10,711.85 of Canada Ltd., Toronto, Abramson, Mrs. J. A., Ont. 15,398.13 Saskatoon, Sask. 1,234.05 Addy, B. F., Winnipeg . 1,533.64 Abrey, O. E., Dauphin . 11,810.16 Administrator of the Estates Academy Cartage & of Mentally Disordered j Transfer, Winnipeg . 6,256.48 Persons, Winnipeg . 35,965.31 !Academy Films, Hollywood, Ads-Anker Data Systems Cal., U.S.A. 2,887.46 Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 1,977.15 (Accurate Glass Ltd., Advance Acoustics Ltd., Winnipeg . 19,863.83 Winnipeg . 5,949.82 Accurate Rubber Stamp & Engraving Ltd., Winnipeg 3,095.11 Advance Auction Sales Ltd., Accurate Washing Machine Winnipeg . 11,029.40 Co., Winnipeg . 3,091.46 Advance Lighting Ltd., Winnipeg . 8,688.53 Acklands Ltd., Winnipeg .... 37,882.74 Advance Sheet Metal Co., Acme Auto Supply Ltd., Ltd., Winnipeg . 3,115.73 Winnipeg . 1,617.36 Aerofoam Chemicals Ltd., Acme Bedding & Furniture Winnipeg . 1,875.43 ; Co., Winnipeg . 2,132.23 Aero Trades (Western) Acme Chrome Furniture Ltd., Winnipeg . 1,140.91 j Ltd., Winnipeg . 41,017.75 Aetna Roofing Co. Ltd., Acme Garment Co. Ltd., Winnipeg . 67,414.60 Winnipeg . 1,266.25 Agassiz Development Acme Letter Service & Corporation Ltd., Printing Ltd., Winnipeg .. 3,198.83 Winnipeg . 6,347.89 Acme Linen Supply, Agatronics Limited, Winnipeg . 5,591.73 Brampton, Ont. 10,909.14 Acme Paper Box Co. (1960) Age and Opportunity Ltd., Winnipeg . 9,471.10 Service, Inc., Winnipeg .... 30,119.00 Acme Radiator Service, Agnew Surpass Shoe Stores Winnipeg . 3,627.59 Ltd., Brandon . 2,936.87 210 CASH PAYMENTS TO CORPORATIONS, ETC., 1969 - 1970 Name Address Amount Name Address Amount Agricultural Clubs — Total 52,258.81 Altona Concrete Ltd., Altona 4,505.00 Agricultural Economics Altona Credit Union Society Research Council of Ltd., Altona . 1,079.78 Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 7,550.00 Altona Dray, Altona . 5,872.04 Agricultural and Horticul¬ Aluminum Boats & Canoes tural Societies — Total .... 150,307.48 Inc., Princeville, Que. 1,181.40 Agristeel Ltd., Minnedosa .. 3,281.28 Amalgamated Construction Agro Centre, West St. Paul 1,249.35 Company Ltd., Winnipeg .. 254,680.99 Agro Equipment, Winnipeg 2,754.42 Amco Motors (Winnipeg) Ahsanuddin, Dr. Khaja M., Ltd., Winnipeg . 13,873.85 Winnipeg . 4,219.00 American Air Filter of Aikins, MacAulay & Co., Canada Ltd., Winnipeg . 24,703.50 Montreal, Que. 6,376.09 Air Canada, Winnipeg .. 66,874.05 American Hospital Supply, Air Canada CN Credit Card Winnipeg . 19,591.28 Bureau, Winnipeg . 2,699.89 Ames and Company Ltd., Aircraft Marine Products of A. E., Winnipeg . 4,408,834.78 Canada Ltd., Don Mills, Amesco (1967) Ltd., Ont. 1,159.99 Winnipeg . 76,677.13 Akhurst-UBJ Machinery Anavets 60 Housing Inc., Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. 1,282.00 Winnipeg . 2,976.00 Albion Press Ltd., Winnipeg 1,535.79 Ancel, Caroline J., Sydney Albo Bros. Ltd., Winnipeg 1.225.91 Mines, N.S. 1,539.94 Alcohol Education Service, Anderson, Frank, Ashem .. 25,520.88 Winnipeg . 36,030.00 Anderson, Gordon R., Alcoholism Foundation of Winnipeg . 1,368.67 Manitoba, Winnipeg . 281,040.00 Anderson, Harvey, The Pas 1,630.93 Alfonson Color Centre Ltd., Anderson, J. S., Winnipeg .. 1,906.90 Winnipeg ... 6,496.03 Anderson, Oswald George Alford, Verna A., Winnipeg 1.714.26 & Anderson, Elizabeth, All Canadian Restaurant, Winnipeg . 1,482.11 Gladstone . 3.269.92 Anderson, Rachel, The Pas .. 3,274.50 Allan Lyone Ltd., Winnipeg 7,849.75 Anderson, Roy, Pitney . 1,748.00 Allan’s Auto Glass Ltd., Anderson’s House of Winnipeg . 4,624.90 Orthopedic Appliances Allard, Albert Joseph, Ltd., Winnipeg . 7,011.68 Winnipeg . 1,031.97 Andrews, Brian, Brandon 1,313.77 Allard Motors (1959) Ltd., Andreychuk, David L., Dauphin . 16,643.67 Dauphin . 1,167.81 Allards Shopping Centre, Andries, Iris L., Brandon .. 1,111.58 The Pas . 3,152.72 Andries, Richard A., Allden, R. T., Winnipeg . 1,443.02 Grand Rapids . 1,235.00 Allen, R. T., Morden . 1.458.27 Andrieshyn, M. G., Allen, Theo K., Thornhill .... 1,791.21 Fisher Branch . 1.383.65 Allen & Son Ltd., Thomas, Andrusiak, E. Frances, Don Mills, Ont. 5,003.00 Galesburg, Ill., U.S.A. 1,692.74 6.106.65 Allen’s Cafe, Strathclair .... 1,647.25 Andrychuk, Steve, Barrows .. Allied Building Service Angelica Uniforms Canada Ltd., Montreal, Que. 20,180.35 (1962) Ltd., Winnipeg .... 120,049.39 1,000.00 Allied Chemical Canada Ltd., Anglican Centre, Winnipeg .. Angus (Canada) Ltd., Winnipeg . 592,290.81 15,767.50 Allied Education Council, George, Toronto, Ont. Angus School of Commerce Galien, Mich., U.S.A. 3,237.55 Ltd., Winnipeg . 2,018.65 Allied Farm Equipment, Annin Flag Company Ltd., Winnipeg . 2,852.97 Toronto, Ont. 1,920.97 Allison, W. S., Portage la Annuities — Total . 1,959,186.02 Prairie . 1,332.81 Anthes Western Ltd., Allmar Distributors Ltd., Winnipeg . 6,319.55 Winnipeg . 18,056.16 Anthony, B., Winnipeg . 1,561.85 Allyn & Bacon Inc., Anton, Wilbur, Matlock .... 2,084.16 Rockleigh, N.J., U.S.A. 2,305.85 Antosko, A., Rorketon . 1,275.30 Allmassy, Eleanor, Winnipeg 1,521.42 Apeco of Canada Ltd., Alonsa Hotel, Alonsa . 1,061.30 Toronto, Ont. 3,899.94 Alsip’s Brick, Tile & Lumber Apex Well Drilling & Company Ltd., Winnipeg .. 6,477.41 Supply Ltd., Winnipeg .... 1,906.15 CASH PAYMENTS TO CORPORATIONS, ETC., 1969 - 1970 211 Name Address Amount Name Address Amount Applied Hydraulics Co., Ash Temple Ltd., Toronto, Winnipeg . 1,681.40 Ont. 7,107.06 Aradi, Carole A., Winnipeg .. 1,557.31 Ashton, Margaret C., Arason, Bryan, Cypress Minnedosa . 1,723.70 River . 3,800.83 Asper & Co., Winnipeg . 1,506.68 Arborg Credit Union Assiniboine Gordon Hotel, Society, Arborg . 3,000.00 The, Winnipeg . 9,442.46 Arborg Dept. Store, Associate Medical Clinic, Arborg . 1,223.57 The Pas . 19,704.51 Arbuthnot Audio Electronics Associated Anaesthetists of Ltd., Winnipeg . 1,360.49 Winnipeg, Winnipeg . 1,169.84 Arcadia Nursing Home, Associated Architects for Winnipeg . 48,581.65 the Manitoba Cultural Arctic Radio Corp. Ltd., Centre, Winnipeg . 51,387.33 CFAR, Flin Flon . 1,266.30 Associated Winnipeg Taxis Argue, C. N., Mather . 1,579.22 (CM), Winnipeg . 67,809.91 Argyle - Lome - Somerset Association of Kinsmen Weed Control District, Clubs, Winnipeg . 2,000.00 Winnipeg . 2,500.00 Association for Retarded Argyle Transfer, Argyle .... 1,090.98 Children, Winnipeg . 15,2b9.40 Armco Drainage and Metal Products of Canada Atchison Construction Ltd., Ltd., Winnipeg . 434,252.33 Pipestone . 31,047.93 Armishaw, George Keith, Atco Industries Ltd., Winnipeg . 74,802.80 Calgary, Alta. 5,569.75 Armstrong Securities Ltd., Atco (Western) Ltd., Graham, Winnipeg . 4,289.82 Calgary, Alta. 95,487.60 Armstrong Instant Printing Athletes Wear Company House, Winnipeg . 5,029.91 Ltd., Winnipeg . 20,139.14 Armstrong, R. M., Winnipeg 3,918.84 Atkinson, M. T., Durban .... 2,141.20 Armstrong & Taylor, Atkinson, Ray G., Portage Winnipeg . 147,830.50 la Prairie . 2,504.39 Amason Construction Atlas Alloys, Winnipeg . 62,178.83 Company Ltd., Winnipeg .. 197,429.05 Atlas Copco Canada Ltd., Amason Funeral Service, Dorval, Que. 1,731.87 Ashem . 1,956.50 Atlas-Graham Industries Arndt, Diane G., Winnipeg .. 1,516.51 Ltd., Winnipeg . 4,006.53 Arndt, R. H., Winnipeg .... 1,641.57 Atlas Wrecking Co. Ltd., Arne’s Welding Ltd., Winnipeg . 1,143.45 Winnipeg . 17,489.87 Atomic Energy of Canada Amett Co., Ltd., Winnipeg .. 7,829.08 Ltd., Pinawa . 2,861.91 Arnold Brothers Transport Atomic Press Co., Winnipeg 15,027.52 Ltd., Winnipeg . 51,799.02 Augustine Bros. Ltd., Lac Amott, Glenn A., Winnipeg 1,416.45 du Bonnet . 2,756.92 Amt, Harold, Manitou . 1,185.99 Austfjord, Olafur Sigurdur, Aroline Boat Co. Ltd., Winnipeg . 1,200.00 Winnipeg . 5,361.91 Austford, V. Mundy, Arpin and Company, Winnipeg . 1,177.85 Winnipeg .. 22,015.20 Austman, H. H., Winnipeg .. 1,568.27 Arpin, Maurice J., Winnipeg 2,903.85 Autocomp Inc., Bethesda, Art Book Bindery & Md., U.S.A.

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