Upcoming Events…… The Shofar November: 2 Family Shabbat Service 7 PM 4 Turn you clock back!! 6 Sisterhood Board Meeting 10 AM 7 Brotherhood Board Meeting 7:30 PM 10 Peter Yarrow Concert 7 PM 11 Jewish Film Festival at TBEI 2 PM 13 Sisterhood General Meeting 12:30 PM Temple Beth El Israel 14 Temple Board Meeting 7:30 PM 551 SW Bethany Drive 18 Congregation Meeting 2 PM Port St Lucie, FL 34986 20 Brotherhood General Meeting 1 PM phone 772-336-2424 21 Interfaith Service - Details inside fax 772-336-7133 27 Fundraising Committee Meeting 7:30 PM November 2018 28 Ritual Committee Meeting 7:30 PM CHESHVAN / KISLEV 5779 From the Desk of Rabbi Bruce Benson Rabbi that’s our key word for the month ofתודה - Bruce Benson Thanks President November. There is much going on to be thankful for. Tobi Rettig Don’t underestimate the power of thanks. How good does 1st Vice President it feel when someone simply says “thank you” for your volun- Linda Chazin teer work, your help or any mitzvah you add to the mitzvah 2nd Vice President bank of our world. Sue Schlein November 3rd we are beginning our re-JEW-vination pro- Treasurer gram to share Judaism and our thanks for all it gives us with Sue Klatch our treasures - our post b’nai mitzvah youth, going to Univer- Financial Secretary sal Studios in Orlando for an evening of horror and scariness. Faith Krumenacker (No - it’s not the night before their b’nai mitzvah service again). Recording Secretary Fran Cooper Wednesday November 21 at 7:00, we once again come together to share our thanks with our brothers and sisters from different faith communities at our Commu- Corresponding Secretary Sue Schwartz nity Interfaith Service, this year held at Faith Congregational Church, 2199 SW Sisterhood President Savona Blvd. Hopefully, many of you will be able to fill our blue bags this year, do- Ruth Siegel nated through the kindness of Dignity Memorial Chapels which will be available Brotherhood President during the first week of November. Again, our combined children’s choir will sing Marc Ginsberg the “Turkey song” and we will respond: “Hurray, hurray, hurray” as we give Board of Directors: thanks for all our blessings. But, by Chanukah we quite often forget our blessings ( ברכות( Lydia Bauman Ray Feldman Your officers and board are working very hard to bring programming we can Dorothy Janin be proud of that will enlighten and entertain us as well as help us raise money to fi- Naomi Saphire nancially sustain us on our journey. It is important that we support these events as Richard Schnabolk without them, we must turn to our congregation to raise these needed funds. Why Andre Tarraf not support the temple and have a great night out at the same time? Past President: On November 10 at the Lyric theater, we are presenting internationally known Harvey Levy PETER YARROW from PETER, PAUL and MARY. Through the amazing efforts of Tobi Rettig, this event brings us not only enormous pride, but a chance to dra- matically help our financial bottom line. Please - spread the word, buy a ticket and come to a great night out. I look forward to seeing you there as it will be a GREAT night for us. Check the Shofar and all of our media resources for upcoming events as there are some wonderful events planned for this year. Give thanks for our temple commu- nity and be an active participant. Rabbi B The President’s Communication Corner ……………… October has been a great month! So much happened! First there was our potluck dinner followed by a Simchat Torah service and the consecration of our newest religious school students. Welcome, Zach- ary Birch Farragut, Aaron Birch Farragut, and Briana Zeff. And speaking of religious school students, mazel tov to Ayden Adar on becoming a bar mitzvah and Marisa Roth on becoming a bat mitzvah. From consecration to b’nai mitzvah, we are so proud of our students! Another group I want to recognize is our new members who we officially welcomed with a special Shabbat in their honor. We look forward to their participation as members of our TBEI family. What tests our knowledge while providing a ton of fun? The answer: Trivia. A great time was had by all who attended our Trivia Night last month. Moving on to this month, please join us at the Peter Yar- row concert November 10. Not only will it be a fun and musical evening, but part of the proceeds will be donated to Operation Respect, an organization that works to help create bully-free environments for children and youth. In addition to having fun, we have many opportunities to learn: the Adult Education series, Torah Study on Saturday mornings, adult B’nai Mitzvah class, and Brotherhood and Sisterhood speakers to name just a few. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Speaking of decisions, this month is our semi-annual Congregation meeting when we decide who will be our congregation’s representatives on the Nominating Committee. The meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 18 at 2:00 p.m., and a quorum is necessary to conduct business. Be sure to check out the many upcoming events listed in the Shofar each month. The temple offers something for everyone. Find your “something” and I’ll see you there…. Tobi Rabbi Benson’s Cell Phone Number is: 561-601-8294 Our officer’s phone numbers: Tobi Rettig ~ President 340-4372 Linda Chazin ~ First Vice President - Membership 871-1205 Sue Schlein ~ Second Vice President 878-0717 Sue Klatch ~ Treasurer 336-7175 Faith Krumenacker ~ Financial Secretary 343-7639 Fran Cooper ~ Recording Secretary 873-4679 Sue Schwartz ~ Corresponding Secretary 343-0991 Ruth Siegel ~ Sisterhood President 631-6200 Marc Ginsberg ~ Brotherhood President 609-377-1902 Let’s greet and make visitors (and our own mem- bers) feel welcome when they come to services, in Help support the Temple………… the social hall, after services or after special events. By participating in our Invite people you don’t know to sit with you and get to know the people that come to our Temple. programs and fund-raisers Saving seats in the Social Hall for the people we already know is not the way to meet and get to know our fellow congregants and guests. 2 SISTERHOOD NEWS Happy November, Our first meeting in October had about 50 people to hear from The League of Women Voters on upcom- ing Florida Amendments. Participation is growing. Come join us! Busy month for sponsored Onegs as well as 2 Bar and Bat Mitzvahs! Judaica Gift Shop has received the Enjoyment Books for the new Season.. $35.00 Get yours now. November looks to be another busy month for Onegs. It's not too late to reserve one for your "special oc- casion". Birthday, Anniversary, etc. Only $75.00. The November meeting will include a representative from Indian River State College explaining classes available. Snowbirds are starting to arrive. Do you know anyone you would like to invite to our services that are new to the area? Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Ruth Siegel You can sponsor your special occasion with your friends, fellow congregants and/or relatives at an Oneg on a Friday Night at TBEI. For a minimum of $75 you can celebrate your special event. Two weeks prior notice would be greatly appreciated. Can you spare an hour a month to help set-up the Oneg on Friday mornings? The Sisterhood needs volunteers . If you’re available let Ruth know. ✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥ ♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿ The New Enjoyment Books are here They are on sale in the Judaica Shop $35 Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 12:30 pm $35 The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman Our next Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting December’s Book is: November 18th at 2 PM Uncovered by Leah Lax We will be selecting a For more information please contact: Nominating Committee Hermas Grayless or Maryann Polk 3 BROTHERHOOD NEWS : Greetings TBEI Members, The Brotherhood had a great first luncheon meeting on October 16th. I want to extend a big thank you to George from Aycock for the wonderful lunch which was provided by Ay- cock Funeral Homes. Our guest speaker told us about the upcoming amendment questions on the November ballot. It was eye opening to learn how the process was created and the expla- nation of the ballot questions. Next month at 1 pm on Tuesday, November 20th our guest speaker will be Mary Craig from the Council on Aging. She will explain all the different organizations and benefits that seniors are able to receive. Lunch will be provided. Lastly, on Friday, December 7th at 5:30 pm we will be holding our annual Chanukah Dinner in the Flax Social Hall. Tickets are available at the Temple office. Congregants are $10 and children under 10 are free. Tickets must be purchased no later than December 3rd. For more information about what’s happening in the Temple check out the flyers JOIN US ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH AT 7 PM PETER YARROW CONCERT AT THE LYRIC THEATRE IN STUART Ritual Committee Report ~ ~ We have members from all branches of Judaism at TBEI and with this in mind, at the Ritual Com- mittee meeting on October 24th we arrived at the following suggestions after a long discussion about suitable attire at services. It is our hope to teach our children, by example, to distinguish a social event from a religious service. The committee decided to re-establish appropriate attire for accepting honors or aliyot on the bema. For example: Blouses or dresses covering the shoulders Shirts with collars on men Tallit optional for an Aliyah Shorts should not be worn at religious services It is the committee’s desire to teach our children and families respect and appreciation for the ho- liness of the sanctuary.
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