1-TENNESSEE TOWN & CITY/OCTOBER 13, 2008 www.TML1.org 6,250 subscribers www.TML1.org Volume 59, Number 17 October 13, 2008 TML Fall Board meeting Federal preemption looming on cell towers The Federal Communications of Counties (NACo), and the Na- The proposal ignores local zon- Commission (FCC) is fast-tracking tional Association of Telecommuni- ing procedures, such as the need to a proposal that, if adopted, will ef- cations Officers and Advisors notify area residents, scheduling and fectively preempt local zoning of (NATOA) have filed joint comments notice requirements for municipal cellular towers. in opposition to the petition submit- meetings, the fact that zoning bodies Among other things, the pro- ted from CTIA, The Wireless Asso- don’t meet daily or weekly, and posed declaratory ruling (WT ciation. people’s ability to appeal decisions Docket 08-165) requested by the In their statements, the organi- from, for example, a zoning com- cellular telephone industry would zations stressed that the FCC’s pro- mission to a board of zoning appeals implement a 45 and 75 day “shot posed action directly violates the or to a city council. In fact, the clock” for municipalities to act on Telecommunications Act Congress FCC’s deadlines provide incentives local zoning applications concerning passed in 1996 which preserves lo- for cell companies to delay and ap- the siting of cellular towers. cal zoning of cell towers and di- peal zoning matters within a munici- Municipalities would have 45 rected the FCC to dismiss proceed- pality so as to ensure that a deadline days to approve applications to col- ings that would have restricted local is not met. locate antennas on existing towers zoning of cell towers. The proposal also ignores the and structures and 75 days to ap- The proposed rule is contrary to wide variation in 35,000 municipali- prove new cellular towers and an- Congress’ findings in the 1996 act ties nationwide, and the fact that tennas. If municipalities fail to act on that said that the time for municipali- each cell tower zoning application is the application within the prescribed ties to act on cellular zoning requests unique. Complex or contentious ap- time periods, then approval of appli- are the “generally applicable time plications may take more than 75 Photo by Victoria South cations would automatically be frames for zoning decisions,” taking days to resolve. This is particularly Tommy Pedigo, Sparta mayor and TML district director, confers with granted. into account the “nature and scope the case for cell towers in residential Tom Beehan, Oak Ridge mayor and TML president, at the Tennes- The National League of Cities of each request,” and without giving areas where it takes time to conduct see Municipal League’s Fall Board meeting. The Office of Opens (NLC), U.S. Conference of Mayors “preferential treatment” to the cellu- the engineering studies necessary to Records Counsel, unfundated mandates, and legislative issues to (USCM), the National Association lar industry. See FCC on Page 4 be addressed during the 106th General Assembly were among the agenda items discussed. See Page 6 for more meeting photos. Festivals:celebrating the heritage TACIR completes study of Tennessee’s towns and cities on PC 1101 growth law BY VICTORIA SOUTH TML Communications Coordinator Ten years after passage of Pub- passed in 1998 as a result of the lic Chapter 1101, the state’s com- “Tiny Towns” issue the previous From mules to strawberries, prehensive growth policy, decision two years, the commission has been Tennessee loves to celebrate and as makers with the Tennessee Advi- at the forefront of PC1101 decisions small town festivals increase in sory Commission on Intergovern- and has been the go-to for study on popularity across the U.S., they mental Relations (TACIR) say it is the issues, including a number of have become larger and more elabo- time to let local government officials bills assigned to TACIR by the legis- rate each season to meet the growing decide their own futures on the is- lature during the past few years. entertainment needs of the 21st cen- sue. The approval of the report is a tury. The full commission in mid Sep- signal that TACIR members agree No longer billed as backyard tember voted to adopt the findings of that the agency’s studying of the act bazaars, attendance may morph a special working group charged is complete. It also opens the door rather quickly with cities of all sizes during the past year with determin- for potential amendments to hosting anywhere from 8,000 to ing whether the intent and goals of PC1101, unless the legislature asks 650,000 attendees each year requir- the legislature have been fulfilled for TACIR’s services again. ing strong emphasis on manage- with the passage of PC1101. Addi- During the first five to six years ment, operations, funding, market- tionally, the work group was asked after passage of the act, most em- ing, and trends in the hospitality to identify those parts of the act that phasis among all governments was industry. need strengthening, clarifying or to comply with the requirements to Certainly items such as location, otherwise amending based on the have an approved growth plan and permits, sponsors and insurance are experiences of its members. create the required Joint Economic top considerations when planning a The 21-page report draws a & Community Development Board festival followed by programming, Photo by Tom Raymond, Fresh Air Photographics number of conclusions about the (JECDB). The consensus was that production requirements, vending, growth policy and makes recom- the new law should be given time to and manpower (volunteers) to help Small town festivals are increasing in size and popularity throughout mendations for improvements and work, so amendments to the com- run the whole thing. Yet, seasoned the nation and becoming more industrialized in response to growth. possible legislative amendments to prehensive growth act were de- See FESTIVALS on Page 3 Doc McConnell performs at the Jonesborough Storytelling Festival. the act. Because of the working ferred. group’s makeup, the recommenda- David Connor, executive direc- tions lean strongly toward additional tor of the Tennessee County Com- Sparta web site wins top awards planning requirements at the county missioners Association, and Chad “Bluegrass USA” is finding its and city level. Jenkins, deputy director of the Ten- way onto the map, physically and At the top of the list of conclu- nessee Municipal League, addressed online. The bluegrass-themed Web sions was a note about the signifi- the commission as did Rick Emmett site that was designed and developed cant decline in the number of annex- with the city of Knoxville. for the city of Sparta has earned ation bills introduced in the General Following the presentations to three new international awards for Assembly since the act’s passage. the committee, Mayor Tommy design and creativity. More impor- The act is generally considered to Bragg of Murfreesboro made a mo- tantly, say city officials, it is drawing have been most successful at defus- tion to accept the report of the work- visitors and interest to the town. ing annexation and incorporation ing group and draw the decade long The site, located at battles between cities and counties involvement of TACIR with the www.spartatn.com, was designed and amongst individual cities. growth law to a close. The commis- and developed for Sparta by Because of TACIR’s role in the sion approved the motion. WDStone & Associates of implementation of PC1101 when it See TACIR on Page 7 Cookeville. The three awards includes: • Best in Category in the 7th Annual Horizon Interactive Awards Capitol Steps booked competition. The site was chosen as the top government site over entries for Annual Conference from larger cities and the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. The city of Sparta has earned three international awards for the • Silver Award in the creative design and creativity of the city’s web site. Check out what everyone segment of the Summit International is raving about at www.spartatn.com. Awards competition. The site was achievement. site has been a tremendous tool in ranked among the best in a group of Sparta Mayor Tommy Pedigo terms of tourism and creating thousands of submissions from 25 said the awards are just another ex- awareness of the city. It’s full of countries. Awards were distributed ample of Sparta being recognized as information for residents, visitors based on the findings of an interna- a great place to visit. “We already and potential newcomers, and the tional panel of judges. knew the town was a wonderful creative design makes it attractive • Communicators Award of place to visit,” he said. “Now, folks and easy to use.” Distinction for projects that exceed are recognizing that our web site is a The site’s design is based on the industry standards in quality and wonderful place to stop by, too. The See SPARTA on Page 4 Commuter bus service eases pain at the pumps BY VICTORIA SOUTH Wal-Mart Monday through Friday at $1.75 for seniors 65 and over with Communications Coordinator 5:45 a.m. or 6:30 a.m. and buses children four and under free. Pas- make two stops to pick up commut- sengers also have the option of pay- Morning commuters in Sumner ers at the Kohl’s Department Store ing $60 for a 20-ride pass. County now have a less costly and off New Shackle Island Road in The state of Tennessee and more relaxing alternative to get to Hendersonville at 6:05 and 6:50 a.m. Vanderbilt University offer their downtown Nashville, the RTA Relax The service is not available on employees free bus transportation, & Ride bus service, a joint venture weekends or holidays.
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