
'^»C' «. •' V-. ''•. ATBBAOB DAILY OIBOCLATION t H B W B A t e n i m far U Hontk of.Septmiber. IBU rw e e e e td f v . & Ww OmtI 5,571 Hertford ~ \ Member of lh«'Audit", y ’’ Fair toirisbt and Setorday; SloiT' IhueMi of OhviilatioiM ly rloliif temperature, ^ * e ^ VOL. LV„NO. 22. U'lassifled Adrertlalnc on Face lA ) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY^ OCTOI 1935. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTD / •- BRITAIN’S KING MAY QUIZ STATE Townsend Pension Advocates Hold Convention REGRETS WAR OFHCIAL ABOUT BU CK ARMY MARCHES ACT BY ITALY HIS PURCHASES TO BAHLE FOR HARAR Message Adjoarning Parlia­ Unnamed Trustee of An In­ Selassie’s Crack T roo ]^ ment Expresses Concern stitution Likely to Be First Wiar Situation at Glance || ' Move to Meet Italian Ad­ at Crisis; Sees Need of Air Questioned in New Inves­ By ASSOCIATED I’KESS » Emperor Haile Solas.sle expressed ! The King of England, proroguing increased C4>nftflence in the ability of * vance m Southern Ethi­ Force Expanding. tigation. Parliament, be.spoke his "grave.st his soldiers to withstand the Italian i challenge. concern" over the situation In Romo reported the occupation on opia — Warring Empire Africa. ~ the southern front of Gelodi and London. O ct 29.— ( A P )— KIhr: Hartford, Oct. 2 9 .- /A P ) — The To the shrieks (ind sobs of their "various vllliieeH". on the banks 4if ^G«orge expressed ‘‘gravdat concern’ unnamed trustee of a state Institu­ women and with flTo Wrs.sing nf the .^liibeli river, Takes No Interest in Eo- tion reported to have sold articles ^ver the Italo-Elhloplan crfsfs today their church on their colors. 12.000 A R«*uters lUntiRh) dispatch snlil to It may l^e the first to be ques­ wcll-equippetl Et ht«*pian soldter.s an address on prorogatlon^f the more than ;ibo bomb.s were dropped rope’s Diplomatic Game— tioned in the state’s investigation of movofl from Marar to the stnilhern by Italian fliers on (labradnrre, (not eighth parliament of his re!gn\ nurchases by state in.stitutlorw and front. shown on mapHi wounding seven Domestically, he noted the kthg- departmerlts. Premier Mus.snlinl announced he Klliioplan soldiers. Nasubi Reports Enemy’s dom’s "further considerable a^ The sub-committee of three ap- would withdraw 15.000 sokllers from Peace talk wa.< heard In Paris, vance toward * prosperity" In a olntod by Governor Cro'ss vester- Libya, the. re-enforcement of whose Say to conduct the ifKiuiry for the LiflTlon and Rome, but it was in­ speech which was read by Lord State Board of Finance and Control defense annoyed Great Britain; definite and vague. Expenditure of Bombs Is Hailsham before the assembled will meet Monday, at 10 a. m.. ^ in Houses of Commons and' Lords. the office of Attorney-General Ed­ Ineffective— Have Killed The address Included the para­ ward J. Daly, chairman. Tax Coni- THEORY WRONG, graph which appears in all the rnis.sioncr William H. Hackett will King’s peace-time speeches; return then from a western trip. CHEMIST DIES LIFE IMPRISONMENT Only Six in Shibeli Region Relations Friendly" Comptroller Charles C. Swartz is "My relations with foreign powers the third member of the comn>lttec. continue to be friendly." E.xtent Not Indicated Five thousand adherents to the Townsend old age pension plan assembled- In'4he-'-<'hit'ag<> hotel ballroom Amateur Tries To Immunize FORMRS.SCUELER — Capture of Villages Referring to the Italo-Ethioplan How far the committee wilf go In where they are holding a Nalioual convention to discuss their campaign for th e'11136 elections. Although Self FVom I’oison, liut ^Ilis crisis, the speech said: ‘The critical mo.st of the delegates are between 50 and 80 years of age, they have all the e n th u s ia s m y o u th and the ses­ Its probe of su.spected favoritism in Plan Just Doesn’t Work. situation which has unhappily arisen the awarding of contracts and 'in sions are lively. There Not Rensted. between Italy and Ethiopia has the sale of staple, standard articles aroused by gravest concern. remained speculative today. Denver, Oct. 25. — (AP) — Bridgeport Woman Is Found /"From the moment that dispute But if preliminary evidence indi­ Robert B. Legerton, 21-ycar-old By Thn Aaaoclatml Preaa ' occurred between khe two countries cates abuses in the present pur­ transient camp re.sideni and Guilty of Killing Her Young With their women behind, shriek- as a result of a frontier incident in chasing methods Mr. Daly Is under­ NO FANFARE AS WALKER lo u iz m a n c h a r g e d amateur chemist, had a theory December of last year,'m y govern­ stood to be prepared to go the limit police believe he covild immune Ing, singing, crying and with tha ment have exerted themselves to in bringing out the facts. him.self to poison by taking Step-Daughter. blcs.slngs of their church on their the utmost, both Individually and in No time v.iU be lost in getting at gradually increa.sed doses. colors, 12,000 of Haile SelaJuie's ‘ co-operation with other states, the facts, Mr. Daly said today. The He died in an ambulance last members of the League of Nations, committee will operate secretly, re­ BOARDS SHIP FOR HOME! night. smartest warriors swept southward to promote a peaceful lettlcment. porting periodically to the board Detectives Thomas I.^dy and Bridgeport. Oct. 25.— (A P )—A from the city of Harar today to "To my regret, these persistent which may record the reports in its Andrew Haze .said they iliscov- life term at the Connecticut State meet Italy's challenge to their king­ records which are available to the endeavors did not avail to prevent a Woman Confesses She Aided cred poison capsules in his prison for women In Nlantlc faced dom. public. pocket and transient camp resource to force, and my govern- Jimmy Assumes Role of Dig- HOLC HAS BECOME 25-ycar-old Ada Mildred Schuelcr of Ahead, moved 2.000 cAmeJs laden mrat have loyally supported the ef­ No Intent To Embarrass friends of the dead youth told Mr. Daly indicated he has no In­ in Robbing House Party, Stamford, today. with munitions snd supplies. Be­ forts of the League of Nations with them he had claimed he could hind came Infantry, cavalry and a view to restoration of peace and tention of "embarras.sing" anyone prove by experiment that it was A jury in Superior Court here unnecessarily, but he feels it is time nily As He Concludes En-‘ RENTING LANDLORD anti-aircraft corps, Al welt equip­ achievement of an equitable settle­ possible to build immunity to found her guilty of second degree the state know how its money wa.s Says Man Murdered Ail. murder late yesterday In connection ped and all ready to strike back at ment in the spirit of the covenant.” spent on the purchase of suppliers poison by taking graduated the soldiers of Rome. Air Expansion ropean Hideout; To Reach ___ doses. with the death of her nine-year-old and whether it was getting its step-daugnter. Marilyn. All Ethiopia, plateau and desert Reviewing the recent steps for money’s worth. expansion of the British Air force, Seattle, Oct. 25, lA P )- Defiant Judge John Rufus Booth heeded and deep jungle alike, echoed to tha The attorney-general is an advo­ New York on October 31. Sells Some Foreclosed State’s Attorney William H. Com- tom-tofns of war, unaware mostly the King said: cate of competitive bidding on all and elose-lipped. Leo Hall, 33, re- "While my government have not leys request for an Immediate sen­ and sccmluKly unconcerned about staple and standard products that dsted questioning conrerning a POLICE QUESTION tence and said: the talk of peace that was gaining ceased and will not cease their con­ may ho purchased in this manner at Homes, Fixes Others Up mass murder my.slery to<!ay after tinuing efforts to promote limitation PcHilhampton. Eng.. Oct. 25. "The verdict leave® the court no more assurance among the diplo­ a sa\dng to the state. authorltiea said he had been Impli­ alternative. I therefore sentence mats of Europe's capitals. *■“ and reduction by international fAT’ ) A slrnder, energetic, little cated In the crime by the confes­ SCHULTZ’S WIDOW •this woman to Uie Connecticut Paris Ruroors agreement of all forms of arma­ man moved slowly up a crowded and Gets Tenants. sion of a woman. State Prison for Women for the ment, It has been found impossible There was a Paris account that gangplank of the liner Manhattan Sheriff William B. Soveryns said balance of her life." to postpone further expansion of the Mrs. Larry Poulos, 28-ycar-old beer said Mussolini, holding forth a ten., CANCER CONTROL early today as the rhlp lay wrap­ During the trial, which began on tattve olive bronc^, was ready to Royal Air force to a strength which Washingtfn, Oct. 25.- ZAP) - The narlor waitress, had signed a con- Thursday of last week, the defenso will enable it to fulfill its vital du­ ped In a deep fog. I fcsKlon accusing the former boxer concede BHtain‘a right to mass ttk government emphasized today that Gang Leader ^Dies from did not attempt to den)^ that Mrs. ties in pational and Imperial de­ No band played "Will You Love I and dry dock worker of killing six Schueler, in a fit of rage, beat Mari­ fleet in the Mediterranean . even fense; and the program necessary NEW HEALTH PLAN Me In December As You Did In It would be lenient with its home nersons at a gay house party on Er- though he has ordered IB,000 of bis Is- lyn to death in the kitchen of the to give effect to this has now been M ay?" There were no cheers.
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