^ty-v?*^'*• ~ -' ^ 1' \r"' ", ^fek. "" ' ' - 1 V**;- v/,"< • ' - ' " •.? THE PRESS : THE PRESS «8r A Home Town Paper For JiKff " " '* " An Institution Which Works Home Town For Community Adr Folks. vancement. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. '• V-^, ." The "Press" Covers More Than Twenty-Two Suburban Districts, Combining a Population of Over Thirty Thousand Between Hartford & Springfield ,; FORTY-FIFTH YEAR— NO. 7. THOMPSONVILLE, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1924 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY 5e PRETTY NUPTIAL PLAYGROUNDS * YESTERDAY IN ST. ARE INSPECTED Commencement Program PATRICK'S CHURCH BY COMMITTEE District Ends Year Miss Mae E. Denham Is In the Hope of Extend­ Of Enfield High School Bride of William A. ing the Work So As To Annual Accounting of the Officers of the Thomp- Mills Before A Large Provide More Baseball Study It Graduation Week Which Begins Monday, June Gathering of Friends sonville Fire and Sewer District is Being Pre­ Diamonds For Young VERY taxpayer, in fact ev­ 23rd Will Be A Busy One For the Class of 1924 pared For the Annual Meeting of the Electors and Relatives. Men of the Town. ery citizen, should read the —An Important Event For Each Day—Wed­ E new zoning ordinance, the of the District Which Will Be Held Thursday A pretty early June wedding took Spurred on by the possibility of the j text of which is published com­ nesday Night Will Be the Outstanding Occas- place yesterday morning at 9 o'clock plete in this issue. It becomes Evening, June 26—District Debt Reduced To young men of the town having more | operative, without further ac­ sion When the Graduation Exercises Will Take in St. .Patrick's Church when Miss time than usual to play' during the j tion of the citizens, immediately $2,000 During Past Fiscal Year. Mae E. Denham, daughter of Mr. and next few weeks, the playground com-1 Place In the Franklin Theatre. mittee is making an extra effort to • following the public hearing, Mrs. William C. Denham of 7 Asnun- June 30th, hence the importance provide additional ball grounds in j The largest class in the history of The fiscal year of the Thompson- ~ tuck street, became the bride of Wil­ the town. The committee has al- j of reading and studying its text ville Fire and Sewer District closed j At Cleveland liam A. Mills, son of Mrs. Nellie ready engaged the Park Avenue | before that meeting. Enfield High School will graduate Largest Ever this week and the annual report of j C. Mills of 58 Thompson Court. The grounds for the use of the young during the week beginning June 23. ceremony was performed by the pas­ men in the northern section of the The entire week will be occupied with the officers of the District is now be-. tor, Rev. Daniel J. O'Connor, who al­ HE largest class in the his­ T the first session of the village. Tuesday afternoon the mem­ exercises in connection with the tory of the Enfield High "ing prepared. The financial condi­ Republican National Con­ so celebrated the nuptial mass in the bers inspected the south end play­ CAPT. HIGGINS tion of the District as compiled by ! presence of a large assembly of rela­ graduation. During this week also School will be graduated the A vention at Cleveland Tues­ grounds in the hope of being able to Tweek beginning June 23rd. The Secretary-Treasurer Laurence T. j day Miss Isabella Alcorn of this tives. and friends. lay out a base ball diamond for the the Junior High School graduation _Downey, will show that the total re-1 The bride was attended by her sis­ names of the graduates, togeth­ town, who is an alternate dele­ larger boys and not interfere with HONOR GRADUATE will take place. I er with the list of the honor •ceipts of the district, including the ' gate from this congressional ter, Miss Kathryn Denham, as brides­ the regular work of the playgrounds. The following is the program of balance on hand last year of $2,387.- maid and the best man was Charles students will be published in district, took part in the pro­ After a thorough examination of the events for graduation week: Monday these columns next week. The -52, were $14,197.06, and the expend-, ceedings, occupying, the seat of Mills of Prospect street, brother of Local Young Man Mem­ evening, June 23, Class Day Exer­ itures were $10,821.99, leaving a bal- j grounds howeyer it was deemed im­ entire program except the Ex-Senator George W. Klett of the bridegroom. The bride was practical to do" so and it Was decided cises, A. D. Higgins Auditorium; above will be found in this is- ,:ance in the District treasury as of: New Britain. |gowned in white chiffon taffeta with not to interfere with the routine of ber of the Graduating Tuesday evening, June 24, Alumni re­ ..June the 1st of this year of $3,375.- j full length tulle veil, and carried a the playground season which only Class of Northeastern union, A. D. Higgins Auditorium;, •07. The" principal item of receipts j shower bouquet of roses and lilies of provided a smaller diamond for the Wednesday evening, June 25, Grad- j were the revenue from-taxes for this the valley. Her attendant wore yel­ younger boys. Several other lots in University. uation, Franklin Theatre; Thursday ne.v Bower and the Spirit of the Jun- ;.year of $10,600 and $875 of the un- i low georgette crepe, with rhinestone the south end were visited by the June 26th, School Picnic, Riverside ior High School is Dorothy Fuge. collected taxes of last year. Among CHAUTAUQUA TO trimmings and her bouquet was but­ committee but without success.' The Park; Friday evening, June 27, Com-: The Morals are represented by As- the expenditures were $5,274 for sal- terfly roses. The single ring ser­ John Joseph Higg'ins, son of John committee is still in hopes of estab­ J. Higgins of this place, was one of mencement Promenade, A. D. Hig-jtrina Tina, Robert Jackson, George . arics of the officers and members of vice was used. The wedding marches lishing a ball ground some where in gins Auditorium. Remington, Joseph Sarno, Elizabeth the fire department, "new hyrants, BEGIN PROGR AM were played by the church organist, the south end where the younger men the graduating class of Northeastern Class Day program, Monday ev-; Best, Carolyn Blowen, Mary Kisblik, 5450, and new hose $625. The in­ Miss Dorilda Castonguay. University, Springfield, this week. ening, June 23, 1924: President's ad-Adele Kurley, " Enis Testoni, and debtedness of the district was reduc­ in that section can more convenient­ Following the ceremony a reception ly enjoy the national pastime. The commencement exercises were dress, Ross Terwilliger; class history, j Hilda Trudeau. The prizes and ed to $2,000 by the payment of the HERE JUNE 28TH was held at the home of the bride at On its tour of inspection the com­ held in the North Congregational Grace Sullivan; class prophecy, Ruth : diplomas will be awarded by the sup- customary $2,000 on the obligation which 50 guests were present from mittee visited the Charles Brainard Spellman, Mae Hird, Theodore Bridge' erintendent, Anson B. Handy, which the District assumed by the Philadelphia, Albany, Hartford, Wo- lot in the north end which has been Church last evening. The local young and Frank Toon; class jingle, Doris; The graduating class includes the purchase of the Mack Pump. Entertainment, Music burn, Springfield, Boston and this'vil­ given to the town again this year for man was one of the four graduates Bridge, Elizabeth Sapsuzian; class j following boys and girls: Harold A. The total amount of the District and Lectures by Noted lage. The young couple were the re­ playground purposes. The swimming in the law course to receive cum statistics, Edna Vasseur, Anna Crom-1 August, Gilbert Bajek, *Tony Bak, taxes collectable this year was $11,- cipients of a beautiful assortment of pool installed last year was exam­ laude degrees. While attending the bie; classi presentations, Rose Cusick, J Orien Baker, ••George E. Bassos •616 25, and of this amount $10,600 Speakers To Feature wedding gifts. To the bride the ined and it was decided. to move it law school of the university he has Patrick Needham; advice to under-1 Donald S. Barker, George Baronian has been collected, leaving a balance bridegroom gave a gold rosary and from its present location which was also been connected with the claims graduates, Charles Libby; response , Raymond Baronian, *William F. Bar- due on this year's list of $1,016.25. Anftual Appearance of to the best man a gold watch chain, found to be not well adapted for this department of the Boston and Albany ior the school, Francis Olschafskie; ton, Josephine Bent. **Emilv EHzar This amount with the balance on while the bride gave silk umbrellas use. The new location will be close Railroad. ,i.«class poem, Charlesrwi.c Libby; class. t, *Leona C.'Bilodeau, **cl£ hand makes the total present assets, Swarthmore Players. to both the bridegroom and his at­ Mr. Higgins was born in Thomp­ beth Bes to Grape Brook arch on the highway, will, Robert Downton oljn R. Blowen, Joseph F. Borys, $4,391.32. Deducting the indebted­ tendant. where their is a rock bottom, which sonville and received his early educa­ Graduation program, Wednesday ness of $2,000 leaves the net assets Only a few more weeks now and Mr. and Mrs. Mills left early in the tion here.
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