/18 07 2012 / 10 volume 67 CELEBRATING 25 YEARS WeSt End cuLturaL ceNtre MarkS a MiLeStoNe With aNNiverSary coNcert ARTS paGe 7 'SLEDGEHAMMER APPROACH' A TO IMMIGRATION uNiverSity of WiNNipeG eMpLoyee arreSted NeWS paGe 3 Super Nova: LocaL baNd froNted by GreG MacpherSoN reLeaSeS itS debut diSc artS paGe 8 02 The UniTer OctOber 18, 2012 www.UniTer.ca Visit Uniter.ca to Looking for Listings? read an interview CoVer ImaGe CAMPUS & COMMUNITY LISTINGS AND online with canadian Jason hooper, artistic director at the Help choose the 2012 exclusives hip-hop phenom VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES page 4 West end cultural centre, stands in the cadence weapon. MUSIC page 8 venue's entrance. the WECC celebrates Uniter 30 FILM & LIT page 10 its 25th anniversary with a special concert on Saturday, oct. 20. GALLERIES & MUSEUMS page 10 DETAILS page12 THEATRE, DANCE & COMEDY page 10 PHOTO By DANIeL CRUMp AWARDS & FINANCIAL AID page 10 See story on page 7. ‘Like a slap in the face of history’ UNITER STAFF Student, athletes resist suggested wesmen name change ManaGinG eDitor aaron epp » [email protected] John Gaudes BUSiness ManaGer Volunteer staff geoffrey Brown » [email protected] PrODUcTiOn ManaGer ayame Ulrich [email protected] It’s a plan in its infant stages, but one that has » outraged both students and athletes. cOPy anD styLe eDitor After 35 years, administration at the Univer- Britt embry » [email protected] sity of Winnipeg is planning consultation over Photo eDitor whether to change the Wesmen team name to Dylan hewlett » [email protected] something more gender-inclusive. The consultations are being prompted by the newS assiGnMenT eDitor influx of new sports teams on campus, the new ethan cabel » [email protected] kinesiology faculty, renovations of the Duck- newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor worth Centre, and construction readying on the Matt preprost » [email protected] $40-million UNITED Health & RecPlex, said Jeremy Read, senior executive officer and advi- arts eDitor nicholas Friesen [email protected] sor to U of W president Lloyd Axworthy. » cULTURE eDitor “Changing the name Dunja Kovacevic » [email protected] dishonours the program’s cOMMents eDitor history.” Katerina tefft » [email protected] Listings cO-OrDinator - TOM DOUGLaS-POweLL, Men’S volleyBaLL Ken prue » [email protected] CAMPUS BEAT REPOrTER “Clearly if (there was) ever a time to consider Vacant » a name change, we should consider it now,” Read said. BEAT REPOrTer carson hammond [email protected] In November, the university will be sending » out an online survey for students, faculty and BEAT REPOrTer alumni to give their input. alex paterson » [email protected] The idea, however, is already being met with ARTS REPOrTer resistance. Kaeleigh ayre » [email protected] “Changing the name dishonours the pro- gram’s history,” said Tom Douglas-Powell, a OnLine eDiTOr member of the Wesmen men’s volleyball team harrison Samphir » [email protected] and creator of the “Save The Wesmen” Facebook page, which has attracted more than 800 likes in CONTRIBUTORS: two weeks. “Wesmen is associated with so many things, from the national championships to community service, and to change this would suggest a lack of appreciation for those who have been in the Danelle cloutier, Melanie program before us. Dahling, John Gaudes, Thomas “I've said before, it feels like a slap in the face Guenther, Graham hnatiuk, of history, and I stand by that,” he said. Thamer Linklater, Jordan Power, Gender bias has been seen as the major player Jesse rodgers in the push for a name change, with different Kelly Morton - KellyMortonphotography.coM groups in past years claiming the “men” in Wes- wesmen volleyball member Tom Douglas-Powell started a Facebook campaign, Save The wesmen, protesting a potential men discriminates against females. name change for the university's sports teams. However, for Alyssa Grant, a fourth-year member of the Wesmen women’s basketball team, the team name has never been an issue. up with our team is during these announcements “None of us feel gender-excluded at all and “The only time gender bias has been brought and people saying how silly it is,” she said. changing the name feels like changing the pro- The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland gram’s history.” Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership A large portion of the student body feels the based organization in which students and community By carSon hammonD same, according to University of Winnipeg Stu- members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. Q: given tHe recent fUnDing cUt to tHe environmentaL dents’ Association president Lauren Bosc. uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a Lakes area, wHat Do yoU tHink of conservative cUts to However, she believes that some of the out- member of campus Plus Media Services. environmentaL researcH? rage comes from misinterpretation of the facts. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND “It wasn’t really an announcement that was PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in well thought out,” said Bosc. “It came up in the text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ Jared williampache, thomas aitken, uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for first-year student, economics first-year student, media so quickly and really, there are a lot of submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before "In general, anything to do science consultations that need to happen before a name publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, change is even considered. six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves with cuts to public funding "It's incredibly hypo- the right to refuse to print submitted material. The I'm opposed to. I suppose critical to be funding “I’m not for it, but I haven’t had a conversa- Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, the problem (with securing clean-up, etc. for Lake tion (with administration) yet.” misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the funding for environmental Winnipeg when so much The Wesmen name is a nod to Wesley Col- right to edit for length and/or style. research) is that you don't of the research (regard- lege and Manitoba College, one of two schools see immediate economic ing lake ecosystems) that merged to form the United College in 1938, cONtACT US » feedback." comes from the eLa. which would change its name to the University General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 environmental research Advertising: 204.786.9790 of Winnipeg in 1967. editors: 204.786.9497 should be of paramount While changing a team name would normally Fax: 204.783.7080 importance." e-mail: [email protected] be an expensive ordeal, Read says that since it Web: www.uniter.ca comes at a time when renovations are happen- vinay iyer, Haley yaremchuk ing, it would be the best possible time to con- LOcAtION » owner, casa Burrito "Bullshit! What do we room OrM14 "I think the environment is have left if we don't have sider a change. He also pointed out that even if a University of Winnipeg change does happen, the Wesmen name and his- 515 Portage Avenue the least of (the conserva- lakes?!" Winnipeg, Manitoba r3b 2e9 tive party's) priorities. In tory won’t be forgotten. terms of a dollar amount, the “Everybody is proud of our athletic program cut is so small in comparison and its record, athletes and alumni,” he said. to other government spend- “Even if the name were to change, we want to MouselAnd Press BoArd of directors: ing. It sends a bad message make sure the Wesmen tradition is honoured.” Ben wickstrom (interim chair), Peter ives, to the community about their robert Galston, Sara McGregor, Justin values." Leblanc, Lindsey wiebe, Melissa Martin, emily Guttormson, chris hunter and www.uniter.ca Shannon Sampert. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca OctOber 18, 2012 The UniTer News local University of Winnipeg employee arrested news Briefs critics argue due process not followed in arrest of Pakistani immigrant compiled by Jordan Power Carson hammond Harvest raises recorD Beat rePorter $314k at aUction winnipeg harvest’s seventh annual empty Bowls celebrity auction raised When he came to Canada to study, Adnan a record breaking $314,600 on Oct. 9, Farooq never imagined a bureaucratic snafu the winnipeg Free Press reported. would lead to him being handcuffed, strip- Participants of the event, held at the searched and subsequently detained for more Delta winnipeg, were given a meal than two days in jail, sharing a cell with a of bread and soup as well as the man who told him he had "butchered" a per- opportunity to bid on bowls painted son with a machete. or decorated by a variety of celebri- Farooq, who came to Winnipeg from Pak- ties. One bowl, decorated by actress istan in 2006 on a study visa, was legally Meryl Streep, sold for $1,700. win- required to leave the country Oct. 12. nipeg harvest will host the empty On Sept. 24, the 26-year-old former Uni- Bowls Soup-er Lunch as a follow-up versity of Winnipeg student was arrested at event on nov. 8 at the MTS centre. the local Canadian Border Service Agency The Soup-er Lunch will auction bowls offices after requesting extra time to purchase decorated by local media person- a plane ticket home. alities and celebrities. Students from He was detained at the Winnipeg Remand Sister Macnamara School will also be Centre. showcasing their bowls and sharing “I was so afraid that I couldn’t sleep. I what they learned about the connec- couldn’t eat.
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