m I i llllllllllllllllllllililliniTWIWWWiM™ . ' ? «*rtS*W«««*JMB#Ks ........ BRCX)KLYN EAGLE, TUES., JAN. 14, 1947 Sunday, and a Sunday evening per­ 644. 10:01: "Wtf« Wanted." 11:1! 3:09, Goldwyn Gives $50,000 5:34. 8:47. \T" formance. STRAND—'•Deception. l*;25. 539. 6:51 To N. Y. U.-B«llevue Fund Ruth Drapi 10:07; 'Crime Doctor'* ManhunuV* Brooklyn and Broadwa : A gift of $50,000 from Samuel The Theater Chapter or the 11:24, 3:38, 5:52.. 9:0«. American Veterans' Committee, MANHATTAN llllpf'liii'i^- i Goldwyn out of the proceeds of ASTOR—"The Bett Yeart of Our L!TM.". his moving picture, "The Best composed of ex-service men active 9:03. 12:03. 3:03 6:03. 9:03. 12:03. Years of Our Lives," now at the Matinee Today in the theater, will hold a special CAPITOL.— The 6ecret Heart." 10:46. 1:48, 4:56. 7:59,-11:15. Stage. 12.48. 3:58. Astor Theater, was announced yes­ Ruth Draper will appear today In rally, called "Onstage. Democracy!" 7:01. 10:11. terday at campaign headquarters the first of thLst week's three mat­ at the Alvin Theaver Monday night, CRITERION— 'TOT* i-aUfh* at And* Hardy." 9:57, 11:55. 1:55. 3:55. 5:55, of Ihe NevOfork. Unjyersity-Belle- inees (at the Empire Theater. The Jan. 20, honoring the cast of "Joan NIGHT LIFE of Lorraine" for their stand In 7:55. 9:55, 11:55. vue Medical Center Fund, 141 other'two are tomorrow and Fri­ OLOBB— "Iff a Wonderful Life." 9:00 •"• ' day. During her six-week season Washington In decrying discrimina­ 11:15. 1:30. 3:45. 6:00. 8:15. 10;30, By LEW SHEAFFER Broadway, Manhattan. 12:45. %Mtm "I have always thought of our she will maintain a schedule of tory practices against Negroes in HOLLYWOO D—"Hutnoresqut," 11:33. four matinees, including one on the theaters of the capital. 2:07. 4:31 6:55. 9:20. 11:55 disabled in terms of veterans and UU8IC HALL— -Til) the Clouda Roll By.", GOOD OLD AMERICAN CHOP SUEY was astounded to learn that the 10:30, 1:10, 402. 8:52. 9:44. State, 12:20, **> Dr. Karen Homey. Louis Kronberg, 3:10. 6:02. 9:03 Chinese, really Chinese? Stephen Y. Chin smiled a disabled civilians outnumber the MOVIE TIME SCHEDULE PARAMOUNT -"Cross My Heart," 10.53, veterans ten to one," Mr; Goldwyn Mrs. Meyer G. Manlshewltz. Dr. centuries-old smile of polite breeding when I mentioned the and Mrs. Reuben Ottenberg. Mrs. ALBEB— Marrle. 12:02, 2:46. 5:30 8.14, VJJ j^ 9-44 Preview, »M, 11 so dishes. He was being tactful. ^ wrote In a letter to Dr. Howard A. 10:54; "Dick Tracy v». CuebaII."~XTT007^REPUBLIC -- 'Sundown," 9:00. 10:43, Rusk, director of the Institute of Katherine T. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. 1:42. 4:26. 7:10. 9:52. 12:36. 2:24. 4:13. 6:09. 8:0«. 10:03. 12.00. Finally, after I persisted, he ticked off a list of "Chinese" Rehabilitation and Physical Medi­ IrYing Sarnoff, Mr. and Mrs. David FOX—"Th» Jolson 8lory" II :00, 1:31. i R1VOLI—"eslifornU." 10:40.' 1.05. 3:25. Sarnoff, Dr. and Mrs. Israel Strauss, 3:46. 6:01, 8:16. 10:41. 5:50, 8:05. 10:10. 12:15. dishes not to be found in the old cine, which will be a part of the ROXY— The Raior's Edge," 11:50, 3:15. country. Chop suey, chow meln— always cornea late in a meal. Its Arthur Szyk, Dr. Bella S. Van Bark. METROPOMTAN — "caeiar and Cleopa 6:40. 10:00. Stage, 2:35. 6:00, 9;25. new university section of the Med­ tra." 11T01. 2:49, 6.37, 10:25; "The everyone knows about them—but pungent' taste is so persistent that ical Center. The entire cost of Dr. Seymour S. Wanderman and STRAND—The fime, the Place, ana the anything following would be flavor­ Bachelor's Dauchtert." 1:15, 5:03, 8:51 Q]tV 10:25. 1:51. 4:57. 7:44. 10:28. he went on to mention egg rolls, the new university buildings and Dr. Louis Wender. PARAMOUNT—"Blut 8kiei7' 12:26, 3:35. 12:13: 8tage. 12:30. 3:58. 6:56. 9:43. wonton soup and nearly all the less and antl-climactlc. It consists facilities is $15,575,000, with the In­ better known dishes of the chop of golden-brown chunks of fish in stitute of Rehabilitation and Phys­ suey palaces. sweet and sour sauce, snow peas ical Medicine needing $2,500,000 of again, and slices of pineapple, car­ that^ampunt. Chin is. youthful* manager of rots and peppers, all given an alien Chinatown's Pacific Restaurant, an "l" do not consider this project mm up-tordate room with red and yel­ and exotic flavor by the sauce. For his own meals, Chin is partial a charity, but a real opportunity, low leather • booths, fluorescent ami It Is a privilege for me to lighting and a handsome little bar. to shark's fin soup and squab stuf­ fed—with—shark's fin— which" "U pledge-4&0,000 -from—the—proceeds "In spite of its modernistic decor, of my picture "The, Best Years of the popular spot draws the chop- cooked in a special sauce for five !9s to six hours. Our Lives' and to assure you of stick-wielders as well as tourists— my •wholehearted" support In this the guarantee of an authentic The Pacific's menu, a lengthy one, vital project which should bring cuisine. has plenty of variety in both »u- new hope and courage to America's With Chin as our guide, we thentlo and "Chinese" dishes. Meals Isabied;" Mfr-Ooldwyn dodged the conventional choices to are table d'hote and a la carte, with wade happily through some tradi­ prices more than reasonable, es­ ,;, aau tional dishes. First,' gal yung loo pecially for the group dinners. Harry Hershfield soon, a rich and tasty chicken broth THE KNOWING CABBY—The To Appear for ORT J. ,: I ., .-, ' ..••'•••.' ! ^^1 with minced ham and chicken, egg producer of "Burlesque," Bert Lahr's Harry Hershfield, comedian-art­ Ill drops and asparagus. The soup was vehicle, had hardly seated herself ist, will be among the entertainers V" i almost filling enough to be a meal in the cab be­ In itself. ;••'. at the cocktail dance to be given at fore 21 when Louis Sherry's. 300 Park Ave., Man­ ill f • Next came lung fung chop kue, the driver said, a succulent mixture of shelled lob­ hattan, Sunday afternoon, 'by the aw? 0 *, "You're Jean sponsors of the Organization for ;* 1 llptll ster and boneless chicken with D a 1 r y m p 1 e, Rehabilitation Through Training iX . hearts of bok toy (a vegetable), aren't you?" tl4 M 1 mm bamboo shoots, mushrooms and (O. R. T.). - After she ack­ PECK FOR PECK—Little .Margaret O'Brien, child screen The party is being held In ob­ Chinese snow peas of a vivid green. nowledged it, he servance of the New York sponsors' m 'v. The final item, tim soen yu kue, asked, "Is Lahr star, greets Gregory .Peck with a kiss after she had made a first successful year, -.of activity. still the great special visit backstage to honor Peck, star of "The Year-, Proceeds will be devoted to ORT's WM *B« Qr«»» We-rrle* worrier?" Again ling," which was judged |he best photoplay of 1946 by a worldwide work of training refu­ .!*• she said yes, then asked him how gees and misplaced persons in tech­ he knew. "My name's Jack Ber­ popular magazine. nical skills. > 1MB nard," came the surpri2er. "I was Among the patrons for the fund- his stage manager in 'Flying High.'" raising party are .Algernon D. Black, will b$ honor guest tonight when of prices and tightening of money Simon H. Fabian, Supreme Court LEW'S TALK—Know it sounds Bradley's opens its new Cover Girl have chased the family back to- Justice Edgar J. Nathan Jr., former like the future is being rushed a Room . McGough's Danny the radio. Film exhibitors around Juetlce George Frankenthaler. Judge few years, but a L. 1. aircraft Dayton agrees that the housing Jay Russell: "With the food situa­ onah Goldstein, Dr. Bernard Glueck, claims you'll soon be able to reach situation is bad: "I asked a room tion eased, housewives can go in Mrs. Jerome H. Hanauer, Harry rjuc Uon /; from your 30th-slorj office win­ clerk what I could gel for $35. again for .shelf-lmprovement!" Hofheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Home, >ro dow and pull in the "day's lunch He told me—two sleeping tablets!" DINNER & SUPPER or that suit you bought. Says a STAGE PLAYS STAG!! PLAYS Bmitf Hijttlj ticitt Kittys novel helicop­ SHAVINGS — Because of ma in WUCIOW Till! lIlTt BIXHI ter delivery and pa's fool-tapping, a much- American Repertory Theatre 2SHOWSTOM!W2:40&8:40 Irta 52.00 service is being publicized millionaire playboy and LB GALUENNK HAMPDEN JOB* "0A22LINQ, BIAUTIFUU, iPECTACULARI" P.«30r»3tlctl3 formed, called B'way angel will drop his Shubert DUPREZ TBUEX —Brown, Sun WARING. WEBSTER BOURNEUF Sonja Henl* * Arthur M. Wirti present p\ttS MAIti 44160 "Skyscr a p e r Alley wings ... Best-seller Car­ Ttnljht Jl 8:40...ANDR0CLES injj the LION ] f ZASU HOTEL Service, Inc." son McCulIers may pop up as a T«n'w,Tliun.*.Frl.Ev»!.ANDR0CLES«n<lth«U0N 11 C E TIME SO^ Sat.
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