CALIFORNIA STATE HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED INC. The New Horseman PUBLICATION OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED, INC. 2015, Issue 3 www.californiastatehorsemen.com May 2015 State Officers President Jim Hendrickson President’s Message First V.P. Ron Jenkins A few noteworthy issues of newer media and the have come up that I would electronic world. It is the Northern V.P. Greta De Graeve like to share: intent to upgrade our mes- Cent. V.P. sage and publicity. An Ad I was contacted by Patrice Hoc Committee will frame- Southern V.P. Carol Grey Buccearelli of The Horse work this project and devel- magazine regarding Cali- C.F.O. Linda Quattlebaum oped for all the membership CSHA President Jim Hendrickson fornia’s drought situation. for presentation at the Con- Remember Horse Expo is Treasurer Sue Edwards The questions were about vention in November. California and the actions coming up June 5-6-7, 2015. Past President Robert Adams that Governor Brown took It’s here ! It’s here !! The We would like to have vol- and how it affected the final draft of the West Coast unteers share time in man- DEADLINE: equine industry. We dis- Horseshow Rulebook has ning the booth for the event. JULY NEWSLETTER cussed some of the ramifi- arrived. It has taken much I need people who can speak cations and those should hard work, hours and hours to trails, trail riding, Trail June 15th 2015 be covered in an upcoming of devotion to get this done. Trials; these programs are [email protected] issue. I THANK Anne Dennis for of great interest at Expo by this final step in editing those visiting the booth. From a discussion that I that brings the committee Horsemastership and Roy- President’s Message 1 had with Jill Kraut in product to fruition. Anne, alty always participate with Horseman’s Handbook 1 Pomona she has developed Alice Calhoun, Alice Lawel- assisting at the booth and Day at the Races 2 an outline of the steps that lin, Pat Hightower and handling out materials and we should be take to bring putting on a demonstration. Royalty 3-4 Cindy Carlsen participated CSHA back into the Lime- in this long process to bring Ride safe……see you out SOC 4 light of the horse world. the rulebook into alignment We have a credible name there Jim CSHA on a Mission! 5 with other major horse and and great programs but we breed associations. Parade 6 have faded in the overload Drill Team 6 Aloha Vet 7 Resolution Deadline 7 The Horseman’s Handbook Revision Endurance 8 The Equine Workout 8 It has been some time since the Horseman’s Handbook has been revised. The commit- Gymkhana 9 tee is working hard to update information and is looking for input and assistance. Spe- CSHA in the News 10 cific chapters in progress are 3, 7, 16, 18 and 21. Ads & Events 11-13 In order to make this Handbook truly specific to California (North and South) we would Calendar of Events 14 like to hear from the Southern Area as it pertains to that area’s specific nutrition re- quirements, plants toxic or poisonous to horses, popular tack, equipment and bedding. Any and all input is welcome; and past participants in the Horsemastership program are encouraged to assist the committee. For further information contact committee chair Becky Gage, email: becky- [email protected] or Northern Area Vice President Greta De Graeve, email: [email protected] PAGE 2 THE NEW HORSEMAN 2015, ISSUE 3 CSHA DAY AT THE RACES Congratulations to Cheri Paulette Webb looked stunning in her “Best Day At Whipp, winner of the prize The Races Hat” peacock ribbon trimmed prize win- for “Best Representation ning hat. She is pictured along with the equally of CSHA in a Hat” at the stunning CSHA Royalty that were on hand for the 2015 CSHA Day At The fun event. Races . The bouncing fla- mingo was accented by a brim trimmed in various CSHA pins. President Hendrickson of the patrons on this level. This & First lady Carolyn looking dapper at the is the Turf Club. races. Our hosts for the CSHA Day at the Races and now the beneficiary of the event is the Royalty Pro- gram. The current Court aided by former State Ambassador Samuel like stepping into yesteryear with Cunningham were very much in Shades of Ascot! the brass finishes, heavy carpet- evidence greeting members and ing and furniture. The walls are Well perhaps comparing Golden judging their Fabulous Race Day lined with photos of famous Gate Fields to Ascot is a little bit Hat Contest. In addition the horses and jockey silks. Enter the of a stretch but it is a race track Court and President Jim Hen- large bar area and you are hit and there are horses….so that drickson were at the winner’s cir- with a panoramic view of the should get us close enough. cle to greet the winning jockey and Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay horse of the second race…the March 28 dawned bright and mild Bridge. Turn around and you are CSHA Race. as members of CSHA and their staring at Bay Area history….the friends converged on the track by Golden Gate Fields race track. Members of CSHA and their the Bay for the annual CSHA Day Back in the main room, the front friends experienced a glorious day at the Races. is floor to ceiling glass lined with of good cheer, great food, great rows of tables. Each table is ele- horseflesh and some folks actually You feel like royalty as you are vated from the row in front. And won a few bucks. Be sure to mark waved up the sweeping road by to ensure that you have the per- your calendar for next January so the parking gate keeper to be met fect view, each table is equipped that you can get your ticket order by valet parking attendants who with a television that shows you into the State Royalty Chair and whisk your chariot away. Then the paddock area and the race join us for a great time. Bring a you enter the first lobby and see itself. A magnificent buffet fea- friend. Heck, bring sev- ahead of you the ticket takers and turing numerous salads, hot eral…..there’s plenty of room in entrances to the grandstands…… dishes, a carving station and the the Turf Club. but you turn left and climb the “winner’s circle” of all dessert ta- winding carpeted stairwell to the bles is set up along with a betting Paulette Webb second floor. It feels a little bit area….both for the exclusive use PAGE 3 THE NEW HORSEMAN 2015, ISSUE 3 Royalty March was a busy month for Junior Miss CSHA 2015 Mary Jr Miss CSHA 2015 Mary Homicz with Redwood Homicz. March 6th and 7th 2015 Mary attended the American Empire Endurance Riders {a CSHA club} President Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) Convention in Reno, Ne- Jacqueline Debets, and CSHA State Endurance pro- vada. Mary walk the trade floor floor and talked to people gram members {via REER} Donna Biteman, Berit about CSHA when they asked her about what her sash said. Meyer and Karen Fredrickson with their 2014 She also presented 2014 CSHA State Endurance Program awards. awards to CSHA Endurance Members that were at the con- vention. The highlight for Mary was having her Breyer model of OT Sara Moniet signed by the owner Crockett Dumas. OT Sara Moniet is the first endurance horse to be made into a Breyer. The convention wrapped up with the annual AERC national awards banquet where Mary presented the Bob and Julie Suhr Husband and Wife team Award Champions Gun- nar and Allana Frank form Minnesota with their Gist Silver- smith buckles sponsored by CSHA Endurance and Gist Sil- versmiths. March 28th was CSHA Day at the Races at Golden Gate Fields. This is one of Mary highlights of her Royalty activities and she was not disappointed. She had a wonderful time with her fellow royals. She and Region 5's Little Miss CSHA 2015 Ginny Herron had a special treat when Ginny's mom took them down and they we to get goggles signed by Hall of Fame Jockey Russel Baze America's. Jr Miss CSHA 2015 Mary Homicz with her autographed Breyer OT Sara Moniet at AERC Convention. Jr. Miss CSHA 2015 Mary Homicz waiting for the doors to open for the banquet with her mom and her Redwood Empire Endurance Riders Family. Ginney and Mary with their autographed Hall of Fame jockey Russel Baze Goggles PAGE 4 THE NEW HORSEMAN 2015, ISSUE 3 Royalty—Continued Show of Champions CSHA Royalty at the 2015 Day at the Races Greetings everyone, Royalty has been very ac- tive this year already! Participating in parades, appearances, selling raffle tickets to help the CSHA Drill Team program and our own pro- gram and our annual CSHA Day at the Races fundraiser was once again a blast! We did our hat contest and some of our own did an out- standing job getting into the spirit and walked away with some prizes. This year we were once again blessed to have our photo taken with not only the winning jockey but the winning horse! It’s happened only twice since I have been in- volved with Royalty and the attendant/host told me last time that it rarely ever happens! So it was quite an honor. The owners were uber ex- cited as was the crowd as this was this fillies maiden run and she was a 60-1 long shot! Once again I would ask our members to co- partner with us in promoting Royalty in your regions! Put ads in your newsletters encourag- ing youth to sign up for the royalty program, encourage enquiring parents to contact me or their region chairman to find out about our won- derful program.
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