November 21, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9159 live, we have 0.9 physicians. Anywhere For those of us who represent rural Improving access to care is not a par- else in California, for every 1,000 peo- America, like Congressman tisan issue. We must come together ple, there are 2.2 physicians, twice as O’HALLERAN, myself, and many others, across the aisle and continue to work many physicians. it is important to note that we must to identify legislative solutions to the While this is an important part of improve our healthcare system for the barriers our rural residents face. improving healthcare, we also need to people who live in our rural areas. Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- get medical schools. That is something It is time for the Senate to do their ance of my time. that I have worked on. I have worked job and pass these important bills. f on trying to get additional medical We will continue to work to try to schools not only across the country but expand access to healthcare in rural MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE in the San Joaquin Valley. areas with our clinics and to create A message from the Senate by Ms. We know that if you get a medical medical schools in areas that are sig- Byrd, one of its clerks, announced that school there, it provides an oppor- nificantly underserved. the Senate has agreed to pass without tunity for students who graduate from While we continue to patiently ask amendment a concurrent resolution of that medical school to practice in the the Senate to act, I know the Blue the House of the following title: area in which they have graduated. Dogs will continue to advocate for poli- H. Con. Res. 75. Concurrent resolution di- We have proof of that. We have resi- cies that improve access to healthcare recting the Clerk of the House of Representa- dency programs that I have been very for all Americans, especially for those tives to make a correction in the enrollment supportive of with the University of rural Americans we represent. of H.R. 3055. California, San Francisco, UCSF, Madam Speaker, I thank the gen- The message also announced that the which has over 280 residents who are tleman for his leadership in this impor- Senate agrees to the amendment of the being trained in the valley right now. tant area as the legislative chair for House to the amendment of the Senate Over half of those physicians over the the Blue Dog caucus. The citizens of to the bill (H.R. 3055) ‘‘An Act making last 40 years who have graduated from Arizona are fortunate to have a good appropriations for the Departments of that residency program have stayed to Representative. Commerce and Justice, Science, and practice in our valley. So a medical Mr. O’HALLERAN. Madam Speaker, Related Agencies for the fiscal year school is an important part of an over- California is, too. ending September 30, 2020, and for all strategy. Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I thank other purposes.’’. As Blue Dogs, we want to continue to the gentleman again, and I wish him a f support expanded healthcare through- happy Thanksgiving. out our rural areas. This is something Mr. O’HALLERAN. Madam Speaker, b 1330 I believe Democrats and Republicans I thank all of my colleagues for joining GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP can come together on in a bipartisan me to participate in this important WEEK manner. show of support by the Blue Dog caucus These are many ways in which we for rural healthcare and access across The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under can work to ensure that rural America America today. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- gets reliable, affordable healthcare A couple of quick examples: First of uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Ar- that they deserve, like every other all, when you are traveling across the kansas (Mr. HILL) is recognized for 60 American. That is why Blue Dogs are country from urban America through minutes as the designee of the minor- speaking out on this issue today. rural America, this hospital issue, this ity leader. Since taking office, this administra- medical issue, is your issue because the Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Madam tion, sadly, has made repeated efforts hospitals that we have are the hos- Speaker, today I rise to mark Global to eliminate the Affordable Care Act pitals you are going to be taken to. Entrepreneurship Week, where all without putting anything in its place. The ambulances that have to take an across the globe cities will be hosting That makes no sense. That makes no hour or 2 hours to get to the site where events that will inspire millions to ex- sense whatsoever. you are at are the ambulances that you plore their potential as an entre- Just this week, we voted on a con- are going to be taking, too. preneur while fostering connections tinuing resolution to keep government People on dialysis in rural America, and increasing collaborations within open for the next 6 weeks. We should whether it is a Tribal community or their communities. have a real budget in place at this another community in rural America, Small businesses and entrepreneurs time. It is irresponsible to ever, as the some of them have to drive 2 hours one are the engines of our economy in Ar- President did earlier this year, shut way to get their treatment and then 2 kansas and across our country. They down government. But in this con- hours back home. Sometimes they do 3 support millions of jobs in this Nation. tinuing resolution, we have funding to days a week, sometimes up to 4 days a They create and support jobs within ensure that our community health cen- week, sick people traveling hundreds their local communities and employ ters keep receiving the funding they and hundreds and hundreds of miles to approximately half the private-sector need to stay open and serve their pa- get this type of treatment so they can workers in the United States. tients. live. As a co-chairman and founder of the This year alone, Congress has voted Cancer is the same way. Cancer pa- House Entrepreneurship Caucus, I am on 10 different proposals to improve tients have to find a way to get that proud to celebrate the visionary men healthcare and stabilize the Affordable treatment. It is very scarce in rural and women who boldly pursue their Care Act for American families. They America. passion to build the growth businesses are over in the Senate right now. Rural communities make up the very that fuel our economy. Sadly, instead of taking action, Sen- fabric of America. Their success is our The United States has served as a ator MITCH MCCONNELL refuses to bring Nation’s success. global beacon of innovation, delivering up these good measures. I am committed to fighting to im- remarkable new products and services We could be lowering the cost of pre- prove access to healthcare for rural, that improve the lives of all Ameri- scription drugs, which affects all Amer- Tribal, and other underserved commu- cans. Today, over 99 percent of U.S. icans, whether you live in rural areas nities, for hardworking families and employers are small businesses that or urban areas, and ensuring that we veterans who often travel hundreds of create 57 million jobs that generate 44 protect those who have preexisting miles for basic care. percent of our economic activity. conditions, preexisting conditions of As I stated before, my district is The spirit of the startup is built into heart disease, cancer, diabetes. rural for the most part, and we have our American DNA. Our country is These bills, sadly, are collecting dust 60,000 veterans within the district. home to the world’s greatest inven- on the majority leader’s desk. For rural healthcare to be totally tions, companies, and technological ad- I want to close by saying, as a 15-year successful, we must improve broadband vances because we believe that anyone member of the Blue Dog Coalition, our and expand it so that telemedicine is with a good idea and determination can caucus stands together to try to im- meaningful for the people who live in build a business that changes the prove healthcare for all Americans. rural areas across America. world. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:21 Nov 22, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21NO7.069 H21NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 21, 2019 The House Entrepreneurship Caucus else besides capital, is to take that idea Number three, knowledge: the know- believes in empowering the pursuit of and have a good set of mentors or ad- how to start a business, including un- America’s innovators by removing the visers. That is something that, again, derstanding the requirements and bar- barriers that make it harder to start a the Conductor and the innovation hubs riers that come with turning an idea business in this country. in our small business development cen- into reality. Over the past four decades, I have ters across the country help create, Having been engaged in so many had a long career focused on different that local community entrepreneurship emerging companies and startup com- aspects of entrepreneurship and tech- culture. panies over my career, that is always nology. Back in 1980, I helped start a Now, since joining Congress some 41⁄2, that strict assessment that an entre- payment system innovator in the almost, now, 5 years ago, I have contin- preneur, a visionary, a startup com- banking industry, a company that be- ued to focus my work to expand the pany owner really needs, perspective: came PULSE, the largest shared ATM/ flow of capital, reduce barriers to busi- perspective on what are the require- POS system in the Southwest.
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