Astronaut's ......----- .... Mrs. Edward McDiviH Are White, Are .~---.~ Happy About Elated Son's Landing, McDivitt's parents and sister beam on learning of his safe landing. The McDlvitts are from Jackson, Mich. ~.' Well, Practic·ally ------------------------~~~~--------------------~------------------------~--~~~--------------- l ~ ail Semng the Un~f16f'nty of IOWtJ and the People of IOWtJ C4ty Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wire aud Wirephoto Iowa City, lowa, Tuesday, June 8, 1965 own Maybe They're Happy e e • .. But Ming sclonti,ts, administrators, ond profn, Dr. Charle. aerry, fll,h' surg.... ; Chrlstepher C. A'''I",ic Oce~ Gemini Team Gets sional worriers perhaps they hide it well. "Thoy" Kraft, minion director; and Or. ltolNti It. 01,","" Sign-up Today .. .. ..,. are the top four men in the Gemini program, left Manned Spacecraft Center director. to right: Charles W, Mathews, program manager; - APWI,."..... c.vu ~. ... , <. .... ·u.s.s. WAS' KENNEDY .... _ • . l ··N)· .. ·~·'.'t·;. For Summer .~!:<\;I' "Il" "0 Mile. ~j. ""'IN .· ...·...~' .'t . r;·e. =>- .. Red Carpet Hello 'o:a'D· A . '~'~ . ):.:.7 . .' FL )II =:. • :J~~.'. .t 8y JOHN BARBOUR welcomes fla hed out to the a tra­ Calling All Girls Supreme Coutt HOUSTON IA'I - Hot. hungry and nauts, it wa hard to recall that u.s. School Units GEMINI 4 happy, Gemini astronauts James only hours before they were in I -21 and Older- Mll~ o · McDivitt and Edward White plum­ space, then splashing down in the Arm yourself with maps, permits, There wlll be a meeting at 4 . NASS~ · " ~ meted home from space Monday ocean and then airlifted to the car, identification, a $50 advance pay­ to a red carpet welcome and presi­ riel'. At the end, both astronauts p.m. Wednesday in Shambaugh Denies Conviction ment, a guide book and possibly a dential congratulations - safe after were a little weary. Audltorlum for all coeds who ~~~!"" "'~:DR05'1s . II \ '~, SAN SAiv~~~~' a 4-<lay orbital marathon and a are or will be 21 during the WASHINGTON "" - The Su- la t sitting before ummer recess compass. McDivitt had the heavier beard. preme Court Monday threw out which ends 20·minute walk in space. His hair is darker than White's. summer school ses ion. The I next Oct. " Repeat over and over to your­ iXUM} \ BAHAMA' privileged hours program wLU Billie Sol Estes' conviction on a It marked the occa ion with sev, Before they were on earth four Their faces were drawn and they Texas swindling charge because eral ignificant decisions, amon, self and to whoever else will listen, " .ISLANDS. hours, they had an invitation from looked tired, but both were smil­ be explained. "I'm here to sign up for summer President Lyndon B. Johnson to All coeds musl attend this hi trial wa televised, Ithem on which held that: .... ~ ing. Still in their white space­ The hi loric decision split the -A Connecticut law forbidding school." visit with him at the JohnsolJ ranch sui , they perspired in the hot meeting if they wish to have privileged hours this summer. court as it wr tied lor th first the use 01 birth control devicetl Is Approach the northwest door of d . Do~'N'CAN in Texas Friday or Saturday. Could sun. time with the question whether a I an unconstitutional invasion of pri­ REPUBLIC they accept? The meeting will be both for the Field House boldly, storm YOUI' Asked how he liked his 2G-mlnute coeds living off campus and d fendant can get a fair trial under vacy. The 7-2 deci Ion triking "I don't lhink there'U be any the eye of televi ion cam ra . down th law was announced by way through, and then retreat and eh'fiill1rmm.~y. : stroll in space, White said: those living in dormitories. trouble at all," answered McDivitt. By the narrowest mar in, 5 to Justic William O. Doughl$. gn around to the southeast door Bearded and sporting the good "It's enough to make a person 4, it ruled that in Estes' cas he -Unions for felt theIr exemption where you're supposed to enter. humor that relieved their difficult speechless." couldn't. But two justices expli- from alltltrust laws if they con­ Following these direclions and o hours in space, the two astronliJlts Earlier. Rear Adm. William W. ciUy sald no sweeping meaning spire with certain employers to , spLa shed down in the Atlantic at Johnson Co. bould be read into the opinion. dl'lve other employers out of busi­ with luck, you and the other 5,999 JAMAICA McCormick who welcomed the Miles 12 :13 p.m . CDT. space pJiots and invited them to The television networks with, n . Wh ther such was the case students expected should make it Space·walker White became sea­ dinner said; Sanitary Code hcld comment on the court's rul, with the United Mineworkers of through registration. sick in the bobbing spacecrafl, and "They said very little except that ing pending full reDding of the America and several soft coal Registration for the 8- and 12- vomiLed a litlle. The helicopter they were very damned glad to v ral opiniOns. producers. wa. I ft to low.er courts Th Texa judge who permitted ~o determme I~ a new trial of the week sessions started at 8 a.m. Plunkdown crew that picked them up said the be aboard." astronauts had washed themselves To Take Effect the televising insi ted Monday that mdependent uruon. today in the Field House, where The map locates the Gemini 4 landing area. The spot Is 390 miles The two a tronauts had kept their off with salt water waiting for A anitary code for the disposal he feeLs such coverage docs not the students' motions will come east of Capo Kennedy and 230 mile, north of San Salvador. The pickup. spirits high during the long routine prejudice a defendant's rights if hours of experiments on board the 01 sewerage in Johnson County I upon an organized layout o( tables. capsule plunged into the drink about 46 miles from tha main re­ Within the hour. they were faced expected to go into ef{ect Wednes­ it i ' carefully supervised. covery ,hip, the aircraft carrier Wasp. - AP Wirephoto with a wild welcome on the air, pacecraft and in the last critical The reversal aHected only a World News It will look somewhat like a con­ hoUl's when they got the bad news day according to the County Board craft carrier Wasp - the prime of Health. state conviction or Estes, one-time vention floor, with delegates from of the broken computer. recovery ship - walking a red The code provides that all sew­ millionair west Texa promot r. each department offering their It did not touch a federal mail, courses. carpet and going below decks to They tried in vain - with in­ erage disposal systems in the Roundup - the sick bay for physical exam ina- structions from the ground - to fix county outside town and cltie fraud conviction under which he Most students will register 3C­ Jet Fighters Blast Viet tions. it. The computer would have de- now is erving a l5-year sentence VATICAN CITY !HI - The Vall­ cording to the last two digits of mu t be con tructed to certain "r knew we'd end up in a hosoi- termined more precisely the late rules. at Leavenworth, Kan. can Secretariat for Chr~t1an Uaity their identification numbers. The tal." cracked command pilot M('-· flight maneuver that would have The discharge oC waste and Among the questions leCt un­ is tudying th po iblllty of 41_t­ schedule is: 8 a.m., 00-05 ; 8:30 Targets; Foil Ambush Di vit!. insured a gentler, shallow re-entry sewage Into any dilch, stream, answered by the court's division Ing II joint working group with'rtP­ 8.m., 06-11; 9 a.m., 12-17; 9:30 In the White House conversation, into the earth's atmosphere. With­ lake, waterway, well or on the is whether the ease will ha VI) any resentatives of the Orthodox ~rL­ a.m., 18-23; 10 a.m., 24-29 ; 10:30 SAIGON, South Viet Nam (A'! - the oft-bombed Vinh supply depot. President Johnson told the astro- lout it, space flight officials or­ ground will be prohibited. effect on televising oC congressional archate of Con tanlinople, Ist8liiu1. a.m., 30-35: 11 a.m., 36-41; 11:30 nauts: "We're all in this country de red a steeper, rougher path - Included among the other provi­ hearmgs to which witnesses might a.m., 42-47 ; noon, 48-52. U.S. Marine jet fighters blasted 160 miles south of Hanoi, on the be ubject to later criminal trials. two major Viet Cong troop centers South China Sea. thai hit the astronauts with slow, sion is a rule that when a public GENEVA,* Switzerland* * (.fI - 12:30 p.m ., 53·57; 1 p.m., 58·6~: Thi the high tribunal's LONDON (.fI - Worldwide down forces nearly eight times the sewer is available, building pre­ Soviet Union called on the ' Jiler­ 1:30 p.m., 64·69; 2 p.m., 70-75; 2:30 Monday and other American war, A U.S. Marine spokesman at Da interest fastened Monday on the force of gravity as the space­ viously served by a private sewer national Labor Organization Mon­ p.m., 76-81 ; 3 p.m., 82·87; 3:30 planes were credited with knock, Nang said Marine F4B Phantom landing of America'i G.mlni craft plummeted into the earth's must connect to the public one day to use Its influcn~ In demand­ \l.m., 88-93 ; 4.
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