INDEX NOTE: Page numbers in italics refer to photos. Abba, 380, 382 Almost Famous, 231, 265, AC/DC, 262 267, 367 “Achille’s Last Stand,” 324, 389 Alterman, Loraine, 77 Adams, Justin, 468, 473 Altham, Keith, 114, 430 “Adriatic Seaview,” 54 Amina, 465 Aizer, Sam, 257, 290, 329–330, Andaz West Hollywood. See Hyatt 438 House (Continental Hyatt, Albert Hall, 151–152 Los Angeles) Albini, Steve, 468–469, 469 Anderson Theatre (New York album covers City), 83 Houses of the Holy, 192 Anger, Kenneth, 308–309 Powell and,COPYRIGHTED 88 Animals, MATERIAL 70–71 Presence, 325, 326 Applejacks, 34 In Through the Out Door, 383 Arden, Don, 21, 26, 68–69, untitled (fourth album), 184 70–71, 254 “All Day and All of the Night,” 25 A&R Studios, 137, 138 “All My Love,” 381, 382 Atlantic Records All Your Own (television Atco, 105, 107 show), 10 Cartoone, 73 517 bindex.indd 517 9/12/2012 5:24:56 PM 518 INDEX Atlantic Records (continued) Barsalona, June, 76–77 Ertegun and, 8 (See also Basile, Phil, 79 Ertegun, Ahmet) Bates, David, 449, 455–458, 463, 40th Anniversary, 443 463–470 fourth album and, 184–185 Bath festival, 161–162 Grimes, 18 “Battle of Evermore, The,” Ivil, 176, 204 180, 182 Led Zeppelin II and, 85–86, BBC, 432–434 143–146 Beat Instrumental, 30 Led Zeppelin signed with, Beatles, 33–34, 36, 80 105–109 “Be Bop a-Lula,” 67 Plant’s solo career and, Beck, Jeff, 61 451–452 characterization of, 62, 63–64, Shaken ’n’ Stirred, 429 97 In Through the Out Door, 383 Grant and, 85 Weiss and, 423 Jeff Beck Group, 64, 75, “Whole Lotta Love” and, 143 86, 100 Automatic for the People, 441 Truth, 83 Ayer, Jane, 265, 321 Yardbirds, 1, 10, 18, 60–64, 75, 81 “Baby, Let’s Play House” “Beck’s Bolero” (Beck), 64 (Presley), 10 Bell, Maggie, 333 “Back to the Clubs” tour, 187–188 Stone the Crows, 73 Bad Company, 258 Swan Song and, 256, 259, legacy of, 392 261–262, 332, 341, Presence (Led Zeppelin) 424 recording and, 323, 326 Berman, Morris, 172 Swan Song and, 256, 257–262, Berns, Bert, 106 278, 279 Bevan, Bev, 41 Baldwin, John, 22 Bicknell, Ed, 414, 444, 458, “Ballroom Blitz,” 204 459, 463 Band of Joy, 3, 48–57, 54, “Big Log,” 430 114, 115 Billy Wright Stand, 483 Bangs, Lester, 168, 325, 367 Bindon, John “Biffo,” 347 Bannister, Freddy, 385–392 characterization of, 335, 363 Barsalona, Frank, 77 Oakland (1977) incident, on Page-Plant reunion, 467–468 371–375, 378, 444 Premier Talent, 75–77, 81, Swan Song and, 346–348 124, 192–193 threats by, 351 bindex.indd 518 9/12/2012 5:24:56 PM INDEX 519 Bingenheimer, Rodney, 230–232, 283–286, 296–297, 232, 268 359–360, 367–368 Birmingham Express and Star, 49 children of, 157, 169, 186, 223, Black Country (Midlands), 297, 310, 325, 336, 369, description of, 31–43, 35 386, 443, 452, 458, 476–479 “Black Country Woman,” 190 death of, 399–406, 405, 406, “Black Dog,” 181, 185, 298 409–411 “Blackpool,” 162 drumming by, 41, 42, 101–102, Black Snake Moan, 39 139–140, 181–183, 185, Blackwell, Chris, 108 251, 360–361 Bland, Bubba, 154 early bands, 3, 48–59, 114, 115 “Blind Peg-Leg Loser,” 36 Fairport Convention and, 157 Blow-Up (film), 63 Hinton and, 225, 276–278, Blues Incorporated, 13–14 297, 327, 369 Blunt, Robbie, 411, 427–430 Hughes and, 369 Bolan, Marc, 199 income of, 111 Boleskine House, 167 marriage of, 49, 222–224, Boller, Jack, 76 284, 296 Bonham, Bill, 59 New Yardbirds, 92–104 Bonham, Debbie, 387–388, Oakland (1977) incident, 447 371–375, 378, 444 Bonham, Jason, 223 Plant and, 40, 118–119, 380 childhood of, 157, 169, 186, Presence, 323 297, 336, 369 The Song Remains the Same, drumming by, 386, 443, 299 452, 458 songwriting by, 54 Led Zeppelin reunion and, Tour Over Europe, 396–401, 476–479 400 Bonham, John, 54, 86, 112, 153, Bonham, Pat, 223 158, 223, 224, 277, 333 Hughes and, 327–328 alcohol and drug use by, husband’s death and, 403, 445 168–172, 198–199, 210, marriage of, 49, 222–224, 224–225, 249, 283–286 284, 296 band publicity management Bonham, Zoe, 296, 297 and, 198–199 Bono, 414 biographical information, 3, 32, Brennan, Moya, 451 40–43 Brilleaux, Lee, 292 characterization of, 148–149, “Bring It on Home,” 137, 215–216, 221–225, 223, 141–146 bindex.indd 519 9/12/2012 5:24:56 PM 520 INDEX Broadhurst Gardens (West “Carouselambra,” 381–382 Hampstead), 23 Carousel Ballroom (San Brony-y-Aur, 155, 155, 180 Francisco), 62 Brown, Carol, 279 Carr, Roy, 176 Brown, Chris, 51, 54 Carson, Phil, 145, 400 Browne, Carol, 254, 287, 328, The Firm, 436, 437 335–336 Grant and, 393–394 Buell, Bebe, 267–270, 271, 279 Page’s solo career, 452 Burnett, T Bone, 481, 482 Pictures at Eleven (Plant) and, Burrell, Boz, 257, 326, 334 414–415 promotion and, 196–197 Cadillac, 471 Shaken ’n’ Stirred, 429 Caine, Michael, 439 Swan Song and, 256–257, Calder, Tony, 29 262, 345 Callan, Alan Tour Over Europe, 397–398 Grant and, 458, 462 on tour with Led Zeppelin, Page and, 472 144–146, 215 on Page’s guitar playing, 5–6 Carter-Lewis & the Southerners, Swan Song and, 341–348, 20 351, 392 Cartoone, 73 views on Bell, 332–333 Cattini, Clem, 24, 47, 93 Calmes, Jack CBS, 47, 48 concert staging and, 274 Celebration, A (Lewis), 447 on crew’s treatment, 277–278 “Celebration Day,” 160 Hinton and, 276–277 Charles, Ray, 11, 107 Knebworth concerts, 383–384 Charlesworth, Chris, 207, 261, Cameron, Ray, 72 278, 302 Captain Beefheart, 51, 64 Charlton, Bill, 279 Carlo, Julie, 418 Chess Records, 16, 141 Carlo, Phil, 460 Childhood’s End (Clarke), 192 The Firm, 435–436 Chistlehurst Caves, 260–261, 261 at Grant’s funeral, 462–463 Christian, Dick, 296 Horselunges job of, 424 Christian, Neil, 11, 17, 113 Live Aid, 442 Chrysalis, 112 Swan Song liquidation and, 422 Churchill-Hale, Richard, 393 as tour manager (1980), Circus, 289 398–401 Clapton, Eric Carl Wayne and the Vikings, 42 biographical information, 7 Carnes, Gary, 354, 366 characterization of, 9 bindex.indd 520 9/12/2012 5:24:56 PM INDEX 521 Cole and, 281–282 The Song Remains the Same, Dave Kelly’s Swing Shop 301, 302 and, 15 Stairway to Heaven, 446 Page and, 27 Swan Song and, 252, 258, Yardbirds, 1, 17, 60 344–345 Clark, Dick, 64, 81 on tour with Led Zeppelin, Clark, Gene, 481 222–223 Clarke, Arthur C., 192 Collins, Phil, 414–415, 415, 442 Clifton, Peter Colour Me Gone, 73 on Led Zeppelin management, Columbia, 344, 345 238–239 Colyer, Ken, 58 The Song Remains the Same, “Communication Breakdown,” 99, 297–303 110, 154, 293, 303 Coach and Horses (Soho), Concerts East, 127 171, 198 Concerts West, 127, 196, 444 Cobo Hall (Detroit), 218 Condliffe, Brian, 322, 357 Cole, Marilyn, 296, 312, 340, Cope, Barbara “Butter Queen,” 420–421 149–150, 351 Cole, Michael, 192 Corn Flakes (Kellogg), 65 Cole, Richard, 117, 224 Cornick, Glenn, 171 band’s drug use and, 163 Corrigan-Devlin, Gyl, 213 characterization of, 149, 228, Coulson, Clive, 252, 257, 258, 233–234, 280–281, 285, 329 335, 358–359 Coverdale, David, 452–454 Clapton and, 281–282 Coverdale/Page, 452–454 Drake Hotel (New York City) Crawdaddy, 18 robbery and, 236–237 Crawling King Snakes, 2–3, early U.S. tours, 116–118, 120 39–40 financial problems of, 340 Cream, 99, 100, 106, 111, 123 Grant and, 71–72 Creamer, Richard, 224 incarceration of, 396–397, 404 Creem, 123, 217, 364–365 at Knebworth, 388 Crockford, Paul, 444 marriage of, 8, 281, 312 Crowe, Cameron, 292 New Yardbirds and, 81, 82 Crowley, Aleister, 27, 165–167, Oakland (1977) incident, 272, 308–309. See also 371–375, 378, 444 occult, Page and on Page-Plant reunion, “Crunge, The,” 190 467–468 Curbishley, Bill, 414, 455–458, Plant and, 296 456, 464, 466, 467 bindex.indd 521 9/12/2012 5:24:56 PM 522 INDEX Daily Express, 404 “Don’t Turn Your Back on Me, Dalton, David, 461 Babe,” 28 Dalton, Karen, 287 Drake Hotel (New York City), Damned, 304, 305, 345 robbery at, 236–237 D’Arcy, Doug, 171 Dreamland (Plant), 473 Dautrich, Bill, 319 Dream Machine, 381 Davies, Chalkie, 387 Dreja, Chris, 6, 62, 81 Davies, Cyril, 12, 13, 14, 17, Dupree, Champion Jack, 55 19–20 DVD (Page), 472, 474 Davies, Dave, 25 “D’yer Maker,” 190 Davis, Clive, 108 Davis, Stephen, 446 Earl’s Court, 292–293, 293 “Dazed and Confused,” 103, 121, Eaton, Nigel, 451 162, 218, 303 Ecker, Patricia, 454 Deamer, Clive, 473–474 Edmunds, Dave, 338–345, 367 Death Wish 90, 416–419 Electric Mud (Waters), 181 Decca, 2, 21, 24 Ellis, Terry, 75, 171 Deep Blues (Palmer), 142–143 Emerson, Keith, 95 DeHavilland, Terry, 335, 336 EMI Studios, 28 Del-Fi (Los Angeles), 140 Emmer, Bob, 265 Delsener, Ron, 76, 80 Entwistle, John, 71, 102 Denny, Sandy, 182 Epic Records, 83 Denny Laine and the Diplomats, Epsom (England), Page and, 42 7–16, 9, 10, 27, 29 Dent, Malcolm, 167 Equinox, 166, 306, 306–309 Des Barres, Michael, 233, Ertegun, Ahmet, 280, 431 330–331 Atlantic Records role, 8 Detective, 262, 329–330 Atlantic Records signing with Dick Clark Caravan of Stars, 64, New Yardbirds, 105–109 81 band publicity and, 202 Diddley, Bo, 8, 12, 68, 70 Carson and, 144–146 Disc and Music Echo, 203 characterization of, 344 Dixon, Shirley, 141 Cole and, 282 Dixon, Willie, 16, 141–143 death of, 474 Dolan, Mike, 46, 47, 51, 56, 57 at Earl’s Court party, 292 Dolly (cleaner), 336 fourth album and, 184 Donegan, Lonnie, 6–7 Grant and, 393–394, 394, 421 Donovan, 25, 26, 82, 291, Led Zeppelin reunion in 417 memory of, 474–479 bindex.indd 522 9/12/2012 5:24:56 PM INDEX 523 Led Zeppelin royalty finances, Frendz, 131 445 “Friends,” 167 London and, 73 Fromme, Squeaky, 267 Plant’s solo career and, Fry, Tom, 389–391 451–452 Fudge, Vanilla, 79 promotion and, 196 Full House, 157 Rolling Stones and, 266–267 Swan Song and, 256 Gallivan, Brian, 290, 339–340 talent management and, 81, Gammond, Kevyn, 54, 55, 125 472–473 Ertegun, Mica,
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