OPEN-ENROLLMENT CHARTER CONTRACT RENEWAL APPLICAnON Sectio" I. Cllrrellt (nformation in Charter School Trucking System -< rn ><: ~ COl ::> ::c en ::> :l> rM :o:D ltd-SO; = '"= rn -i =c:> I C")rn IZ :t>- V> m= -< <en rnC"J = ::Ji ::r: 0= en==- ~ = N .­ =c-.> CO en -< ledi¢f;7r"n ! td UJ1{)!iJ H./\RMONY SOtNCE ACAur;.M__V. OAUA<i iLARMONYSL1iOOLOf lN~{jVAiiON· nAl_LA~ 1 il)Q5 F'ttf~"U: Om-': lti14WR~n:t'"''Zy &lbL IX i5::~3 C;t,"llil~ TX ''!!Xi; I Gra&: L..-.-,!h: Ctmt:!IlHy Sawd G~ ~d$ Curremiy S(:!'\"t:Jl I KnJl t,U1.(t';.O·t05JJtd:l7J}S319 < ittI L i.2 H\IWJ1f41: !Mw7001 HAi{lI.-!ONY S-OUiCt ACAllCMY ~ GAkLAND R~R:MONY SCltNcr ACAOlWACOj :!yfl:! Faev.heci Patt.%1W j'f(}(j N@Fd!VzHcy Milb Dn..~ Gnhr,iL -1;';: 7514;1 W;::,xl.TX1tpm Grm.k b:: ..cl£ Currcrniy Served KG,OUJ2JJ3JtH5JJ(dJ731!U..19.1 i} ~ 11 (;flt1!Olphkaf 8uuad~: Thr: 'lugwd ch~cr Jt1!ht'MMfl;;G,J: imk:n~ nti1my tctl¢l:ti th::u dN! jO!hjt\l~ dt'tttlClisl U.m1prl~ Irn:- dune "elk"'.!!'''' @"c",~hh,: ht,gm1.w), !W.!lII 1$1), _ 1$1), ~I$I), ~ 1$1), _1$1), JOC!1i!LI$I), lim!1$1) , -.u!1$1), IIWIt_ ~ ~5Dp ~S)£! ~~f'.~~~1;~51*~mu.m$~.IiD;Ii _1m,_1$1) , -=1$1), _1$1) , IAU_I$I) , iMElIIIlJii'!H 1$1) , ~ 1$1) , IA_1$1) , ~5D# ~e.MW# ~9} ji ~., # lWUi£JJ)9) j ~B)c@ Mt S1m5li r MCWtEfSJp ~I$I), 2 Section II. Contact Information The persons listed below will be contacted by agency staff if there are issues to be resolved in any of the sections. Superintendent Contact Information: Superintendent's Name: I~~ner ,~~rj~, Telephone Number: /(713)343-33331205 Fax Number: 1<!13) 777-S555 . E·m.iI Address: ISttt_ri~~harmonYtx.org Charter Holder Board Chair Contact Information: Charter Holder Board Chair's Name: Telephone Number: I~:;,:;:--- Fax Number: 1(713) 777-8555 E-mail Address: Application Preparer's Contact Information: Contact Name: l~at~hAY~ ......... Telephone Number: 1(972) 234-9993 Fax Number: k972)234:999~. E-mail Address: IraY@harmOnYlx,org .. Chat·ter School Website: Web address: ...... r:::l C'J =­-->< ::r: en >­ J> rn ;'5 ::0::0 = rn--l =<:0 I n'" :» I.n -< -enm= = <0 ::l? tn~ = CJ ~. Page 7 =­ = =n-o .. Cl N r- C":> 00 003 =-< Section III. Posting of Adopted Budget Chapter 12 ofthe Texas Education Code (TEC), specifically §12.1 04(b)(2)(L), makes explicit that open-enrollment charters are required to comply with TEC Chapter 39, Subchapter D, Financial Accountability. TEC §39.084, titled Posting ofAdopted Budget, states the following: (a) On final approval ofthe budget by the board oftrustees, the school district shall post on the district's Internet website a copy ofthe budget adopted by the board of trustees. The district's Internet website must prominently display the electronic link to the adopted budget. (b) The district shall maintain the adopted budget on the district's Internet website until the third anniversary ofthe date the budget was adopted. Provide the web address ofthe adopted budgets: http://www.hsawaco,orgflmidframe=/Announcements/index,asp -0 rn :><: Sl n ",.. :z:: 0'> ",.. » rn --0 :0= ::>::1 rn-f = ofT1 =C":> I V1 m:D ---f - en """ <0 2:= ~ rn ..-,,_ Cl~= """rn"'" .-= en <.J"'" 00 --< '" Page 8 4 Section IV. Organizational Charts Submit, as Attachment I, the organizational chart for the charter school that specifies the administrative positions including the title and name ofthe individual currently in each position. See Attachment 1- Organizational Chart for Charter School District Submit, as Attachment 2, a chart that identifies all other entities under the direction ofthe charter holder. This would include entities and/or programs that the charter holder governs/manages in addition to the charter school. See Attachment 2-0rganizational Chart of Charter Holder-Cosmos Foundation Inc. ............. :>< C") 5il :r =-en ,... :» ..." -0 :0= = ;;0 rn--l c-,= I qfTt Vl m= .....""" - en <CJ = ~ :>"'" 0m= en 0 rn 0 N r- C":> en "'"-< CD Page 9 5 Section V. Admission Policy A. Specify the period during which applications for admission are accepted. TEC. § 12.117, requires that a charter school establish a reasonable application deadline/or the submission ofapplications/or admission. Beginning of Period End of Period (Month/Duy) (MontblDuy) lJAN.IO /MARCH 15 B. Ifthe school admits students by lottery when the number of admissions applications received exceeds the number of available spaces, describe the procedures followed in conducting the lottery. Type Below: A lottery is to be conducted ifthe number ofapplicants exceeds the maximum enrollment. Each student will be assigned a number. Numbers will be written on a piece ofnpaper (1" by 2") and folded twice. Numbers will be placed in a conlaincrand randomly drawn one number at a time by the principal or hislher designee. The lottery will be supervised by at lenst one member ofthe sponsoring entity or his! her designee and by arepresentative from the Cosmos Foundation Central office. -< rn ~ C"l C. Ifthe school utilizes a lottery when oversubscribed, are any calegories ofapplicants exempted from the 10fl8i.y? ::r en :l> Check One: (0 Yes rn >­ ;g ::0::0 = rn-; = I c:>rn r* ~ VI -< - m=en <= r Not applicable (because lotteries are not utilized) :i! IT1_ Cl~= If"Yes" was indicated in C above, state the categories ofapplicants that are exempted. N r-= Type Below: OO en Children ofthe school's founders and teachers (so long as the total number ofstudents allowed constitutes only asmall percentage of the total enrollment) as pennitted by the federal guidance on the Charter Schools Program are exempt from lottery requirements. D. lfthe school utilizes a lottery when oversubscribed. specifY the approximate date on which a lottery will be conducted. Approximate Date ofLottery (MontblDay) /MARCH25 E. lfthe school does not utilize a lottery when oversubscribed, but rather tills the available positions in the order in which applications were received before the expiration ofthe application deadline (i.e., a "first-come, first-served" admission process), describe the manner in which the school notifies the community ofthe opportunity to apply for admission. TEe. §12.117. requires a charter schoollhaluses afirsl-come, first-served admission process when oversubscribed to publish a notice in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation not later than the seventh day before the application deadline. Type Below: N/A Page 10 6 F. Ifthe school has a separate process for re-enrollmen~ state the process and the timeline to be used. Type Below: Returning students (students who currently attended the school and intend to return the next school year) arc given priority in admission, if they notifY the school oflheir intent to return for the next school year by February 1st of the each school year. O. State the procedures for processing applications received once the application deadline has passed. Type Below: Ifa student applies to the school outside ofthe designated application period, the student will be placed on a waiting list in the order of the date in which the application is received. H. Describe the infonnation that an applicant must provide in order to be considered far admission. Applicants may not be required 10 provide copies oftranscripts or a/her academic records unlif afier they are offered admission and are enrolling. Furthermore, a sludent may nol be precludedfrom enrolling due 10 Ihe charIer school's failure to receive information requiredfar enrallmentfram the student~ parent or guardian or previous school. See TEC. §25.002. Type Below: The application fonn must include the following items; Applicant's name. birth date, current school name, current grade level, residential address, phone numbers, parents' name, contact inronnation, and signature. The application fonn must also include infonnation regarding the applicant has a sibling already admitted to attending the school and whether the applicant has a documented history of a criminal offense. Applicants are not be required to provide transcript or other academic records until after they are oITered admission. r. The charter holder certifies that the non-discrimination statement required by TEC, §12.1 I I (a)(6) is printed in the school's admission policy. TEC, §I2.111 (6) requires that a charter school's admission policy include a statement that the school will not discriminate in admissions based on gender, nalionalorigin, ethnicily. religion. disability, academic, arlis/ic, or athletic ability. or the district the child would athenvise aI/end. Check One: .. Yes rNa J. Does the admission policy either require or pennit the school to exclude from admission all students with documented histories ofa criminal offense, ajuvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems underTEC Chapter 37, Subchapter A as authorized by TEe, § 12.1 II(a)(6)? Check One: .. Yes (The school excludes such students or reserves the right to exclude such students from admissions.) r No (The school does not deny admission to such students based on their documented histories of misconduct.) Submit as Attachment 3, a cUfTent copy ofthe admission poticy that incorporates the information provided in the above answers to questions A through H and any other relevant information; as Attachment 4, a blank copy of the current admission application (i.e., the information requested when the student first seeks admission); and as Attachment 5, a blank copy of the current enrollment formes) (i.e., the information required once an applicant has been offered admission and is registering for enrollment) Page I I 7 Section VI. Special Education Assurances The charter holder certifies that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure implementation of all federal laws and regulations, Texas laws, State Board of Education (SBOE) and commissioner of education rules related to students with disabilities and further certifies that any future amendments to the laws, regulations, and rules will be incorporated and implemented.
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