' „ « PAGE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1966 fianrh^st^r lEorning f^ralb Arcrage Daily Net Preae Run The W oitlier For the Week EiUM ; eC V. a. W esthe ronvm rr M . IN * The Rev. and Mrs. C. Henry Anderson, 157 Pitkin St., have M * ae eeM, About Town returned after two weeks of va­ World Day Prayer Service 14,126 cationing with relatives at Fort The Chsmlnade Muelcal Club ORANGE HALL Member et tke A «0t Lauderdale, Fla. Pastor Ander­ Bm eee of OlnidatlM will meet Monday at 8 p.m. In son will preach at Emanuel Set at St. Mary^s March 5 the Federation Room at Center Manchetter^A City of Village Charm Lutheran Church Sunday. Oongreifatlonal Church. "What Inspired Compo9er'.<i Romantic Mrs. Royal J. Gibson, chair-facilities and milk for the Lt. and Mrs. Carl E. Carl.son Aivorttalng ea Page If) PRICE SEVEN CENTO Work.s" will be the theme of the man of evangelism and spiritu­ young children will be provided. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 126 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SA'TURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1965 pro(fram. Mrs. »CharIes Lam- Jr. left yesterday by plane for More than 13S nations in aix Frankfurt, Germany, where Lt. al life at the United Church of oert, president, is in chargre of continents 'will observe March Carlson will be stationed with Christ, West Hartford, will be 5 as World Day of Prayer, now tfie entertainment. The meetingr the U.S. Air Force. The Carl- the guest speaker at the Man­ BINGO ia open to all women interested in its 79th year. Thia firat Fri­ .sons have been visiting with chester IWorld Day of Prayer day of the Lenten oeason has bi music. Refreshments will be Mrs. Carlson's parent.s, Mr. and Service to be held Friday, EVERY SAT. NIGHT — 7:30 Events •erved. been set aside as a time for Mrs. Frank J. Miller oi 14 Per­ March 6. at 1:15 p.m. at St. prayers, pesce and brotherhood 72 Eo»t Cwittf Strut — Manch— f r kins St. She i.s the former Mary's Episcopal Church, Park on the theme "What Doth the The Salvation Army Band. Jeanne Nedra Miller. St. Lord Require?” In State White Paper on Viet Nam Song-sters and Young People’s Mrs. Gibson's record In Thoee asatstlng in the aerv- Fellowship will have a social church leadership Includes hav­ The personal work training Ice will Include Sidney Mac- hour tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. at ing served as president of Alplne of 8t. Mary's Blpiscopal class of the Church of Christ women In the Department of the Youth Center. Each mem­ will meet Sunday at 7:05 p.m. at Church as organist, Mrs. Roy Sailor Hurt ber is welcome to bring a guest. Spiritual Life and Miasions for the church. the Congregational Christian Jolmson of Emanuel Lutheran Church as soloist, Mrs. J. Man­ Army Navy Auxiliary' will Churches for Louisiana, Texas When Caught ®scontinue its Monday night Britush American Club will and Oklahoma; having served ley Shaw of South Methodist Says Reds Waging Full War sponsor a dance for members Interim pastorates in Montana Church as a reader, and Mrs. Between Trains card parties until further no­ and guests tomorrow from 9 Missionary Speakers John McDowell of St. Mary's tice. and Minnesota and having money^aggresoion has acctnnulated p.m. to 1 a.m. at the clubhouse. taught in the Mount Sequoia Episcopal Church as chalirnan WASHINGTON (AP) •reaihed new levels of Intensi-Alt U giving with men, The Rev. and Mrs. William w. ty,” fVtAthe varKlf*white v\av\At*paper said.aalil '"PVtA"The anHand mafafHolmaterial. and "the government of ths Charlie Varrlck's Orchestra will Mission School for the National of the host church. NEW LONDON (AP)— Two Articles Mi.ss Patricia Rackowskl. play. The United States publish­ elaborate effort by the Commu­ Friday, U.S. military author­ United States believes that evi­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ Franklin Anderson II, who q u e s, Mozambique's capitol. Council of Churches. She was r 85 East Center St. Three sailors were caught TIBETAN BISTORT ed a new “ white paper” on nist regime in North Viet Nam ities said several hundred more dence should be pre.sented to its ard Rackowski of 754 Center have . done social work and 'The seminary offers the high­ ordained to the ministry in At Summit St. between two trains going Deal Locally The American Legion will est level of training for Prot­ NEW HAVEN (AP)—A Tibe­ Viet Nam today that to conquer the south has grown, American GI's will be sent to own citizens and to the world.” •t., has been elected co-chair­ ministerial training in Mozam­ Maine after receiving a BA in opposite directions short­ South Viet Nam. “ Military men, techntotans, man of the Freshman Class Tea -sponsor a free dance for mem­ estant ministers in Mozam­ from Taylor University, Up­ tan who is doing research at charged North Viet Nam not diminished.” bers and guests tomorrow from bique and South Africa for 10 WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL ly before dawn today, po­ In New Math TTiis effort, the State Depart­ political organizers, propagan­ at Albertus Magnus College, years, will .speak Sunday at the bique. In 1958, the Andersons land, Ind. and a bachelor of Yale has completed the first full with waging a war against The State Department's case 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Amer­ were delegates to the World In­ political history of his country, lice said, and one of the ment said, is a deliberate cam­ against North Viet Nam wa.i dists and secret sigents Imvs New Haven. The event will be 9 and 10:45 a.m. .services at divinity and a master of South Viet Nam as aggres­ been infiltrating into the repub­ held May 16 and will honor ican Legion Home. stitutes and World Convention sacked theology from Hartford the university said Thursday. Katie Mueller, a 14-year- paign of concealed aggression presented before the world amid South Methodist Church. They men was seriously hurt. "as real at that of an invading lic of Viet Nam from the nortll parents of freshmen. Miss on Christian Education in Ja­ Seminary. She is presently en­ The author is Tsepon W. D. oid Californian In the 9th sive as if it were an open mounting pressures In several are on a year's furlough from Jesse Spivey, 37, of 'Waiter- army." in growing numbers. Kackowski is a graduate of Steamers, cherrystone clams mi.s.sionoary service. pan. gaged in writing a series of Shakabpa, who said he was en­ CARNATIONS boro, S.C., who was stationed grade, gives the student's invasion. quarters for consideration of Manchester High School and is and clam chowder will be served The Andersons first assign­ Bom in Pittsburgh, Pa„ the articles for religious magazines couraged to writs the book by aboard the' Polaris submarine side cf the new math in five "It Is important,” the State The white paper was designed negotiations to end the conflict. "The flow of Communis*-sup­ a member of the National Stu­ tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. at the ment as missionaries was to Rev. Mr. Anderson received a : in the field of spiritual life. the Dalai Lama, head of the OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY artlclec that will run In Department said in the 14,000- to show with precise figures the ■rhe United States would be plied weapons. particularly Robert E. Lee, was reported Uioee of large caliber, ha.s in­ dents' Association at the col­ Bilks' Club, Bissell St. Johannesburg, South Africa, bachelor of arts and a bachelor Mrs. Ralph Frank of Center Tibetan refugee state In exile. in critical condition at Lawrence The Herald from Monday word document, “ for free men extent to which the Viet CJong ready at once to reduce its mili­ tary Involvement if peace could creased. Communications links lege. where they worked with miners of divinity from Vanderbilt Congregational Church is Shakabpa says his book will be and Memorial Hospital. through Friday. to know what has been happen­ guerrillas in the south are sup­ Manchester Retreat Leagfue from Mozambique in their liv­ chairman of the Manchester published next year. The following Monday ing in Viet Nam, and how, and ported and controlled by North be restored In South Viet Nam, with Hanoi are extensive. Ds* University, Nashville, Tenn. A second sailor, who was not spite the heavy casualties of The Hartford Wellesley Club will sponsor a luncheon for the ing compounds. They co-direct- He received a master of sci- World Day of Prayer. She is immediately identified, was and Tuesday, The Herald’s why. That is the purpose of this Viet Nam. Thereby it sought to the document .said. will sponsor a benefit rummage benefit of a new retreat house ed a Christian Social Center at assisted by the United Church education reporter will re­ report.” refute any sugge.stlon that it is But, it added, "the choice now three years of fighting, the hard ! ence degree from Pennsyl- treated at the hospital for cuta core -Viet Cong force is consid­ aale Friday, March 12, from 7 for the Sisters of the Cross Chicuque from 1955 to 1958. ' vania State University, State Women. A potiuck luncheon and transferred to the sub­ port on the progress of An evident purpose of the re­ simply a civil war being fought between peace and continued to 9 p.m.
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