Marshall Update NEWS FOR FORMER MARSHALL SCHOLARS www.marshallscholarship.org Vol. 1, No. 1 Winter 2002 “On this historic occasion, I wish to thank Welcome the British Government for establishing the Marshall Scholarship Program in 1953 and for Welcome to the new-look Marshall Up- continuing to support it so generously over the date. This newsletter will replace the old up- past fifty years. As I stated when I was a date circulated with the biennial directory, and guest speaker at the George C. Marshall Lec- will include not only updates sent in by former ture Series in November of 1991, I believe Scholars, but also news reports about the ac- strongly in this program for two reasons. tivities of former Scholars and about the First, it fosters academic excellence among Scholarship more generally. We hope you American scholars who participate. Second, it like the new format, and look forward to your continually reinforces the strong ties between suggestions for future editions. I would like to the United States and the United Kingdom give special thanks to Kannon Shanmugam across all sectors of our societies. (’93), who volunteered to become editor of this newsletter and has done a terrific job of “The bonds that have developed as a result preparing the first issue. We owe him a large of this program continue the legacy that Gen- debt of thanks for his efforts. eral George C. Marshall began with the Mar- shall Plan after World War II. Devoting his Best wishes. life to public service, General Marshall was a man who personified the ‘citizen soldier.’ — Robert D. Kyle (’77) Having served as Army Chief of Staff during President World War II, and afterwards as Secretary of Marshall Scholars Association State, he drew upon his reputation and credi- bility to create one of the greatest war recov- ery plans the world has ever seen. Powell Offers Thanks “In appreciation for this support, the United Kingdom established the Marshall To British Govern- Scholarship Program, which has provided generous financial assistance to more than a ment For Marshall thousand American scholars since its incep- tion in 1953. After completing their Marshall Program studies, many of these scholars have gone on to play an important role in their respective United States Secretary of State Colin L. fields: Ray Dolby, a Marshall Scholar in 1957, Powell has issued the following message on invented the Dolby sound system; Bruce Bab- the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the bitt (1960) became the U.S. Secretary of the Marshall Scholarship Program: Interior; and Stephen Breyer (1959) is now serving as a U.S. Supreme Court justice. Just as important, the friendships Marshall Schol- While mingling with Marshall Scholars ars developed while in the United Kingdom after the ceremony, the Prime Minister asked continue to strengthen the ties between our students how they were finding Britain, and countries. With more and more bright, aspir- teased them about making sure to study. “Not ing people applying for the Marshall Scholar- partying too much, I hope,” Blair playfully ship every year, I feel confident the program admonished. will continue to enrich both of our countries for many years to come.” Colin Powell remarked on the enduring significance of General Marshall, who, like Powell, went on to serve as Secretary of State Scholars Meet Blair, after a distinguished military career. Powell at Ceremony “It is an interesting time to be abroad right now,” commented Jordan Wales, a scholar Thirty Marshall Scholars joined with Brit- from Delaware now studying at the University ish Prime Minister Tony Blair and Secretary of Edinburgh. “The British people have been of State Colin Powell in London on Dec. 11, very sympathetic and supportive. It was 2001, to commemorate the passage of three heartening to see the Prime Minister and Sec- months since the September 11 attacks. retary Powell speaking together about our shared sense of loss, as well as a joint com- In a ceremony in front of 10 Downing mitment to working together toward a foun- Street, Blair and Powell reiterated their sym- dation for future peace.” pathy for the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon three months ago. The two also pledged to continue the close cooperation that has characterized US-British relations in diplomatic and military efforts since the attacks. During the brief ceremony that was at- tended by Prime Minister Blair, Secretary Powell, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and thirty Marshall Scholars, the band from the American School in London played patriotic songs, including The Star Spangled Banner. British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Ameri- Shortly afterwards, at a press conference in- can Secretary of State Colin Powell meet with side the Prime Minister’s residence, Mr. Blair the current Marshall Scholars to commemo- said, “I was pleased to be able to participate in rate the September 11 attacks. the short but moving ceremony to remember those who lost their lives on September 11 . in that ghastly and evil tragedy.” The presence of the Marshall Scholars at the event underscored the continuation of a “special relationship” between Great Britain and the US, according to the Prime Minister. 2 “‘Let us now praise famous men,’ we are “Dr. Chris,” Beloved urged by the Book of Ecclesiastes, and the definition of fame first offered in this chapter ACU Head, Dies of the Old Testament would certainly cover General George C. Marshall. ‘Men renowned Dr. Anastasios “Chris” Christodoulou, for their power; Giving counsel by their un- who in his capacity as secretary-general of the derstanding . Leaders of the people by Association of Commonwealth Universities their counsels, Wise and eloquent in their in- was known to a generation of Marshall Schol- structions.’ The career of this great soldier- ars, passed away in May of last year. He was statesman, the epitype of the American citi- 70. He served as secretary general of ACU zen, qualifies him for this Biblical Hall of from 1980 until his retirement in 1996. He Fame as a man of power and wisdom. leaves his wife, Joan, and four children. For tributes to “Dr. Chris,” go to www3.open.ac. “But one reason why I and others have so uk/events/2002530_59829_nr.doc. He will be admired him is for his qualities as a man and greatly missed by all of us who knew him. not solely for the chapters that he wrote into the history of his times. Read to the end of — Kannon Shanmugam (’93) these verses in Ecclesiastes and we are re- minded of those men ‘who have no memorial; who are perished, as though they have never Alumni Photographs been . But these were merciful men, whose righteousness hath not been forgotten . Available Online . Their memory shall remain forever, and their glory shall not be blotted out.’ Photographs of past year groups of Mar- shalls are now available on the Marshall “In speaking of George C. Marshall today, Scholarship website at the following address: I want therefore to suggest one or two things www.marshallscholarship.org/alumni.html. If we can learn about how to handle the prob- your year is missing, and you happen to have lems of our age from the way in which he a copy of your year group photo, please send a handled the problems of his, but I also want to copy to the current Marshall Scholarship As- focus on some lessons we can learn for our- sistant Secretary, Mary Denyer, at m.denyer selves from the way that General Marshall @acu.ac.uk. ‘ran the race’ as a man. “If Marshall had retired at the end of the Patten Delivers Second World War we would have still had cause to celebrate an illustrious career. A Marshall Lecture military commander who rapidly built up America’s armed strength. A leader who man- On October 4, 2002, European Commis- aged with tact and authority, a glittering top sioner for External Relations The Rt. Hon. brass of allied commanders — men like Chris Patten, CH, delivered the George C. Eisenhower, MacArthur, Patton and Mont- Marshall Lecture at Hudson’s Bay High gomery. He was hugely successful. In a School in Vancouver, Washington. The text written tribute when he stepped down the of the lecture follows: British Joint Chiefs of Staff quoted these lines of poetry: 3 take notice of them. In the case of Iraq, the Friend to truth! Of soul sincere, fact that Saddam Hussein has breached so In action faithful, and in honour clear; many UN resolutions has solidified world Who broke no promise, served no private end, opinion against him and holds out the possi- Who gained no title, and who lost no friend. bility of a broad measure of international sup- port for action to force Iraq at last to comply “He was soon recalled to duty — first as with its obligations under those resolutions. President Truman’s point man on China, as Marshall also played a key part in the creation war between the Nationalists and Communists of NATO. And it was NATO which not only tore the country apart, then as Secretary of helped save Western Europe from commu- State. nism but through its steadfastness helped free Eastern Europe just over a decade ago. Mar- “In that post he shaped the world in which shall was also clear on the benefits to Europe we have lived for the past 50 years and cer- of joining together in what is now the Euro- tainly helped to create the Europe in which I pean Union. A Union which has made a third grew up. European civil war literally inconceivable.
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