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Of J1:lly Fireworks sentative Sees Possibility nlcnt and the anti-Communist of Court Action ".Liberat'lon Army" are making ,- statements that do not jibe. The Gigantic Display on Parcells School Grounds Expected to A veiled threat of a law suit rebels claim the advance of their Attract Crowd of More Than :forces have bogged down be. 15,000 against the City of Grosse cause of seasonlil rain; the Gov. Monday Night Pointe Woods cropped up ernment claims to have broken during a special Woods coun- the rebels' main offensive. Later, The Grosse Pointe Kiwanis Club is again planning to the Government issued a com- give the Pointe residents a big bang this fourth of July week. cil meeting on Monday, June munique, stating. that Guatemala end. According to Charles O'Hanisain, publicity chairman, :28, while a discussion was is being attacked by air, by land plans are nearing completion for the Club's 12th Annual Fire carried on concerning the and by sea. Col. Carlos Castillo Works display to be held at the Parcell's play field o~ Mon. city's garbage grinder ordi. Armas, leader of the rebels, said day, July 5, at 8 p.m. nance and r.1ethod of financ- that his advance had been slowed ing and' installing of grinder lip. not only because of the rains, The display, long the highlight IT d H-t of week-end festivities for young rage y l S units. but also because his followers During the course of discus. wished to avoid bloodshed. and old alike, will again be as- W d P l sion, a representative of the Mas- • • • sembled and run off by Arnold 00 S 00; ter Plumbers Association of RED CHINA HAS AGREED to Diesing. Michi~an, asked to be heard. II cease fire in Indochir.a. Premiel Ch -ld D ' Builds Own Displays l . rowns Will Become Plumbers Mcndes-France i n for m e d the Since the inauguration of the }'rench National Assembly. The The representative stated that display, Mr. Diesing has been in the city is making a mountain Assembly then gave the premier charge of the building and the Eight.Year.Old Boy From De. a resounding vote of confidence, firing of all the arrays. out of a mole hill, and that no "'33 to 23. Before the vote, Men- troit Visiting Relatives Is bids are necessary from concerns Mr. Diesing begins as early as interested in installing the grind. des-France reported on his meet- May to assemble the material Victim of Sad Accident ing in Berne, Switzerland, with ers. He said that the city will en- and plan the theme of the dis- ter the p I u m bin g business, Chi n e s e Communist Premier play. He then sets about to build A day of fun in the Woods' Chou En Lai. whether it wants to or not. the various s!<yrockets, roman lakefront park on Sunday, He referred to a statement He said that he and the Chinese ' -Fred Runnells I'hoto candles, pinwheels and such June 27, turned into a day of made during the meeting, in premier had agreed to realize Although somewhat noisier than in past seasons, the residents of the Park can still enjoy the cool comfort Df their needed for the different arrays. tragedy when a young memo wl'.:ch it was brought out that One of his last, and toughest as rapidly as possible a settle. municipal bathing beach in spite of the construction work in progress on the new boat harbor and pier. In the back. ber of a Detroit family, guests the city will advertise for bids ment of the military problems. ground, beyond and away from the swimming fac.ilities, can be seen the pile driving rig of the Dunbar-Sullivan Co. jobs is the building of the huge for ~he revenue bond Issue to Observers said that Red China I. of Woods relatives, drowned frames required for the spectac- finance the purchase and install wants to prevent the United ular central display, usual cli- in the park swimming pool. States from forming an anti. Norman Essad, 8, son of Mr. 500 grinders. It was also brought max of the works: out that the city will 'have noth. Communist bloc in Southeast State Plalls Dr. Davies Warns Against Built Birthday Cake and Mrs. Ernest Essad of 88:i0 • Asia. Order to Kill Neal, Detroit ,was found floating ing to do with the installation, :Wlr.Diesing will long be re- in the park's pool, drowned. because it does not want to enter • • • the plumbing business. Saturday, June 26 Survey For Having Too Much Faith in membered for his beautiful mul- The boy, with his parents and Biting Dogs ti-colored birthday cake of last his sister, Beverly Ann, 10, were year's display, commemorating May Launch Action JtsAcountry,SPEEDYwasENDpromisedto the bywarthein Elm Dz-sease Power.'. of Gamma Globull-n the guests of Dan Rashid, of The veiled threat of a suit en. the 25th Anniversary of the City 20000 West Williams court. Guatemalan ArmJ'. That. branch . l.. • ~ Q'lestioned , tered 'when, the representative of Grosse Pointe Woods; . Dive Fatal ot the lIervl'C.b~~&haUt:'w ... 'AII Trees on. Municipal and New Pl'oventf¥e--1=reatmeht Is Purely.Passive Vaccine. Use. Mr..Dicsing;;\'ll)uld ,not dlvulg.e revealed. that.ll~a~OOds res• advancIng on all fronts and that.. I' Aft E d H • Sh rt Importance' "or-Finding Out' what the central theme of thlS The boy was in' the' pool en- idents BSsert~. a th'c' city before long an end will come to Private Property To Be ess er xpo~ure an aVlng 0, ' If They Are Rabid Cited year's display would be, but in joying himself immensely. He carries out its .grinder program, ~he ~eek - old anti - Communist Inspected by Experts .Immunization Period the words of Mr. O'Hanisaln, shouted to Rashid, "Uncle, look which according to the grinder InvaSlon. 1 b I .I . " By News Readers "This year's display promises to at me dive," and proceeded to ordinance would cause a discon. On the other hand, the "libera. Gamma G 0 u in is definite y not a polio cure-all, ac- be bigger and better than ever." demonstrate. tinuance of garbage and food tion" forces of Col. Carlos Cas. A complete survey of elm cording to Dr. T. S. Davies of the Pointe Board of Health. Since the publication in last Troop' 290 of the Boy Scouts Rashid told Woods police later waste collection by July 1, 1955, 'tilJo Armas, leader of the revolt trees for the destructive Again available to doctors in the Detroit and Grosse Pointe week's issue of a news item again, plans to handle thE' reo that he ll!fl turned to watch a the people opposed may start to overthrow the lcftist regime Dutch Elm Disease will be area, Dr. Davies strongly urged parents not to rely on this stating that Pol ice Chief freshments for the more than 15,- boat pass on Lake st. Clair and court action. of President Jacobo Arbenz Guz- made in.. the. Grosse. Point.e availability or the preventive powers of the globulin 'as their Thomas Trombly of the City 000 expected. had not seen what was taking • A member of another grinder man, claimed they were holding commumtIes In t?e Immedl- sale precautionary step against the dreaded disease. ' place in the pool. concern remarked that the ordi. 16 towns inside Guatemala. ate future, accordmg to C. A. Dr. Davis emphasized this point _ of Grosse Pointe, ordered, all Carol Ann Nowakski, 13, who nance was a good .Jaw, but the biting dogs running loose to • • • Boyer, Chief, Bureau of Plant by saying, ,"We have on record BilrglaJ. Loots was swimming in the pool, fact that the city wants to ad. SundaY', June 27 Industry, Michigan Depart- many cases of people who have "All thtngs considered, polio is be shot by his policemen, a brushed against the boy as his vertise for bids indicates that UNDERTHE RIO DE JANEIRO ment of Agriculture. come down with polio even after still a great threat. The serums, number of inquiries and pro. HOlne in Park body floated in the water, and only one concern will "hog it TREATY of mutual defense, the This is a community project in they have been innoculated with drugs and antibiotics we have to. testations have been received she screamed for her brother, all," whereas. all contractors United States and nin£' other which the. Bureau of Plant In. the Gamma Globulin." This, Dr. day ate only small steps allow- at the NEWS office. Sometime between the hours Jerry, 15, who.dove into the pool shouM have a share.in the sell. ing and installations: American republics called for a dustry will furnish qualified and Davis attributes to the nature of ing vistas of experimentation in The tenor of these communica- of 10 a.m.
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