INDEX 1857 Rebellion, 274 Autism, 322–24, 326 Autry, Gene, 158, 166 Abbott, H. Porter, 45 Adams, Carol J., Pornography of Meat, Bad Mojo, 316–20 285–86, 287; Th e Sexual Politics of Baker, Steve, 175 Meat, 285 Bakhtin, Mikhail, Th e Dialogic Adrian Ivakhiv, 27 Imagination: Four Essays, 202 Aff ordances, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, Baldy the dog, 143, 151 35, 38, 39, 42 Ballantyne, R. M., 359 African Americans, authenticity of, Balto the dog, 129, 131–32, 142, 143, 159–60, 168, 175; subjugation of, 159, 154–55 169–73, 175, 177; association with Barthes, Roland, 361 horses, 164–66; derogatory Bartlett, Arthur, 141–42, 143 stereotyping of, 158–59, 163–64, Bateson, Gregory, 49 166–67, 169–70, 175 Bear, see Grizzly bears Africanist presence, 160, 161 Bekoff , Marc, 4, 7, 12, 51, 61 Agamben, Giorgio, 210–11 Bell, Charles, Th e Hand, its Mechanism Agassiz, Alexander, 358–59 and Vital Endowment, as Evincing Agassiz, Louis, 135, 359 Design, 121–23, 127 Alex the parrot, 1, 11, 339 Bending, Lucy, Th e Representation of Alexander Wilson, 36 Bodily Pain in Late Nineteenth- Allan, Scotty, 143, 151 Century English Culture, 191n Allmendinger, Blake, 160 Benjamin, Walter, “Gloves”, 282 Althusser, Louis, 280n Bentham, Jeremy, 13, Introduction to the Animal autobiographies, 196–99 Principles of Morals and Legislation, Animal ethics, 41 184–85 Animal Welfare Act, 234–35 Berger, John, About Looking, 89 Animality, 211, 216–18, 224–25, 253, Bergson, Henri, 355 261, 267, 270, 276; discourse of Bernard, Claude, 191, Introduction to 257–58, 259 the Study of Experimental Medicine, Animated animals, 89–103 183, 193 Anthropomorphism, 3, 45, 46, 50, 54, Bert, Paul, 205 61, 62, 64, 65, 72, 75, 87 Bikini atoll, 359 Ape language experiments, 207–28; Binti the gorilla, 6–7 historical representation, 213–15 Biology, foundations of, 345 Apes, 260–61 Biosonar, 24, 25 Aphids, 350 Black Beauty, see Sewell, Anna Aristotle, 107, soul in 344, De anima, Blaschka, Leopold and Rudolf, 363, 364, 345n, 347n 366 Arluke, Arnold and Clinton R. Boerhaave, Hermann, 346 Sanders, 62 Bonnet, Charles, 343, 345, 346, 350 Assemblage, 77–79, 81, 83, 85–87 Bouissac, Paul, 49, 59 Association for the Advancement of Bouse, Derek, Wildlife Films, 90, 93 Medicine by Research (AAMR), 193, Bowden, Charles, 98–99 201–2 Brand, Max, 158, 172–73 Atomic testing, 359–60 Bridges, John Henry, 187 Augustine, 213 Brookside Zoo (Cleveland), 132, 154 378 index Buck the dog, 140, 151 Cuvier, Georges, Th e Animal Kingdom, Burnette, Smiley, 166 109, 110, 120, 126 Burrow, Th e, 77–79 Cyborg, 284, 298 Butler, Judith, 227 Byrd, Richard, 153 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 364, 365, 367 Darwin, Charles, 3, 215, Descent of Man, Calandrini, Jean-Louis, 351 186, Expression of the Emotions in Captive umwelt, 28, 29, 35 Man and Animals, 197–98, human Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, descent from animals and infl uence 364, 365 on animal experimentation, 186–87; Carlson, Marvin, 50, 51 359, theory of coral atoll formation, Carnivism (Carnivist, Carnivistic), 358, 360 280, 280n, 287, 294 David Abram, 30 Castle, Th e, 78 Davis, David B., 162–63, 165–66 Cavell, Stanley, 73 De Certeau, Michel, 47–48, 52 Cellini, Benvenuto, 364 De Waal, Frans, 4, 11, 94 Chain of being, 350, 352n, 353 Death, 12, 20, 322–23, 334–39 Chantek the orangutan, 220, 223 Decartes, Rene, 5, 184, 185, 212 Character, 45, 46, 49, 51, 62, 65 Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari, 69, Chinook the dog, 142–43, 153–54 76–78, 80–85, 87, 354, 355 Choice/choose, 47, 48, 49, 52, 55, 59 Deleuzian, 87 Cixous, Hélène, 367–68 Derrida, Jacques, 9–15, 65, 96, 118, Cleland, John, 193–94 123–26, 302, 321–22, 334–36, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 338 132 Descartes, René, 75–76, 86, 350 Clever Hans the horse, 62–63 Desmond, Adrian, 228 Cnidaria, 343, 361 Desmond, Jane C., 47, 49, 52 Cobbe, Frances Power, 192–93, 203–4 dian marino, 36 Cockroaches, 305–9, 312–20 Diderot, Denis, 348–49 Coetzee, J. M., 62 Diphtheria, 129–30 Cognitive dissonance, 229–30, 245 Disability, 20, 322–23, 330–31, Colbert, Stephen, 157, 177–78 333–34, 336–37, 339 Colonial forest management, 264–65, Diven, Robert Joseph, 147, 151 267–69 DNA, 355 Commodifi cation, 40 Dobson, Michael, 51 Condillac, Etienne Bonnot, 212, 215 Dodgson, Charles Luttwidge (Lewis Cooper, James Fenimore, 149 Carroll), 189 Coral atoll, 358, 359, 360, biodiversity Donkey, 164, 167, 173 of, 361 Dorman, James, 175 Coral, 358–61, destruction of, 360–61, Douglass, Frederick, 164 formation of, 358, reproduction of, Doxa, 361 356–57 Corporeality, 218–19, 221 Echolocation, 24, 25 Cosslett, Tess, Talking Animals in Ecological perception, 26, 29, 31, 35 British Children’s Fiction 1786–1914, Ecological psychologist, 26, 27 195 Ecological psychology, 29, 34 Crabs, 345 Edward Reed, 27, 29, 38, 39 Crayfi sh, 345 Edwards, Richard “Britain is Sickliest”, Crist, Eileen, 2, Images of Animals: 291 Anthropomorphism and Animal Mind, Embodied agency, 34, 36, 42 184n Emotions, 4 Cronon, William, 101 Environmentalism, 89, 98–103 Cultural transmission, 41, 42 Epigenesis, theory of, 347–48, 351n, Currier and Ives, 164 352.
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