Summer 2010 Keys to the Aquarian Age Joann S. Bakula Introduction Even though some denigrate anything called new age or Aquarian Age, the ancient Mayan his article contains an explanation of the predictions for 2012 only reinforce the cos- term “Age of Aquarius” as the combina- T mic picture of great cycles and ages begin- tion of the sidereal zodiac of astronomy and ning and ending. the tropical zodiac of astrology. In it are dis- cussed compassion and synthesis, two of the Can we visualize what humanity will be like characteristics and qualities signifying the at the end of the Age of Aquarius? Alice Bai- emergence of the Age of Aquarius. The arti- ley writes, “The soul, the consciousness as- cle concludes with a new, gender-free Aquar- pect, that universal urge in each of us that ius version of the Great Invocation. puts us in rapport with God, will have surged to the front....we will have left behind the Aquarian Age human kingdom and... our consciousness will s we all know by now, the Aquarian be focused in the fifth kingdom of nature, the Age, or the new age, is an astronomical spiritual kingdom. That is the prophecy, the A 3 cycle of over 2,000 years based upon the si- thing that lies ahead for humanity.” The dereal, helio-centric zodiac, which is deter- fifth kingdom is already in nature, but we do mined by the path through the constellations not see it. Awakening Soul or consciousness that the sun apparently circles through. As- will change our perception so that we can see trologers use the tropical, geocentric, Earth- what is all around us all the time to which we centered zodiac, minus adjustment for the are blind. This awakening is to a better rela- equinox precession, to determine the natal tionship to our environment, but this is only chart. Jungian astrologer Alice Howell1 the tentative beginning. “The perception of a points out that it is the interaction of the higher reality, in itself, is little more than an tropical and sidereal zodiacs that determines insight. Only when such an insight is vital- these ages. The significance and interpreta- ized by intense aspiration can it gather tion of the influence of the stars is mytho- enough momentum to become a catalyst for transformation,” write Seifer and Vieweg in logical, hypothetical and useful in placing 4 Earth in the cosmos and recognizing the lar- When the Soul Awakens. ger whole in which we all live. Psychologi- ___________________________________ cally, therefore, it represents a “mandala of totality” 2 or a symbol of relationship with About the Author the whole that can’t be overestimated in an .Joann S. Bakula, Ph.D. is a transpersonal, inte- age of apparent isolation of the individual gral psychologist, writer, and lecturer who writes and the planet. Space travel and exploration a monthly meditation letter and commentary at began at the beginning of the Aquarian Age www. worldservicegroup.com. Her publications and end of the Piscean Age, signifying our include one book and many articles on medita- first steps as we enter the larger whole. Seen tion, higher states and stages, the Bardos, plane- as great cycles of time, the ages have an in- tary living and many other subjects. She is the terface of several hundred years due to the Review Editor of the Esoteric Quarterly, has taught at various universities for 30 years, and is amount of starless space between the visible currently on the faculty of an on-line university. constellations. Her new email address is: [email protected]. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 37 The Esoteric Quarterly In The Labours of Hercules, the eleventh la- lem. Progress may seem slow, but we have bor is associated by Alice Bailey with the come very far in the last 100 years in under- eleventh month and constellation of Aquar- standing integral environmental relation- ius. Hercules is seen as the mythic World ships. Careful meditation precedes wise ac- Disciple, representative of the archetypal tion before the calculations of the lower mind hero or humanity itself. The labor of the an- can be tasked with working out the details. cient Greek hero in the sign of Aquarius en- “The Aquarian law is based on spiritual illu- tails cleaning up the stables, long neglected mination, on intuitive perception and broth- despite constant use. Hercules is said to have erly love, which is identification with every diverted two rivers into the stable to flush out form in every kingdom in nature. A tremen- the corruption. Bailey has called these two dous future lies ahead; two thousand five underlying streams of energy the rivers of hundred years will have been consummated. “life and love.”5 We are on our way.” 6 Today, there is general awareness that cor- Compassion ruption exists in many areas and needs to be cleaned up. One such area is our physical ne of the most comprehensive defini- environment, which has been polluted by Otions of compassion is from Tibetan irresponsible practices. Who can doubt that Buddhist and Tibetologist Robert Thurman: this is indeed one task ahead of humanity as [C]ompassion... means the will to free we face the tasks of Aquarius? The Hercules others from suffering, based on an empa- of today would have to deal with what past thetic sensitivity to that suffering. Its op- generations have left polluted, even to the posite is hatred, which wills others to point of changing the climate. Meditating on suffer. Its counterpart is love, which wills Hercules, as the archetypal World Disciple, others to have happiness along with free- taking responsibility for past behaviors and dom from suffering. Universal compas- developing a cleaner lifestyle respectful of sion is considered the automatic reflex of nature and the climate would demonstrate a perfect wisdom, since the realization of more mature and holistic behavior. It would essential selflessness is an experience of signify an intention to regulate our destruc- the ultimate unity of self and other, tive behaviors. Visualization is one method which causes the suffering of others to for stimulating the energy of purpose, inten- become one’s own, making the will to tion and responsibility. Through visualiza- eliminate it spontaneous and immediate.7 tion, prayer and meditation as world service in an esoteric, religious or secular group, we This ultimate unity of self and other is de- can form a common voice enhanced by deep scribed by Bailey as a function of the intui- contemplation. Many people in these various tive state or intuition, which, when function- groups are already united in their commit- ing, produces a “complete loss of the sense of ment to care for the Earth and stop climate separateness. At its highest point, it is known change. Meditators bring the added dimen- as Universal Love, which has no relation to sentiment...but is, predominantly, in the na- sion of intuition, visualization and appercep- 8 tion. ture of identification with all beings.” Intui- tive identification, in esoteric philosophy, The “catalytic task” that Seifer and Vieweg results in an ability to see the divine essence referred to is for the united group of compas- latent in all forms and to “contact the light sionate, intelligent and wise people of all centre in all forms.” 9 Seeing light as latent in ideologies to strengthen their vision and mo- all forms is what establishes relationship with tivation until this intention becomes the pol- all life. When this identification is known, icy of the nations. Even though there was no the “the sense of superiority and separateness legally binding new green document signed recedes into the background.”10 Intuitional at the 2009 Copenhagen climate change sum- understanding “connotes personality-soul mit, world leaders met to talk about the prob- unification, wide experience”11 and under- 38 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2010 Summer 2010 standing resulting from a sense of synthesis. ture suffering, and we are compelled to re- Bailey called this “synthetic understand- spond. A good heart is required. ing,”12 which is associated with the intu- 2) Compassion for reality begins “when itional plane or buddhic plane, as it’s called we have a genuine experience of the power in Theosophical literature. She describes “in- of ignorance” and the suffering brought on tuitional activity” as “always spontaneous” in by misperception and illusion, when “moti- meditation, dreams, events and other occur- vations and actions contradict one another.”17 rences. “Where the reasoning to an under- The power of ignorance brings on additional standing enters, it is not the activity of the suffering. The knowledge of underlying real- intuition....[Intuition] is that synthetic, inclu- ity beyond space/time requires an intuitive, sive grasp of the life and needs of all be- compassionate, intelligent mind. ings... [It is] the sense of universal Oneness.” 13 The activity of intuition expresses, then, as 3) Compassion without reference has “no spontaneous universal compassion or univer- notion of subject, object or intention.”18 It is sal love. the ultimate form of the bodhisattvas’ or buddhas’ meditation and depends upon the Critical analysis, concentration, study, in- realization of emptiness, or formless, dimen- creased awareness and experience in medita- sionless, limitless meditation on no-thing, tion all help to prepare for the flashes and from no-thing.19 This ultimate form of com- flickers of spontaneous intuition. passion might be compared to Kaivalya, the Compassion has been held up as the highest state of “Isolated Unity,” as described in the ideal in many
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