THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC VOL. 79 SEPTEMBER 10, 1943 NO. 9 9n ^lUi OHM^: Msgr. Sheen Speaks Tonight Vaudeville Talent Mounts Lecture on Symphony Baseball Season Ends Functional Swimming Meet Miller, Ziemba Return THE LIBRARY WELCOMES AUTUMN HE NOTRE DAME T SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Victiirus Vive Quasi Cras Moritiirits BY BILL TALBOT AND JIM CUNNINGHAM FOUNDED 1S67 TOP OF THE WEEK CALL A DOCTOR Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of St. Mary's Reopens. The best way to be physically unfit is postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized to take a physical fitness test. It's no June 25, 191S. longer a secret that a lot of fellows did some heaving and cookie-checking after NUTS TO TRADITION it was all over — especially those who took the test at 8:00 or 1:15, just after On the yellowed pages of past SCHO­ breakfast or lunch. A Marine "Happy LASTICS there is many an edition of Hour" would have corporals, sergeants, "The Week" which relies for its humor and chiefs going through the test, just on the not - very - subtle cracks at our for laughs—and there'd be plenty. The friends across the Dixie. The warped most startling discovery made during the mentalities which turned out these mas­ test is that the very greatest majority terpieces of ignominious repartee have of those in training lost weight during long since departed from Our Lady's the first month here. AVhich all indicates campus. But behind them is left a tra­ 99 dition that all is not paradise across the four-lane highway. It will be the pur­ pose of this column henceforth to tear THE OBSERVATION POST F. J. PEQUIGNEY, Editor away from the Rock's good name all You can alwajj^s tell them apart at ROBERT 0'TOOLE Managing Editor those hangings of legend that can keep class on a rainy day: The Marines come BILL CAREY .'. Sports Editor all but the brave and bold from ventur­ with their upper half dry; the Navy ing over. DICK AJMES Campus Editor comes all wet; and the civilians don't JAMES SCHAEFFER Admin. Editor come at all. About the only thing past "Week" ed­ JOHN MATTMILLER Circulation itors saw of St. Mary girls was the view CHARLES RENAUD Staff Photographer they got from the fifth row of a Sunday MUSINGS: aftei'noon stag line. Every time a girl REV. C. M. CAREY Faculty Advisor would come near one of them he would September is welcome for a number be overtaken Avith shyness and beat it of reasons: To the Midshipmen, it holds Features graduation and a commission after a before he could even see what she looked The Week jWm. Talbot and like. It is common knowledge that the long, tough grind through an Indiana suimner; for the rest of us, it marks the (James Cunningham blank-eyed lobsters that stand around Pressbox Splinters Bill Waddington the sides of dance floors can't judge half-Avay mark in the semester pointing to the significant fact that the worst is •^ rj f J. A. Flanagan, H. D. Hart, J. women any more than a V-12 man can ID. Schwendeman, J. E. Taylor over.... And now as the first red leaves run a ship. Take your lines out of moth N.R.O.T.C H. Gilligan, J. D. Usina balls next week boys and pay the Eock begin to fall, we turn hopefully to the a visit. You'll find that your hometown west for the first faint tinklings from Marines Lou RiepenhofF Sue isn't so smooth after all. St. Mary's. Ah, yes, the belles will soon ring out—an occasion that is hoped for annually at this time, and breathlessly anticipated—But we'll see!!! AS WE LIKE IT Three-fourths of the naval V-12 stu­ dents have subscribed 37.5% of their BOTTOM OF THE WEEK: pay for war bonds. They have much - Polio, wherever you find it. more faith in themselves than a lot of other people Those sergeant stripes •I* •> •> «• on the Hoffman Avaitresses' uniforms, . SPECIAL DANCE • decides Rebel Stumpf, must be hash There will be a dance ior V-12, • Member orf Catholic School Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Col­ marks An army travels on its stom­ Marines, and Civilians at -the Prog- • legiate Digest. Represented for national advertis­ ach, they tell us. Maybe that's why the ress Club. 601 West Colfax, from 8 to • ing by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Marines don't get around much anjanore 11 Saturday night, Sept. 11. Music *!• Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Bos- The big wolves hereabouts can take will be by the civilian "Cavaliers." • ton^-Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO­ notice of the local fox terrier who done Tickets, thirty-five cents, may be se- • LASTIC is published thirty times during the school went and got himself all hoarsed up year at the University of Notre Dame. Address all cured from your hall C.A.S. represent- • manuscript to the Editor, 305 Sorin Hall or 121 from woof-woofing at the squirrels ative. The price of the ticket will • Administration Bldg., Notre Dame, Indiana. Why a physics lab reminds us of a cho\y secure both the hostesses and re- •> Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave line: 45 "minutes waiting to do 15 min­ freshments. <• Maria Building: Sunday through "Wednesday at utes work. 7:15 p. m. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. VOL. 79 SEPTEMBER 10, 1943 NO, 9 Msgr Sheen Speaks Tonight: up. He was awarded an honorary LL.D. 1200 seats \vill be given to those who at the 1941 commencement exercises, purchase at least §500, flOO, or $-50 "Border of Western World" where he delivered the main address. worth of bonds above their payroll de­ ductions or other pledges. The remain­ The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen ing 2200 seats ^vill be given to those who will deliver the second of two talks at Lecture on Synnphony Ends buy |2.5 bonds. Notre Dame this evening at 8 in the Letters are being sent by the Knights Navy Drill Hall. The subject of his sec­ Sunday Afternoon Series to all the professors on campus, asking ond address will.be "The Burden on the The finale in a series of Sunday after­ for their aid and patriotic cooperation in Western World." Everyone on the cam­ noon entertainment for midshipmen, V- making this drive a success. Representa­ pus has been cordially invited to attend 12 students and civilian students wdll be tives will contact each of these men aft­ by Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, CS.C, presi­ held Sunday, Sept. 12 in the Rockne er the letters have been received, to take dent of the University. Memorial lounge as Edwyn Hames, con­ their pledges. ductor of the South Bend symphony or­ chestra, presents a lecture ofi "The De­ velopment of the Symphony." His-talk Father Kehoe Replaces will be demonstrated with phonograph records. Fr. Ryan as Walsh Rector Born in Melbourne, Australia, Mr. The Rev. Joseph A. Kehoe, CS.C, has Hames was winner of the Australian been appointed to replace Rev. John A. amateur championship at the age of 14 Ryan, CS.C, as rector of Walsh Hall, and Avas also the winner of the examin­ Notre Dame R. 0. ation board's scholarship entitling him T. C stronghold. to free tuition at Melbourne University Father Kehoe, a for three years. A graduate of Hillsdale former resident of College, Mich., he won the sole diploma Dillon Hall, is a in violin with first class honors while at graduate of Notre Melbourne university. Dame, class of '33i He made five concert tours of the He received his United States from 1924-26 and since Master of Arts de­ 1932 has been owner and director of the gree from" the' Uni­ LaSalle School of Music in South Bend. versity in 1941. He Mr. Hames has been director of the de­ has been a member partment of music at Hillsdale college - Rev. lohn A. Ryan of th e faculty since 1936 and during the 1941-42 se­ since Septembeir of 1941 "as an instructor mester was a lecturer in music apprecia­ in economics.' Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen. D.D. tion for Indiana University extension •Returning to New Orleans as a parish, courses. Last night before- an enthusiastic and priest and prison chaplain. Father Ryan Naturalized an American citizen in highly interested audience MsgT. Sheen has served on the Notre Dame faculty 1941, Mr. Hames is married and the spoke on "Men of Good Will." It was intermittently since 1912. He has also father of four children. very evident to those who heard the talk served on the faculty of St. Edward's how Msgr. Sheen has gained the tremen­ University, a Holy Cross school at Aus­ dous following that he enjoys through­ tin, Texas,, and at New Orleans. Father out the country. A magnificent orator, Fr. Flanagan to Open Ryan graduated from Notre Dame in the leading speaker of the Catholic Bond Drive Sept. i 6 1906, received theology degrees from the Church in America, he emphasized his Catholic'University of America, and his points with the force and vigor that has Under the auspices of the combined PhlD. from Notre Dame in 192-5. During made him famous.
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