See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255729200 Colour pattern preservation in Fuersichella n. gen. (Gastropoda: Neritopsoidea), bivalves, and echinid spines from .... Article · July 2007 CITATIONS READS 6 68 2 authors, including: Simon Schneider University of Cambridge 65 PUBLICATIONS 419 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Biodiversity databases View project All content following this page was uploaded by Simon Schneider on 13 May 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Sonderdruck aus Heft 37 2007 Miscellanea Wirceburgensis - Franz T. Fürsich zum 60. Geburtstag Colour pattern preservation in Fuersichella n. gen. (Gastropoda: Neritopsoidea), bivalves, and echinid spines from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal SIMON SCHNEIDER & WINFRIED WERNER 143-160 Würzburg 2007 Colour pattern preservation in Fuersichella n. gen. (Gastropoda: Neritopsoidea), bivalves, and echinid spines from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal SIMON SCHNEIDER & WINFRIED WERNER SCHNEIDER, S. & WERNER, W. 2007. Colour pattern preservation in Fuersichella n. gen. (Gastropoda: Neritopsoidea), bivalves, and echinid spines from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal. – Beringeria 37: 143-160, 10 text-figs.; Würzburg. Abstract. Colour preservation has been observed in shells and spines of five different invertebrate taxa from the Upper Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. In this paper the colour patterns of these animals are detailed; moreover, the neritimorph gastropod „Neritina“ bicornis is placed in the new genus Fuersichella. Coloured bands in the shell of the bivalve Isognomon rugosus are documented for the first time. Newly discovered material provides additional information on the morphology and colouration of Coelastarte discus. In addition, the first detailed characterization of the colour patterns preserved in fossil echinoid spines assignable to Pseudocidaris lusitanica and P. spinosa is given. Finally, chemical composition, formation, and possible functions of the colour patterns in these animals are discussed. Colour patterns, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Echinoidea, Late Jurassic, Portugal Addresses of the authors: SIMON SCHNEIDER, WINFRIED W ERNER, Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, D–80333 München, Germany; <[email protected]>, <[email protected] muenchen.de>. Introduction Our most sophisticated sense organs are the eyes. Through (e.g. KOBLUK & MAPES 1989, TICHY 1980). The second the eyes, we are visually attracted to two fundamental largest group of coloured shell-bearing fossils are the parameters of the objects: shape and colour. While shape brachiopods (e.g. FOERSTE 1930, KOBLUK & MAPES 1989). is critical in the analysis of virtually all fossils, colour is Colour preservation in echinoderms is known to occur in rarely preserved, and thus has attracted the attention of blastoids (e.g. REIMANN 1961, BEAVER & FABIAN 1998), palaeontologists since the late 18th century (BRUGUIÉRE cystoids (PAUL 1967), crinoids (e.g. BLUMER 1960, 1965, 1792). Today, there exists an extensive body of literature WOLKENSTEIN et al. 2006), and echinids (COTTEAU 1881, addressing colour preservation in a wide variety of fossil KROH 2003, HOSTETTLER 2006). Coloured carapaces of invertebrates (e.g. HOARE 1978, MAPES & HOARE 1987). trilobites (see KOBLUK & MAPES 1989 for a review), Secretion of inorganic and/or organic hard-parts while phyllocarids (STUMM & CHILMAN 1969), and cirripeds (e.g. the animal is alive is usually a prerequisite for colour YAMAGUCHI 1980) are examples for colour preservation preservation in fossils. Most coloured fossils represent in fossil crustaceans. Last but not least, the chitinous calcareous skeletons, predominantly those of molluscs. carapaces of insects may retain colour, if preserved in A variety of colour patterns and modes of preservation conservation-type Lagerstätten (see HOARE 1978 and have been documented for polyplacophorans (e.g. HOARE MAPES & HOARE 1987 for examples). & SMITH 1984, HOARE et al. 2002), bivalves (e.g. NUTTALL Trilobites from the Cambrian are the oldest organisms 1969, KOBLUK & MAPES 1989), nautilids (e.g. FOERSTE known to date to display colour patterns (RAYMOND 1922). 1930, KOBLUK & MAPES 1989), ammonites (e.g. MAPES Early coloured nautiloids (e.g. MARSH 1869, KOBLUK & & SNECK 1987, MAPES & DAVIS 1996), belemnites (JORDAN HALL 1976), brachiopods (SINGH 1979), and gastropods et al. 1975, SPÄTH 1983), and, most important, gastropods (WHITE 1896, RAYMOND 1906) have been reported from 144 SIMON SCHNEIDER & WINFRIED WERNER Ordovician deposits. The earliest fossil bivalves display- Here, we present additional, better preserved material of ing colour come from the Devonian (OEHLERT 1881, these two taxa that allows both a refined taxonomic 1888). Colour preservation in fossils occurs throughout characterization and more detailed description of the the entire Phanerozoic, but is more abundant in the colour patterns. Moreover, the first information about younger strata. colour pattern preservation in the pteriacean bivalve With regard to the Late Jurassic of Portugal, colour Isognomon rugosus and the club-shaped spines of the preservation was briefly mentioned within the original cidaroid echinids Pseudocidaris lusitanicus and P. description of the gastropod Fuersichella bicornis and spinosa is presented. the heterodont bivalve Coelastarte discus (SHARPE 1850). Material and methods The specimens were collected from various sites located in the Lusitanian basin in central Portugal (Text-fig. 1) during several field campaigns organized by F.T. Fürsich and the authors. The Lusitanian basin belongs to a series of syn-rift basins bordering the North Atlantic; the deve- lopment of the basin, which begins in the Late Triassic, is strongly connected to the opening of this ocean (WILSON 1985, WILSON et al. 1989). Following a first transgressive- regressive megasequence that ended with a subaerial exposure (uppermost Callovian to lower Oxfordian), the Late Jurassic megasequence 2 is characterized by a strike- slip dominated rift-phase of the basin that encompasses the development of sub-basins and activation of salt diapirs. Rift- and halocinetic tectonics result in highly differentiated facies types and environments, including siliciclastic and carbonate deep-water to very shallow, marginal marine to lacustrine sediments, as well as the formation of massive packages of terrestrial red beds. While the Oxfordian is largely dominated by carbonate lacustrine to ammonite-bearing marine facies, siliciclastic marginal-marine and fluviatile-terrestrial environments characterize the Kimmeridgian in various segments of the basin. The influx of siliciclastics starts in the northern part of the basin during the Oxfordian, and successively progrades to the south during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian. It results in a nearly complete aggradation of the basin at the end of the Jurassic (LEINFELDER 1987, LEINFELDER & WILSON 1998, WILSON et al. 1989). Text-fig. 1. Geographical-geological overview of the Lusitanian basin. The material described in this study was collected from the following localities: (1) Cabo Mondego; (2) Vestiaria, west of Alcobaça; (3) Salgados; (4) São Martinho do Porto; (5) Sobral da Lagoa; (6) Conso- lação; (7) Santa Cruz; (8) Arranhó, southwest of Arruda dos Vinhos; (9) Chão da Cruz, southwest of Arruda dos Vinhos; (10) Lameiro das Antas, southwest of Arruda dos Vinhos; (11) Cabo Espichel. Color pattern preservation in Fürsichella n. gen., bivalves, and echinid spines (Upper Jurassic, Portugal) 145 Most of the specimens, included in this study come FELDER 1986, LEINFELDER & WILSON 1998, MANUPELLA from the siliciclastic marginal-marine facies of the upper 1999, WERNER 1986). Oxfordian section at Cabo Mondego, and the early to Many of the fossils were picked from ploughed fields. middle Kimmerdigian Alcobaça Formation and their The Isognomon shells were naturally exposed by weather- lateral equivalents (e.g. the sections of Consolação, São ing. Some of the neritids and echinid spines, and the Coel- Martinho do Porto, Salgados, Vestiaria, and Sobral da astarte specimens from Consolação were mechanically Lagoa). Other specimens come from the upper Kimmer- removed from sediment layers exposed along the Atlantic idgian Sobral Formation (locality Chão da Cruz) and the coastline. The fossils were cleaned using chemical (H2O2, younger upper Kimmeridgian to lower Tithonian Arranhó Rewoquat) and/or mechanical techniques. Formation and their equivalents (localities Lameiro das The material is deposited in the Geological Museum Antas, Santa Cruz), and a single specimen from the Port- (GML) in Lisbon, Portugal, the Bayerische Staatssamm- landian facies (= Tithonian) of Cabo Espichel (for details lung für Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG) in Munich, on the geological setting and stratigraphy see AZEREDO et Germany, and the British Museum of Natural History al. 2005, FÜRSICH 1981, FÜRSICH & WERNER 1991, LEIN- (BMNH), London, UK. Systematic paleontology The higher taxonomy of Gastropoda follows BOUCHET & Fuersichella bicornis (SHARPE, 1850) ROCROI (2005). The systematic treatment of the bivalves Text-fig. 2A-C, Text-fig. 7A-H follows AMLER et al. (2000). The echinids are classified * 1850 Neritina bicornis, n. s. – SHARPE: 192, pl. 24, fig. 7. according to BARRACLOUGH FELL & PAWSON (1966). 1986 Neritina bicornis. – WERNER: 19. Measurements
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