, 226 Rt:GBY. WARWICKSHIRE. (KELLY's Medical Officer, Claude Edward Tangyo B.A., M.D., ALMSHOUSES. B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Birm. I7 Lansdowne ~ircus, Leam­ Butlin's (Miss), Stephen street • ington Elborow's, St. John street District Surveyor, Thomas Webb Willard, 26 Market pl. Lawrence Sheriff's, Church street Rugby Sanitary Inspector, Leonard Morris Withers, Bilton RUGBY UNION. • PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Board day, alternate mondays, at 1!he Workhouse, at Cemetery, Clifton road, Arthur Morson, Benn buildings, 2 p.m. High street, clerk to the burial board; Donald G. Rugby union comprises the following parishes, viz.:­ Macdonald, superintendent; Charles Nash, keeper In Warwickshire: Bilton, Birdingbury, Bourton, Bran. County Court, His Honor Sir T~wmas Sn~gge L~.D. don & Bretford, Brinklow, Brownsover, Churchover, judge; Charles H. Fuller, registrar & h1gh bail~ff; Clifton-on-Dunsmore, Combe Fields, Cosford, Dun­ Willis Fordham, 36 South street & Thomas Hawlm~s, church, Easenhall, Frankton, Grandborough, Bar­ I32 Murray road sub-bailiffs; C. J. Fletcher, ch1ef borough Magna, Hillmorton, Church Lawf~rd, Littl& clerk; office, 26 Albert street. The court is held in . Lawford Long Lawford, Leamington Hastmgs, Mar· the Court house, Railway terrace, once a month, except ton, Ne~bold-on-Avon, Newnham Regis, Newton .\ September, on a wednesday & thursday _alternately. Biggin, Princethorpe, Rugby, Ryton-on-Dunsmore. The district of the county court compnses Barby­ Stretton-on-Dunsmore, Thurlaston, Willoughby, Wolf­ with-Onley, Bilton, Bilton (New), Birdingbury, Bour· hamcote & Wolston; in Northamptonshire: Barby, ton, Bretford, Brinklow, Broadwell, Brownsover, Clay Coton, Crick, Elkington, Kilsby, Lilbourne, Stan· Bra.ndou Churchover, Clay Coton, Clifton-ou-Duns· ford & Yelvertoft. Area, 80,799 acres; rateable value more, C~mbe Fields, Cosford, Cawston, Crick, Dray­ of the Warwickshire parishes at Lady Day, 19~1, catt Dunchurch, Easenhall, Elkington, Frankton, £326,552; population in I9II was 41,457, of whtch Gra~dborough, Harborough Magna, Hill, Hillmorton, 2,342 were in Northamptonshire Kilsby, Kites Hardwick, Lilbourne, Lawford (Long), Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. R. S. Mitchi­ Lawford (Little), Lawford (Church), Leamingt?n son, Barby, near Rugby Hastings, Marton, Newbold-on-Avon, Newnham Reg1s, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Johno Newton & Biggin, Princethorpe, Rugby, Stanford, William Pendred, Lower Hillmorton road, Rugby Stretton-on-Dunsmore, Willoughby, Woolscott, Wol­ Treasurer, G. H. D. Coates, Lloyds Bank, 15 Church ston & Yelvertoft For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that street, Rugby Collectors to the Guardians, Percy A. Croft, 12 Dun­ of Coventry, Charles J. Band, 8 High street, Coven­ try, official receiver church road, Rugby; Alfred Clarke, Crick; J. H. Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amend­ Abbott, Dunchnrch Relieving Officers, Crick District, Alfred Clarke, Crick;. ment Act," John Harold Whitfield Baker, 43 Albert H. street; Bertram Hoitt Cattell, I3 Church street; Dunchurch District, J. Abbott, Dunchurch; Rugby Waiter George Howkins, Market place; Arthur Mason, District, Percy A. Croft, 12 Dunchurch road, Rugby Collectors of Poor Rates, Rugby, Wm. Thomas Fisher. 69 Albert street; Philip Pallant, 23 Albert street; 53 Clifton road, Rugby; Barby, H. Roberts; Birding­ Edward Walker Tallents, 54 Lawford road; Samuel bury, W. Munro; Bourton, G. E. Waring; Bilton,. Bevan Robbins, 122 Cambridge street; Francis John New Bilton; Church Lawford, H. M. Whitlock, The Mart, Bank strPet; & William Wiggins, Cooke · Clifton-on-Dunsmore, J. L. Gee; Clifton. 25a, High street & Bretford, C. F. Meates, Rugby; Brinklow. County Police Station, Railway terrace, Edward John Brand~n H. Newitt; Combe Fields, William R. Smith; Cos-· Clarke, superintendent; I inspector, 3 sergeants, 23 ford, W. Greenwood, New bold; Crick (Northants), constables & I detective J. W. Hodgkinson, Crick; Dunchurch, J. H. Dew, Sub-Police Station, Plowman st. Charles Lines, inspector Dun church · Easenhall, H. N ewitt ; Frankton, Thomas Free Public Library & Reading Room, St. Matthew's Blundell· Harborough Magna, Mrs. K. Bird; Hill­ street, opened from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; J. W. Ken­ morton, 'F. Clayson, Hillmorton; Kilsby (Northants), ning, librarian W. Postle, Kij.sby; Leamington Hastings, Edward Hospital of St. Cross, Barby road, Walter Augnstus Nokes, Hill; Long Lawford, F. Fellows, Rugby; New­ Ewen Wailer L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng hon. con­ bold-on-Avon, W. Greenwood, Newbold; Stretton-on­ sulting medical officer; Clement Dukes M.D., B.S. Dunsmore, T. Borsley, Stretton-on-Dunsmore; Thur­ Lond., F.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Charles J. I. laston, Mrs. -~L A. Pickering, Dunchurch; Mart on, H. • Krumbholz M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Scfley; Wolston, Jn. Hanson; Yelvertoft (Northants). ~ Athelstane Iliff Simey M.A., M.D., B.C.Camb., Joseph Morris; Newton & Biggin, J. Dunkley, New­ M.R.C.P.Lond., :M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. medical officer.s; ton· Princethorpe, H. Seeley, Marton; Stretton-on­ Frederick Haynes L.D.S.Eng. dental surgeon; M1ss Dun'smore, T. Borsley; Elkington, J. Morris Yelver­ Florence Osborne, matron toft; Grandborough, A. J. Beers, Rugby; W olfham p­ Provident Dispemary, Vicarage road, Thomas Dulie cote, C. Rose M.A.Cantab., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. Waiter Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bilton District, Augnstus Ewen Wailer L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Waiter Augnstus Ewen Wailer L.R.C.P.Lond.,M.R.C.S. Bernard Relton M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond. Stuart Eng. 20 Clifton road, ~ugby; Brinklow Dist;ict, C. Christopher Myngs Nourse M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. A. E. Ring F.R.C.P.Edm., L.R.F.P.S.Glas. Brmklow ~ Lond. Charles James Izzard Krumbholz M.B.Lond., Crick District, Arthur Groshart Lebman Smith M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Ian Mount Grant M.D., L.R.C.P.Lon-d., M.R.C.S.Eng. Crick; Dunchnrch Dis­ Ch.B.Edin. Reginald Gauld L.S.A.Lond. Charles trict, Herbert Edward Powell M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. Reginald Hoskyn M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., Lond. Dunchurch; Marton District, Ronald M. Liddell L.R.C.P.Lond. Harold Josiah Beddow M.A.Camb., L.R.O.P. & S.Edin., M. B., Ch.B.Edin. Marton; Rugby M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & James Crooks M.D., District, C. J. I. Krumbholz M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S .• C.M.(Toronto), L.R.C.S.Edin., L.S.A.Lond. medical L.R.C.P.Lond. 20 Horton crescent, Rugby; Wolston officers; N. E. Derry, sec District, Ernest G. Ford M.B., B.Ch.Edin. Rosedale, Town Hall, High street, RobPrt Edward Warren Hawks­ Wolston; Yelvertoft District, William Arthur Stephen­ lay, sec. ; J. H. Line, hall keeper son L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. West Haddon Town Weighing Machine, 14 North street, Thomas Bab­ Workhouse, Lower Hillmorton road, a building of red bedge. lessee brick, built in IBIS, to hold 165 inmates; Rev. Canon Urban District Council's Public Baths, Regent street, A. V. Baillie M.A. hon. chaplain; C. J. I. Krumbhol~ Samuel Smithers, superintendent M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Eng medical officer; Volunteer Fire Brigade, Council yard, Chapel street; William Dicken, master; Mrs A. Die ken, matron G. M. Seabroke, capt. ; Fredk. Staines, Iieut. & 25 men TERRITORIAL FORCE. RUGBY REGISTRATION DISTRICT. 7th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (E Co.), Superintendent Registrar, John William Pendred, Lower Armoury, Chapel street; Capt. Claude SeabrokE"; Hillmorton road, Rugby Color-Sergt.-Instructor, Richard Darnley, 4 Benn st Registrar of Marriages, Arthur Morson, Benn building!J, High street, Rugby OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Rugby District, Percy A. Contingent of the Junior Division. Croft, 12 Dunchurch road, Rug-by; deputy, A. J. Beers Rurrbv · Crick Sub-district, Alfred Clarke, Three Companies, Infantry. Crick'; dep~t}·: Mrs. Clarke, Crick; Dunchurch Sub­ Rugby School. district, J. H . .Abbott, Dunchureh; deputy, John H. Commanding, Major C. E. M. Hawkesworth Dew, Dunchurch .
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