CHICAGO’SFREEWEEKLYSINCE | JANUARY | JANUARY CHICAGO’SFREEWEEKLYSINCE “I’M IN HEAVEN RIGHT NOW” Angel Bat Dawid taps into the root of all black music. BYLG31 MAYORAL RENT CONTROL THEATER SPOTLIGHT ON IN THE FIRST AND DIRECTORS ON TONI PRECKWINKLE 26TH WARDS GENDER BIAS Ben Joravsky | Kathleen Hinkel10 IN CHICAGO Samantha Smylie 8 Novid Parsi15 THIS WEEK CHICAGOREADER | JANUARY | VOLUME NUMBER A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR “DOES JOURNALISM HAVE a future?” Jill disaffection for journalism that Lepore and have stated their support quite clearly. Lepore asked in the most recent issue of the Peretti point to in their own ways. I’ve put We’re honored. New Yorker, as prankster turned media inno- several of my own publications down, watched But the real appreciation for your sup- vator Jonah Peretti laid o 15 percent of his freelance paychecks dwindle, faced increas- port shines through our pages and on our workforce at BuzzFeed and then refused to ing antagonism for asking basic questions of website. Listen to our first-ever podcast pay most former employees their paid time authority. Perhaps most horrifying, I’ve faced the BACK ROOM DEAL at chicagoreader. o . Meanwhile, we’re over here adding pages the prospect of either doing the work for free com/backroomdeal (or Spotify, Stitcher, or to our print edition, launching a podcast, or choosing to live in a world where the work Apple) for the complete scoop on the Chi- and tracking gains in Web tra c month after doesn’t get done. cago elections from Ben Joravsky and Maya month (after month). (We also expanded our Yet we’ve seized the chance at the Read- Dukmasova. Read their in-depth, ward-lev- staff—Davon Clark, welcome to the graphic er to envision a different world, and the el reporting on our pages. Check out our design team!) whole city seems intent on making it real- photographic essay on the rent-control ban What’s the Reader got that nobody else ity. Does journalism have a future? It just referendum in the First and 26th Wards. like Ike Holter, and eateries like Irving Park seems to? You folks. might, Jill. We’ve got four pages of very Read up on Toni Preckwinkle’s mayoral cafe Finom. I’m not naive (trust me), nor do I believe tiny print filled with the names of people campaign. And don’t overlook our coverage Finally, I speak for the whole editorial sta our alternative newsweekly to be immune who seem to think so. We’ve also got a spe- of what makes this city truly great: per- when I say, from the bottom of our hearts: to the ravages of capitalism and the national cial letters section, where some of them formers like Angel Bat Dawid, playwrights thank you. —AE M FEATURES MAYORAL SPOTLIGHT PHOTO ESSAY THEATER FEATURE MUSIC FEATURE Meet Toni Preckwinkle The rent is too Beyond the Improvisation and Can the front-runner recover from this rough patch? damn high “woman slot” inspiration The First and 26th Wards will vote Angel Bat Dawid speaks Q&ABBJ| Chicago theater’s lady problem on li ing the rent-control ban. from her heart. ASS8 BNP15 BKH10 BLG30 2 CHICAOREADER - JANUARY ll THIS WEEK IN THIS ISSUE TR - ­ ­ @ CITYLIFE 04 TransportationIsCPDusingracial LETTERS P TB profi lingtocatchDivvythieves? EC AEM M E PSK To the editor, availability of tickets, # of M E D KH I’ve been reading this paper local bands, etc.—in eval- D EKS CLSK every week for about 35 uating the vitality of live D P JR years. It’s a staple in my life music scenes in cities. The C EAL with lots of information you report is available at https:// M EPM can’t get anywhere else or culturalpolicy.uchicago.edu/ AEJL 27 MoviesofNoteHaleCountyThisMorning any other newspaper. That’s chicago-music-city SWDI ThisEveningsucceedsasanexperimental BJ M S a fact! I remember before —LR S WMD LG fi lmandadocumentaryTheGrandBizarre I was able to aff ord a car. I GD DC inspiresasenseofwondermentandThe would hop on CTA, get a SMEBW WorldBeforeYourFeetattemptstowalk transfer, go to Hyde Park or M L CLC ride the el to Fullerton stop To the editor, FL CP F everyblockinNewYorkCity TA ECS to get my weekly Reader Wow. Krupa said “day one NEWS&POLITICS C paper. Trump supporter.” Cue the 05 Joravsky|PoliticsSpendingplansfor D AE BDCL So. Please keep printing collective gasp. C I GA G Rahm’sbilliongi toLincolnYards this paper. How much did Madigan J H J H IH D 06 Dukmasova|PoliticsCan —TW -D & Q uinn pay the Reader J MK SK M AnybodyButMittswininthethWard? MBMSM JRN for this pro-Quinn article M O LP J To the editor, [“Somebody somebody PBS DS We need a strong intelligent sent,” January 24, 2019]? KW AW voice in this city as exempli- Maybe the 13th Ward ---------------------------------------------------------------- fi ed by the columns of Ben likes the ”workerbee type?” D D Joravsky. Does “workerbee” stand for JD —RK “defendant in multiple costly D P E &P lawsuits?” K K O M To the editor, How many investigations SNL MUSIC &NIGHTLIFE Please keep the Reader are underway right now for 36 ShowsofnoteChicagoPsychFestPOS going! Marty Quinn’s ethics viola- ADVERTISING ÓlafurArnaldsandotherexcellentshowsthis The Reader has been my tions, sexual harassment and -- - @ week weekly addiction for over retaliation problems? C @ 37 SecretHistoryBluesshowmanLe yDizz 25 years. Haven’t missed an How about those lawsuits SM PF FOOD&DRINK 40EarlyWarningsEelsProjetoArcomusical issue in that time—when out that Quinn is named in and SA R 13 RestaurantReviewFinomisagoodplace WildBelleandmanymorejustannounced of town, I’d have someone the arrest and public fi ring AM A R foralattealecsósandwichandanap concerts pick it up for me. of his “political consultant’ It’s been my go-to for all brother? You know, the one LM-H NS 40 GossipWolfGloriouslyidiosyncraticlabel CRM things Chicago and to keep who was strong-arming all T P MississippiRecordsmovestoChicagoSpace up with politics and the arts. those signatures? BlooddrummerWilliamCovertcelebratesa I’ve even clipped and kept Uh-oh, Mr. Madigan. solotapeandSmashedPlasticthrowsafree so many articles because And bigger uh-oh to Marty NA grandopeningpartypackedwithlocaltalent they’re keepers! Quinn. VM G--- —AB —CRC JL SB CLASSIFIEDS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 41 Jobs To the editor, As lead author of the U D C 41 Apartments&Spaces [email protected] of Chicago report cited Please address all -- 41 Marketplace in this great piece [“Why correspondence won’t City Hall fi ght for intended for print to the STMREADERLLC OPINION Chicago’s homegrown music Editor, Chicago Reader, BPDRL S. Michigan, Suite T ER ARTS&CULTURE 42 SavageLoveBabiesaretheonlySTImen scene?,” January 24, 2019], SJ S 19 ComedyThestorytellingshowWeStillLike fearDanSavageoff ersadviceforevery I just wanted to note that in , Chicago IL A- S V Youwantsyoutoembraceembarrassment situation addition to providing basic or via e-mail at letters@ economic stats, it also, more chicagoreader.com C CEB 20 TheaterTheplayaboutastorefronttheater (Please use the subject importantly, emphasized the ---------------------------------------------------------------- playinginastorefronttheateradelightful 43 ComicsUrbanwildlifetheadventuresof header “To the editor.”) importance of—and provided mashupofStarWarsandOcean’sand girldetectiveVioletandeveryone’sfavorite When space permits, we R ­ISSN - measures for—diversity, STMR LLC moreshowstocheckout blemishaffl ictedheroonlyonourpages will print your letters, quality of acts (using critics’ SM SC IL edited for brevity and -- polls), popularity (using clarity, in future editions FILM various stats), venue size, of the paper. C ©C R 27 ReviewsGavagaiishardtoexplainbut OPL F P C IL thankstoacombinationofpoetryand FF ’ A C R R cameraworkeasytofeel RR T ® ll JANUARY - CHICAOREADER3 CITY LIFE Meanwhile only five non-Hispanic whites out that the area around the Chicago Avenue were ticketed. That’s approximately 17 per- Red Line station is designated as a crime cent of recipients, although whites also make hot spot by the CPD, so it has a 24/7 police up about a third of the city. (Of the other two presence. people ticketed, one was Asian, while the A CPD representative confirmed this area other had no race listed on his ticket.) is heavily policed due to numerous assault Romanian immigrant Samuel Baltes, 21, cases last year. Most recently, on December was one of only two white men ticketed. On 9, a group of teens attacked three bystanders July 20, Baltes was biking down the sidewalk on the el platform, fracturing one man’s eye on Chicago near Rush on his old beater while socket. Eight of the 30 ticketing incidents, making food deliveries for Postmates. Sudden- including half of the arrests, occurred within ly a squad car whipped around the corner to this zone. CWB also noted that Appling and block his path. He said the o cers wrote him a Thomas had each been arrested several times $50 ticket but he wasn’t cu ed or frisked. in the area for various o enses. Upward of 500 Divvies went missing last Prior arrest histories may have informed summer due to the shortsighted decision o cers’ decisions to stop some of the other 28 to remove a key piece of security hardware downtown sidewalk riders. But that doesn’t from their docks, according to city e-mails the necessarily explain why the cyclists who were Reader obtained in September. Soon after- ticketed, but not arrested, were still three ward Divvy sped up the pace of reinstallation, times as likely to be black than white. wrapping up by the end of November, and, CPD spokesman Howard Ludwig asserted thankfully, the bike-share problem seems to be that racial profi ling didn’t play a role in deci- behind us. sions on whom to stop last summer because Police arrest Divvy rider Joshua Thomas last August. EBONYSENAIHAWKINS Arrests for possession of stolen Divvies officers had legitimate reasons to suspect peaked in July and August, when more than some of the African-Americans who were 120 adults were charged citywide, according ticketed had stolen bikes.
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