Murray State's Digital Commons The eN ws Newspapers 10-6-1955 The ewN s, October 6, 1955 The ewN s Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, October 6, 1955" (1955). The News. 1224. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn/1224 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r °ft Mr%°° For rrr^. •jottinga from Jo's NEWS^ftt The Farm and Home Paper of the Ken-Tenn Territory Note Book Volume Twenty-Four Fulton, Fulton County, Kentucky, Thursday October 6, 1955 Number Forty Following lait month'! City Council meeting the News edi- torialized on the possibility and BERT YARBRO, JR. the feasibility of changing the i Patterson 7o Be pi*sent form ot City Govern- { ment A suggestion was made at I NAMED PRESIDENT the Council meeting regarding j a change to either the City Man- ager form of city government OF YOUNG DEMOS Heard In Marshal 01 perhaps the City Superinten- Group Hears dent form of Government and stated thst either form might be Gen. Buckman a • fine system for our City mllii Council to adopt. Talk Of Unity County In January Attorney - General J. D• I Circuit Judge Elvis J. Stahr all records of the case will be We hsve done-a good deal ot JI^H • Buckman, i [Tuesday gl anted Mi s. Willie sent to-Benton-lef-tli»-4»iaj.-Ha investigating of bo\h forms of for Lieutenant - Governor in Mae Patterson a change of ve added there was no way for him Government and want to tell . the August primaries was the nue her trial on a charge of to know whether the trial would you a little bit about what we i principal spesker Tuesday night murder in connection with the be held in January or whether learned In the first place the when the Young Democrats fataf shooting of her estranged Judge Lovett would continue it change to a City Manager form held their annual meeting at husband, Clyde Patterson, to another date. of Government would, because i Smith's Rose Room A large Judge Stahr ordered the case The change of venue came of law. have to be submitted to | number of Democrats from sev- transferred to Marshall Circuit after 23 prospective jurors had a vote of the people and within , eral First District counties were Court at Benton and all wit- been disqualified, and only five recent months we have seen I in attendance at the meeting, nesses were placed under bond tentatively accepted. this done in several communi- I presided over by Jerry Jones, for appearance there on the With that problem facing the ties around In some instances president of the group. Monday in January. court Mrs. Patterson's attorneys the measure has passed and in second Mr Buckiuan stressed the then will pass into reinstated a motion for the some instances the measure was The case need for party unity in the soundly detested In every case, the jurisdiction of Circuit Judge change in venue if-NJ^ General Election in November of course, there was the usual H H Lovett. Judge Stahr said Judge Stahr said he believed and urged that Democrats amount of political msnuvering |i tu wawas s virtually impossible to everywhere forget the spirited from the pros and' cons and the ' obtain a jury ill Fulton County primary and join in electing a C success or failure of the mea- and that rather than summons full Democratic Ucket in No- sure depended on which side M DADE'S FIRM IS a venire from another location vember. to try the case here, he ordered put up the strongest fight "I was not for Happy Chand- the change. - AWARDED STREET "I felt like she might get a Here in Fulton we don't ler in the primary," Mr. Buck- ! fairer trial in some other place," think that the City Manager man told his audience "But the Judge Stahr said. form ol Government would primary is over and it is time i IMPROVEMENT JOB Mrs Patterson was tried here ever come to pass and there THE PRIMARY LS OVER - Four of Kentucky's Democratic leaders clasp hands at a to jota rsaks^ in dec^ Happy in May with the jury failing to are several good reasons sd- > and Harry Lee Waterfield by City Council Also Louisville Harmony meeting, pledging all-out support for A. B. Chandler and the 100.000 marority in November " agree Judge Stahr said a jury vsnced why it wouldn't. In the .......... first place we don't think that j Democratic ticket at the November 8 general election. From left: Bert Combs, Earle Much credit wss given Jen- Extends Corporate In other action in this term, the City of Fulton can afford : Clements, Alben Barkley and A. B. Chandler. Barkley predicted a Chandler victory nings kearby for arranging the Limits Monday of court the Judge sentenced s City Manager. Such people by more than 100,000 votes while Clements called on all Kentuckians to unite behind meeting Gov Gray, a Hickman resi- sre highly specialised experts1 Mr Buckman's The Fulton City Council has the ticket. Chandler said. "A winner can be magnanimous but a loser can be magnifl- Fallowing dent. to ten years in the pen- and they don't come for free. I talk officers for the coming accepted a bid from McDade itentiary on two counts of The City Manager of Louisville cent. I salute the magnificent Bert Combs." year were elected. They are: and McDade, Contractors, to re- pandering. Gray wss charged makes somewhere in the neigh- Bert Yarbro, Jr., president; surface several streets in the with pandering on behalf of borhood of g20.000 and expens- Ruth Johnson, first vice - presi- corporation, and has directed hfct wife snd also s resident . ss. I believe. The City Msnager dent; Tolbert Dallas, second by a resolution passed Monday of St. Louis. of Paducah makes somewhere vice - president! Roland Green, night that a "negotiated" con- Thursday the court will in the vicinity of $8,000 and third vice - president; Kathryn tract should be executed for convene In Fulton when the you probably know that Padu- \ Fulton County Boys To Exhibit Hassell. fourth vice - president; $62,648.17 for the work. case of R. C. Waire vs the rah hat had a terrific turn- John Stayton, secretary; and J. i McDede's original bid was for City of Fulton and Carml over in its msnsgers in recent C. Meness, treasurer $67,418.32 Page and the Maryland Bond- years Members of the board of di- | in other actions at the month- ing Company is scheduled to rectors are Roland Nugent, Don lly council meeting, an ordinance The msnsgers have left Pa- I Cattle At International Show be heard. durah either for better paying I Sensing, Frank Rice, Jr., Mrs. was adopted annexing to the .......... Jobs or for inefficiency, or for I \ State Herd of Jersey catUs the Chicago Stock Yards It will Patsy Gamm, Ardel Fields and | corporation of all of the land Fred Homra. Hying to the north of the U. S. was obtained then by calling 60 other reasons, but at any rats raised by Kentucky farm young- be made up ot catUe from Ful- ; 45-51 by-pass between the over- venire-men after the regular that city hat had a hard time sters will compete in the com- ton. Christian, Callaway, Henry, KING MOTOR CO. „ ... .. , , head bridge st the city park and panel had been exhausted. keeping a City Manager for petitions of the big Internation- Boyle, Jessamine and Lincoln the overhead bridge at the L C The trial was reset for last long al Dairy Show which is set for counties Something I\eu> Added new yards PartTf this land is b«t an affidavit by a Oct. 1-15 in the Ampitheatre of From Fulton, catUe will be LOW BIDDER ON To WalU In Suite Suppose Fulton were to vote shown by Billy Ward and Of Governor occupied by Greenlea cemetery, ; Phy» «an that Mre. Patterson in the City Manager form of part of U by an automobile ^ ^ stand trial George B Burnette. and 8her caused the week's delay. Government, It would be darn- ; rts rill Oliver and Thomas Ray FL NEW TRUCKS Until now no picture has P» and part unoccupied, Tuesday a panel of three ed lucky to get a qualified man Thp WILLOW-WUDE Bruce Edward K. Dorris. Hop- hung on any wall of the Gov- Northern boundary is the Hickman physicians examined for less than $7000 a year Even 1 kinsville; Chsrles Eldridge, Local Firm ernor's new suite at the State £ right-of-way. Mrs. Patterson and pronounced st that he would be a young Thc Murray; Jsmes Boyer. Camp- Capitol But now there is one council, in reviewing in- her able to stand trial. fellow on his wsy up and he Gets Contract surance th BULL WINS FIRST bellsburg; Billy Brock Dunn in the outer reception room, « hall and its The three physicians, Dr. D. would soon leave, or perhaps a and Luther Owen Harris, Car- From Stale where all visitors are sure to contents, decided to raise con- H White, Dr. J. G. Samuals and has-been who lost the art of roll.in, Walter C Gander, Dan- see jt tents insurance from $1000 to Dr.
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