SUBSCRIBE TO Executive Intelligence Review EIR EIROnline EIROnline gives subscribers one of the EIR Executive Intelligence Review most valuable publications for policymakers— February 24, 2017 Vol. 44 No. 8 www.larouchepub.com $10.00 the weekly journal that has established Lyndon LaRouche as the most authoritative economic Exxecutiveecutive IIntelligence RevieReview EOctOctoboberer 3311,, 22010144 VVool.l. 44I11 NNoo.. 4433 wwwRwww.la.larrououchecheppuubb.c.coomm $10$10.0.000 forecaster in the world today. Through this publication and the sharp interventions of the LaRoucheLaRouchePPACAC IssuesIssues EmeEmerrgencygency WWarar PlanPlan AgainstAgainst EbolaEbola AsianAsian InvestmentInvestment BankBank WWillill FinanceFinance GGrreateat PPrrojectsojects PutinPutin SpeaksSpeaks thethe TTruthruth aboutabout NNAATOTO WWarar PPrrovocationsovocations LaRouche Movement, we are changing Thehe NeNew Sililk RoRoad:ad: MankMankiind politics worldwide, day by day. 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LaRouche, Jr. , Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Robert Ingraham, Tony Papert, Gerald Rose, Dennis Small, Jeffrey Steinberg, William Wertz Co-Editors: Robert Ingraham, Tony Papert Managing Editor: Nancy Spannaus Technology: Marsha Freeman Books: Katherine Notley Ebooks: Richard Burden Graphics: Alan Yue Photos: Stuart Lewis Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Michele Steinberg Economics: John Hoefle, Marcia Merry Baker, Paul Gallagher History: Anton Chaitkin Ibero-America: Dennis Small Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas United States: Debra Freeman INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS Bogotá: Miriam Redondo Jail Obama for Treason! 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Feb. 20—Barack Obama, after eight years of mass kill- wanting to prevent a war with Russia, and to instead ing with drones and genocidal “regime change” wars, work with Russia—and China and India and Japan—to has refused to retire from his treasonous role, but is now bring peace and development to the world, including to leading an insurrection against the democratically the United States. elected President who solidly defeated his clone, Hill- While there are dupes in the United States who will ary Clinton, in the November election. swallow such garbage, the majority of the population is “Obama is actually highly vulnerable,” Lyndon La- in a state of revolt against such psychotic nonsense, be Rouche noted today. “He has exposed himself as a trai- it from the politicians or from the media. tor to the United States.” Obama and Hillary Clinton had brought the world to Obama proudly met with his CIA chief John Bren- the very edge of thermonuclear war with Russia. That nan every Tuesday afternoon during his reign to draw danger has been dramatically curtailed by Hillary’s up the “kill list” for the week—those whom “King defeat. And yet, the Obama/Soros gang is calling for the Obama” chose to assassinate on his own volition—sans impeachment or criminal prosecution of Trump, who is court order, sans due process—along with whoever making peace with Russia. The Obama/Soros gang happened to be with his target when the drone struck. claims instead that it is dangerous for Trump to have LaRouche noted that the New York Times long ago “his finger on the nuclear button”! revealed the story of Obama’s Tuesday kill-list ses- To bring this ugly irony to an end, requires that sions, not because they wanted to expose his killer Obama be brought to justice. His multiple crimes as character, but to drive the U.S. population to accept it— president are now compounded by his overt campaign to belittle themselves by tolerating a mass killer as their to overthrow the government of the United States of president, without protest. America—an overt act of treason. EIR is releasing a dossier this week entitled “Obama Obama so loved the British Queen and the British and Soros—Nazis in Ukraine 2014—U.S. in 2017?” system, that he served as its loyal asset in restoring the Feb. 21-22 is the third anniversary of Obama’s over- subservience of the former British colony to the British throw of the democratically elected government of System—by monetarism and colonial wars. Today, the Ukraine in 2014, in a violent mob action directly funded Financial Times, the voice of the London and Wall and directed by Obama and his personal agent to the Street financial oligarchy, calls openly for a violent in- region, Victoria Nuland. The riots, centered in the surrection against the upstart President, who is threat- Maidan central square, featured molotov-cocktail at- ening to end the British Empire’s “divide and conquer” tacks on police and government buildings, led by orga- division of the world. The FT bureau chief in Washing- nizations openly promoting Stepan Bandera, Adolph ton, Edward Luce, warns that if Trump is not taken Hitler’s Ukrainian nazi partner. down, he will take down “the system.” The EIR dossier demonstrates that Barack Obama, Indeed he might, and so be it. Trump has argued that with his sponsor George Soros and other British and U.S. the United States accept the proposals from Putin—that “project democracy” agents, are now turning their “color we work hand in hand to defeat terrorism—and from Xi revolution” fire on the United States itself—and for the Jinping to join the New Silk Road process for global same reason: the British Empire refused to allow Western development. For Trump to live up to that commitment Europe and Russia to work together for peace and devel- would mean the end of Empire. It is the responsibility opment, and therefore ran an anti-Russia coup by old-line of an inspired population to bring about that beautiful nazis in Ukraine, to refuel the old nazi hatred of Russia. result, and that inspiration is best expressed by the fifty So also in the Uunited States: the Obama gang is years of leadership from Lyndon LaRouche. This is our making the incredibly pathetic effort to convince Amer- moment, if we take it, to bring about what Helga Zepp- icans that President Trump has committed a crime by LaRouche has called the “adulthood” of humanity. 2 Jail Obama! EIR February 24, 2017 EI R Contents www.larouchepub.com Volume 44, Number 8, February 24, 2017 II. THE NEW PARADIGM 22 China-Pakistan Economic
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