I . ':- .. · r ... : -~-·: .: DEATHS·ANO':QB.ITUARIES c . ~ . H89 . ~ i I !/. \:\ I ... \j r g~ - -F/7-.3'1 BIRD,,DON Al.FRED / ·Ji·t,cARL 0. CARMONEYI : LORA M. OLNEY . N't ·rJ Carl ·D. Carmoney, age ! Lora M.:Olney,.age 90, of~ . -~~ton. Rap~~d , · 911 · died: .Tuesday, January Eaton Rapids died' Monday, '1 ;,('~ I 2~.• ~-l~_8,_9 d[l~Brandon, _FL. January 9, 1989 at the Eaton·1 -'~ge 9:;p'died· nuary I Mr,.~Ga(money was a former Rapids Community Hospital. · 18, · 1989. in.; Windsor: 1 re·s~aenJ~ 1 ~n.~!J!armer in the She was born September j_8, : . rciwnslilp: ·,B"c>in S~p­ ~ Eatonc--Rapids area. He was 1898 in Fulton Co:, Ohio. tember 9, 1891. in An­ precedea· in death by his! Mrs. Olney has been a resi- t ~ola, IN;~ he.. was, a life wife;·. ol 70 years, Rossetta' 1 dent of Eaton Rapids for the 1 member of the Jackson who died in March'of 1988. i past 65 years: Mr~. Olney I • Masonic Lodge #17 F. He was ·a member of Christ I was a member _of the Uni~n :. , & A.M. Mr. Bird is sur­ vived by. l· son,. I Community. Chu.rch in Bran­ 1 Church of Five Corners in · . Gardner. Bird ofEaton ~ don, FL! .. ;·. I Charlotte. She was preceded Rapids; 3. grandchil­ t Survivfng are .his 5 in death by her husband Glen 1 dren; and 9 great child(en: Dean Carnioney of ' in 1969, her daughter Helen grandc~i!dr~n .. .Grave­ Gras-s 'Lake, Deloris Carter iri 1925 and son, .William in side services will. be and~l::amae.:-·,f>otter..,=both of 1988. I ; held Friday, 11,_a.m. at ! Florida;. Eunice Turner of She is survived by 1O . the Roseh1ll Cemetery Detroit ·anlf Doane· carmoney children; Ruby · Ekins· of ! in Eaton Rapids with of. Trav~r'.§e -..CllY~]t 0Hgrand­ Ononda'ga, Enid Friess of ·The Rev. Al Wakefield 1 Ichildren, several great Wauseon, OH, Glen and of St. Peter· .cauiolic grandchildren and 5 great- Raymond Olney of Onondaga, Church officiating. The ·great-grahdchildren~·-,iii~_· family - wilH ·receive ~ •. n._... ___.,..~,. I1 Jean Phillips and Thoi:nas , Funeral ser,y1ces,-,_ ·were Olney of Eaton · Rapids, j friends Thursday from held Saturday, January 28 at Laurlee Sanders of Aurelius, 7-9 p.m. at the Shelly Funeral Home' in Ea­ 1 p.m. · from the SkinMr i Judy Hall of Pinetop, )<Y and 1 ton Rapids. Funeral. .. Home; ·with ~a'stor ·Jam.es Olney of Lansing, 40 1 Richa.rd* ~·web!> :·officiptifig. grandchildren; 66 . great- 1 Interment followed in Benton grandchildre·n and 8 gr~at- I Cemetery, PottefVme. CaS'Ket greit-grandchildren and I bearers : were gransons: sister, Emma Rupp of Swan- j Steven Car'JTloney, Keith . ton, OH. · · Carmoney. ;-Mark ·carmooey, Funeral services were I Ric Hill, Ron Kitchen.and Don l held Thursday •. Jan" 1.2 at ! 1 1 Cooper.~~ 1 1:00 p.m. from the Skinner ~----- ~·----~ · Funeral Home with.the Pastor 1 Darrell ·Clements officiating. Interment followed in the , Greenwood Cemetery in Aurelius on the family plot. Casket bearers were: Doug Stall, Dd·n Hudson, Ron Wilson, Dennis Cook, Dale Baker· and Mike Knoff. ·For 1 those wishing the family has '1 suggested a memorial con- i tribution be made to the 1 'l Eaton Rapids Community ' Hospit~I in memory of ~ora._ j ---1 . i ta! Board and member l of the Detroit- Yacht Obituaries Club. He'is survived by ! · his wife, Mary; 2 ) daughters, Ma.rlene · l RALPH H. MILLER she was with the, American / (Andy) Stemaly of Te- l [ ·Red Cross Bloodmobile, I konsha, MI, Nanette Ralph H. Miller, age· 49, traveling state wide. After .: 1 (Robert) Rupinski of I died December 18, 1989. at a retirement she and her hus- . Laingsburg; 2 sons, Pe- , ter M. Jr (Mary Ann) I L'.ansing Hospital. He .was· band Merton, (Doc) lived in 1 Cooper of Eaton R~p- I born July 4, 1940 in Eaton Taveres, Florida for ~2 years 1 Rapids 'SOn of Ralph E. and and had lived in Saginaw for ·ids and John S. (Leigh I Wynona (Whemple) Mill.er. the past 3 years. 1 Ann) Cooper of Eat?n I I 1 Rapids; 9 grandchil- Mr. Miller was a Machine Surviving besides her , dren, Scott, Eric, and Tool Designer for Adams T_ool husband, Doc, she has 1 I • Aimee Stemaly, J er- t & Engineering in Lan~ing daughter Verna Lou (Robert) ' emy, Emily, .and ~e- · ' and a member of the Society . SAyder of Saginaw; 1 son · gan Rupinski, Bef!ia- of Manufactoring Engineers Bruce of Georgetown, TN; 3 min and Peter Charles 1 of Lansing. He was preceded grandchildren Donald Snyd~r 1 Cooper and Leia Lynn , in death by his ·mother of Tarpon SprinQS, FL, Julie ; 1 Cooper; l brother, 1 Wynona in 1971 and son Snyder, Oceanside, CA and : 1 Charles A. (Shirley) Timothy Ryan Mill er i~ 196~ · Kurt Collins of Mason. Also , 1 cooper Jr. of Holla~d; I Surviving are his wife surviving are 2 sisters Hel~n " l great aunt, Catherine · Patricia of Eaton Rapids; son Cole of Redford· and Edith . I Miller of St: Clair I I and wife Eric and Stacey Peeters of Orlando, FL and ' I Shores; sister-in-law, , I Miller of Famington; 2 several nieces and nephews. ~ Dorothy Harwood of ! 1 daughters Jennifer Miller of . Funeral services were Jackson; several 1 nieces and nephews. 1 1 East Lansing, Lori and hus- · held Sat., December 23 at 1 \ band Steve Paine of Eaton p.m. from the Skinner j Mass of the Resurrec­ I tion will be prayed I I Rapids; 2 gr~ndchildren Funeral Home with Rev. ~Paul Wednesday, l p.m. at ! Brian and Alex Paine of Eaton Mergener officiating. Mrs. 1 the St. Peter Church in \ Rapids; father and step- Collins was cremated with Eaton Rapids with the ' mother Ralph E. and Lois interment of her cremains on Rev. Alan Wakefield l ~ Miller of Cheboygan; 2 the family. plot in Plains 1 as celebrant. Inter- I I sisters Shirley Lawless of Cemetery to take place later. ment will be at R.ose- 1 Grand Ledge and Joyce y 1 hill Cemetery. The .carmoney ofTraverse City. MILDRED YEARGIN.ASHLE / family will receive Funeral Services were Mildred Yeargin :Ashley, ! friends Tuesday from held Friday, December ?2 at age 84 of Eaton Rapids, died · 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the 1 p.m. from Skinner . December 24, 1989 in Eaton 1 Shelly Funeral Home i t~e in Eaton Rapids where Funeral Home with t.h~ ~ev . .._ Rapids. She was~ qorn I 1 Paul Mergencr offl~1ating; August 14 1905 in Green- the Vigil service will be prayed Tuesd~Y. at . Interment followed in t~%~· field TN 'where she l has , 9 p.m. Those desmng ~ Greenwood Ce_metery in many friends and family. She may make contribu- Aurelius Township. Honorary has been a resident of Eaton ' tions to the Eato. n Rap~ . Casket bearers were: Mark, Rapids since 1945 and a life ids Community Hospi- 1 , Jim and John Lawless. long member of the ' ta! for the new x-ray Casket bearers were: Ron Methodist Church. Mildred , machine in honor 1 of Miller, Gerry VanDouser, attended Mt. Herman COOPER, PETER M. Mr. Cooper. Jack Holbrook, Mar Peyt~n. Methodist Church in Ten- 1 Eaton 'Rapids David Adams and_ ~1ke nessee and the First United 1 Lawless. For tho.se i.y1shing a Methodist in Eaton Rapids. I Age 55, died Sunday, 1 • memorial contribution '"!lay She belonged to the Order of ~ December 17, 1989 in , be made to the MSU Med1~al the Eastern Star and the , ,'. Lansing. He was born ' Development Fund, Suite American, Legion Auxiliary. June 16, 1934 in Pe- 220 Nisbet Bid., 1407. S. Until her retirement, she 1 . troit, \ML Mr. Cooper Harrison Rd., East Lansing, worked in the Eaton Rapids 1 ; attended Assumption Ml 48824 Jil memory of community Hospital. Mildred 1 High SchOol in Wind- Ralph. ,. , was active in community and 1 sor, Ontario, Canada. ROBERi D JONES · church and was past Matron : He was the owner and • in Eastern Star~~ and a 1 operator of Cooper Robert Daniel Jones, age member of the Marion Circle 1 Chevy Olds in, Eaton 65 of Springport, died in the Church. It was a great· 1 .Rapids since 1968. He 1 was the Director of , December 25; '1989 in Lan-· source of pride to her f~mily 1 sing. He- was. born April 6, that she was one of the first 8 1 Michigaq Automo~ile 1924 in Mt. Pleasant, Ml. to graduate from 1 Dealers Association, th~_Licens- · Past-Rresident of Lan- ·Robert retired from the Planet ed Practical Nurse course ; sing Automobile Deal- · Corp. in 1974 after 19 y~ars after its establish- 1 , ers Association, mem: ' of service and also retired ment in 1959. 1 1 ber of the National : from the Eaton Rapids She leaves behind· 3 ' Chevrole.t Dea.ler Schools in _1986 after 12 .. daughters Joan Chambers of 1 Council apd member , . years of service. Albion, Maxine Duffey of of the- National Olds- ~ He is survived bY, his w!f~... ,., Eaton Rapids and Mary Sue I mobile Dealer Council. I of 38 years, Helen;e.1· son:· Hill of Clarkdale, AZ; 2 , l He was the Past-Presi- Carl.: (Marion) Mullen ~of., ~sisters Madaline Harris of t dent of the Eaton Rap- , California; .: '3. > da.ughters"· Charlotte and Frances Roach ' ids Communitv' Hosi>i- , Bonnie Devine of Springport, - of Texas.
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