WESTFIELD LEADER Hi •f. ••• rm UAama «u» MOST wnur OMCULATU WUMLT MWIMMJI m vrnon comvnr * ^ FEBKUARY 8, 1951 •ytrv Tkur»4ly Church Woven Situation "Snafu" GonePupils Get 3MI Election To Murk World Medical EXAMS, Local Units Aid Day Of Ppyer For Local Commuters Nurse Reports * After a day of tiding traffic snarled highways or overcrowded Disaster Victims buses, Wettfitld's 2,500 commuters returned to their normal routine Schedule Service yesterday morning, when the Jersey Central Railroad renewed its Warmer Ulmimmry Tomorrow In customary train achedulta. A little better off than WeBtchester and At School Beard Long Island commuter*, who had their routine upset for several Red Crow, Town St. Paul** Quirt-h days, WestAeld residenta, never' Meeting Tuewiiy theless, felt the full effect*, of the hibits the sending cf Arst-class Uader the sponsorship of the railroad switchmen's strike on mall weighing over eight ounces A detailed report on the multi. Rush Help To Wcttneld Council of Church Tuestay. and air mail parcel post over two tude of activities covered in the Women, the annual World Day of Whilt most of them had heard pounds. He added that daily news- work of the school nurses wsa giv- Prayer will be observed in West- news broadcasts Monday evening pipers,, drugs, and medical and en to, the Board of Education at Perm RR Wreck 11(14 tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. in that the Central would caned serv- surgical supplies, however, were its meeting Tuesday night by Mrs. 8t. Paul's Episcopal Church. The ice the following morning, some of made an exception. "Quite a few Louise Llpphardt, .head, nurse. Ltfd by Peter Dughi, five dial* program will include a brief ad- the dkily trippers to New York parcel post packages and mail Mrs. Lipphardt traced a nurse'i ter committee members free* Us*1' dress by Mrs. Elmer Ftidell, for- turned up at the station aa usual peucnei were delivered to the local daily routine through each schoa), local Red Red' Cross chapter mat- Post Office earlier this week by (•wit mer minionary to Japan who has to find it quiet and deserted. A where ill children are taken care ed Tuesday night to the aetM •* • noantly returned fr»m a tour of considerable number mad* no at- special trailer trucks running from of and teachers notified of any he Pennsylvania train wrack at Japan and the Philippines. tempt to get into the city and oth- Jersey City to Easton, Pa., the contagious diseases among their Woodbrldge to provide tramfartav . X peetmaster said. ' _ JsW/f This is the 64th annual observ- ers gave up after they were un- puplla. • tion and blanket* for a«*a ef UN baard ance of the Day of Prayer, which able to get on crowded taeefc She told of the more than 3,000 BOfl injured in the nsaMwar nvefc- aurts at break of day in the Fiji The Somerset Bus Co. put every Defense Cards To Be medical examinations which are up which claimed 14 lives. la ra> ->'" Islands and continues around the available bus into use and all were given annually and of the X-ray sponae to an urgent call (rant the r at Lin- worlff in 84 countries. packad to the doors. Some travel- Distributed Feb. 24 cxa m i n a t i o n s (or tuberculosis Rahway Memorial Hospital, wMa* i frpm the 'Hymn To Peace," which ers went to Elisabeth to catch which are given Benlor and junior had admitted SI disaster viethM, I*«te on was sung at th* National Confer- Pennsylvania trains, others to Col. Lyman L. Parks, director high school students and which three nurses aides were seat frees , budget ence of the Council in Cincinnati Summit for the Lackawanna, and of the WestAeld Civil Defense this year will be given to all fac- this area, while three wore wtM I eon- in Nevembcr, will be presented in some to South Ptainneld for th* Council, announced today that ulty members. The follow-up sys- called there yesterday, fteur reg» mora WestAeld for the tint time. It will Lehigh Valley. "kitchen" cards containing infor tem, which is used when; defects Irtered nuraes from Wtetneld.aett. i figure be sung during the program by a The decision to call off train (nation on what to do in the event are turned up in the examinations, fled by the Red Croas, reported t* MtS. klMER niDBLL trio composed of Meaoamea Walter service was reached about B'.SO of a bombing will be distributed to was outlined and a report given on Perth Amboy General HeayMal, *• '1,1 per JACK J. CAMILLO . Whila Day Jr., Clarence fKeiger, and p, m. Monday, a railroad spokes- every home here Feb. 24. the large percentage of corrections which many victimt had bawl «•**, atas R. A. Houael. Mn. C. H. Logei man, said, when the road became The cards, prepared by the State which are reported, ried. Until midnight, the Weal of tha Woman i Club To will accompany them at the organ. aware that not enough workmen Office of Civil Defense, will be Mrs. Lipphardt said that hear- office, under the direction ef Mrs. I provid* The hymn waa written by Lloyd would be on hand to operate. distributed locally by Boy Scouts ing and sight testa are given thru- Canillo Heads Leon M. Haley, "stood by" far KeWburg, a brother of Mrs. W. H. Meanwhile, mail delWeriee con- through the waiden division of the out the year and that the nurses further calls. • ., Hear Dr. Avirett Kenney, the New Jersey Council work closely with teachers to be will tinued to suffer from tha atrik* Deftnea Council, headed by Roy Two town trucks, nausea bf ekainMn of music. sure tha> each student receives Heart Campaign teach- as the parcel post «mbarg* re- Canfteld. town employees, arrived at WestneU High School, Roose- Of. Homeowners are urged to hang the most from the instruction giv- and mained in the We.tfttld Jack J. Camillo, local attorney scene of the wreck, a shaft valt Junier High Bebeol, aad the Ace yesterday. Postmaatar Jota the cards in a conspicuous place en. She. pointed out that when a Jth de- and acting magistrate of West- tante from the twin buaiaaaa To Sp«*fc Honda? elementary schools will have prey- H. Traynor reported that he had where they may readily be refer- hearing or visual defect ia discov- Hired, field, has been named chairman of ter of Woodbtidfe, with li«ft(ea»4 tn for peace and world brother- racetvea no notice of the lifting, red to by all members of tha ered, frequently a simple matter acetylene torches. They rifafti »3,- Oi. William Q. Avtrett.vU* the Heart Fund Campaign in hood at assembly periods, Mrs. of the embarg*, which aba pra- of changing the child's seat so hone after they ware toU tfca* ter uratident of. Collate UaWereltjr, Westfleld, which will be carried on Pridall will give a Ulk and show that he is nearer the teacher will sufficient aid had already arrived. wUl ha tha speaker at ttajrefular during February, it has been an- pictures to the junior high school make a remarkable difference in Among this group- were Mayat laj&thly meeting ef theWajtaeld nounced by Harold Borden of Tuea* stadentt at their aasembly period. grades. Charts P. Bailey, CouMtbMs) can- Woman's Club MaHfto «t Sill Eliiabeth, county chairman. Also The ringing of church balls and A schedule of nine games for the Robert F. Gumbert, Police CMaf p. m. In the First ta'stfat Church. serving on the local commutes are rrell, several radio broadcasts will also Clee To Open Baptist Roosevelt Junior High School var- John R. Schreiber, Detective! ia*. Pree- Dr.*viretMi fakjeet w« W.StV sity baseball team was approved. Mrs. Jean'Teslof, treasurer, May- mark the Pay of Prayer. Mrs. or Charles P. Bailey, Councilman Vauil, Town Engineer John T. laat COt fan OlM'THaT Aaf j4f*Wt#^l f*0Ut9* Wealthy Hanaiafer Usher, nation- The first game will be with Union Hopkins, and William VandetVUt, in and «e will diseuat edjustmente ha April 27 and the season will con- Donald H. Bagger, and Miss Helen al chairman of the plans for the Lenten Series Tonight Steffens. supervisor of roadi. Civic considers natssstry for tha solu- clude with the game with Plain- Council of Churches, will be heard The Weitfield Fire Departmett tllon of problems facing thc Amer. field, May 29. The senior high Mr. Camillo, who has been ac- over the Mutual network from loaded floodlights and other if***, lean people today. school indoor track team will com- tive in civic affairs of Westfleld, 10:15-10:28 a. m. There will be a Dr. Lester H. Clee, former state ter equipment aa soon aa ward waa HOT 10 Dr. Avirett was, until Ms recent pete in five group meets, accord- has been commander of Martin noon broadcast, of prayer hymns, senator and assemblyman and flashed of the wreck and stood by appointment to Colgate University, ing to a schedule also approved by Wallberg Post, 3, iox two consec- itl'UCt- a 5:80 o'clock broadcast featuring 1931 GOP gubernatorial candi- with this equipment, and education editor of tha Stw York the board, utive years and is at present Un- veriity a talk on Korea; and several calls date, will open the annual Famous lances, ready to TO.11 ' if Jf*raM Tribute,. There, ba was to prayer during the day over the Preacher's Lenten Series at tha .Dr. Stacy N, Ewan Jr., super- ion County vice chaivrnah of the American Legion.
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