PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALTCMan^sier. Conn , Thurs., Auj, 5, OT6' Haiti Visited by Columbus in 1492 Manchester hospital notes and a French colony alter PUCA defers rate hike decision 1677, Haiti attained In­ The Manchester Inside today ''•xvrv-v? ---tMMMilll dependence in the 1804 Evening Herald The weather rebellion begun by Toussaint HARTFORD (UPIl - previous rale increase — authority is instructed or Alexander Goldfarb, Discharged Tuesday: Sigrid Golembieski, East Hart- prints more Area news......... 5 Fam ily..............8 L’Ouverlure. In 1811, Henri Mostly cloudy-through Saturday. The state Public Utilities $47.7 m illion in 1974 — advised to do so by a court lawyer for a consumer Modean, Crestfield Convales- Wakefield, 8 Christophe proclaimed Manchester news Comics..............9 Obituaries ........10 cent Home; Ann Warren, 820 Herbert Dr,, Coventry; Kurt High today around 80, low tonight in the Dear Abby......... 9 SAM news......... 8 Control Authority should be resolved before of competent jurisdiction," coalition opposing the 1974 himself king in the north while than any other the agency considers NU ’s Kleban said. Tolland Tpke.; Edward J™son, Rt. 6, Andover, Paul the south continued as a 60s. Saturday's high about 70. Chance ol Editorial .......... 4 Sports........... 6-7 Wednesday agreed to hold rate hikes, asked the showers today and tonight. National new request for a $56.3 Northeast Utilities owns Gorry, 198 E. Middle Tpke.; Elmore, 4 Bayberry Rd., republic. The nation was newspaper. off a decision on rate hikes PUCA Tuesday to delay a Bolton. weather forecast map on Page 2. million hike. Hartford Electrict Light decision on the new rate reunited in 1820, folowing Plus The Herald Classified Exchange requested by Northeast Henri's death. Utilities until the courts Kleban said the slate at­ Co. and Connecticut Light hikes, citing a ruling by supplement rule on N il's previous rate torney general’s office will and Power, the two firms Court of Common Pleas hikes. fry to speed up the involved in the rate con­ Judge William Bieluch. procedures by seeking a troversies. ARE YOU GETTING THE PUCA Chairman Albert PLAZA DEPT. STORE .1 Kleban said tbe con­ court ruling on whether the (Wt H m A Notion To Ploato) troversy over NU's FUCA should consider the BEST PRICE Noxt to Frank's Suparmarkal Connally under scrutiny lastest NU request before East MMdlo Tpks., Msndwstar the old one is settled. ■'As a result of the gravi- ON YOUR We Are Your Headquarters For ty of the pending Junior applications for rate in­ Krause PRESCRIPTION?' SUMMERTIME SUPPLIES] Reagan gains seven creases and the potential Compare in Arthur’s ConsumerI S i l consequences to over 835,- florist & Greenhouses Olympics Open Book, the prices of thou • Thongs • Towels • T-Shirts Hy C LAY F. ItICHAKDS Louisiana Thursday, in part because turned and told reporters: "I think 000 customers of these sands of prescription items are available at the flip I iiilerl PrcHs Inlcrnuliiinul of his naming of liberal Sen. Richard we can do it.” companies, coupled with • Styrofoam Coolers next week of a finger, for all the world to see. Yes, we deliver. While Ronald Reagan was finding Schweiker, R-Pa., as his vice Reagan and Schweiker cam­ many complex legal his potential running mate an asset in presidential choice. paigned together in New York and issues, it has been deter­ A t all • Sunglasses • Swim Caps The third annual Top the Northeast, some Republicans There also were indications that New Jersey and move on to Penn­ mined that no further ac­ Notch Foods, Manchester LARGEST RETAIL GROWERS IN MANCHESTER • Thermos Containers were telling President Ford they feel some of Illinois' eight uncommitted sylvania today in search of more tio n on the p "n d in g ARTHUR DRUO STORES Recreation Department John Connally might be a liability on delegates were considering backing delegates. applications will be taken Manchfitfr 6 4 3 - 9 5 5 9 • Swim Trunks • Suntan Lotions Junior Olympics will be 621 HARTFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER his ticket. the Californian. But despite Reagan’s biggest gains by the PUCA until this held Wednesday, Aug. 11. Reagan won four delegates in New Buoyed by the new switches, since the Schweiker announcement. Approximately 300 young Jersey, two in New York and one in Reagan said he thought the tide had Ford still held the edge in the tight competitors participate in battle for the Republican nomina­ the popular annual event. [HERE COMfsl tion. The changes brought the latest Boys and girls compete UPI tally for Ford to 1.120 delegates. in three age groups; 8 and SALE ENDS SAT., AUG. 7,1976 10 short of the number needed; while under. 9 and 10, and 11 to Scientists broaden Reagan had 1,037, and there were 102 13, in four of the following uncommitted events: 50-yard dash, sack illness investigation Schweiker has lost Reagan some race, standing broad jump, delegate support in the South — and a sit-ups, softball throw, number of those delegates have said convention two weeks ago in precision running through HARRISBURG, Pa. (UPI) - publicly they would like to see Con­ Relieved that the American Legion Philadelphia, But doctor detectives hula hoops, Frisbee throw, nally on Ford's ticket. illness is leveling off. scientists were looking for something else to (Herald photo by Pintol and push-ups. During the But in Washington, Senate tell them why some Legionnaires competition, a free cookout broaded their investigation today in Republican Whip Robert Griffin of an attempt to search for the common were stricken and others escaped. Chief presents new badges lunch is provided by Top Michigan, one of Ford's closest thread that might unravel the "I'm afraid we stand without an Noth Foods. political strategists and his floor New badges were presented to two top-level police department officers in brief promotions medical mystery. answer, " said Dr David Sencer, 6 The event, which will manager at the convention, said Ford A spokesman for the state health director of the Center for Disease ceremonies at the police station this morning. Left to right are Police Chief Robert Lannan, begin at 11 a m., takes must weigh carefully the "jiluses and department said the official death Control in Atlanta. new Patrol Capt. Henry Minor, new Lt. Joseph Brooks, and Town Manager Robert Weiss. place at the West Side minuses " in Connally's record. toll remained at 23. But he said it was The first laboratory results later Oval. Registration forms Griffin joined other moderate expected to climb to 25 later in the today from the CDC wore expected to are available at the Republicans, who. in recent days, day on the basis of investigations of shed further light on the possibility Manchester Top Notch have warned that Connally might be two other apparent illness-related some uncommon virus may be in­ Foods store and at a liability because of his ties to the deaths. volved. Influenza, and particularly Two police officers promoted Manchester playgrounds. Nixon administration and the Dr. Leonard Bachman, the state swine flu, was all but eliminated Raindatc for the event is Watergate scandal. The former Patrol Capt. Henry Minor and l.t A Manchester native. Minor is a tive in December 1967 and a sergeant health .secretary, said the one com­ Thursday by state scientists, Thursday. Aug. 12. Texas governor was acquitted of Joseph Brooks received their new graduate of local schools He is a 1971 in October 1972 He has been assigned mon link was that all the victims had "We arc assured it is not a highly bribery charges in the Watergate- badges and stripes in brief promotion graduate of Manchester Community to the training division since attended the state American Legion contagious disease," Sencer said. related milk fund scandal. ceremonies this morning at the College and is now attending the February. Manchester I’ olice station University of Hartford. Last year, he A native of Hartford, Brooks lived The promotions, effective today, was graduated from the FBI in Fast Hartford for several years were made by Police Chief Robert National Academy, the coiiiitry's top before coming to Manchester in 1955. Unemployment rate up to 7.8% Lannan. who said Minor and Brooks law enforcement school He IS a graduate of Manchester High are outstanding officers. Minor served five years with the School and .Manchester Community Fm delighted to have these men U S. Air Force after high school College. despite sharp increase in jobs in key positions, " Lannan said. graduation. He and his wife. Donna, Brooks served in the U S. Marine Minor, formerly a lieutenant, was have three children; Henry. 6, Ray­ Corps from 1959 to 1963 He is a Mason, and member of the Elks economists were braced for an in­ Factory and construction employ­ promoted to fill the position held un­ mond. 4, and Nicole. 1 r i WASHINGTON tUPD - A record Club, and co-chairman of the local crease in joblessness during the ment showed little improvement til last week by Richard Sartor, who gypsum wallboard , portion of jobseekers drove un­ Brooks, 35, joined the police force .limiiiy Fund drive. He and his wife. summer months, the news was Manufacturing jobs have risen by became the department's first depu­ self-sealing roof shingles exterior plywood sheathing employment up to 7 8 per cent in Ju­ m .lainiarv 1964 He became a detec­ Donna, live on Bush Hill Hd For ceilings or walls; 3/8"x 4'x 6' 79 expected to prove embarrassing to ty chief. Brooks, formerly a Built-In adhesive labs for sheot. Easy to inslall A finish. ly, wiping out the steady reduction 850,000 since the low level set last Ju­ Exterior glue.
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