RAMO SPECIAL AWARDS MIRROR ISSUE ADIO MIRROR • Your Favorite Stars and Shows by Nationwide Vote AY • 250 INAH SHORE GARRY MOORE ARLENE FRANCIS tNNIE CARSON JOHN CONTE 'ERRY COMO FRAN ALLISON Like getting one free! 4 for the price of 3 N O W- TIE D IN ONE BE A UT Y BU N DLE 4 cakes of pure, mild Personal Size Ivory cost about IVORY the same as 3 cakes of other leading toilet soaps! Any way you look at it—Personal Size Ivory's new Beauty Bundle IVORY is a beauty of a buy. Now -4 cakes all tied in one neat bundle— so handy . so thrifty. And how those dainty cakes of mildness pamper your skin! You see, the milder the beauty soap, the prettier your IVORY skin, and Ivory Soap is mild enough for a baby's skin. So for that fresh, radiant look, That Ivory Look, get your Beauty Bundle now. woRY 9 9 in % PU RE IT FLOATS THE BE AUTY BU N DLE IS YO U R BEST BE AUTY B U Y • Molly's remark was intended as a bitter little joke. of bad breath. The more you reduce these germs, She'd had a miserable time at the dance . even the longer your breath stays sweeter. Listerine the boy she invited was neglectful. Molly had no kills germs on contact . by millions. way of knowing that what she blurted out in jest was actually the truth. There's no thermometer Tooth paste can't kill germs that registers when your breath offends . that's the way Listerine does why it pays to use Listerine regularly. Tooth paste can't kill germs the way Listerine The most common cause of bad breath is germs does, because no tooth paste is antiseptic. ... Listerine kills germs by millions Listerine IS antiseptic. That's why Listerine stops bad breath four times better than tooth paste. Germs—which ferment the proteins always pres- Gargle Listerine Antiseptic full-strength every ent in your mouth—are the most common cause morning, every night, before every date! LIS TE RIN E A N TISE P TIC T V ... stops bad breath 4 times better than tooth paste a 1 TIT/MD/0 1/IV MIRRO R Millions MAY, 1957 VOL. 47, NO. 6 Ann Higginbotham, Editorial Director Er! of women Ann Mosher, Editor Jack Zasorin, Art Director Teresa Buxton, Managing Editor Frances Maly, Associate Art Director Claire Safran, Associate Editor Joan Clarke, Art Assistant tIcan reassure Dick Sheppard, Assistant Editor Bud Goode, West Coast Editor you PEOPLE ON THE AIR Outdoor Man (Roy Rogers) 6 What's New From Coast to Coast by Peter Abbott 8 Millions of women have Command Performance (Red Skelton) by Maxine Arnold 10 used billions and billions Voice of History (Lowell Thomas) 14 He Couldn't Say "No" (Douglas Edwards) 15 and billions of Tampax Theater of the Mind (CBS Radio Workshop) 16 since the day it was first Circle Without End (Warren. Hull) 17 erybody Loves Dinah Shore 18 invented by a doctor— Crazy Like a Fox (Mitch Miller) 19 over twenty years ago. Saturday's Children (No School Today) 20 Mickey the Magnificent (Mickey Mouse Club) 21 For every one of these How About That! (Mel Allen) 22 Fifty Million People Can't Be Wrong (Ed Sullivan) hy Gregory Merwin 32 women there was a "first The Man Who Really Won (Hal March) hy Ed Meyerson 40 time." Many may have A Crown for the Kingfish (Freeman Gosden) by Dee Phillips 42 shared your doubts about Humor With a Heart (Fran Allison) by Helen Bolstad 43 The Great Garry Moore Mystery by Mary Temple 44 the product; many may It's Love, Not Luck (Ozzie and Harriet Nelson) by Gordon Budge 46 have thought Tampax® Happy Birthday, Robert Q. Lewis by Gladys Hall 48 Call It Faith (Art Linkletter) by Dora Albert 50 internal sanitary protec- Matinee Idol (John Conte) . 52 tion would be difficult to Forever "The Greatest" (Jackie Gleason) hy Frances Kish 54 use. Just Having Fun (Perry Como) by Alice Francis 56 Loretta Young by Bud Goode 58 Lux Video Theater 60 Yet really the most de- They Knew What You Wanted (Boh Crosby) by Eunice Field 62 lightful discovery to be Bras e New World (Jeannie Carson) 64 made about Tampax is Wild Old West (William Conrad) 65 The Romance Of Helen Trent 66 its simplicity. Inserting, Love Of Children (Sandy Becker) by Francesca Williams 68 changing, disposing take Most Happy Season (Gale Storm) 70 only seconds. Once you've passed that hurdle, you FEATURES IN FULL COLOR can relax and enjoy all TV RADIO M IRROR Award Winners, 1956-57 27 the many, many advan- Arthur Godfrey and His Star Wagon (The McGuire Sisters, tages of Tampax. Pat Boone) by Martin Cohen 34 "Champagne Music" (Lawrence Welk) by Fredda Balling 38 It's invisible in place. Un- felt in place. So made that the wearer's hands need YOUR SPECIAL SERVICES not touch it at any time. Movies on TV 3 It prevents odor. Prevents Information Booth 4 Test Your TV-Radio I.Q.: Crossword Puzzle by Marion Weaver 13 chafing and irritation. New Designs for Living (needlecraft and transfer patterns) 23 TV RADIO M IRROR Goes to the Movies by Janet Graves 24 It's convenient to carry, Turnin' the Tables 26B unembarrassing to buy New Patterns for You (smart wardrobe suggestions) 94 (on display wherever Cover Portrait of Pat Boone by Frank Powolny, courtesy of 20th Century. drug products are sold) — Fox, for whom Pat will soon be seen in "Bernardine" and it comes in a choice of 3 absorbencies (Regu- BUY YOUR JUNE ISSUE EARLY • ON SALE MAY 7 lar, Super, Junior) to suit your individual needs. • PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden sidered, but publisher cannot he responsible for loss or ‘1 a • Publications, Inc. New York, N. Y. damage. It is advisable to keep a duplicate copy for Why deprive yourself of 1P.,„ EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING AND EDI- your records. Only those manuscripts accompanied by TDR1AL OFFICES at 205 East 42nd stamped, self-addressed return envelopes or with suffi- Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial Branch cient return postage will be returned. a product that so many ,O ffice: 6269 Selma Ave., Hollywood 28, FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publi- ABC „° Calif. Irving S. Manheimer, President; cations International Corp., 205 East 42nd Street, New • Lee Andrews, Vice President; Meyer York 17, N. Y. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Doug. women use, so many doc- 'Uzi D workin, Secretary and Treasurer. Adver- las Lockhart, Vice President. tising offices also in Chicago, 221 North RE-ENTERED as Second Class Matter, June 28, 1954, LaSalle Street. and San Francisco. at the Post Office at New York, N. Y. under the Act of tors approve of? Tampax SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 one year. U. S. and March 3, 1879. Authorized as Second Class mall, P.O. Possessions and Canada, $5.00 per year for all other Dept., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Copyright 1957 by Mac- is the better way! Try it countries. fadden Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under In. CHANGE OF ADDRESS, 6 weeks' notice essential. ternational Copyright Convention. All rights reserved When possible, please furnish stencil Impression ad- under Pan-A merican Copyright Convention. Todos de- and see! Tampax Incor- dress from a recent issue. Address changes can be recho. reservados segun la Convencion Pan-A mericana made only if you send us your old, as well as your de Propiedad Literaria 3, Artistica. Title trademark new address. Write to TV Radio Mirror, 205 East registered in U.S. Patent O ffice. Printed in U. S. A. porated, Palmer, Mass. 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. by Art Color Printing Company. MANUSCRIPTS: All manuscripts will be carefully con. Member of the TRUE STORY Wo men's OretID MOVIES ON TV Showing this month New sunshine yellow BRINGING UP BABY (RKO) : Off on a farcical fling, with heiress Katharine Hepburn chasing shy scientist Cary Grant. shampoo A stray leopard (and Katie's pretty legs) add to the happy confusion. BRO WNING VERSION, TIIE (Rank, U-I) : Quiet, penetrating study of life in puts sunny sparkle in hair! a British boys' school. Fine acting by Michael Redgrave as a pathetic, stuffy teacher, betrayed by wife Jean Kent. leaves hair silkier . softer . easier to manage CANADIAN PACIFIC (20th) : Forthright Western, actionful if not very thoughtful. Brunette? Blonde? Redhead? Randolph Scott spearheads a railroad- You'll thrill when you see how your building job, encouraged by Nancy Olson, hair responds to the conditioning opposed by Victor Jory. benefits of new SHAMPOO PLUS EGG! W S just what your hair needs—for COMMANDOS STRIKE AT DAWN new life and luster, for rich silky (Columbia) : Paul Muni's forceful per- Ag softness. You'll love the "feel" of formance highlights the rugged story of Norse patriots' aid in a British attack on your hair—the way it manages. Nazi-occupied Norway. That's the magic conditioning touch of SHAMPOO PLUS EGG! This new CONQUEST OF EVEREST ( U.A.) : kind of shampoo cleans cleaner, Splendid British documentary on the tri- rinses super fast. It's the one really umph of Hillary and Tensing, showing the planning and teamwork leading to the different shampoo . from its sun- mighty peak. shine yellow color to the lilting sunny sparkle it puts in your hair! DEADLINE AT DAWN (RKO) : Modest shampoo Try it once, you'll use it always. but effective suspense tale, involving dance Economical 290, 590, $1. hostess Susan Hayward in the danger that threatens sailor Bill Williams.
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