EIUKJ. VAN NIEUKERKEN', JAMJUNNIWNEN', NIKOLAYSAVENKOV 'Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Vantau, Finland, Latuian Mweum of Natural Histo y, R&a & 'Riga, Latuia THFURCULA SILVIAE VAN NIEUKERKEN: BIOLOGY AND NEW RECORDS (LEPIDOPTERA: NEPTICULIDAE) Nieukerken, E. J. van, J. Junnilainen, N. Savenkov & I. Sulcs, 1996. Trzfirrla siluiae Van Nieukerken: biology and new records (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). - Tijdschrift voor Entomologic, 139: 175-179, figs. 1-6. [ISSN0040-74961. Published 18 December 1996. Trzfirmla siluiaevan Nieukerken, 1990, previously known only from the French Alps only has been discovered in eastern Latvia, where stern-mines and larvae have been discovered on Ono- bychis arenaria. New records are also given for the Italian and French Alps and Spain. Correspondence: Erik J. van Nieukerken, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Postbus 9517, NL 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Key words. - Nepticulidae, Latvia, disjunct distribution, stem-mines, b~ology,new records. Trifitrcula silviae van Nieukerken, 1990 was de- anted stem-mines of a nepticulid in the foremen- scribed after a small number of soecimens from tioned plant. Southeastern France. It was found at relativelv low and warm localities in the southern Alps up to high Although the locality is far apart from the area alpine localities (1800 m). Although the biology was where the species was known, the senior author im- unknown, its relationships in the Trz&rcula subni- mediately considered it most likely to be I: siluiae, tidella group and its occurrence in meadows without which he could confirm after studying some speci- trees or shrubs indicated that it was, most likely, feed- mens. The mines and larvae were also considered to ing on a leguminosous herb, with Anthyllis, Lotus and belong to this species, which is now confirmed by the Onobrychisas suggested possibilities (Van Nieukerken first emerging adults. 1990). After visiting several of its localities, the senior Also in 1994 the species was discovered in Spain by author had a strong suspicion that the last plant genus A. and Z. LaStuvka and some unidentified Nepticuli- was the most likely candidate, since the species dae from G. Bassi contained the first Italian speci- Onobrychis rnontana DC. occurred in all localities, of- men, confirming a larger distribution than hitherto ten in large numbers. known. Since the original description was published, two more French specimens were found amongst In the area near Skaune, eastern Latvia, the third unidentified material. The species is recorded for the author discovered an unknown TrzifiLrcula when first time from the area dealt with by Van Nieukerken sweeping plants of Onobrychis arenaria (Kit.) DC in & Johansson (1990) and by Puplesis (1994), we 1985. This was identified by R. Puplesis as Trz&rcuh therefore provide a diagnosis and illustrations as an subnitidelh (Duponchel) (at that time the only addition to these works. known species in this group) and published under its junior synonym 7: griseella Wolff by Savenkov Trz+rcula (Trt;FcrcuIu) silviaevan Nieukerken (1989, see also Savenkov 1994). Later the three ju- nior authors discovered more specimens of this Trzfirrla siluiae van Nieukerken, 1990: 230. Holotype 6: species and, unhappy with the original identification, France, 1 km NW Ceillac (Htes Alpes), 1800 m, turned to the senior author for an identification. In 24.vli.1987, van Nieukerken & Richter (National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, RMNH) [examined] August 1994 they finally discovered empty and ten- TIJDSCHI~FTMOR ~TOMOLOGIH, VOLUMB 139.19% F&. 1-3. TySlrcss&rsihiac, Ltvja, Slpunc m - I, Male genitalia, slide EJvN 2833: 2, Idem, detail gnathos; 3, Female gen- italia, slide EJvN 2828. Diagnosis rively pale and small (wingspan ca 5.8-7.0 mm). It T. sikuiar male lacks the typical yellow patch of could be confused with a small specimen of T im- other species of the T rubnidkh group, but can be m&& (Zeller),with T. serordneh Herrich-SchHer relatively easily distinguished by a ruw of dark brown or perhaps with a worn 7: rryptcIh (Stainton), but 41 scales along the cosd fold of the forewing and a sim- lack rhe brown scales and nypwkh has a white hair- ilar row along the hindwing cos= The spiesis rela- pencil on the hindwing. Females have a rehtively characters of the male. Female genitalia (fig. 3) differ kmT. mbnit&lh by the more truncated abdominal tip and more numerous setae on anal papiilae. For more details see Van Nieukerken (1990). Biology Host plants. - OmhycAis am& (Kit.) DC,and probably 0. mttrana DC. Life history. - Egg on the stem of rhe hostplant. The larva is about 5 mm long yellowish. Mics can be found on different he;ehmV in the stem. from ground ledto about 40 cm, occasionally with: sever- al mines occurring in the same stem. The mine (fg. 4) is a long gallery in the bark, typically with the lar- va first mining downmds, changing its direction a few tirna lengthwise. Total length of miue approxi- matdv 8-16 un. The first 0.5-1.0 cm ofthe mine is very narrow (iess than 0.5 mm wide), reddish brown. The remaining part OF the mine is palm yellowish, with its width inwing to 2 mm. Frm not wm- pletely in centre, but often on the lateral edge of the mine, brown, quite we11 visible in the fresh mine. Voltinkm. - have been found in hst." - at the same time as old mines, indicating an earlier oc- cunwce. Adults from June to August, possibly as one Fig. 4. Tenanted and vacated summines d Tnfbmle ribi- prolonged peration, but the &tmw of two gener- ac in Ono+& arena+ Fom jari Junnilainen. ations mnnot be excluded. &on unknown. The life history of Ts&h resembles that of T.mki&&G h @uponchel). blunt atdomina UD. but arc othcmist vcrv similar to Habitat. - Mounmin msntrcs.., drv calcareous or the forementiondipecies. The male geniki (fig. 1) sdyhills, usually with low vegetation, occasionally resemble thaw of T. rprhdti&Ua (Duponbel), but with shrubs. In Spain on rocky limestone dope with the pathos (fig. 2) l& the asymmetrical point and hhyckis sp., AndyYi.t mikere A. mfp- has a serrated margin. Male genitalia are hard to dii- hgdw mq&w Hippocpypk comm and tin& from T ibcrica Van Nieukerken, 1990 from others. Altitude from 200 m to 2000m. See fig. 5 for Spain, which strongly differs in stcondary sdan imprmion of the Latvian habitat. Fig. 5. Habitat of Trzfirr- cuh silk in $$aunt area, with plants of OnobrythL in foreground. Foto Jari Junnilainen. TIJDSCHIUFTVOOR ENTOMOLOGIE,VOLUME 139, l996 Fig. 6. Distribution of Tnjkrcukz silviae in Europe, plotted on 50x50 km squares. Distribution (fig. 6) Spain, French and Italian Alps and Latvia. Most likely to occur in other localities, especially in the The Sljaune locality, also known as the nature re- Alps and southern Europe, but possibly with disjunct serve Greblakalns, is a sandy ridge, close to the village distribution. See discussion. Sljaune in the extreme eastern part of Latvia, just a few kilometers from the Russian border. The ridge Material examined (in addition to type series). - PRANCE: originated after the last glaciation, approximately 1 S,4 km N Eygians (Htes Alpes), 04.vii.1989-22.vii.1989, 12 000 years BP. The lenght of the ridge is 6 km, ris- B. Bengtsson (coll. Bengtsson); 1 S, Bessans: Col de la a. ing 20-30 m above the surrounding plains. The Madeleine (Savoie), 03.vili.1977, R Buvat (coll. Buvat). - ITALY:1 S, Mompantero, Mt. Rocciarnelone (Piemonte), slopes are covered with pine forest or mixed forest 1200 m, 18.vi.1993, G. Bassi (coll. Bassi). - LAW: 3 8, with many shrubs, such as Euonymus, Cotoneaster and Skaune (Shkyanes), 07.vi.1985, 29.vi.1986, N. V. Saven- Coylw. There are also open places, which are kov, sweeping over Onobycbzs arenaria (coll. Savenkov), thought to have originated either as gravel pits or idem, 07.vi.1989, at light (coll. $ulcs); 1 8, 1 9, Skaune, wood-burnine ~laces.The area has a continental and 14.vi.1994, flying over Nupponen "X Onobrychis arenarta, K. xerotherm microclimate and is known to be an out- & J. Junnilainen (coll. Nupponen, Junnilainen); 28, Skaune 9.vii.1994 by sweeping Onobrychis arenaria, K. post with relict elements of the Pontic flora and fau- Nupponen & J. Junnilainen (Colls. Nupponen, Junnila- na, notably with plants such as Onobrychis arenaria inen); mines and larvae, Skaune, 18.viii.1994, adults emerg- (Kit.) DC., Astragalw ddnicus Retz. and Dracocepha- ing from 22.iii.1995 onwards, J. Junnilainen & I. Sulcs lum ruyschiana L. (see Sulcs 1975). These are thought (RMNH,~011s. Sulcs & Junnilainen). - SPAIN: 3 8,l Q,prov. to be relicts from the Subboreal period and occur in Teruel, Alcala de la Selva, 1400 m, 22.vi.1994, at light 1 h open places on slopes of the ridge. after sunset, A. & L. LaStwka. Several Lepidoptera species in La~aare known from this area only, such as Heliophobw kid (Scha- werda). Several elements of the eastern European fau- VAN NIEUKERKENET AL.: Trzfirrula siiviae: biology na occur here, such as Cvphia ereptricula (Treitsch- ke), Lacanobia splendens (Hubner), Cabera leptogra- Nieukerken, E. J. van, 1990. The TrzjGrcula subnitidella pba Wehrli, Stegania cararia (Hiibner) and Udea cos- group (Lepidoptera : Nepticulidae) : taxonomy, distribu- talis (Eversmann) amongst others (Savenkov 1986, tion and biology. - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 133 : 205-238. Sulcs 1973, 1975, 1976,1978). Nieukerken, E. J. van & Johansson, R, 1990. Tribus Most interesting, however, is a number of Lepido- Trifurculini. In Johansson, R. et al. The Nepticulidae and ptera associated with Onobvychis arenaria, and only Opostegidae of North West Europe. - Fauna known from this locality in Latvia: Agradiaetus damon Entomologica Scandinavica 23 : 239-321. (Denis & Schiffermiiller) (Sulcs 1964), Zygaena car- Puplesis, R., 1994. The Nepticulidae of eastern Europe and niolica Scopoli forma berolinensis Staudinger (Saven- Asia : Western, Central and Eastern parts.
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