DAILY WORKER, NEW’ YORK. MONDAY, JULY 9. 1934 Page Three Metal Union to Raise Strike Issue at August 3 Convention ___ ~' • Lines - *• Picket Relief . Keep Detroit , ■gv ; On the Dividend Payments Seeks to Create Unity From Stockholders ! Men Call Mass Strike Front AKRON, Ohio. Stockhold- i Mareli forWed. Withßank andFile of . ers of the General Tire and j - diligently engaged , Rubber Co., On Guard in escaping the heat by the va- Conference Calls Rubber Workers rious pleasant means available for Against Strike Sell-Out to those with money, might Stoppage July 18 AA andIndependents Striking AKRON, Ohio, July 15.— never have known that there is workers, remembering the a strike in the plant if their At 12 Noon rubber sell-outs, had not steel and auto industry dividend checks been Funds Needed to Insure Success of Convention; of 1,100 to delayed- have rejected by a vote DETROIT, Mich., July 15.—Relief Rank and File Militancy Opens Great 90 the proposal of the General The militant mass picket lines workers throughout Wayne County Company, a settle- plant Rubber and Tire around the have com- voted for a stoppage Wednesday, Possibilities to S. M. W. I. U. all wage demands plete opera- ment which met crimped clerical noon, a mass provided for equality of tions. Officials the company July 18, at 12 and for but which company of F. of L. and the have been compelled to send march on the F.E.R.A. offices, 176 PITTSBURGH, Pa„ July 15.—The Second Bi-annual the A. work- unions in representing the out notices explaining that it East Jefferson St., at 2 p.m., when Convention of the Steel and Metal Workers Industrial Union ers. was impossible to get through a committee of 25 will place the continues solid the picket lines to obtain will convene at Slovak Hall, 518 Court PI., Aug. 3,1934,10 a.m. Mass picketing mass workers’ demands before Ballenger, despite the efforts of the company oooks and other records neces- This convention meets at a time when the strike develop- to provoke violence which wiU give sary for sending out the divi- relief administrator. unloosing the ments in the steel aijd metal industry are reaching a matured them an excuse for dend checks. The mass march was voted now held in read- stage, betrayal army of gunnmen Thursday at the action conference despite the iness. Rubber workers in other using 300 relief workers present, in- m by the Amalgamated Asso- plants not on strike are their with ■Mg \\ to keep the picket lines cluding 120 delegates from 60 relief Gov’t oiut ! elation and the American Federa- free time officialdom, going. Seattle Asks projects and 40 trade unions. L. ; tion of Labor which , . j postponed the strike scheduled to Sabian, of the A. F. of L. Painters Textile Men Intervene for i start on June 15. The strike vote at Alabama Drive Union was chairman, and John Pace, Warren, Ohio, several days ago *** Vote Quota secretary the Unemployment * point to the beginnings of a broad To Take Strike of o***0 ’ movement in steel to realize Ala., July 14 reported. mm* . 9 strike BIRMINGHAM, Councils _ Scottsboro already the demands of the steel workers as With 2,000 textile workers In 30 Days The following demands were at the April convention of and Gun- j raisd out in Gadsen, Albertville (1) Immediate withdrawal ; the A. A. sentiment for voted: Roosevelt tersville, rank and file of weekly cut, Ignores Facts; The National Convention of the among the 42 the $2 to $2.50 and a strike is growing Sections Must Sell the guaranteed weekly S. M. W. I. U. coming at this time Textile Work- a minimum Secretary Prattles of locals of the -United wage of a week; (2) a 25 per | is in a position to become the focal A strike vote in- “Daily” At Busy sl6 ers Union here. cent increase in direct relief; (3) “State’s Rights” j point of attention for all steel work- is being taken Deadly lead poured from this cop’s gun—and from the guns of hundreds of more cops—couldn’t rapid development of volving 18,000workers right to organize on the jobs; (4) ers in the Intersections halt the steady inarch of San Francisco workers toward a general strike. Longshoremen kept their ranks renewed strike sentiment among the today. reinstatement of fired workers; (5) per- These southern mill workers, the solid against the hail of bullets while workers in other industries massed to their support. NEW YORK.—Refusing to steel workers. weeks late, Seattle has gone for the Workers Unemployment any the first and perhaps the hardest hit sonally take stand in The National Executive Board of TWOto work in 20,000 Insurance Bill. case, by NR.A. labor codes, are demand- earnest on the Scottsboro President Roose- the S. M. W. I. U. has sent calls to readers drive. In their July or- ignoring his own request for ing the 30-hour week, abolition of Ballenger and A. F. of L. officials velt, all the Amalgamated Association of minimum wage of sl2, ganizational bulletin, they state: are trying to break the strikes on an account of the facts in the Tin, Iron and Steel Workers lodges stretch-out, a 550 re-hiring by the “These Wayne University and Ham- Workers Scottsboro case, sailed away on a and to all independent unions in of men eliminated (their the Negrojanitor Chicago Protesting stretch-out and recognition of the readers 2- tramck projects after 200 painters in warship for a vacation, turning ! the steel and metal industry, to send quota) union. month A. F. of L. locals 42 and 37 had over the letter and material sent fraternal delegates to this conven- * * * can # be obtained voted the strike. Charles Newcomb, Murdered Gas him by the I. L. D. to Homer tion. One of the main tasks of the days By City's JimcrowRule, Defy not in 60 A. F. of L. business agent, ordered Cummings, Attorney-General. convention will be to establish a North Carolina Mill in 30 days if letter re- relationship rank and but '; 1 JK|o the men back. This was shown in a close with the Hands Leave Machines every comrade in CHICAGO, July 15. “We've Balduff of the Y. M. C. A. College, ceived by William L. Patterson, file of the A. A. and the indepen- committee, with head Boston Cop stood of Bash CHARLOTTE, N. C., July 14 the Party will The strike the stench capitalism this Virginia of the National National Secretary of the I. L- D., dent unions and the formulation of quarters at 2540 Park Ave., Room 12, long, we’ll stand its tear gas in our Students League, and a representa- a policy on a front (F.P.).—Two mills of the Union consider it his or from Cummings last week. In the united bksis is to spread the strike before fight against jim crowism.” tive of the I. L. D. spoke. Phil. of all the work- Co., at Monroe, near here, her task, not trying letter also Cummings refuses to whereby the ranks Mills general stoppage Wednesday. Mass Funeral Tuesday: Terry, secretary of the Youth Sec- ers in the in been closed down by a strike only to become a the Claude Lightfoot, young Negro take any stand on the case. | industry can be united have also and tion of the League of Struggle for a fighting front against the steel of 300 workers. This is the first reader, but Workers Demand Ar- worker Communist candidate Cummings’ letter states that the Negro Rights, was chairman. : trust and its agents, the Greens, mill strike in the history of i n active distrib- for state a«embly Friday night President turned over the letter cotton spoke a gas Resolutions for of ! Tighes, Johnsons and Roosevelts. the town. The strikers are demand- utor of the Daily rest of Inspector those words in filled the elimination and material to Cummings- Worker.” Farmers Greet room where a mass meeting for discrimination on the beaches were the set by The election of delegates in the ing abolition of the stretch-out. Ignoring precedent The first point BOSTON. July 15—A' mass fu- Negro rights was being held, stop- passed as well as protests against President Wilson in the Mooney locals of the S. M. W. I. U. have in their plan neral organized by the Interna- ping a possible panic. A gas bomb the terror used against the last case, cited in the letter, of presi- j been in process for the past month 2,500 Miners Out was thrpwn by a hoodlum working beach party. expected calls for the Tiala On Release tional Labor Defense George dential intervention in a case, end large delegations are for for one of property owners asso- In Nanticoke establishment of janitor, the Plans were made and approved cn- Cummings repeats the out-worn rom all in the industry. Borden. Negro murdered ciation in Hyde is July (F. P.) Red Builder Park which thusaetically a mass alibi that the case “is one exclu- There is a serious handicap con- NANTICOKE. PA.. Elected President of by Everett Gardner, motor vehicle leading fight to drive Negro to hold Soli- of hundred anthracite Clubs in every the darity Beach Party in Jackson sively within the jurisdiction of | fronting the National Board the Twenty-five inspector, last Sunday, will raise workers from the South Side the of this miners strike here to section in the district. Zt" League While In Park Sunday July 15, on the the state | union in organization are on com- Sellers of Jail the demands for the arrest and Beaches.
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