Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 6-15-1933 UA1A Students Weekly News Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation News Publishing Company, "UA1A Students Weekly" (1933). WKU Archives Records. Paper 247. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/247 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STUDENTS' EEKLY Devoted to the Interest of the Students of Western Teachers College and B. G. Business University Publis hed Weekly 'l'hursdll]" ;Julle Ii; HowUng Green, Ky. ~. ======~~~~:~~~~~=--=~~~~~~-~- -~~-----= The Lowdown HILLTOP GRID SCHOOL EXECUTIVE TOWERS EXPECTED WESTERN B y JMA GONNA TELLA MAGAZINE CARRIES HERE BY JULY 10 CARD SHOWS STORY BY WILLEY EDITOR STATES TO. BE SCENE Well. here ..... e are back again. The news did not fly so thick and fast last week, but It gives us a chance . ' Teach er At Western Has annualThe manuyear scriptbook publication for the Towers of the, OF CARNIVAL, to catch up on an odd Item or three that really s hould be men­ TEN GAMES Ott S I Business University. went to press tioned. WrI en evera yesterday the staff of that publlca- • • • Articles tlon announCed. Delivery ot the Have you ever heard or Mr. C. a nnual is expected somellme aboUt H . Redmond? No-we don't sup­ Howard Sched uled as Home­ ' July 10. All Use r s OfT a n k Are pose so-Iet us take that M ister oU Comin g Foe Novemb er The editor of the year book urges Eligible For and then look at It and see if It "Better High School Results," an that all who wish a copy of the Isn't morc famlllu. Just C. H. Fourth article by Prof. W. M. Willey, mem- book to make application by not Events Redmond, but then we aren't so Iber of the faculty at Western Teach- later than June 23. It Is necessary sure of those InJUnls and It may be I ers College, appeared In the June to have the orders by that time th9.t better as Just plain old Redmond. number ot the SChool ExC<!utives a n early a nd quick delivery can be SIX LOCAL TILTS Mcsazine. TIlls Is Ule latest of made to all thOSe desiring the Tow­ NUMEROUS CON T EST S • • • numerous a rticles by Mr. Willey ers. Now If you stili CRn't connect the that has been published. The editor and statt of the T ow- lace with the word let us tell you Op ening Date Still Unfilled, when you are wnnn. SUSPENDERS! Mr. Willey has become nationally Iers wish throught te Student Ph ysical Education Depart­ 'l1\erc---does that help any? 'Coach Says known in educational circles by the Weekly to express appreciation to many articles dealing with current the student body and faculty mem­ ment In Charg e Of • • • 'school problems that he has con- bers of the BUSiness Unlverslty,and You know your correspondent has Western Teach.ers College will play trlbuted to the various SOh~1 mag- to the merchan Ls oC Bowling Green Program heard from several sources that thls at least ten football games next Jatl. azines in the last few years. tor their aid and cooperation that name shoUld be in print so we think with a possibility that there may be Thls article deds with the Im- made the publication of the Towers It would be entirely proper to fol­ Preparations are now under way an eleventh one scheduled betore portance oC t.he teacher In the ele- possible. low Ulcsc suggestions. Here It Is- the season geLs under Wol Y septem­ mentary school and high school. ________ for the holding oC a mammoth • • • ber 23. Coach Ernest R. Miller re­ water carnival at the Western The ultimate end and aim of edu­ swimming pool within the next And It is pecuUnr but for a long vealed today In announcing the cation should be a better citizen, time we have been prone to think HlIltopper schedule. couple ot weeks, Coach E. Miller an­ Mr. Willey explains. The bet.ter­ P'ASSION PLAY TO nounced. Full details for the pro­ ot two thing!; and associate Lhem Only Cour of the teams scheduled ment of the work In t.be elementary with !.he name Redmond .. are members of the Kentucky I n­ gram hc.ve not been fully completed. school has great bearing on the re­ The evenLs w!1l be In charge ot and • • • tercollegiate COnference, while tour sults obtained In the J1lgh sehool. BE PRESENTED AT others are Crom Tennessee. one from conducted by the Physical EducaUon First.--Suspenders! We've even To make condlt.lons better Cor the Department on the HilI. been Inclined to call su!penders Illinois and one from Alabama. high school we need to arouse It. new Howard College, ot Birmingham. WESTERN JULY 3 A meeting ot all the Physical Edu­ Redmonds. They are so insepar­ Interest In the elementary school, cation start and pool attendants wUl a ble. Where you see one you see will supply the Home-coming Day Prot. Willey poinLs out in his ar­ be cn1 led soon to make final ar­ t.he ot.her. Brings memories of an­ opposition on November " and the ticle. That the teacher should be World F a m 0 u s Frei burg rangements, Mr. MUler said. Coach Alabama team is one of the two or other than a mere class room direc­ cient warrior tales to mind. U C Players To Give 'Two MUler will be In direct charge ot· the where those heroic Cigures r ush three opponents on the 1933 card tor is strongly stressed in the article. entire program of water sports. The good character of a teacher. the forth to battle double girded. n. that M111er realiy tears. the others The events will be open to all USCl'8 ability of a teacher to use her leis­ Performances Here seems to us a belt. Is about. the most being IllinOis Wesleyan, which of the pool both men and women. unnecessary thing we call possIbly comes here November 18, and MUr­ ure time profitably and to the Im­ Western Kentucky State Teach­ town people and students. The en­ Ulink or If those dependable sus­ ray. which Is slated to appear In provement of her pupils, n.nd tor a tries showing the best Corm In pre­ penders are present Bowling Green October !4. teaCher to posess the eseutlals of ers College nnnounces today an en­ gagement or the world-famous Frel­ liminary exhlbltJons that will be held • • • Unless an opponent I!; signed Cor leadership are of great Importance from time to time at the Hilltop And the second- we've been ex­ the September 23 date. the sea~olL bl the teaching. I}rofessl(m. Mr. WU ~ burg "Passlon Play" to be pn~s eu te d In the college auditorium for two pool, wUl be entered In the ILna l pecting to see those suspenders tak­ will open with Middle Tennessee Icy Insist.'!. contests of the Ca rnivaL en Crom our midst Cor some time, Teachers. of Murfreesboro. pJnylng Four discussions of school prob­ performances. matinee and evening Monday, July 3. Among the events to be held will but they Just stay and stay a nd here september 30 and conclude ex­ lems by ProC. Willey have appeared be exhibition swimming, including stay. Redmond should be married actly sixty days later- November 30 In the magazine, The High.. School The Frelburg "Passlon Play" Is the same elnborate production that races employing the various speed to some nice IItUe girl Cor he's al­ - with Transylvania playing here. TeaCher. tile most notable ot which 5trokes. Diving contests will provide ways &Lying something about put­ Of the ten games already listed, Is one entitled "Moral Education in was presented two years ago at thrl1ls tor all who a.ttend. Another t ing on that double harness and only tour will be played away from the High School:' "High SChool the Memorial Audltorulm in Louis­ event which will be unique In the galloping through liCe together. We home. Tennessee PolytechniC Insti­ Standards In KentUcky and Vir­ ville where I~ was witnessed by annals or Bowling Green sW1mmlng remember a.n adage "a 'pitcher' tak­ tute, of Cookeville, being playc<l, ginia" appeared In -the February. twenty thousand persons a nd later meets wUl be tonnatlon swtinmlng, en to the """ell too oCten." You fin­ there October 7 ; University ot Lou­ 1933 number ot the Kentucky School gave four performances to large A class oJ swimmers will be special­ ish It. Isville, October 21; Memphis Journal. Mr. Willey contributed "A audiences nt Ryman Auditorium In ly trained for thls event. They wUl • • • Tenchers at Memphis. October 28 Comparison of High School Stand­ Nashville. execute many and various fonna­ Yes, and some honorable men­ and Georgetown CoUege, at George­ ards In Tennessee and Kentucky" All but two of the spoken parts of Uons In the blue waters of the West­ Won should be made for length of town, November ll. to this years January Issue oC the this great religious drama are por­ ern pool. service. In point oC that we can T he complete schedule follows : Peabody Reflector and Alumni trayed by the original cast from Bleachers will be erected along tile think of only one who excels and September 23-01)Cn.
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