T G-=ORG.~ PHI£': 25«: 2 ' CHAnTEn A SI' EC IA L COAC U Charter a speci~L p r iv~l( bus. just lik, your lum dms. Divid, t h ~ WSt l mong your p~$$(ngus ~nd S3v e OVH o n e· h ~lf. Makt your ow n sched ­ ules. nlme your own routts. l ~a v ~ from the fral ho uu and drive ri ghl inlo th, stadium. or to eALUMN US. senIor. JUnior. frosh Iht prom. It 's IOl ds of fun -and ridiculously chup . and all the rest. are going to the Just phone for Ults. games this year in the Iuxurious comfort of a modern motor coach. Deeply cushioned reclining chairs. clean linen seat covers, porter s2rvice, ice water-even radio­ help make your trip more enjoyable. And you save enough through low. every day fares to buy your stadium tickets. Winning teams travel to most of their games over the lines listed below. Frequent departures from centrally located terminals take you over the shortest ro utes to almost everywhere . vet­ eran drivers take you through those heavy traffic lines during football season in speed and safety. SOUTHEASTERN GREYHOUND LINES. COLONIAL LINES, Inc. QUEEN CITY LINES • SERVICE STAGES t SOUTHEASTERN STAGES JOta CLEAN, FAST GAME- J ~ .,- PALMER ST ADIUM Yic,,, Q/ P,,"cctOll U"ilJcr, i,y Gridiron ,lro/ed­ c,' by FU1JTO,V W"tcTIJrQQ/ell Gridiron Cm:er. NORTH To Use Fulton GridiI·on ~ovel· Well up among the leaders in giving grid followers their money's worth in good games and keeping gate receipts high, the University of North Carolina has arranged this season for a Fulton field cover as insurance against wet grounds. Whatever the weather during the whole week before the game the Fulton grid cover assures a dry field for play. The field can be kept covered until a few minutes before the game. Fulton covers ..• easy to handle ... easy to store. Investigate Fu lton Gridl'ro n Covers for your Alma Mater this season Fulton Bag 8 Cotton Mills Manufacturers S in ce 1870 Atlanta St. Loul. Dalla. Nlnneapoll. Brooklyn New Orlean. Kan.a. City, Kan. I I In ATLANTA· The ANSLEY IS T HE SM ART COLLEGE HEADQUARTERS T he ANSLEY, one of Atlanta's newest CARLING DINKLER. President HENR Y C. HEINZ. Trra$uru and finest hotels. admirably located in the heart of the city's shopping and theatre "DispEnSUS of True Southern Hospitality" districts. is truly an address of distinction. Over four hundred rooms. each with bath. Splendid coffee shop featu ring pop+ ular priced foods. Garages less than one block from hotel :lnd numerous featu res designed to make your stay :It the Ansley more comfortable. Radio ill E\'cry Room COFFEE SUOI'S 1 Reasonable P rices { Good Food and Best of Service 2 f EDDIE LAWS Co-Captain Football Coaching Staff. Athletic Association .. 5 Welcome Tulane by Sonny Kuniansky . 7 All Time Football Records .... .. 8 Tech Songs ... 9 I n Memoriam .. .. .. II Photos of Tech Team . ...... I ) Information on Members of Tech Team . 15 Officia ls for Today's Game . .... ... 17 Tech Line-up . ..... 18 Tulane Line-up 19 Tech Schedule and Team Photos . 21 Info rmatio n on Members of Tulane T eam 23 Photos of Tech Team . 25 Photos of Tula ne Team 27 T ec h Football Records of All Time . 28 Tech Photos 29 Alumni Page ) I Summary of Principal Penalties )2 Principal Rule Changes for 1932 and 1933 )) 1I1ustrations of Referees' Signals ... )5 N[NETEENTH ANNUAL FOOTBALL PROGRAM Issued by B OB THARPE GEORGIA TECH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Co-Captain Cop)'right 1933 ) "PUP" PHILLIPS EVERETT STRUPPER • • I • MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. HARRY I. DAVIS, Gerwr"l Agent • 1406 CITIZENS", SOUTHERN BANK BUILDI NG PHONE WALNUT )865 ATLANTA. GEORGIA Hotel Georgian Terrace PE<\CHTREE AND pm.JCE DE LEON Four blocks from., Grant Field Atlanta's Most., Exclusive Hotel Rooms with bath . .. .. , . $2.50 to $4.00 Rooms with bath lor 2 perso ns . ......... ... $4.00 to $6.00 Special rates offered on weekly, monthly and yearly arr angements 4 r [\ofAc TWARPG ~I. W. ROBINSON fN'shman Ccocft £ndCoac.h Kennclh Thrash _ AssiSltllll Couches Hoy McArthur GEORGIA TECH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FACULTY MEMBERS DR. M. L. BRITTAIN, Chuirman P~ OF. A. H . ARMSTRONG. Faculty Chm. A/hletics PROF. FLOYD FIELD. Secretary and Trpasurer DR. G. H. Boc.c;s DEAN W. V. SKILES P ROF. T . W . NOEL DR. J. B. CRENSHAW W. A . ALEXANDER. Adl.:isory Member ALUMNI MEMBERS OSCAR DAVIS R. T. JONES. JR. GEORGE W . M CCARTY. JR. STUDENT MEMBERS Presidenf Student Council Editor of The Technique Captain of FoOl ball Team 5 I QUAUT" is Jnd h~s always been Ih~ rnoon for th~ popubrity of Muse's Dobbs Hats. Thc$~ fine hats stand up admirabl)' under the everyday strain of sun. wind. rain ... cleaning and blocking. Th~ Dobbs F~lls S6 up New Berg Felts at SJ.SO The WllOle World is Hurrying to Return to Quality Muse' s never left it! GEORGE MUSE CLOTHING CO. "Thr SI!lle emler oi the Soulh" Peachtree : Walton : Broad 6 "The Green Wave" By SONNY KUNIANSKY The nOIse. folks, is Tulane's Big Green Wave of their coterie of players with their quick shifting that is splashing and splu rging around before they formations and deceptive plays will give the Tor­ meet the Jackets out here on Grant Field this after­ nado a full afternoon of entertainment, and despite noon. 1t seems that the Tech game has always all the pre-game predictions, it might be lOa much caused that Big Wave to froth and foam with all entertainment for our boys. its fury and today's game promises to be no excep­ As for you Tornado fans. well-it appears tion. that your day has come. The Jackets at last look The rivalry between the Jackets and the Green­ like a real football team. The Kentucky defeat did il.'s has, indeed. been a colorful anI.'. First one sc hool not break the team's morale as was predicred, but would win a streak of games and rhen the other, inspired them to playa spectacular. brilliant and but every game has always bl.'en spl.'Clacular, filled courageous game to down a wrought up Auburn with thrills and hard fought. The past few years team last week. In other words the boys have have found the Green Wa\'e dominating the field. faced the test and have marched right through the but it seems that the passing of the great Don Zim­ flames. merman w ho, incidentally. about this time last Tech has been fortunate. The squad is in splen­ yea r pulled this same game right out of the fire for did shape considering the tough opposition they Tulane, has left a gap that Coach Ted Cox has have already faced. Skippy Roberts, Scarface Phil­ been unable to fill. The Flying Dutchman's shoes lips. Wink Davis and Sun-Dial Martin will. in all were mighty big and as yet no one has materialized probabil ity, be the starting line-up for the back­ to fill them quite completely. There is no doubt. field. These boys have shown the goods and their however, that we'll see a good machine out there play last week was right at rbe top of the heap. in green this afternoon. It's a real pleasure to wa tch the "big and little of Of course you'll miss the spectacular play of it." Phillips and Roberts, do their ba ll totin' act the Do n, his bullet-like submari nl.' passes, the tense­ out there. These two boys are gelling to be a real ness as he stood poisl.'d with the ball. for one could jam-up backfield combination and a dangerous never tell just what he would do. There will be no threat to any team as a pass attack team. Nollie Felts to charge bull-like through the Tor­ Tech's forward wall will be well fortified. The nado forward wal l. nor will there be that great Jackets are blessed with a host of men who have individual player and all -american , Jerry Dalrym­ all passed their first stages of line play and can now ple, to cavort in the Jacket backfield, but there \vil! present an experienced front. Pee-wee Williams. be that same spirit of rivalry, the same eagerness Eddie Laws. Jimmie Slocum and Bob Tharpe have on tbe part of the players and in addition there had their praises sung fa r and wide and there has will be the Jackets' determination to avenge the been a reason fo r all the singing. There is no doubt defeats of the past few years. about it-the line is plenty good. The G reenies have fared badly this fall. but yet we find among their players some of the best The gamblers wilJ favo r the Jackets, but those in the South. Lodrigues, Robinson, W estfeldt. the who know say that you just can't tell and-what's Tessier brothers the brilliant Menge. and the rest more-you can't. not about a Tech-Tulane game! 7 Standard Pharnmcy Dickey-Ma ngham YELLOW (Cox & While ) Company, Inc. JACKET 1\Iosl Convenient 11l$ lIrfIllC t' Drug Store for Men Jl!ort!Inge /.omu NonTII AVE;'I.' UE oud SPIlING STUEET Corner i"orth An:nue CrImi IJllildink and Lud<ie StN!et Record Scoring Plays and Players In Foot BaU of All Time VARSITY LONGEST- IN THE GAME OF I COMPiLATlOl'OS Of PARKE II.
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