IN IDE: FIND THE NEW YEAR'S BEST BARGAINS IN OUR c / •••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 .~•. 88th Year, Issue 2 ©1998 February 6, 1998 Newark, Del. • SOt THIS WEEK Luft IN SPORTS speaks VIDANOVIC out MEMORIAL DRAWS By MARY E. PETZAK HUGE NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ARL LUFT SAT DOWN thi . CROWD. week after one of hi s ro utine 15 C rides with the city trash crews to comment on recent inq ui1ies about hi s staff and city operations. IN LIFESTYLE "I ju t want to give rhy opinion about thi ," said Luft. "My staff and J are not perfect. but we· re not liar and cheat ·, either.'' Luft said the questioning by coun­ GoiNG cilmember Nancy Turner about per­ sonal property found in a storage area of the Newark Water Treatment Plant FOR wa. notju, t "uncomfortable," but pos­ e Most Rev. Michael A. Saltarelli, Bishop of . ibl out ide the b unds or her author­ Diocese of Wilmington, led parishioners at ity. THE Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in dedicating On Jan. 12, Turn r told council that ir new church (seen right) on Route 7 in Bear she had received a call that . om on SILVER. Sunday. The architect of the award-winning was sleeping in the city's water treat­ lding , George Yu , has been commissioned to ment plant. She also distributed photos ign a new church on Possum Park Road for of clothes, a mattress leaning aga inst IN THE NEWS . John's-Holy Angels Parish in Newark. th wa ll , and other items in a loft tor­ age area reache I by a metal ladder in the plant. Although he . aid she had ca ll ed the federal Occupational Safety and NEWARK SEEKS Housing Authority about the si tuation, HELP FOR See LUFT, 5 ..... YOUTH Council ACTMTIES 1n I I, delayed expansion pl an until now. getting it The current Ma. ter Pla·n Committee detennined IN THE CITY. the three most pre ing need of the parish are a church, gy mnasium. and eventual expansion of the again T. JOHN'S-HOLY ANGELS PARISH in Holy Angels School. The size of the parish, 3,300 3 Newark may soon join t. Elizabeth Ann fam ilie., coupled with the capacity of of about 500 By MARY E. PETZAK INDEX Set n Pari. h in ha ing a dramati n w people in the ex i ting church on Po sum Pm:k wor, hip site designed by. architect George Yu. Road made a new wor hip space the tQp priority NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER NEWS 1-5 Parishioners of St. John-Holy Angel. were for the parish. ---- ~ iven a peek into the future at a town meeting in One parishioner, a teacher who said she had e chur h hall this week where ideas for the raised six chi ldren, asked Yu if he had any plans to HJ S IS HOPEFULLY the ne t POliCE BlOTIER 2 to fhe last story about plan. to ign were pre, ented by Yu. w rk a "cryin g r om" into the church. Yu said that OPINION T develop th fonner Roy Rogers 6 Yu cautioned that phm were in the most pre­ it' was a very good idea. "lf we did de ign a crying site at 59 E. Main Street in Newark. liFESTYLE 8 liminary stages. "It's not about the actual edifice, room, it would be designed to make parent not 'II be talking abo ut." Yu said. while showing feel like second-class citizens, possibly by having When Ia . t we tuned in. the project THE ARTS 9 !ides of p ssible concept , to tho eat the meeting. windows to allow the parents to till ·ee what is was being <;ent back to the planning -- commission after developer NewCap DIVERSIONS. 10 'It i the pro~e . , it i about om thing yet t happening within the ervice." e real. Another parishioner questioned the whole plan Main treet revised their "fi nal" plan day before city co unci l could re iew CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 Yu showed plans for a hexagonal -shaped build­ asking "Do we really need a whole new ch urch ? 1 it on Jan. 12. ng with pews arranged around the altar in a half- know the main Sunday Mass is filled , but the SPORTS .15-18 . le. A long promenade and garden tretching rna e aren't tilled.' Developer Louis Capano got • approval from the planning commi - COMMUNITY 14 in front of the new chur h wa al o pictured. Rei mann noted that part of the problem wa. Yu designed St. El izabeth Ann Seton's new the cu rrent crisis in attractrng new member to the ion in October for a two-story build­ OBITUARIES 19-20 hurch wh ich wa. formally dedicated last Sunday church clergy. "With the way things are go in <Y, it's ing with a 10,000 quare-foot "foot­ print'' and a 57. per ent parking waiv­ CLASSIFIEDS 23-28 Bear. That church, which featme a 100-foot po ible we will only have one full-time clergy­ dominated by a teel cro , won RC man in the future, and we won't be able to cele­ er. Thi, wa, th e third NewCap ubdivi - cators an exce ll ence in con truction award brate Mass as frequently," he ex plained. ion plan and parking waiver consid­ A oc iated Builder and Contractor The meeting ended with congregation memberc; ered by the planning commi. sion in aware Chapter. discu sing among themselve the potential benefitc; 1997 . Previou, plan by other develop­ According to Holy Angel pastor, the Reverend and drawbacks of the pari h' master plan, and writ­ er didn 't get that far. Lee 'chard Reissmann, the original expansion plan ing down suggestions for the committee to con ider. On Jan. 12, architect Spark Holy Angel Church and School began back The Master Plan Committee will announce any pre ented yet another plan to city 99 I . However, an as be to clean-up the hool upcoming meetings, and will be developing a council f, r a two- tory building with a quare-foot "footprint'' which a cost exceeding $1 million in- fol- more specific plan for the new church building in 12,300 by a fq It . Jopn' the upcomina QlOiltbs. .... See IIOY$, 3 ~ -, ••• & • PAGE 2 • NEWARK Pos'T • FEBrWAAY 6, 19!J~ • '" • •• ••• ••••••••• Visit us on the World Wide Web POliCE BLOTIER Residents can Highway and Creekside Drive. the Delaware State Police, FBI Arrests in sexual According to Newark Police, the Vi olent Crime Task Force and the assault teens fled into the area of Green DEA arrested Tashaka Fortt, 27, of subniit new Valley after the collision but were Wilmington in connection with two Newark Police have arrested locat d by ofticers from Newark robberies and an attempted carjack­ Brian J. D ptula and Thoma A and New Castle Cou nty Police ing. Fort.t was wanted in connection qua~er designs Chri tiansen Jr., both of N wark, in departments. Detectives have linked with the Jan. 12 robbery of a connection with : xual as aults at a the teens, two of whom are l3 and Newark Exxon station., the Jan. 16 party on ct. 23, 1997. one who is 15 , to at least five vehi­ robbery of the Wilmington Trust Governor Thoma. Carper from each tate in the order According to pl. Gerald cle thefts in the three days prior to Bank at Chesmar Plaza in Newark, unveiled plans thi week for the tate joined the union. Simpson, the arrests came after a the arrest. Four of the thefts were in and the Jan .14 attempted carjacki ng the Delaware design on a new The design chosen by lengthy investigation into the inci­ the western part of Newark and one of a woman at the Kirkwood Plaza quarter. According to Carper, Carper will be submitted to the dent. Two'female victims told police was in Hockessin. in Marshallton. The DEA is also the Delaware Arts Council will U.S. Mint, with the final elec­ they were sex ually assaulted follow­ Detectives are still investigating conducting a separate drug investi­ submit an expected five po si­ tion being approved by the ing a party hosted by a University of several vehicle thefts involving the ga tion on Fort.t. ble designs to him by Feb. 26 Treasury Department. Delaware Club and a University of juveniles who were released to their for consideration. Delaware residents of all Delaware rority at a private resi­ parents pending appearances in The de .. igns must meet ages are encouraged to submit dence on Ea:t Park Place. Newark Family Court. · Reward oifered state and federa l tandards , a a design together with a writ­ Poli e received two separate com­ well as promote Delaware's ten description limited to I00 A reward of $1 ,000 is being heritage and historical signifi­ words. The de ·'cription should plaints from the women that an offered for information leading to a ·sault had occurred within there ·i­ cance as the "First State." inc lude the reason for con id­ Man fQund with the arrest and conviction of the per­ The Cou ncil will consu lt eration of the concept and the dence on that date. son or persons who robbed the The two defendants, who were with Delaware historians, art name, address and daytime cocaine in school lot Michael Gallagher Jewelers Inc. in and coin experts, members of telephone number of the indi­ positively identified as being th e Fox Run Shopp in g Center, involved in th e assau lts , were New Castle County Police on a the Delaware Heritage vidual submitting it.
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