4Whee/ 6 BANDIT 116 Craditobie 4 Xqueen's 110 Trailed the a : $5,000 No 20 1 FLIGHT Al* W Y FIRST —Purse

4Whee/ 6 BANDIT 116 Craditobie 4 Xqueen's 110 Trailed the a : $5,000 No 20 1 FLIGHT Al* W Y FIRST —Purse

THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington. D. C. C-5 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY »,$. IBM + .- » v y . XT' -jc- tIPA~ x. 'X‘:':i-»:.’''. ” i Late Rush Wins JWP •>.¦¦¦ w w |>| |v‘ '' » CHARTS OF RACES 4) AT __ lR BOWIE '*} w\ j», ,'X»t y ‘ Jr#' For Tenacious _(Copyright. 1955. by Triangle Publications. Inc.) FIFTH RACE—Purse. s3,*<K>; Hwlmini; 4.ye*r-olds and FIRST RACK—Purse, $3,000; claiming. 4-year-olds and up: s', furlon*. Post 8:31: off 3 31W; st*rt good: won up; 6 furlongs Post. 1:38; off at once: start good; driving, place Winner. by driving, won same. L. Cohen’s hr * &. Roman place same Winner G C Bmith s ch $. 4. by —Merry Lass Trainer. H 8 Eklof Valu»a—s2,27s. sfoo. Zayin—Air-Port Trainer owner Values —$1,950, sAou. {350. $175. Time. 1:08. S3OO, $l5O. Time. I:l6*v Cloudy and muddy - Jockey Jockey. Wgt Horae. W*t PP. V« tb Btr Fin. Odds* Horae. itr Odde *') AtFair Grounds >P. Vo H . _Fin, Merrv Roman IC'imone) 118 7 2 1 l'k 1) *1 Jet Base (McKee) lift II l I. !• 1* $8 80 i repo's Jet (Chambers) 114 6 3 S I' 2‘‘ 560 Cion too (Balxarettl) ... 115 12 5 2 2» 2' 700 1 1 Surry (Leßlanc) 117 t 5 4 !¦ 3* 57® NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 22 UP). Diatomic (Cutshaw) 118 4 4 3 3< 3»« 1880 1 La*rln (Smith) 111 16 8 *'» 4' 1000 —Joe W. Brown's hard-hitting Hot Walker (Hooper) .. 118 10 2 4 4*> 4* 5.70 1 Atheneum (Bnvder) 113 4 1 2 4' s** 1440 Talk To Me (Stovall) IK) 9 10 9 B’ft Aft 45 40 '¦Westray (Oonraler 114 * 8 8 71 8’ 36 80 tenacious brushed past the War Balladier (Cole) 115 1 3 5 6' 81 48.60 ' Bet turn Up Joe (M'cell!) 113 8 4 5 6* fl 330 Yellow Hand (Monacelll) 115 3 8 8 5* 71 16 00< ' Reapln* Return (L'Dyret 114 I 77 * » 83 40 front-runners in the stretch (Teague) 9 00! 1 Pleasure Time 115 2 10 7> 8» 5 Two-dollar mutual, paid —MERRY ROMAIC $4 87T.' *3 20. and held off late challenges by No Excuse (Gonzalez) 111 5 6 79» P»* 9020 $7 $5.20 $3 80 Big Crash (Lee) 118 7 12 1! 11** 10* 32 40 40 PBPO'S JET 40 SURRY *3 Handle—Bll6.6os. _ Bernburgoo and St. Amour II Quarry Slave (Catalano) 116 6 7 8 10«ft lp» 160 I - Isltyou (Unger) 110 Slll2 12 12 _S2 00 SIXTH RACE-Furae tit 500;" i^yearSlds and up.’aT? ¦* to win the SIB,BOO A. B. Letel- 1 ( |Hnn Two-dollar mutuels paid -- JET BABE. $15.60. $6 20. furlon*. Post. 3:57. off 3:57>5: start good: won drfrin*. lier Memorial at the Fair , $5.60. CLONTOO. $8 00. $5 80 DIATOMIC. $8 OO place same winner o C Smith s hr « 6. by star R«M,- owner Value,—s2.27*. S.OO, Grounds today. Handle —*60.290. con—Dancln*a Fatsv Trainer mr »|lr V cl,lminV ”4”vw-oW,; $3.-0 17.3 Time. I MS. The four-year-old ““second RACK Pur*,. f.'l OOO; '% Odda. Jockey. Btr _Fln _ son of i and up; B furlon*, Pont. ?:««; off S:0«'i; *t»rt good; Ham. W«t FP _> Challedon. reigning handicap won drlrlnt. plwcf »»mf Winnfr, D M ch. h *. Blenheim Time .McKee) 118* f 4 3 ill Ov Condiment—D»rk Mews Triiner R A White Vwluei Disarmed (Monacelll) 117 6 1 ! 2} 3 ) champion of the Fair Grounds’ j 1— H 1.980. S6OO. *l5O I Will Be Done .Smsll) 11* 12 3 2 3* •s'» 10 60 Tlme._l:l»‘» (Cole) 4' 7\n winter meeting, was lengths Horae. Jocke? PP. Btr. Fln._ Odds Atom Rocket 117 in 2 4 4* 2>/4 wit Flehtln* Three (Bpmale) ll* S j j j £ Bernburgoo (Obdella) ? 8 884.50 Slntin* (Prat,) 7 J* 44J4 in front of at the Roral Flwror 116 1 1* t'*1 Bush 117 310 61 6» .0 finish, Specified 'Gutlerren 11? 6 6 ? ?' 2 440 1 with St. Amour IIthree- Sunoloc <H»usei Hl* S A S 4* S'i *-J !!? * »». 2 0 quarters of length behind the !.e Medelon .Chambers. 105 1* 4 6 5* 4’s *¦'? a Chic (Hooper. 114 :) 1? 11 s>* 21 10 S?r««n,.,e„ 10 « Junior MS .ft # I * «"• f Bishop Terry S (Cutahaw. (O’b’dvlio » W. Hal color-bearer. 116 2 2 J'i ? 3#o Rock Arourd 117 11 5 11* U At Sunrise .BtoralK 1I« * «• (Boiler*) 116 21212 12 12 _l4f” 2052 Fifth for Tenacious 1 ftJ »• *4-10.MS jtovlcto Dtshes Flvln* G.ee. Ho 210 8» motufis ptid HM The victory was the Irene s Ace (McMullen. 106 II ft 7 7' ft* 22 60 i Two-dollcr" DONE. fifth of Plylne (Smith) 1 S 20 l *8 80. $6 20 DISARMED $3 SO. $3 4ft WILL BE Bal 111 12 > JO* the meeting for Tenacious, who (Cole) 7 11 12 11JO* H* 5,40JO I! $6.20. North Charae 112 Hgnr* *- was a slight choice over St Zadn .Monacelll) 116 10 7 18 I*l2 *»«0 I; SIOB 4ftft Two-dollar mutuels paid ROYAL FLAVOR. 7131 60. SEVENTH~*RACE--Fvir*V~s;M)oo ’ritimint Amour II with the crowd of *55 2.1. *25 00. SPECIFIED. *6 00. *5 «0 SUNOLOC *4 80 •nd up I,*, mtlM Post. 424 off «t onev vt*rt food, 14.629. Tenacious Handle—Fßo.S4s. Dally double handle —$60.104. won driving piece **me Winner. C A Grande's dk br t returned ¦! 6. bv Alley CWs—«'ar Trainee J M Keefe Valuea BACK IN $7.20, $4 and $3. Bernburgoo, a DAiLTDOt'BLE*11 .{—51,950. S6OO. S3OO $l5O Time 154 BOWIF BUSINESS—Merry Roman since the previous Saturday can be seen. Pepo’s - S 4-vear-olda and Horse Jockey W«t FF bj|T Odds shot, paid TOIFD RACE—Purse _ *o~Btr H 2 to 1 $9.40 and ftsTloOPclalmtnt" T" (1). ridden by Joe Culmone, wins the fifth race, Jet (7) is second and Surry (8) A up; 2 :«:t start food won i 1| is third. 6 furlonxs. Post. off 33'k by Carolina Re* (Hoooen 118 A 2 1 11 *ll6O i 54.80 and St. Amour owned: place same Winner. R Oott«man s blk h 5 a $3,500 claiming event for 4-year-olds and up, 11,460 turned out, 2,000 fewer 11. idrivina. Rough (CTm'e) 118 0 6 4 3* 7* 230 crowd of about by Frank Rand of Sante Fe. ! Psychic—Oolden Dream Trslner. owner Valuea —Sl.ftso. Conouest in yesterday’s resumption of racing at than the crowd that got caught in the big *00". S3OO *l5O. Time. I:lft*. Apache Brave (Rusao> 118 2 3 3 2» 3>» 880 Bowie. returned 1 $3.60. (Oreen) ... 118 310 Horse. Jockey. Wgt. PP_ «_ I4_Btr. Fin. Odd* H«*htne 10 S' 4*4 220 Remnants of the snow that kept the track idle snow.—Star Staff Photo by Francis * Routt. Tenacious ran the mile and Slack Psychic (Bpfnale.ll6 4 1 i 1 1' $3 60 i utopt, 'Fisher' „174 1 » 8 7'l A*» 750 one-eighth 2 Laurrhar (Teaguo 115 5 4 5 2ft 2* 21.80 ' Makeshift II (Oliver) 113 5 5 8 6' 6*l i 8 60 in 1:52 s over a Miss Fallston (Ch bers) 106 3 2 3 4ft V 240 Rarco 'Cutshaw) « 4 t* i Top Brass .Cutshaw) lis 6 1 2 41 7* 15 10 track classified as fast, although Sir 116 10 4ft 830 * Phararule (Cruz' 11.5 1- 3 2 .5' .V 3140 , Blue C.uy 'Gordon' It* 10 i #¦ 8* 86 10 slight 7 0 6 6» 6* 340 , (Leßlanc) 118 77 5 8> O'l 080 a drizzle fell all after- Belfaster rOrimm* 116 Dover Dam 710 10 05 Fort Defiance (Allan) IK' $ 10 10 S» 7ft 39 70 I Rough BrtarsjO b dellal tig 4 4 30 Richmond Defeats BOWIE noon. Dancing Marjie (H per' 114 12 5 8 8" 5$ 10 I Two-dollar mutuels paid CAROLINA REX J2S7JL Jockey Ray Broussard held. IJe Suis (Colo 112 11 77 7* ft' 3.3.40 < $0 70. *5 80 ROUGH CONQUEST. *4 00 $3 40 APACHE Oligarchy !Blue (Hettinger) ft 12 30 60 $6 40 Wins by Head Continued from Page C-l Dancer 111 12 11‘ 10' 1 BRAVE GW High, 78-42; Tenacious in seventh place dur- Apophasis (8o!lan» 111 2 11 ft 10) il* 15..Art 1 Handle—Bl 13.034 ing the early running while, Doctor Tony (McMullen) 111 6 ill 12 12 18.40 persons): Jersey City (six with paid $0 EIOHTHRACE Purse““*,Tooo cia fm ing i Thompson's Ezgo Two-dollar mutuels BLACK PSYCHIC 20. and up I,’, miles Post 4 51; off at once start 232); (six 233); L. H. end Mrs ; SS.SO. $3 80. LAURCHAR. sl* 60. *8 60 MISS FALLS- place *o«l. Muse Scores 35 Camden with won driving same Winner. A Bonuomo's b. * 7 be Over Favored Iron Liege lone Groves’ Flight fought TON. «*.BU. Blcnhe mII Expression M A Baltimore (41 with 1.368) and Full ! Trainer BUXTON. Valuea RICHMOND, Feb. 22 (Spe- for the lead. Handle —898.435 —Bl 030.

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