Togetherness Is— Having Own Week By KIRK WILLIAMS versity and city officials on The University and the community will again celebrate May 5, in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum, prior to a luncheon to be attended the dependence upon each other during the second annual by several hundred students, fac TCU/Fort Worth Week, May 4-10. ulty, alumni, and residents. This week, also creative writing week, is an official Tickets for the fried chicken box lunch are $2.25 for adults and recognition of the partnership existing between TCU and $1 for students. They are on Fort Worth. The chairman of this observance is William sale at the Chamber of Com H. Michero, an alumnus and corporate secretary of the Tandy merce, and at the Information desk of the Student Center. Lt Corp. and the cochairman is Dr. e e e Gov. Hen Barnes, a lormer TCU W. Earl Waldrop, senior vice are literally donating billboard student, will be featured as speak chancellor and innovator of the space for advertising to make er of the luncheon. TCU/Fort Worth Week people aware of the TCU/Fort Other highlights of the week Michero, representing the com- Worth Week, merchants are us- are the two-day creative writing munity, said "As an alumnus I ing window displays and restau- MIH on May 7-8. the annual take pride in the week through rants are using tent cards to ex- observance of TCU's chartering which TCU's many contributions emplify the "purple and white bj the State of Texas, and the to Fort Worth's civic, cultural ind spirit." He also said many of Purple-White Intrasquad fool- economic development, in addi- the civic clubs are making the ame at Amon G, Carter Sta- tion to its educational contribu Monday kick off lunch part of dium on May 9. tions, may be emphasized. their regular meeting Dr. Waldrop, representing the Michero said the observance of Billboard Space University, said "TCU/Fort Worth this week is an "annual recogni- Week is the special time of year "As a Fort Worther 1 am tion and welcoming of the rela- when we point up the partnership *-•» pleated with the opportunity that tionship of TCU to Fort Worth," of this institution and its home this annual observance provide! Initial Day community " for the community to make "It's my firm conviction that SAMANTHA EGGAR seeks to escape the clutch*! of Terence Stamp in known more forcefully and dra- The initial day of the TCU Fort TCU and Fort Worth are like Si- "The Collector," chilling film story of a butterfly collector who kid- ;itn ally its support of this fine Worth Week. Sunday, May -i. (ac- amese twins; you cannot sever naps a girl and imprisons htr in his house, to be shown tonight at 7:30 institution." uity members and administrative one from the other without cut- p.m. in the Student Center ballroom. Admission is 50 cents. He said several businesses officials will preach sermons in ting a vital artery of life to both 28 churches in the Fort Worth of them Both TCU and Fort Worth area. share many profits that accrue The first campus program will because of their relationship." lie a musical program directed by B. R Henson, associate pro- Birth of Week fessor of music, in the Ed I.an Dr. Waldrop said the idea of a dreth Auditorium at 3 p.m. Tak- TCU Fort Worth Week came to ing part in the program will be him four years ago as he talked the University Chorus, A Cappel- TheTEXAS CHRISllAN UNIVERSITY Skill* * * • FORT WORTH, TEXAS to students He said students la Choir and the TCU Singers asked him if the Fort Worth com A ceremony marking the for- munity really knew TCU was VOL 67, No. 4? FRIDAY, MAY i, 1*69 4 PAGES mal opening of TCU Fort Worth here. Week will be conducted by Uni- He started out with the idea oi a TCU week in Fort Worth. He then met with the mayor, city Budget Approved manager and president of the Chamber of Commerce. At this meeting they decided on the TCU Fort Worth Week. House Stalls Constitution Change "This created a way for TCU and Fort Worth to say to each By SHIRLEY FARRELL but remains nebulous dence hall policies on visita tant Dean of Men Kenneth W. other 'we couldn't do without The first point of contention a student organization and should Gordon had drawn up a policy He said last year "we tried to A marathon House meeting which will be presented to Vice take TCU to the community and concerning the new constitution have the same regulations as the Tuesday resulted in a $33,575 was the number of representa Chancellor Howard G Wible were successful in many respects budget, two sections stricken lives from each residence hall others " soon This year we are trying to bring from the proposed constitution and from the town students It was explained that a student Further discussion was re the community and its people to and fall elections for the Spirit Odean said, "The House nu- committee working with Assis- ceased to Thursday at 6 p.m. TCU" Committee merically reapportions itself The meeting attracted so many every year. This would make the students i t w a s moved to the number of representatives per ballroom. dorm more equitable " Rusty Werme, House presi Town student representatives Research Foundation Dinner: dent, made his appointment o f asked an increase in then- repre Mike Wagner as House legal ad- sentatives. viser After questions concerning Wagner's night class, represen- 35 to 40 tatives concurred John Marshall said, "If this The Ghost of Money Pledged Also approved was I.en Davis was done on a per capita basis, as new chairman of the Perma the town students would have 35 By FRANK LEWIS research announced that the urn - not immediately affect the nent Improvements Committee to 40 representatives. This would campaign had brought i" $330,000 individual "It seems to have Money pact, present and fu (hanged my life very little." he The proposed House bud- be ridiculous. My point is this is to dale which Is 150,000 more ture—surrounded the 19C>9 Annu- than this time last year but be said get had eliminated salaries for a gross inadequacy There should al Appreciation Dinner of the be a minimum of 10 town student low the figure of two years ago the vice president, secretary and TCU Research Foundation "More than 237 persons COO Environment Necessary AC Director representatives." The idea of the dinner was for tnbuted to the campaign," ac Mike Walker, treasurer, e x- The House postponed discus But this electronic envi sion of this point to a later meet the foundation to express its ap- cording to Dr. Secrest. ronment is necessary as the pop plained that an executive reim preciation to those who had con- bursement fund had been set up ing. Award Received ulation expands, and it takes Under the legislative powers of tributed to its campaign. more people manually to do dif in the new budget to replace the Dr. E Leigh Secrest, president salaries. the House "to register, regulate l)r O James Sowell, assistant ferent chores such as working and charter student organiza of the foundation and vice chan to the chancellor, received a n telephone switchboards. If it Change Budget tions." Odean explained, the cellor for advanced studies and award for his activity as the first were not for more electronics in House wculd "see if an organiza director of development at TCU the telephone industry, this eoun He moved to change the bud tion has a constitution, see if It from 193:! to 1968 try would be limited in its com get so all executive officers 1 i v e s up to its stated purposes Sam H Weatherford HI re- munications, Dr Hillier added. would receive salaries as in the and follows the constitution, and ceived a pair of frog cuff DUt His motion failed. 20-18. Frog Posters A completely automated, push avoids racial and religious dis links for his work in heading the button way-of-life is possible .Tim Keegan, past House trea- crimination." foundation's public campaign for siir helped Walker explain the now. he said. A population n o t The relation of fraternities and Drive Continues the last three months. ready for this way of life and the ludget sororities to this point arose—that Money for future campaigns high price of these electronics When asked about the Creative their constitutions are secret and Frc- posters are now being de- was hinted at during the dinner livered to alumni, faculty staff today keep this way of life from Fund, which is allocated $1000. not open to the public as various members of the TCU Americans. Keegan said, "The House's bud Marshall said, "If they have and student homes by the TCU administration and the founda- Vigilantes, members of the Spirit tion's board of director's spoke. Entrepreneurs are needed t o get is as structured as possible. secret representatives and secret finance research and devel However, the more flexible we votes, and since they're secret, Committee and APO. The Money present was one of the signs read, "A TCU Horned Frog themes of the foundation's guest opment, Dr Hilliard said, to de are. the mere initiative that is we can't recognize them " velop electronics and lower costs possible." The article was stricken from I ives Here — Support TCU Fort speaker.
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