What's A* Jthe The Journal Schedule* 14 MADISON, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1942 B:30 Familiar Music—WTMJ WMAQ 11:00 Church of Deliverance—WIND Frequencies Other Stations Saturday News Broadcasts 8:30 Irene Rich—WENR WLW 11:00 Harry James Orch.—WBBM WHA Sunday 1310 VVCIN 120 WIBA to Air Presentation Morning BIJNDAT 8:45 Dinnh Shore— WENH WLW 11:05 Jan Garbcr Orch.—WGN 1:00 Organ Melodies. IT IIA 970 WIND SBO A. M. '1 nil WTND !):00 Revival Hour—WIND WCFL 11:05 Gene Krupa Orch.—WENR 1:10 Background* of Today's Kv»nUl II :oo Musical C.'lot-k WHBM »:00 Houi of Charm—WMAQ WTMJ KSTP 1500 WLUL •3D e :oo Pralrlu nninlilri-s—WI,S 7:00 WI..W KMOX 4-ia WJJD 11:05 Francis CrnlK WMAO WTMJ Prof. Waller Morion. WBBM HO WLS S90 B :uu Sunrise Special- -WTMJ 1 :OC> WIltiM VV IHA 4 :45 WCCO WBBM B:00 Good Will [!our—WKNH 11:15 Dick Jurgens Orch -WON 1:45 Books 1 Like: Prof. W«lt«r WCtO 830 WLW S9D of Trophy to Johnny Kotz 6:00 Breakfast Time Fro lies—WGN 8:00 WIBA WLW 5:00 WIND B:00 Take II or Leave It- WBBM 11:30 Moon River—WMAQ WTMJ Agard. WCFL 1000 WMAQ 670 8:00 WMAQ WBB1V 5:15 WJJD 9:30 'Cod-Given Rights'—WMAQ 11:30 Cee Davidson Orch.—WENR 2:00 "Varsity Out!" B:15 Farm News and Views—WMAQ WTMJ WLW 11:30 Neil Bondshu Orch.—WBBM WIBU 1240 WTMJ •20 0:18 Farm Sorvlcc—WBBM 8:00 WIND WCCO WKNR 2:15 Song Favorites. MTENR IM KMOX 1120 When Johnny Kotz, Wisconsin c:30 Family Bible Leafiuo—WJJD I) :;<0 WTMJ 9:25 WIBA B:30 Keep 'Em Rolling— WGN 11:30 Art Kassel Orch.—WGN 2:30 Program ot the Week. WIND WCPL 7:01) WHUM WCCO 9:30 They Live Forever WBBM WCCO 12.00 Nile Watch (to 2:05)—WIND 3:00 The Student Goes to Church. (Prorrami mud In Th« itat* >asketball star, receives a national Prodigy 6:30 MornlnE Devotions—WLS n.-oo 0:00 Hockey'-Game—WENR 7:00 Norman Ross—WMAQ n :55 WON 7:00 WIND KMOX 12:00 Ray Benson Orch. WMAQ "*•'* string Serenade. Journal are checked to the (a«l magazine's "all-American" trophy ln:oo WIBU WTM.T 7:45 WGN 0:00 The Hermit's Cave- WBBM 12:00 Music You Want—WENR 3:30 University Forum: "Agriculture's potilble moment Changes may b* 7:00 Fnrm Service—WIBU 0:00 Mrs. Roosevelt—WMAQ at the University oi Wisconsin tield 7:15 Red Folcy, Saddle Pals—WLS 10.00 WGN WCCO 7:55 KMOX WBBM 12:00 Barren Elliott Orch.—WBBM " '- After the War". Prof. Aiher made, however, at the dlicretioo louse tonight, Art Bramhall will K):oo WIND WUtlM fl:00 WIND 0:00 The Answer Man—WGN 12:05 Chuck Foster Orch—WGN Robson. of itauons uid networks.) 7:45 Jolly Joe, Pet Pals—WLS 0:30 Boyd Raeburn Orch.—WENR 12:15 Ralph Barlow Orch.—WBBM 4:00 aiury Sketches: Peg Bolger. describe the scene for WIBA lis- 8:00 Your Neighbor—WMAQ 10:00 WLW WMAQ n: 15 WGN 9:00 Sister Emmy—WBBM 10:00 WLS WIBA !):00 WGN 0:30 3 Sheets in the Wind—WMAQ 12:30 Michael Loring Orch.—WBBM 4:15 Pro Art* Quartet. eners. Assistant Basketball Coach 9:00 Musical Mlllwheel—WLS 11:00 WIND WBBM 10:00 WLW WIND 0:45 Raymond Gram Swing—WGN 12:30 Gene Krupa Orch.—WKNR S:45 Vesper Singers. WIBA Tonight Tritz Wegner will present the 9:15 Profiles and Previews—WBBM 11.30 U'GN U'LS 10:00 WTMJ WIBA 5:00 NBC The Cadets iward to Kotz after the Wisconsin- 9:30 String Ensemble—WMAQ 11:55 WTM.T 10:15 WLW WMAO S:15 America Calling 9:45 Interior Decorating WMAQ WLW P. M. 10:30 WGN WBBM 5:30 News Edition Southwestern Louisiana boxing 10:00 Reviewing Stand—WGN 12:00 WIND WENR 10:45 WGN 5:45 Interlude matches The broadcast will be 10:00 Lincoln Highway—WMAQ WTMJ 12:31) WIBA WCCO 11:00 WIND KMOX 5:50 Studio Program heard at approximately 9:15. 10:05 Hillbilly Champions—WBBM 12-55 WKNR 11.00 WENR WltiA 6-00 Dinner Melody 10:15 Pass in Revieu—WBBM 1:00 WIND W.IJD 11:00 WGN WTMJ FOR SOFT HANDS, BRIGHT f IS Sporti Parade After the presentation, Bramhal] 0:15 Editor's Haymow—WLS 1:15 KMOX WLW 11:00 WMAO WI,W -TRY 6:25 News Report will review the lights, assisted by 0::io Let's Protpiul—WBBM WCCO 1:25 WGN 11 :55 WLW KMOX 6:30 Dinner Melody Arthur Mansfield, baseball coach, ()::[() Boy Si-mils—WTMJ 1 :r>r> WHBMKMOXll:55 WENH WMAC) 5 45 Dr. Fricdrlch Roctter n ::io U S Army n.-md—WON :> 'HO WIND WCFL II :r>5 WRBM WIHA 1:M N'BC Concert Hour and Dr. Anthony Curreri, former o ::in America, the I'ri'e—WM AQ WLW 2:15 WIBA WMAQ 12:00 WIND WON 7:30 NBC Meet Your Navy Wisconsin boxer. 0:30 Ask VOIIJIK America—WLS -.! If) WLW WGN 1:00 .VBC Waltz Time 0:45 Dairy Drama—WTMJ •2 .-:io WTMJ WGN 12:55 WENR 1:30 Famous Jury Trial! Other attractions tonight: 1:00 Uncle Harry, Aufit Agnes—WGN 2:45 WLW 1:00 WIND f:00 NBC Elsa Maxwell 7:30 p. m.—Information Please 1:00 HlRh School Studio Parly-WMAQ 3:00 WIND 1:15 WBBM 9:15 NBC First Piano Quartet 1:00 Theater of Today WBBM WCCO 3:25 WGN 1 :30 WGN 9:30 NBC The Night of Mar. 20 ;\VMAQ): Sir Thomas Beecham, 1:00 Martha and Helen— WLS 2:00 WIND 10.00 Night News Edition John Carradine, John Kieran, .1:30 Stars Over Hollywood—WBBM 10:1! V. w. Boxing Results Tranklin P. Adams, and Clifton .1:30 Fnrm nnr! Home Hour—WMAQ Sports Reviews n,:3o Master-works Afternoon P. M. 11:00 NBC News Report Tadiman. 10.15 WTMJ 2:00 Junior Swap Club—WGN 11:05 NBC Southern Rivera George Sebastian's famous 11:10 NBC Dark Fantasy 2:OU Whutclia Know Joe?—WMAQ ...the only dishwashing sods will ear for music came to him at 2:00 Man on Ihe Fnrm—WLS WCCO Other Stations Sunday 11:55 NBC News Report Music 2:00 Heinle—WTMJ 7 p. m.—Concert Hour (WIBA): an early age. The conductor of .2:15 With the Coast Guard—WGN Morning 2:30 Treasury Stars—WGN skin-joftening "Coco-Cero!" lUcille Manners, others; "Senora," Great Moments in Music was 8:00 Good MorninK—WGN Other Stations Tonight 2::w Young America Answers—WBBM n:00 Everybody's Hour- WLS 5:00 Quiz Master—WIBU 'Hills ol Home," "Tambourin only 5 when he first saw "Car- 1:00 SI Hnycs—WIBU 11:00 Church Services—WTMJ S:0u Painted Dreams—WBBM Chinois," "Beautiful Lady," selec- 1:00 U. S. Marine n»nd—XVMAQ (1:15 Deep Eilvor Boys—WMAQ Better for nttntts^than 5.00 Orphan Annie—WGN men." Returning to his home, J:05 or Men and nooks W11BM WCCO jons from "Louisiana Purchase." Ralph Ginstaurgh Orch.—WGN 11:31) Words and Music—WMAQ S:15 Terry and the Pirates—WGN he beat out the "Toreador 1:15 8:30 Calling Pan America—WBBM 5 15 University Special—WIBU 10:30 p. m. — Master works 1:30 Matinee in Rhythm—WMAQ 8:45 Masters of Rhythm— WTMJ the best hejauty soap 1:30 Home Talent Program—WLS 5:15 Secret City—WENR (WIBA): "The Moldau," Smet- Song" from memory, standing 9:00 Musical .Mlllwheel—WLS 5 15 Hedda Hopper—WBBM WCCO 1:30 Art Jarrctt Orch.—WGN 9:00 Church of the Air-WBBM WCCO Prill* b»! . dlsbwMhlnc ludt with • 5:30 Ted SteeJe Club—WMAQ ana; "Slavonic Rhapsody No. 3," on tip-toe at the piano. 2:00 Air Defense School—WMAQ 9:00 Chicagoland Church Hour—WGN ikin-ioftenlin Inir/dl.nt! Th.y'r. VIL> Country Journal—WBBM WCCO 5:30 Frank Parker—WBBM WCCO Dvorak. 2:00 9:00 National Radio Pulpit- WMAQ rod*.. and they actually contain th. cott- 5 30 Jack Armstrong- WGN WTMJ 2:00 Merry-'go-Round—WLS 9:15 Little Brown Church—WLS 5:30 nytaf Patrol—WENR 12 p. m.—Music You Want 2:15 On the Home Front—WCFL 9:30 Southernaires—WCFL WLW ly hand-lotion lPgTj»ai.nt."Coco-C.rol". Try 5 45 Captain Midnight^-WGN ^WENR) portions of Beethoven's News Broadcasts 2:30 University Music Hour—WGN 9:30 Wings Over Jordan—WBBM VH mda now. They're 100 per cent fn« of 2:30 For America Wo Sing—WLS 5 45 Tom Mix Storle»— WENR :hird violin sonata and Chausson's TONIGHT 9:30 Stories of America-.WMAQ "*™ hand* soft and smooth. 6 00 Amoi 'n' Andy—WBBM WCCO 2:45 FOB Detroit—WBBM KMOX 10:1)2 Reviewing Stand—WON D-major concerto. 3:00 WCPL KMOX 10:00 WIBA WTMJ 3:00 Down Mexico Way WMAQ WTM.l t:00 Fred Waring—WTMJ WLW 5:00 WCCO WLW 10:00 WBBM WLW 10:05 Milestones 111 Music—WBBM Tno soap »udi you *T«r ui«d wash 6:00 Col. Stoopnagle—WENR 3:00 Elson and Anson—WGN 10:05 Sing a New 3ong—WMACJ 9:00 WENR WMAQ 10:15 WMAQ WLW 3:00 At Meadowbrook—WBBM WCCO glasses, ohlna, illv.r so bright a* VKL sudil 6 15 Lum and Abncr— WIBU 5:15 WTMJ 10:30 WGN WBBM 10:15 Radio Parade—WMAQ • :l» Lanny Rent-WBBM WCCO 3:05 Club Matinee—WENR 10:30 America Preferred—WGN O A hot rinse, and no wiping U needed! Yout Variety 5:25 WHA 10:45 WENK 3:30 Air Youth—WMAQ WTMJ S.45 Hank Keene—WBBM 5:30 WIBA 11:00 WGN WLW 10:30 Music & American Youth VTMAQ dishwashing time \» haired.
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