8/14/2017 Jump List 1 1984 2 007 James Bond 3 80s Action Movies 4 8bit Theatre 5 A Certain Magical Index 6 A Certain Scientific Railgun 7 A Practical Guide to Evil 8 A Song of Ice and Fire 9 A Super Mario Thing 10 Ace Attorney 11 Ace Combat 12 ACTRAISER 13 Advance Wars 14 Adventure Time 15 Age of Empires III 16 Age of Ice DLC: A Light in the Darkness 17 Age of Ice I: A Time of Heroes 18 Age of Ice II: A War of Powers 19 Age of Ice III: End of Days 20 Age of Mythology 21 Age of Wonders 22 Aion 23 Akagi 24 Akame ga Kill 25 Alan Wake 26 Aldnoah.Zero 27 Alice- Through the Looking Glass 28 ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND 29 Alien 30 Alpha Centauri 31 Alpha Protocol 32 Alterworld D. Russ 33 American McGee's Alice 34 Anarchy Reigns 35 Angel Notes 36 Anima Beyond Fantasy 37 Animal Crossing 38 Animorphs 39 Anno 2070 40 Aquaria 41 Ar Tonelico 42 Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura 43 Archer 44 ARIA 45 Ark Survival Evolved 46 Armored Core Classic 47 Arpeggio of Blue Steel 48 Arrowverse 49 Arsene Lupin 50 Assassination Classroom 51 Assassins Creed 52 Asterix the Gaul 53 Asura Cryin 54 Asura’s Wrath 55 Atelier Arland 56 Auralnaut Star Wars 57 Austin Powers 58 Avatar the Last Airbender 59 Avatar the Legend of Korra 60 Avernum 61 Axe Cop 62 Babylon 5 63 Banjo-Kazooie 64 Banner Saga 65 Barkley’s Shut & Jam Gaiden 66 Bartimaeus Sequence 67 Basilisk 68 Bastard!! Part 1 69 Bastion 70 Baten Kaitos Origins 71 Batman Beyond 72 Batman the Animated Series 73 Batman the Dark Knight Trilogy 74 Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character 75 Battleborn 76 Battlestar Galactica 77 Battletech 78 Bayonetta 79 Bee Movie 80 Beelzebub 81 Ben 10 82 Berserk 83 Betrayal at House on the Hill 84 BeyBlade 85 Big O 86 Binbougami 87 BIOMEGA 88 Bionicle 89 Bioshock 90 Bioshock Infinite 91 Black Bullet 92 Black Dynamite 93 Black Lagoon 94 Blade 95 Blame! 96 BlazBlue 97 Bleach 98 Bloodborne 99 Bloody Roar 100 Boktai 101 BOMBERMAN 64 102 BOMBERMAN 64 Second Attack 103 Bone 104 Borderlands 105 Bravely Default 106 Breaking Bad 107 BROFORCE! 108 Brutal Legend 109 Bubblegum Crisis 2032 110 Buffyverse 111 Buso Renkin 112 Cabin in the Woods 113 Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare 114 Camp Camp 115 Capt. Simian and the Space Monkeys 116 Captain N 117 Captain Planet 118 Captain SNES 119 Cardcaptor Sakura 120 Cardfight! Vanguard 121 Career Model 122 Carmen Sandiego 123 CARNIVAL PHANTASM 124 Carnivores 125 Cartoon Network Universe 126 Castle of Puzzles 127 Castlevania 128 CATastrophe 129 Cave Story 130 Changeling the Lost 131 Charmed 132 Chibi-Robo 133 Chick Tract 134 Cho Aniki 135 Chocobo Dungeon 136 Chroma Squad 137 Chronicles of Narnia 138 Chrono Trigger 139 Ciel Nosurge 140 Circle of Magic 141 City of Heroes 142 City of Heroes: Going Rogue (Gauntlet) 143 City Skylines 144 Civilization 145 Classic Sonic 146 Claymore 147 Clustertruck (Gauntlet) 148 Coco's Bizarre Adventure 149 Code Geass 150 Code Lyoko 151 Codex Alera 152 Comedy 153 Command and Conquer Tiberium 154 Conspiracy Theorist (Gauntlet) 155 Cooking Show 156 CortexCommand 157 Counter-Strike 158 Courage the Cowardly Dog! 159 Cowboy Bebop 160 Crypt of the NecroDancer 161 Cthulu Saves The World 162 Custom Robo 163 Cyber Knight 164 Dahak Chronicles 165 Dan Vs. 166 Danny Phantom 167 Dark Cloud 168 Dark Cloud 2 169 Dark Souls 170 Dark Souls 3 171 Dark Sun 172 Darkest Dungeon (Gauntlet) 173 Darksiders 174 Darkstalkers 175 DC 176 DC Occult 177 Dead or Alive 178 Dead Rising (Gauntlet) 179 Dead Space 180 Deadman Wonderland 181 Death Note 182 Def Jam 183 Demolition Man 184 Demon King Daimao 185 Demons of Astland 186 Demons Souls 187 Destiny 188 Destroy All Monsters (Gauntlet) 189 Deus Ex 190 Deus Ex Human Revolution 191 Devil May Cry 192 Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers 193 Devil Survivor 194 Devil Survivor 2 195 Diablo 196 Digimon 197 Digimon Cyber Sleuth 198 Digimon Tamers 199 Digimon World 200 Digital Devil Saga Part 1 201 Digital Devil Saga Part 2 202 Dinotopia 203 Discworld 204 Disgaea: Hour of Darkness 205 Dishonored 206 Dishonored 2 207 Disney Princess 208 Dissidia 209 Distant Skies (Gauntlet) 210 Distant Sky (Gauntlet) 211 Divinity Dragon Commander 212 Doctor Who 213 Dodgeball 214 Doom 2016 215 doomjump.txt 216 Dota (Gauntlet) 217 Dota 2 218 Double Cross 219 Dragon Age 220 Dragon Age Inquisition 221 Dragon Ball 222 Dragon Ball AF 223 Dragon Ball Endjump 224 Dragon Ball Multiverse 225 Dragon Ball Z 226 Dragon Warriors Monsters 227 Dragonlance 228 Dragon's Crown 229 Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen 230 Drakengard 231 Dresden Files 232 DrMcNinja 233 Duel Monsters - The Heroes 234 Duel Monsters - The Shadow Realm 235 DUNE 236 Dungeon Seige 2 237 Dwarf Fortress 238 Earth Defense Force 2025 239 Eclipse Phase 240 Economic Investment 241 Ed Edd 'n Eddy 242 Elfen Lied 243 Elite Beat Agents 244 Elite Dangerous 245 Elona 246 Ender's Game 247 Endless Legend 248 Enter the Gungeon 249 Equilibrium 250 Erfworld 251 Etrian Odyssey 252 EVE Online 253 Evo Search for Eden 254 Exalted Dragonblooded 255 Exalted Infernals 256 Exalted Lunars 257 Exalted Mortal Hero (Gauntlet) 258 Exalted Sidereals 259 Exalted Solars 260 eXceed 261 F.E.A.R 262 Fable 263 Factorio 264 Fairy Tail 265 Fallen London 266 Fallout 267 Fallout 4 268 Familliar of Zero 269 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 270 Farcry 271 Farscape 272 Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 273 Fate/Extra 274 Fate/Jumpchain 275 Fate/Stay Night 276 Fate/Zero 277 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 278 Final Fantasy I 279 Final Fantasy IX 280 Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Gauntlet 281 Final Fantasy Tactics 282 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 283 Final Fantasy Type-0 284 Final Fantasy VI 285 Final Fantasy VII 286 Final Fantasy VIII 287 Final Fantasy X 288 Final Fantasy XI 289 Final Fantasy XII 290 Final Fantasy XII RW 291 Final Fantasy XIII 292 Final Fantasy XIII-II 293 Final Fantasy XIII-III 294 Final Fantasy XIV 295 Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive 296 Fire Emblem Archanea 297 Fire Emblem Awakening 298 Fire Emblem Elibe 299 Fire Emblem Fates 300 Fire Emblem Geneology of the Holy War 301 Fire Emblem Heroes 302 Fire Emblem Sacred Stones 303 Fire Emblem Tellius 304 Fire Emblem Valentia 305 Firefly 306 Fist of the North Star 307 Five Star Stories 308 FLCL (Season 1) 309 Food Wars Shokugeki No Soma 310 Foodfight! 311 Forgotten Realms 312 Franken Fran 313 From Dust 314 FTL 315 Full Metal Panic! 316 Fullmetal Alchemist 317 Futurama 318 G.I. Joe 319 Gaki no Tsukai Absolutely No Laughing 24 Hour (Gauntlet) 320 GANTZ 321 Gargantia 322 Gargoyles 323 Garzey's Wing 324 GATE Thus the JSDF fought there 325 Gear Up 326 Gears of War 327 Gem Craft Chasing Shadows 328 Geneforge 329 Generation Kill 330 Generator Rex 331 Generic Cartoon World 332 Generic Children's Television 333 Generic Creepypasta 334 Generic Crime Drama 335 Generic Dungeon Builder 336 Generic Dungeon Crawl 337 Generic Dystopia 338 Generic Fighting Game 339 Generic Magical Girl 340 Generic Medical Drama 341 Generic Monster Trainer 342 Generic Parenting 343 Generic Post Apocalypse 344 Generic SBURB 345 Generic Sugar Bowl 346 Generic Universal Monsters 347 Generic Virtual World 348 Generic Western 349 Generic Xianxia 350 Generic Zombie Apocalypse 351 German Hollow Quest 352 Ghost in the Shell 353 Ghost Rider 354 Ghostbusters 355 Girl Genius 356 Girlchan in Paradise 357 Girls und Panzer 358 Goat Simulator 359 God Hand 360 God Of War 361 Godzilla The Series 362 Golden Sky Stories 363 Golden Sun 364 Gone 365 Gonzo Journalism 366 Gothic 367 Gravity Falls 368 Gravity Rush 369 Great Detective 370 Greek Myth 371 Green Lantern the Animated Series 372 Grim Fandango 373 GRUPS Monster Hunters 374 GTA 375 Guardians of Ga'Hoole 376 Gundam Advanced Generation 377 Gundam After Colony 378 Gundam Anno Domini 379 Gundam Build Fighters 380 Gundam Future Century 381 Gundam Seed 382 Gundam Universal Century 383 Gunnerkrigg Court 384 GUNNM 385 GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 386 Gurren Lagann 387 Half Life 388 Halo 389 Halo (Gauntlet) 390 Halo The Covenant 391 Hamtaro 392 Harry Potter 393 Harvest Moon 394 Hatred (Gauntlet) 395 Heathers 396 Heathers The Musical 397 Heaven's Lost Property 398 Heist 399 Hellblazer 400 HELLGATELONDON 401 Hellsing 402 Heroes 403 Heroic Age 404 Highlander (Animated Series) 405 Highlander (Movie) 406 Highlander (TV Series) 407 Highschool DxD 408 Highschool of the Dead 409 Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi 410 Hive Queen Quest 411 Hollywood 412 Home Improvement 413 Homestuck 414 Homeworld 415 Homeworld Deserts of Kharak 416 Honorverse 417 Horror Movies 418 Hotline Miami 419 How to Train Your Dragon (Dreamworks) 420 HunterXHunter 421 Hyperdimension Neptunia 422 I M Meen 423 Ib (Gauntlet) 424 If the Emperor had a text to speech device 425 Iji 426 Imaginary Friend 427 Imawabi No Dakini 428 In Nomine 429 Indiana Jones 430 InFamous 431 InfiniCon 432 Infinite Stratos 433 Infinity 434 Inheritance Cycle 435 Injustice 436 Inside Out 437 Inukami 438 Inuyasha 439 Invader Zim 440 Investigation 441 IOU 442 Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? 443 J.C Avatar 444 Jackie-Chan Adventure 445 Jade Coccoon 446 Jade Empire 447 Jet Set Radio Future 448 Johnny Test 449 JoJo 450 Jorge Joestar 451 Jormungand 452 Journey to the West 453 Jumanji (Just A Casual Board Game ) (Gauntlet) 454 Jurassic Park 455 Justice League Dark 456 Kairos 457 Kamen Rider Heisei Part 1 - Kuuga and Agito 458 Kamen Rider Heisei Part 2 - Ryuki (Gauntlet) 459 Kamen Rider Heisei Part 4 - Blade 460 Kamen Rider Heisei Part 6 - Kabuto 461 Kamen Rider Heisei Part 7 - Den-O & Kiva 462 Kamen Rider Heisei Part Final - Decade (Gauntlet) 463 Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei Part 1 464 Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei Part 1 DLC 465 Kamen
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