CHSSA 2002 INTER. EXTEMP. Geongios Theophanous, Miramonte MISSION Tourney NAT. EXTEMP. Christos Theophanous, Miramonte AlexanderAguila, James Monroe Winne,s ORATOFIV DRAMATIC INT. Juan Pagan, James Logan STATEMENT al HUMOROUS INT. Mark Engberg, Miramonte Shana Rappeport, Miramonte Buchanan THEMATIC INT. The Califomia High School Speech Sarali Clark, Redlands High EXPOSITORT Association will encourage, support NkNOGN:X Jenna Hammerling, Miramonte and sponsor both curricular_ ape School, KyleKimball,ArroyoGrande F,esno IMPROMPTU coirrricular oral communication wh_ich O.P-P. PeterJavidpour,Arcadia will empower students to be prpducti.ve ORATORICAL INT. Anjanette MCKinney, Oceanside pariicibahis in American society and Duo lNT. Sam Cannon, Justin Bogh, Redlands the global community. TEAM DEBATE Gwen Chien, Vlk Singh, Leland To accomplish this, we adopt the L/D DEBATE Neel Mukeriee, Leland foIIc>wing goals: CONGRESS Andrea Searby, Miramonte Michael CutieITez, Ridgeview CONGRESS, P.O. 1) Every student will pardcipate in communicaton activities which promote serf-worth and serf-esteem. 2) Every student will develop the critical and anapecal thinking skills necessary 1 958J57 Universfty of California, Santa Barbara Past for academic success. 1968 Sfanford University State 1969 California State College, Los Angeles 3) Every student will develop the skills Tourney 1970 Universfty Of the Pacific, Stockton necessary for success in a compeffive 1971 California State Universfty, Fullerton Host environment. 1972 University of San Francisco Schools 1973 university of California, Los Angeles 4) Every student will develop the 1974 California Stateuniversfty. Fresno interpersonal skills necessary for 1975 California State Polytechnic, Pomona 1976 Universfty of San Francisco productwe employment. 1977 Universfty of Southern California 5) Every student will develop the oral 1978 California State Universfty, Fresno communicaton skille necessary for 1979 California State Universfty, San Diego effective public presentations. 1980 California State Universfty, San Jose 1981 Universfty of Southern California 6) Every student will develop the 1982 Universfty of the Pacific, Stockton listening skills necessary for reaching 1983 California State Universfty, San Diego informed decisions. 1984 Universfty of Santa Clara 1985 Alhambra High School 7) Every student will develop skills 1986 Universfty Of the Pacific, Stockton necessary for the peaceful resolution 1987 Point Loma College, San Diego of conflict. 1988 California State Universfty, San Jose 1989 Los Angeles Cfty College, Los Angeles 8) Every student will develop interper- 1990 Universfty of thepacific, Stockton sonal skills necessary for establishing 1991 Cal State Universfty, San Diego understanding among members of a 1992 California State Un.rvere.rty, San Jose diverse society. 1993 Ventura Communfty College, Ventura 1994 Sacramento Cfty College, Sacrament 9) Every student will develop the 1995 California State Universfty, San Bernardino communication skilis necessary for 1996 Sanfa Clara Universtfy effecli\/e & acth/e participation in a 1997 California State Universfty, Long Beach democratic society. 1998 Sam Joaquin Delta College, Stockton 1999 San Diego State Universfty, San Diego 10) Every student will demonstrate 2000 James Logan High School, Union Cfty ethical responsibil.rty in the acquisition 2001 California State Universfty, Long Beach 2002 Buchanan High School, Fresno and practice of communication skilis. •----- : DearCompetitors: Welcome to the 2003 &ate Speech Tournament at CSU San Bemardino. You have successfully combined talent, skills and hard work to achieve the honor of represent- ing your schools and leagues at this cliampionship event. Your perents, friends and President - John A. Cardoza teachers can take pride in knowing that they share jn your success through the Carondelet High School encouragement, support and instruction you have received from them. The quality of 1 1 33 Winton Drive your participation jn this Tournament - both as competitors and as guests of the Concord, CA 94518 community -will reflect that pride. [email protected] CSU San Bemardino and our host city provide welcoming settings for our tournament. Please remember to take appropriate care at all times to ensure that you VP, Acti`rities - Reed Niemi will have a fun and safe weekend. I encourage you to enjoy the campus and our host The Athenian Schcol cities in the company and secun.ty of friends. 21cO Mt. Diablo Scenic Bivd. Congratulations to all! Danville, CA 94506 [email protected] John A. Cardoza VP. Curriculum - President, CHSSA Lynette Williamson Analy High School 6950 Analy Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 MIIdb8©etscape.net Introduction to Speech: Secretary - Paul C. Pinza Westrrront High Schcol 4805 Westmont Avenue THE CHSSA STORY Campb®II, CA 95cO8 [email protected] The 2003 CHSSA State Speech Tournament at CSU-San Bernardino is sponsored Treasurer - Neil Barembaum by the California State Speech Council (CSSC). Belmont High Schcol Prior to 1958, the State Tournament was run entirely by college personnel. A total of 1575 W. 2nd Street tweive entries were permitted from the two qualftyjng tournaments - one held in the South at Los Angeles, CA 90026 Redlands; one held in the North at College of the Pacific. AI the State Qualifying Tourna- [email protected] ments, there were no limife on individual school entries; a school might enter twenty students in one event. In most cases, there was only one preliminary round; there might be eight or Editor - rfaren Glahn nine speakers in a panel with one judge, and only a first or second place would allow a Lincoln High School student to advance. The college personnel wrote the rules for the events, and those rules 6844 AIexandria place could change each year. And the trophies were so small that one coach claims if her student Stockton, CA 95207 had won two, the student would have had a pair of earrings. [email protected] The California Sure Speech Council was organized in 1957, and the first S"e Tournament sponsored by the CSSC was in 1958. AI that time, twenty-four students qualified V.P. Public Relations for each event through competition in CSSC recognized leagues and through NFL districts. Carmendale Fernandes, Rofi.rod Today, the Sure Speech Tournament is managed entirely by California high school coaches. A tofal of 56 entries compete for the S"e Championship in each of twelve indMdual Historian events -102 compote for honors in Congress -and 64 in Team Debate and Lincoln/ Donovan Cummings, fief/rod Douglas. AII State entrants must earn the right to compcte through State Qualftying Tourna- 1719 Monto Diablo Avenue ments held by each of the official State leagues. Stookton CA 95203 Through the years, the number of events has changed and some events have come and gone. The distribution of student qualifiers has been improved. The number of prelimi- Or Counsel nary rounds and the number of judges required for each panel have increased. But the Einar Johnson coaches of California sill - and atways will -spend hundreds of hours each year to assure students they will experience an outstanding State Tournament. WEBSITE http:«members.aol.com/chssa The ZOOS California High School State Speech Tournament Program is an annual publication published by the CHSSAPIJbllcRelationsCommftbe,designedandcrcatedbyTammyBreehtDunbarofDUNBAF`PromotionsaPublicationsjn EScalon, CA (209e3eac74 or emiail: [email protected]). The program honors California State Speecri Champions and compctjtors as well as their leagues and coaches. For more information abou( CHSSA or to get advertising ratesTornextyear'sissue,contactJohnACardoza. eytedc@.@e#ftyeycae RENAISSANC WITH PATRIOT PRDE Desiree Aguiar - Policy Trisha Johnson - Duo lnterp Lauren Aiello -Oratory Megan LaRue - Oratorical lnterp Jyoti Avila - Policy Jessica Leduc - Thematic lnterp Stefanie Baker - Congress Kevin MCNeill - L.D. & Nat. Extemp Katie Beafty - Policy Prabhjit Moundi - Policy Whitney Bilich - Policy & Imp Denise Quintero - Policy & Dramatic Jason Braun - Duo lnterp Matt Slentz - Policy & Int. Extemp Ashley Carlson - Policy Bethany Slentz - National Extemp Todd Carlson - Int. Extemp Dan Thompson -L.D. Sarah Favila - Impromptu Holland Tromblee - Expository Liran Goldman - Plicay & Nat. Ext Ann Marie Ursini - Policy & lnt. Ext Brieanna Harvey - Humorous Marie Walker - Expository Kelly Hayes -Advocacy Megan White - Policy & Advocacy Adrienne Hoyt - Policy & Expository State Champi®hship Scholarships Since the 1990 California State Speecli Tournament, the California High School Speech Association (CHSSA) has contributed $20,000 in scholarship aid to state champions in every event at the state tournament. Generally state champions in each event are awarded $150 in scholarship aid because of special donations. This was the case for the Congress cliampion in 1997. An additional seoo was donated by friends of Gary Reed, a longtime coach who pessed away in 1997. Trie scholarship awards were begun in 1990 through the generosity of many coaches who contributed money to establish a trust fund. Since that time $150 for each event is placed into the trust from state tournament entry fees. Many students have been repeat state champions over a span of several years and have received multiple awards. There are several tl"e®time champions who received S450 for their outstanding effort and consistency. AI the annual amards ceremony, fifst place students receive a letter confirming their award. The students return the letter
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